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Becoming Ageless: The Four Secrets To Looking and Feeling Younger Than Ever
Becoming Ageless: The Four Secrets To Looking and Feeling Younger Than Ever
Becoming Ageless: The Four Secrets To Looking and Feeling Younger Than Ever
Ebook268 pages3 hours

Becoming Ageless: The Four Secrets To Looking and Feeling Younger Than Ever

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About this ebook

Four secrets to looking and feeling younger than ever. Becoming Ageless presents a three-month, detailed diet and exercise plan to create a leaner, more muscular and happier you. 

Developed by business mogul and fitness buff Strauss Zelnick--founder of the private equity firm Zelnick Media Capital and president and CEO of Take-Two Interactive, the company behind blockbuster video games such as Grand Theft Auto and NBA2K-- the strategies contained in Becoming Ageless are the same tactics that allowed Zelnick to evolve from a skinny, out-of-shape business executive (a workaholic wunderkind who headed the film studio 20th Century Fox in his early 30s) to one of the world's fittest and most physically active executives who reached his best-ever shape in his late 50s! "If you believe my fitness buddies," Zelnick writes, "I have a body that's aging in reverse...And Becoming Ageless is filled with the amazing tips and unique principles you'd find if you trained with me." 
Release dateSep 4, 2018
Becoming Ageless: The Four Secrets To Looking and Feeling Younger Than Ever

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Useful information. Need to add push ups to my exercise routine. Also learned about additional sources of protein.

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Becoming Ageless - Strauss Zelnick


LEGEND HAS IT that a reporter once asked Albert Einstein what man’s greatest invention was, and the scientist, after a long pause, didn’t respond with any of the usual answers, such as the wheel, the printing press, or even the theory of relativity. Instead, the man who forever changed our understanding of the universe simply replied: Compound interest. Whether or not he actually uttered those words, I’d argue that compounding—the idea of something gaining value exponentially into the future through better decisions made in the present—is one of the greatest lessons any human being can ever learn. But I’m not talking about your 401(k). I’m talking about your health.

Most people know that genes play a dominant role in living longer, but that’s only part of the equation. After all, for those of us not genetically bequeathed with magic genes ensuring we become centenarians—or even ensuring that we’re fit, active, and looking great well into our sixth, seventh, and eighth decades—what can we do?

The answer is actually less about the exact details of what you should do and more about the mind-set of how you do it. And in Becoming Ageless, Strauss Zelnick, a man who is undeniably healthy and vibrant—who has built a body over time that appears truly to defy age—makes a compelling case for the following answer: Day in and day out, if you want to live longer and live better, you need a clear and basic understanding that the outcome of your journey is the sum of its steps.

Strauss is not just my patient. He’s a dear friend, and our friendship has offered me a front-row seat to the discipline at the heart of his success. He is not in any way genetically superior to you. His greatest talent, at least when it comes to his health, is his capacity for consistency and the common sense with which he approaches all the health-minded topics you’ll find in this book. Strauss knows there’s a fine line between skipping a workout because you’re busy and skipping one because your body needs a day off. He knows there’s a fine line between indulging in a decadent dessert every once in a while and inhaling junk food because it’s there and you’re hungry. The challenge is discovering that line for yourself and walking it every day. And once you’ve discovered it, you can exploit the miracle of compounding your health.

There are no guarantees with your health, just as there are no guarantees with your wealth. As an entertainment-world executive at the top of his game for nearly four decades, Strauss knows this more than anyone. But he also knows that you can stack the odds in your favor by making sacrifices today that are worth the gains in the long term. And with the principles that he explains in Becoming Ageless, you’ll be living longer—and with greater clarity of thought, mobility, and freedom from pain.

Ultimately, I hope that you take both Strauss’s tactical insights about daily living and his strategic insight into the larger quest to live longer and better. After all, Strauss is living proof that if you’re willing to consistently and incrementally implement small changes—while keeping your eye on the larger goal at all times—you’ll boost your chances of living longer and living happier than you ever imagined.

Peter Attia, MD





TAKE A MOMENT and imagine yourself in old age.

Whether that’s 10, 20, or even 50 years down the road from now, think hard and conjure an image of yourself in the twilight of your life.

What do you see?

If I had to guess, you’re probably not thrilled by what immediately comes to mind. At best, maybe you’re slower, grayer, and weaker—a shadow of your former self. At worst, you’re so frail that everyday activities like lifting yourself out of a chair have become Herculean tasks.

Now clear that image from your mind.

Next, I’m going to ask you to repeat the exercise, except this time I’d like you to imagine yourself to be fitter, sharper, and more energized than you are right now.

I realize that sounds far-fetched, but I’d like you to picture it: There you are, in your 60s, 70s, or even your 80s. Sure, the signs of age are all there—your hair has thinned, your face has more wrinkles than before, and your step isn’t quite as springy—but there are no wheelchairs, canes, or retirement homes in this future. And you’re not passing the time confined to a Barcalounger or playing shuffleboard, either. If you’re a tennis player, you’re still storming the net with tenacity. If you’re a runner, you’re still attacking your neighborhood trails. If you are a boot-camp addict—as I am—you’re still highfiving your buddies in the park after a satisfying, sweat-soaked training session. Whatever it is you love doing, you’re doing it with the energy of someone half your age, and your body isn’t standing in your way.

Now, this is the part where I tell you that this version can become a reality, and that with the principles and lessons contained in Becoming Ageless, you can actually be in the best shape of your life at any age.

How do I know this?

Because I am living, breathing proof.

Right now I’m measurably fitter than I was 10 years ago. Fast-forward 12 months from now—when I’m 61 years old—and I intend to be in even better physical and mental condition than I am today. If you believe my fitness buddies, I have a body that’s aging in reverse. Judge for yourself—the photographs in this book are recent and have not been retouched. I’m 6 feet and 160 pounds, with about 8 percent body fat. I train with former professional and college athletes in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, and I’m in the middle of the pack. And no, I’m not a certified trainer, exercise physiologist, nutritionist, or doctor. And no, I haven’t spent my life competing in team sports or Ironmans. Frankly, I’ve never really considered myself an athlete at all.

What I am is a father, a husband, and a businessman, the CEO of Take-Two Interactive Software—the company behind blockbuster video games including Grand Theft Auto and NBA2K—and a partner at Zelnick Media Capital (ZMC), a leading private equity firm based in New York City. Earlier in my career, I ran the film studio 20th Century Fox and later became CEO of the global music company BMG Entertainment. Now, I’m not reeling off my résumé just to stoke my own sense of self-satisfaction. I’m just telling you who I am, which is a hardworking, passionate guy who is living a full life by embracing the power of consistency and daily determination in achieving goals—whatever those goals may be.

Four mornings a week, I bolt out of bed to train with The Program, a group of like-minded fitness enthusiasts in New York City who have dedicated themselves to pursuing healthy, strong, and productive lives. (You’ll see photos of many at the beginning and end of this book.) We have about 80 members total, with roughly 15 to 20 participating in a given workout. From boot camp to hot power yoga to weight training and spinning, our 6 a.m. training routines vary by the day, but what remains constant is our encouragement and drive to present our best selves both in and out of the gym. Believe it or not, three or four days a week, I will actually head back to the gym for a post-work workout. I know that’s a lot of exercise, but I love to train, and over time I’ve managed to work my body up to that level of physical activity—and I firmly believe that, if that’s something you’d like to accomplish, you can, too.

The Program has become more than a workout group to me. It’s a movement that plays a hugely important role in my life. Throughout Becoming Ageless, you’ll hear firsthand from several of my team members—people of all ages and body types—who have experienced positive changes through their involvement. As I’ll explain later, you don’t need The Program to unlock your best self. But Becoming Ageless is filled with countless useful tips and unique principles you’d find if you did train with The Program. And, as you’ll soon discover, there are a lot of great exercise routines in this book straight from Rafique Flex Cabral, one of The Program’s top trainers.

However, before you hit the gym and set yourself on the path to a Becoming Ageless body, first ask yourself a question—a different question. Because I believe most of us begin too many things in life by asking the wrong one: We tend to ask, How?

As in, How do I lose weight? How do I earn a promotion? How do I get in shape? How do I afford a new car? How can I feel better about myself? How do I stay young and healthy?

Asking how you’re going to achieve a dietary, fitness, material, or spiritual goal is unlikely to yield the result you seek. Instead, start by asking yourself a far more important question. It’s one I asked myself years ago: What do I want?

That answer will drive every decision you make. It will also make the how easier to pinpoint and, eventually, accomplish.

This is how I answered my question:

I know I want to . . .

♦ Live as long and healthily as possible while being cogent and mobile.

♦ Be fit and strong.

♦ Perform my job at my highest level.

♦ Have warm and meaningful relationships with my family and friends.

♦ Push my limits both mentally and physically.

♦ Look good in and out of clothes.

♦ Feel youthful, happy, satisfied, and as stress-free as possible.

♦ Be spiritually connected.

♦ Help others achieve their goals.

What I don’t want (and I assume you don’t, either) is to be limited or defined by my age. Yet sometimes, we forget that, while there’s no stopping the passage of time, we can control how well we age. Because the notion that you’ll get too old to run marathons, too weak for century rides, too fragile to ski or snowboard, or too fatigued to keep up with your grandchildren at a park is just plain wrong. It doesn’t matter if you’re a millennial or a centenarian: Right now, you have all the resources you need to make changes to obtain or reclaim the life you want. That’s if you know what you want.

So think about what you want. Be honest and don’t edit your thoughts. Contemplate it for a week if you need to. Then write down five to 10 goals. Write them right here in this book:











For those who want to recalibrate their lives, I want this book to provide support and advice—especially when it comes to reaping the benefits of a life steeped in strength, fitness, and health.

You can attain and maintain a full life with a lot less effort than you think. But let’s be clear: There are no shortcuts. I know that contradicts what’s marketed to you by the health and fitness industry:

♦ Washboard Abs in 12 Days!

♦ A Slimmer You in 3 Easy Moves!

♦ A New Body Tomorrow!

I started my career in sales at Columbia Pictures, so I understand the marketing strategy behind such compelling—although unrealistic—promises. But what actually works is the opposite of a quick fix. No transformation can be achieved overnight. If I had tried to do too much, too fast, and ramped up my training from three workouts a week to 12 without preparing my body and mind, I wouldn’t have succeeded. In fact, I would’ve injured myself. Instead, the Becoming Ageless method is ultimately a smarter, gentler, and far more sustainable one that will ease you into a new way of living—and keep you there.

I’m not making this up. Over the past decade, I’ve immersed myself in the science and practice of healthy eating and exercise, and today, it’s not uncommon for people to ask me as many questions about fitness, health, and nutrition as they do about business and investing. Everything I’ve learned about living a healthy, active life I’ve included in this book to share with you.

Being fit means different things to different people, and it changes at different stages of our lives. As we get older, strength and fitness become even more important, not only for health, but also for having the continued energy and stamina to stay competitive and productive in our careers. Strength and fitness—and the side benefit of stress reduction—are critical to helping you get the most enjoyment out of your passions and your relationships with others. I hope that this book helps you recognize all the good that can come from getting back in shape, and that it inspires you to use its practical lessons and advice to become ageless.

Once you’ve adopted healthier eating habits and a consistent fitness routine and feel mentally and spiritually stronger, I’m going to ask you to stick with the Becoming Ageless plan for 12 weeks. Solidifying those habits over 90 days will require modest adjustments, sacrifices, and effort. But the plan is specifically set up to offer you enough time to find the best way to adjust to your new training and nutrition plans, work them harmoniously into your schedule, and make them permanent.

Now, if you feel like you’re too old, too weak, too out of shape, too lazy, or too out of touch with the fast-paced world of fitness trends to unlock your best body, I’m here to tell you that you’re flat-out wrong.

How do I know this?


Honey, you really don’t look all that good . . .

I GREW UP IN Boston and outside New York City in the late 1970s, when gyms weren’t as ubiquitous as they are now and weight lifting was exclusively for beefy football players and a select group of bodybuilders. My father was an intellectual and a lawyer. He was a gentle and modest man, but not the type of guy who’d want

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