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Lucifer & the Indigo Kids: The Last Prophet... (Vol. 1)
Lucifer & the Indigo Kids: The Last Prophet... (Vol. 1)
Lucifer & the Indigo Kids: The Last Prophet... (Vol. 1)
Ebook140 pages46 minutes

Lucifer & the Indigo Kids: The Last Prophet... (Vol. 1)

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About this ebook

This new age book of poetry reflects the diverse views and philosophies of its author Ra Krishna EL.
Its an intimate, humorous and thought provoking group of poems intended to evoke strong emotion. To
quote the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, this style of poetry can be called Zukunfts poesie
which translates into Poetry of the future, where truly original ideas are presented thru poetry. Also known as
post Nietzschean poetry.

Its subjects include society, pop culture, love, religious dogma, God and the new age of Aquarius. This book
was written and published during the false incarceration of its author in Chicagos notorious Cook County Jail,
the largest jail in the country.
Release dateJun 16, 2014
Lucifer & the Indigo Kids: The Last Prophet... (Vol. 1)

Lord Ra Krishna EL

Ra Krishna EL is an artist, poet, philosopher and self proclaimed "new age indigo kid". After graduating college with a degree in psychology Ra moved to Germany to play professional basket ball, from there he went on to live in various countries including France, China, Amsterdam and South America. Ra Krishna's studies include hundreds of books on philosophy, metaphysics, Greek mythology, ancient Egypt, Indian and Asian mysticism, religion, occult mysteries and Hermetic philosophies. Ra Krishna currently lives on South Beach in Miami FL where he continues to write and record music. This particular group of poems were written and published during his incarceration on false charges in Chicago's notorious cook county jail, the largest jail in the country.

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    Lucifer & the Indigo Kids - Lord Ra Krishna EL

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    © 2014 Lord Ra Krishna EL. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/12/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-1578-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-1579-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014910398

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    To my beautiful Mother, Father, Sisters and Brother.

    For all their love & support.

    Especially for my children, my inspiration…

    And also to the memory of the great poet Maya Angelou.

    "Lucifer & the indigo kids

    The Last Prophet" (vol.1)


    / lōōsəfər / 


    1. The planet Venus when it rises in the morning / The bright and morning Star.

    2. Lucifer is Latin for ‘Light Bearer’.

    3. The most beautiful angel, that has been mistakenly called Satan.

    4. i.e. The enlightener / Prometheus, he who stole the fire from the Gods (Zeus) to give to mankind.

    5. i.e. Morpheus offering Neo a choice of red or blue pill.

    in·di·go   children

    / indi gō /                / chil-druh n /


    1. Indigo children is a pseudo-scientific label given to children who are claimed to possess special, unusual and/or supernatural traits or abilities.

    2. According to scientist Drunvalo Melchizedek (author of The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life)  the appearance of indigo children begin to pop up in 1971.

    3. The Aquarius children of the new age.

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