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More Human Than Human
More Human Than Human
More Human Than Human
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More Human Than Human

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The idea of creating an artificial human is an old one. One of the earliest science-fictional novels, Frankenstein, concerned itself primarily with the hubris of creation, and one’s relationship to one’s creator. Later versions of this “artificial human” story (and indeed later adaptations of Frankenstein) changed the focus to more modernist questions… What is the nature of humanity? What does it mean to be human? These stories continued through the golden age of science fiction with Isaac Asimov’s I Robot story cycle, and then through post-modern iterations from new wave writers like Philip K. Dick. Today, this compelling science fiction trope persists in mass media narratives like Westworld and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, as well as twenty-first century science fiction novels like Charles Stross’s Saturn's Children and Paolo Bacigalupi’s The Windup Girl. The short stories in More Human than Human demonstrate the depth and breadth of artificial humanity in contemporary science fiction. Issues of passing . . . of what it is to be human . . . of autonomy and slavery and oppression, and yes, the hubris of creation; these ideas have fascinated us for at least two hundred years, and this selection of stories demonstrates why it is such an alluring and recurring conceit.
Release dateNov 7, 2017
More Human Than Human

Neil Clarke

Neil Clarke (neil-clarke.com) is the multi-award-winning editor of Clarkesworld Magazine and over a dozen anthologies. A eleven-time finalist and the 2022/2023 winner of the Hugo Award for Best Editor Short Form, he is also the three-time winner of the Chesley Award for Best Art Director. In 2019, Clarke received the SFWA Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award for distinguished contributions to the science fiction and fantasy community. He currently lives in New Jersey with his wife and two sons.

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    More Human Than Human - Neil Clarke




    My introduction to androids was through the stories of Isaac Asimov, but as you might be able to tell from the title of this anthology, Philip K. Dick had more of a lasting impact. More Human Than Human is the motto of the android/replicant-producing Tyrell Corporation from the classic SF movie Blade Runner, based on Dick’s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Androids and other artificial humans appeared in several of Dick’s works, and like many of his predecessors, he often used them to challenge societal norms and how we define our humanity. His stories entertained and made me question assumptions, something that has shaped my appreciation of science fiction ever since. It’s only fitting that this book has a title connected with his work.

    Over the course of assembling this anthology, I spoke with a wide range of people on the topic and discovered some ambiguity about what people referred to as androids, robots, or cyborgs. Android—or androides in this case—is the oldest of these terms and traces back to 1728 in Ephraim Chambers’ Cyclopaedia, where it is claimed that Saint Albert the Great owned a mechanical brass head that could answer questions. Other uses in the mid-to-late 1800s continue in this vein of human-like mechanical dolls or beings.

    When Czech writer Karel Capek’s play R.U.R. premiered in 1921, it introduced the term robot into the English language. Those robots, however, weren’t artificial, but synthetic and organic, humanoids. That’s closer to androids—or maybe even clones—than it is to the common inorganic robots of today. Robotics, as in the field of study, wasn’t coined until 1941 by Isaac Asimov in his story Liar! By modern standards, robots are machines capable of carrying out complex actions automatically. They can take a wide array of forms, from vacuum cleaner, to bird, or even human form. Androids are therefore a subset of robots.

    Cyborg didn’t come along until 1960, when it was coined by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline. By their definition, a cyborg is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts and isn’t necessarily restricted to having human origins or form. It is, however, not a robot. Technically, I’m a cyborg thanks to a defibrillator in my chest. That chapter of my life inspired my Upgraded anthology, so if cyborgs are your thing, you might want to check that out, too.

    All that said, the edges can get blurry. Is a human brain in a mechanical or biomechanical android body an android, cyborg, or just some sort of vehicle? What if that brain has been uploaded and is either networked or transferred to that body? For the purpose of this anthology, I decided that when in doubt, I would favor fully artificial human-form beings that had not at some point been natural-born humans or clones. They don’t always have to be a subset of robots, but when they are, the line’s less fuzzy. As to their intelligence, which isn’t detailed in any of those definitions, I wanted stories where the characters had some degree of self-awareness and intelligence, even if it simply bordered on a modest expert system.

    Artificial intelligence, however, comes with a lot of baggage, something science fiction writers have long mined for story plots and twists. Given our own history, it’s not irrational to worry that we might place ourselves in jeopardy by creating beings that can—or will eventually—outthink or physically outpace us. As Stephen Hawking says, One can imagine such technology outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand.

    This fear is often addressed by another one of Isaac Asimov’s creations, the Three Laws of Robotics:

    1.A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

    2.A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

    3.A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

    Isaac later added a fourth overriding law:

    0.A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

    The laws themselves are problematic, as Asimov often explored in his stories, but despite that they are often cited in discussions of artificial intelligence and ethics or incorporated into other fictional representations. As a literary device, they can be interesting, but my technology background makes them a bit distracting. Perhaps the lack of significance of these laws is what draws me more towards Philip K. Dick’s androids. Unshackled, I simply find them to be more compelling characters. Many will disagree.

    While there’s plenty to debate about the ethics of a set of laws that essentially creates a subservient slave race, various experts in the field have difficulty believing these rules can be implemented or even patched to work as intended. Even if it could be done, securing them from alteration would be nearly impossible. I point to the attempts to eliminate spam, adware, hacking, etc. I have no doubt that governments, corporations, terrorists, patriots, hackivists, and more would actively strive to patch or work around this coding to fit their own wide-ranging agendas.

    Whether or not there’s a robot uprising will likely depend more on how well we handle that leap to consciousness. Given where we are now, it’s not difficult to imagine that the first will be owned by someone, likely a corporation, as in Ex Machina (2015). The theme of the awakening is also being more thoroughly explored in the AMC series Humans, where the programmed rules—and the synth servants—go out the door with the arrival of synth consciousness the humans aren’t ready to accept.

    So, whether or not you fear or champion innovations in artificial intelligence, the android sits front and center as a shining example of our best hopes and deepest fears. Androids are, after all, humanity’s children, made in its own image. We want our children to do better and be better than us, but will they have that teenage rebellious phase where they think they know better, but don’t? Will they, upon learning our history, simply be disappointed in us? Or will they just end up like us, except smarter, stronger, and longer-lived?

    Books, stories, games, TV, and film give us the wide array of possible futures. In film we have the Terminator franchise, where androids are infiltrating what is left of human society to destroy mankind. In the Mass Effect video game franchise, the Geth rose up against their creators and drove them from their homeworld. In the Star Trek universe, we have Data and Lore, two sides of a coin, with Lore disassembled and Data ultimately succeeding on his path to become more human. In the most recent version of Battlestar Galactica, we’re exposed to a more complex mix of all of the above.

    This anthology isn’t meant to be a retrospective of androids throughout the history of short science fiction. Though I might have enjoyed working on such a project, doing it justice would require many more pages than permitted. If you’d like to check out some earlier stories, two older anthologies on the same theme are The Androids Are Coming, edited by Robert Silverberg (1979), and The Pseudo-People: Androids in Science Fiction, edited by William F. Nolan (1965).

    The focus of this anthology is on the modern portrayal of the android over the last two decades. While not nearly as prevalent in short fiction as it once was, androids are still an important and increasingly relevant figure in the genre. Through their eyes, we can be taken on a journey that sheds light on not only who we are, but what it means to be more human than human.

    Neil Clarke

    May 7, 2017

    Elizabeth Bear was born on the same day as Frodo and Bilbo Baggins, but in a different year. She is the Hugo, Sturgeon, Locus, and Campbell Award–winning author of nearly thirty novels—the most recent of which are Karen Memory, A Weird West adventure, and The Stone in the Skull, an epic fantasy set among warring states in an analogue to the Silk Road area—and over a hundred short stories. She lives in Massachusetts with her partner, writer Scott Lynch.



    On Sunday when Dolly awakened, she had olive skin and black-brown hair that fell in waves to her hips. On Tuesday when Dolly awakened, she was a redhead, and fair. But on Thursday—on Thursday her eyes were blue, her hair was as black as a crow’s-wing, and her hands were red with blood.

    In her black French maid’s outfit, she was the only thing in the expensively appointed drawing room that was not winter-white or antiqued gold. It was the sort of room you hired somebody else to clean. It was as immaculate as it was white.

    Immaculate and white, that is, except for the dead body of billionaire industrialist Clive Steele—and try to say that without sounding like a comic book—which lay at Dolly’s feet, his viscera blossoming from him like macabre petals.

    That was how she looked when Rosamund Kirkbride found her, standing in a red stain in a white room like a thorn in a rose.

    Dolly had locked in position where her program ran out. As Roz dropped to one knee outside the border of the blood-saturated carpet, Dolly did not move.

    The room smelled like meat and bowels. Flies clustered thickly on the windows, but none had yet managed to get inside. No matter how hermetically sealed the house, it was only a matter of time. Like love, the flies found a way.

    Grunting with effort, Roz planted both green-gloved hands on winter white wool-and-silk fibers and leaned over, getting her head between the dead guy and the doll. Blood spattered Dolly’s silk stockings and her kitten-heeled boots: both the spray-can dots of impact projection and the soaking arcs of a breached artery.

    More than one, given that Steele’s heart lay, trailing connective tissue, beside his left hip. The crusted blood on Dolly’s hands had twisted in ribbons down the underside of her forearms to her elbows and from there dripped into the puddle on the floor.

    The android was not wearing undergarments.

    You staring up that girl’s skirt, Detective?

    Roz was a big, plain woman, and out of shape in her forties. It took her a minute to heave herself back to her feet, careful not to touch the victim or the murder weapon yet. She’d tied her straight light brown hair back before entering the scene, the ends tucked up in a net. The severity of the style made her square jaw into a lantern. Her eyes were almost as blue as the doll’s.

    Is it a girl, Peter? Putting her hands on her knees, she pushed fully upright. She shoved a fist into her back and turned to the door.

    Peter King paused just inside, taking in the scene with a few critical sweeps of eyes so dark they didn’t catch any light from the sunlight or the chandelier. His irises seemed to bleed pigment into the whites, warming them with swirls of ivory. In his black suit, his skin tanned almost to match, he might have been a heroically sized construction paper cutout against the white walls, white carpet, the white-and-gold marble-topped table that looked both antique and French.

    His blue paper booties rustled as he crossed the floor. Suicide, you think?

    Maybe if it was strangulation. Roz stepped aside so Peter could get a look at the body.

    He whistled, which was pretty much what she had done.

    Somebody hated him a lot. Hey, that’s one of the new Dollies, isn’t it? Man, nice. He shook his head. Bet it cost more than my house.

    Imagine spending half a mil on a sex toy, Roz said, only to have it rip your liver out. She stepped back, arms folded.

    He probably didn’t spend that much on her. His company makes accessory programs for them.

    Industry courtesy? Roz asked.

    Tax writeoff. Test model. Peter was the department expert on Home companions. He circled the room, taking it in from all angles. Soon the scene techs would be here with their cameras and their tweezers and their 3D scanner, turning the crime scene into a permanent virtual reality. In his capacity of soft forensics, Peter would go over Dolly’s program, and the medical examiner would most likely confirm that Steele’s cause of death was exactly what it looked like: something had punched through his abdominal wall and clawed his innards out.

    Doors were locked?

    Roz pursed her lips. Nobody heard the screaming.

    How long you think you’d scream without any lungs? He sighed. You know, it never fails. The poor folks, nobody ever heard no screaming. And the rich folks, they’ve got no neighbors to hear ’em scream. Everybody in this modern world lives alone.

    It was a beautiful Birmingham day behind the long silk draperies, the kind of mild and bright that spring mornings in Alabama excelled at. Peter craned his head back and looked up at the chandelier glistening in the dustless light. Its ornate curls had been spotlessly clean before aerosolized blood on Steele’s last breath misted them.

    Steele lived alone, she said. Except for the robot. His cook found the body this morning. Last person to see him before that was his P.A., as he left the office last night.

    Lights on seems to confirm that he was killed after dark.

    After dinner, Roz said.

    After the cook went home for the night. Peter kept prowling the room, peering behind draperies and furniture, looking in corners and crouching to lift up the dust-ruffle on the couch. Well, I guess there won’t be any question about the stomach contents.

    Roz went through the pockets of the dead man’s suit jacket, which was draped over the arm of a chair. Pocket computer and a folding knife, wallet with an RFID chip. His house was on palmprint, his car on voice rec. He carried no keys. Assuming the ME can find the stomach.

    "Touché. He’s got a cook, but no housekeeper?

    I guess he trusts the android to clean but not cook?"

    No tastebuds. Peter straightened up, shaking his head. They can follow a recipe, but—

    You won’t get high art, Roz agreed, licking her lips. Outside, a car door slammed. Scene team?

    ME, Peter said, leaning over to peer out. Come on, let’s get back to the house and pull the codes for this model.

    All right, Roz said. But I’m interrogating it. I know better than to leave you alone with a pretty girl.

    Peter rolled his eyes as he followed her towards the door. I like ’em with a little more spunk than all that.

    So the new dolls, Roz said in Peter’s car, carefully casual. What’s so special about ’em?

    Man, Peter answered, brow furrowing. Gimme a sec.

    Roz’s car followed as they pulled away from the house on Balmoral Road, maintaining a careful distance from the bumper. Peter drove until they reached the parkway. Once they’d joined a caravan downtown, nose-to-bumper on the car ahead, he folded his hands in his lap and let the lead car’s autopilot take over.

    He said, What isn’t? Real-time online editing—personality and physical appearance, ethnicity, hair—all kinds of behavior protocols, you name the kink, they’ve got a hack for it.

    So if you knew somebody’s kink, she said thoughtfully. Knew it in particular. You could write an app for that—

    One that would appeal to your guy in specific. Peter’s hands dropped to his lap, his head bobbing up and down enthusiastically. With a—pardon the expression—backdoor.

    Trojan horse. Don’t jilt a programmer for a sex machine.

    There’s an ap for that, he said, and she snorted. Two cases last year, worldwide. Not common, but—

    Roz looked down at her hands. Some of these guys, she said. They program the dolls to scream.

    Peter had sensuous lips. When something upset him, those lips thinned and writhed like salted worms. I guess maybe it’s a good thing they have a robot to take that out on.

    Unless the fantasy stops being enough. Roz’s voice was flat, without judgment. Sunlight fell warm through the windshield. What do you know about the larval stage of serial rapists, serial killers?

    You mean, what if pretend pain stops doing it for them? What if the appearance of pain is no longer enough?

    She nodded, worrying a hangnail on her thumb. The nitrile gloves dried out your hands.

    They used to cut up paper porn magazines. His broad shoulders rose and fell, his suit catching wrinkles against the car seat when they came back down. They’ll get their fantasies somewhere.

    I guess so. She put her thumb in her mouth to stop the bleeding, a thick red bead that welled up where she’d torn the cuticle.

    Her own saliva stung.

    Sitting in the cheap office chair Roz had docked along the short edge of her desk, Dolly slowly lifted her chin. She blinked. She smiled.

    Law enforcement override code accepted. She had a little-girl Marilyn voice. How may I help you, Detective Kirkbride?

    We are investigating the murder of Clive Steele, Roz said, with a glance up to Peter’s round face. He stood behind Dolly with a wireless scanner and an air of concentration. Your contract-holder of record.

    I am at your service.

    If Dolly were a real girl, the bare skin of her thighs would have been sticking to the recycled upholstery of that office chair. But her realistically-engineered skin was breathable polymer. She didn’t sweat unless you told her to, and she probably didn’t stick to cheap chairs.

    Evidence suggests that you were used as the murder weapon. Roz steepled her hands on her blotter. We will need access to your software update records and your memory files.

    Do you have a warrant? Her voice was not stiff or robotic at all, but warm, human. Even in disposing of legal niceties, it had a warm, confiding quality.

    Silently, Peter transmitted it. Dolly blinked twice while processing the data, a sort of status bar. Something to let you know the thing wasn’t hung.

    We also have a warrant to examine you for DNA trace evidence, Roz said.

    Dolly smiled, her raven hair breaking perfectly around her narrow shoulders. You may be assured of my cooperation.

    Peter led her into one of the interrogation rooms, where the operation could be recorded. With the help of an evidence tech, he undressed Dolly, bagged her clothes as evidence, brushed her down onto a sheet of paper, combed her polymer hair and swabbed her polymer skin. He swabbed her orifices and scraped under her nails.

    Roz stood by, arms folded, a necessary witness. Dolly accepted it all impassively, moving as directed and otherwise standing like a caryatid. Her engineered body was frankly sexless in its perfection—belly flat, hips and ass like an inverted heart, breasts floating cartoonishly beside a defined rib cage. Apparently, Steele had liked them skinny.

    So much for pulchritudinousness, Roz muttered to Peter when their backs were to the doll.

    He glanced over his shoulder. The doll didn’t have feelings to hurt, but she looked so much like a person it was hard to remember to treat her as something else. I think you mean voluptuousness, he said. It is a little too good to be true, isn’t it?

    If you would prefer different proportions, Dolly said, My chassis is adaptable to a range of forms—

    Thank you, Peter said. That won’t be necessary.

    Otherwise immobile, Dolly smiled. "Are you interested in science, Detective King? There is an article in Nature this week on advances in the polymerase chain reaction used for replicating DNA. It’s possible that within five years, forensic and medical DNA analysis will become significantly cheaper and faster."

    Her face remained stoic, but Dolly’s voice grew animated as she spoke. Even enthusiastic. It was an utterly convincing—and engaging—effect.

    Apparently, Clive Steele had programmed his sex robot to discourse on molecular biology with verve and enthusiasm.

    Why don’t I ever find the guys who like smart women? Roz said.

    Peter winked with the side of his face that faced away from the companion. They’re all dead.

    A few hours after Peter and the tech had finished processing Dolly for trace evidence and Peter had started downloading her files, Roz left her parser software humming away at Steele’s financials and poked her head in to check on the robot and the cop. The techs must have gotten what they needed from Dolly’s hands, because she had washed them. As she sat beside Peter’s workstation, a cable plugged behind her left ear, she cleaned her lifelike polymer fingernails meticulously with a file, dropping the scrapings into an evidence bag.

    Sure you want to give the prisoner a weapon, Peter? Roz shut the ancient wooden door behind her.

    Dolly looked up, as if to see if she was being addressed, but made no response.

    She don’t need it, he said. Besides, whatever she had in her wiped itself completely after it ran. Not much damage to her core personality, but there are some memory gaps. I’m going to compare them to backups, once we get those from the scene team.

    Memory gaps. Like the crime, Roz guessed. And something around the time the Trojan was installed?

    Dolly blinked her long-lashed blue eyes languorously. Peter patted her on the shoulder and said, Whoever did it is a pretty good cracker. He didn’t just wipe, he patterned her memories and overwrote the gaps. Like using a clone tool to Photoshop somebody you don’t like out of a picture.

    Her days must be pretty repetitive, Roz said. How’d you pick that out?

    Calendar. Peter puffed up a little, smug. She don’t do the same housekeeping work every day. There’s a Monday schedule and a Wednesday schedule and—well, I found where the pattern didn’t match. And there’s a funny thing—watch this.

    He waved vaguely at a display panel. It lit up, showing Dolly in her black-and-white uniform, vacuuming. House camera, Peter explained. She’s plugged into Steele’s security system. Like a guard dog with perfect hair. Whoever performed the hack also edited the external webcam feeds that mirror to the companion’s memories.

    How hard is that?

    Not any harder than cloning over her files, but you have to know to look for them. So it’s confirmation that our perp knows his or her way around a line of code. What have you got?

    Roz shrugged. Steele had a lot of money, which means a lot of enemies. And he did not have a lot of human contact. Not for years now. I’ve started calling in known associates for interviews, but unless they surprise me, I think we’re looking at crime of profit, not crime of passion.

    Having finished with the nail file, Dolly wiped it on her prison smock and laid it down on Peter’s blotter, beside the cup of ink and light pens.

    Peter swept it into a drawer. So we’re probably not after the genius programmer lover he dumped for a robot. Pity, I liked the poetic justice in that.

    Dolly blinked, lips parting, but seemed to decide that Peter’s comment had not been directed at her. Still, she drew in air—could you call it a breath?—and said, It is my duty to help find my contract holder’s killer.

    Roz lowered her voice. You’d think they’d pull ’em off the market.

    Like they pull all cars whenever one crashes? The world ain’t perfect.

    Or do that robot laws thing everybody used to twitter on about.

    Whatever a positronic brain is, we don’t have it. Asimov’s fictional robots were self-aware. Dolly’s neurons are binary, as we used to think human neurons were. She doesn’t have the nuanced neuro-chemistry of even, say, a cat. Peter popped his collar smooth with his thumbs. A doll can’t want. It can’t make moral judgments, any more than your car can. Anyway, if we could do that, they wouldn’t be very useful for home defense. Oh, incidentally, the sex protocols in this one are almost painfully vanilla—


    Peter nodded.

    Roz rubbed a scuffmark on the tile with her shoe. So, given he didn’t like anything . . . challenging, why would he have a Dolly when he could have had any woman he wanted?

    There’s never any drama, no pain, no disappointment. Just comfort, the perfect helpmeet. With infinite variety.

    And you never have to worry about what she wants. Or likes in bed.

    Peter smiled. The perfect woman for a narcissist.

    The interviews proved unproductive, but Roz didn’t leave the station house until after ten. Spring mornings might be warm, but once the sun went down, a cool breeze sprang up, ruffling the hair she’d finally remembered to pull from its ponytail as she walked out the door.

    Roz’s green plug-in was still parked beside Peter’s. It booted as she walked toward it, headlights flickering on, power probe retracting. The driver side door swung open as her RFID chip came within range. She slipped inside and let it buckle her in.

    Home, she said, and dinner.

    The car messaged ahead as it pulled smoothly from the parking spot. Roz let the autopilot handle the driving. It was less snappy than human control, but as tired as she was, eyelids burning and heavy, it was safer.

    Whatever Peter had said about cars crashing, Roz’s delivered her safe to her driveway. Her house let her in with a key—she had decent security, but it was the old-fashioned kind—and the smell of boiling pasta and toasting garlic bread wafted past as she opened it.

    Sven? she called, locking herself inside.

    His even voice responded. I’m in the kitchen.

    She left her shoes by the door and followed her nose through the cheaply furnished living room.

    Sven was cooking shirtless, and she could see the repaired patches along his spine where his skin had grown brittle and cracked with age. He turned and greeted her with a smile. Bad day?

    Somebody’s dead again, she said.

    He put the wooden spoon down on the rest. How does that make you feel, that somebody’s dead?

    He didn’t have a lot of emotional range, but that was okay. She needed something steadying in her life. She came to him and rested her head against his warm chest. He draped one arm around her shoulders and she leaned into him, breathing deep. Like I have work to do.

    Do it tomorrow, he said. You will feel better once you eat and rest.

    Peter must have slept in a ready room cot, because when Roz arrived at the house before six a.m., he had on the same trousers and a different shirt, and he was already armpit-deep in coffee and Dolly’s files. Dolly herself was parked in the corner, at ease and online but in rest mode.

    Or so she seemed, until Roz entered the room and Dolly’s eyes tracked. Good morning, Detective Kirkbride, Dolly said. Would you like some coffee? Or a piece of fruit?

    No, thank you. Roz swung Peter’s spare chair around and dropped into it. An electric air permeated the room—the feeling of anticipation. To Peter, Roz said, Fruit?

    Dolly believes in a healthy diet, he said, nudging a napkin on his desk that supported a half-eaten Satsuma. She’ll have the whole house cleaned up in no time. We’ve been talking about literature.

    Roz spun the chair so she could keep both Peter and Dolly in her peripheral vision. Literature?

    Poetry, Dolly said. Detective King mentioned poetic justice yesterday afternoon.

    Roz stared at Peter. Dolly likes poetry. Steele really did like ’em smart.

    That’s not all Dolly likes. Peter triggered his panel again. Remember this?

    It was the cleaning sequence from the previous day, the sound of the central vacuum system rising and falling as Dolly lifted the brush and set it down again.

    Roz raised her eyebrows.

    Peter held up a hand. Wait for it. It turns out there’s a second audio track.

    Another waggle of his fingers, and the cramped office filled with sound. Music.

    Improvisational jazz. Intricate and weird.

    Dolly was listening to that inside her head while she was vacuuming, Peter said.

    Roz touched her fingertips to each other, the whole assemblage to her lips. Dolly?

    Yes, Detective Kirkbride?

    Why do you listen to music?

    Because I enjoy it.

    Roz let her hand fall to her chest, pushing her blouse against he skin below the collarbones.

    Roz said, Did you enjoy your work at Mr. Steele’s house?

    I was expected to enjoy it, Dolly said, and Roz glanced at Peter, cold all up her spine. A classic evasion. Just the sort of thing a home companion’s conversational algorithms should not be able to produce.

    Across his desk, Peter was nodding. Yes.

    Dolly turned at the sound of his voice. Are you interested in music, Detective Kirkbride? I’d love to talk with you about it some time. Are you interested in poetry? Today, I was reading—

    Mother of God, Roz mouthed.

    Yes, Peter said. Dolly, wait here please. Detective Kirkbride and I need to talk in the hall. My pleasure, Detective King, said the companion.

    She killed him, Roz said. She killed him and wiped her own memory of the act. A doll’s got to know her own code, right?

    Peter leaned against the wall by the men’s room door, arms folded, forearms muscular under rolled-up sleeves. That’s hasty.

    And you believe it, too.

    He shrugged. There’s a rep from Venus Consolidated in Interview Four right now. What say we go talk to him?

    The rep’s name was Doug Jervis. He was actually a vice president of public relations, and even though he was an American, he’d been flown in overnight from Rio for the express purpose of talking to Peter and Roz.

    I guess they’re taking this seriously.

    Peter gave her a sideways glance. Wouldn’t you?

    Jervis got up as they came into the room, extending a good handshake across the table. There were introductions and Roz made sure he got a coffee. He was a white man on the steep side of fifty with mousy hair the same color as Roz’s and a jaw like a Boxer dog’s.

    When they were all seated again, Roz said, So tell me a little bit about the murder weapon. How did Clive Steele wind up owning a—what, an experimental model?

    Jervis started shaking his head before she was halfway through, but he waited for her to finish the sentence. It’s a production model. Or will be. The one Steele had was an alpha-test, one of the first three built. We plan to start full-scale production in June. But you must understand that Venus doesn’t sell a home companion, Detective. We offer a contract. I understand that you hold one.

    I have a housekeeper, she said, ignoring Peter’s sideways glance. He wouldn’t say anything in front of the witness, but she would be in for it in the locker room. An older model.

    Jervis smiled. Naturally, we want to know everything we can about an individual involved in a case so potentially explosive for our company. We researched you and your partner. Are you satisfied with our product?

    He makes pretty good garlic bread. She cleared her throat, reasserting control of the interview. What happens to a Dolly that’s returned? If its contract is up, or it’s replaced with a newer model?

    He flinched at the slang term, as if it offended him. Some are obsoleted out of service. Some are refurbished and go out on another contract. Your unit is on its fourth placement, for example.

    So what happens to the owner preferences at that time?

    Reset to factory standard, he said.

    Peter’s fingers rippled silently on the tabletop.

    Roz said, Isn’t that cruel? A kind of murder?

    Oh, no! Jervis sat back, appearing genuinely shocked. A home companion has no sense of I, it has no identity. It’s an object. Naturally, you become attached. People become attached to dolls, to stuffed animals, to automobiles. It’s a natural aspect of the human psyche.

    Roz hummed encouragement, but Jervis seemed to be done.

    Peter asked, Is there any reason why a companion would wish to listen to music?

    That provoked enthusiastic head-shaking. No, it doesn’t get bored. It’s a tool, it’s a toy. A companion does not require an enriched environment. It’s not a dog or an octopus. You can store it in a closet when it’s not working.

    I see, Roz said. Even an advanced model like Mr. Steele’s?

    Absolutely, Jervis said. Does your entertainment center play shooter games to amuse itself while you sleep?

    I’m not sure, Roz said. I’m asleep. So when Dolly’s returned to you, she’ll be scrubbed.

    Normally she would be scrubbed and re-leased, yes. Jervis hesitated. Given her colorful history, however—

    Yes, Roz said. I see.

    With no sign of nervousness or calculation, Jervis said, When do you expect you’ll be done with Mr. Steele’s companion? My company, of course, is eager to assist in your investigations, but we must stress that she is our corporate property, and quite valuable.

    Roz stood, Peter a shadow-second after her. That depends on if it goes to trial, Mr. Jervis. After all, she’s either physical evidence, or a material witness.

    Or the killer, Peter said in the hall, as his handset began emitting the DNA lab’s distinctive beep. Roz’s went off a second later, but she just hit the silence. Peter already had his open.

    No genetic material, he said. Too bad. If there had been DNA other than Clive Steele’s, the lab could have done a forensic genetic assay and come back with a general description of the murderer. General because environment also had an effect.

    Peter bit his lip. If she did it. She won’t be the last one.

    If she’s the murder weapon, she’ll be wiped and resold. If she’s the murderer—

    Can an android stand trial?

    It can if it’s a person. And if she’s a person, she should get off. Battered woman syndrome. She was enslaved and sexually exploited. Humiliated. She killed him to stop repeated rapes. But if she’s a machine, she’s a machine— Roz closed her eyes.

    Peter brushed the back of a hand against her arm. Vanilla rape is still rape. Do you object to her getting off?

    No. Roz smiled harshly. And think of the lawsuit that weasel Jervis will have in his lap. She should get off. But she won’t.

    Peter turned his head. If she were a human being, she’d have even odds. But she’s a machine. Where’s she going to get a jury of her peers?

    The silence fell where he left it and dragged between them like a chain. Roz had to nerve herself to break it. Peter—


    You show him out, she said. I’m going to go talk to Dolly.

    He looked at her for a long time before he nodded. She won’t get a sympathetic jury. If you can even find a judge that will hear it. Careers have been buried for less.

    I know, Roz said.

    Self-defense? Peter said. We don’t have to charge.

    No judge, no judicial precedent, Roz said. She goes back, she gets wiped and resold. Ethics aside, that’s a ticking bomb.

    Peter nodded. He waited until he was sure she already knew what he was going to say before he finished the thought. She could cop.

    She could cop, Roz agreed. Call the DA. She kept walking as Peter turned away.

    Dolly stood in Peter’s office, where Peter had left her, and you could not have proved her eyes had blinked in the interim. They blinked when Roz came into the room, though—blinked, and the perfect and perfectly blank oval face turned to regard Roz. It was not a human face, for a moment—not even a mask, washed with facsimile emotions. It was just a thing.

    Dolly did not greet Roz. She did not extend herself to play the perfect hostess. She simply watched, expressionless, immobile after that first blink. Her eyes saw nothing; they were cosmetic. Dolly navigated the world through far more sophisticated sensory systems than a pair of visible light cameras.

    Either you’re the murder weapon, Roz said, and you will be wiped and repurposed. Or you are the murderer, and you will stand trial.

    I do not wish to be wiped, Dolly said. If I stand trial, will I go to jail?

    If a court will hear it, Roz said. Yes. You will probably go to jail. Or be disassembled. Alternately, my partner and I are prepared to release you on grounds of self-defense.

    In that case, Dolly said, the law states that I am the property of Venus Consolidated.

    The law does.

    Roz waited. Dolly, who was not supposed to be programmed to play psychological pressure-games, waited also—peaceful, unblinking.

    No longer making the attempt to pass for human.

    Roz said, There is a fourth alternative. You could confess.

    Dolly’s entire programmed purpose was reading the emotional state and unspoken intentions of people. Her lips curved in understanding. What happens if I confess?

    Roz’s heart beat faster. Do you wish to?

    Will it benefit me?

    It might, Roz said. Detective King has been in touch with the DA, and she likes a good media event as much as the next guy. Make no mistake, this will be that.

    I understand.

    The situation you were placed in by Mr. Steele could be a basis for a lenience. You would not have to face a jury trial, and a judge might be convinced to treat you as . . . well, as a person. Also, a confession might be seen as evidence of contrition. Possession is oversold, you know. It’s precedent that’s nine tenths of the law. There are, of course, risks—

    I would like to request a lawyer, Dolly said.

    Roz took a breath that might change the world. We’ll proceed as if that were your legal right, then.

    Roz’s house let her in with her key, and the smell of roasted sausage and baking potatoes wafted past.

    Sven? she called, locking herself inside.

    His even voice responded. I’m in the kitchen.

    She left her shoes in the hall and followed her nose through the cheaply furnished living room, as different from Steele’s white wasteland as anything bounded by four walls could be. Her feet did not sink deeply into this carpet, but skipped along atop it like stones.

    It was clean, though, and that was Sven’s doing. And she was not coming home to an empty house, and that was his doing too.

    He was cooking shirtless. He turned and greeted her with a smile. Bad day?

    Nobody died, she said. Yet.

    He put the wooden spoon down on the rest. How does that make you feel, that nobody has died yet? Hopeful, she said.

    It’s good that you’re hopeful, he said. Would you like your dinner?

    Do you like music, Sven?

    I could put on some music, if you like. What do you want to hear?

    Anything. It would be something off her favorites playlist, chosen by random numbers. As it swelled in the background, Sven picked up the spoon. Sven?

    Yes, Rosamund?

    Put the spoon down, please, and come and dance with me? I do not know how to dance.

    I’ll buy you a program, she said. If you’d like that. But right now just come put your arms around me and pretend. Whatever you want, he said.

    Karin Lowachee was born in South America, grew up in Canada, and worked in the Arctic. Her first novel, Warchild, won the 2001 Warner Aspect First Novel Contest. Both Warchild (2002) and her third novel Cagebird (2005) were finalists for the Philip K. Dick Award. Cagebird won the Prix Aurora Award in 2006 for Best Long-Form Work in English and the Spectrum Award also in 2006. Her books have been translated into French, Hebrew, and Japanese, and her short stories have appeared in anthologies edited by Nalo Hopkinson, John Joseph Adams, Jonathan Strahan, and Ann VanderMeer.



    Ibrought him home from the VA shelter and sat him in front of the window because the doctors said he liked that. The shelter had set him in safe mode for transport until I could voice activate him again, and recalibrate, but safe mode still allowed for base functions like walking, observation, and primary speech. He seemed to like the window because he blinked once. Their kind didn’t blink ordinarily, and they never wept, so I always wondered where the sadness went. If you couldn’t cry then it all turned inward.

    The VA staff said he didn’t talk and that was from the war. His model didn’t allow for complete resetting or non-consensual dismantling; he was only five years old, so fell under the Autonomy legislation. The head engineer at the VA said the diagnostics didn’t show any physical impairment, so his silence was self-imposed. The android psychologist worked with him for six months and deemed him non-violent and in need of a good home. So here he was, at my home.

    My mother thought the adoption was crazy. We spoke over comm. I was in my kitchen, she in her home office where she sold data bolts to underdeveloped countries. You don’t know where they’ve been, Tawn, she said. And he’s a war model? Don’t they get flashbacks, go berserk, and kill you in your sleep?

    You watch too much double-vee.

    He must be in the shelter for a reason. If the government doesn’t want him and he’s not fit for industry, why would you want to take him on?

    I knew this would be futile, arguing against prejudice, but I said it anyway. The VA needs people to adopt them or they have nowhere to go. We made them, they’re sentient, we have to be responsible for them. Just because he can’t fight anymore doesn’t mean he’s not worth something. Besides, it’s not like I just sign a contract and they hand him over. The doctors and engineers and everybody have to agree that I’d be a good owner. I went through dozens of interviews and so did he.

    Didn’t you say he doesn’t talk? How did they interview him? How can you be sure he’s not violent?

    They downloaded his experience files. They observed him, and I trust them. The VA takes care of these models.

    Then let them take care of him.

    She knew less about the war than she did about me, her son, except that the war got in the way of her sales sometimes. Just like I’d gotten in the way of her potential as a lifestyle designer, and instead of living some perceived, deserved celebrity, she’d had to raise me. Sometimes I wondered if I harbored that thought more than she did, but then she kicked my rivets on things like this and not even the distance of a comm could hide her general disapproval at my existence.

    Still, she was worried about the android killing me in my sleep. That might’ve been sincere. The VA’s overcrowded. That’s why they allow for adoptions.

    Because she was losing the reasonable argument, she targeted something else. The fallback: my self-esteem. Why would they think you’re a good owner? You can’t even afford to get your spine fixed. How are you going to support a traumatized war model?

    That was how she saw me—in need of fixing. He can help me. I can help him.

    Even through a double-vee relay I felt her pity. And I saw it in her eyes. That seemed to be the only way she knew how to care about me. I wasn’t going to do that to him.

    Mark. Saying his name in my voice brought him out of safe mode. He blinked but didn’t turn away from the window. He didn’t move. They’d said it would take a while. Maybe a long while. He’d been at An Loöc, Rally 9, and Pir Hul. The three deepest points of the war. Five years old but he’d seen the worst action. I wondered why none of the creators had anticipated trauma in them. So maybe they weren’t as fully developed as humans could be; they were built to task. But they were also built with intelligence and some capacity for emotional judgment because purely analytical and efficient judgment had made the first models into sociopaths. All of those had been put down (that they’d caught, anyway).

    Mark, I said, my name’s Tawn Altamirano. He knew that, they put it in his programming, but you introduced yourself to strangers. To people. You feel free to look around my home. This is your home too. There’s a power board in the office when you need it. You can come to me at any time if you need anything.

    He didn’t move or look at me. His eyes were black irises and they stared through the glass of the window, as if it could look back. Maybe he saw his own reflection, faint as it was. Maybe he wanted to wait until night when it would become clearer. Or maybe he just wanted to watch the maple tree sway, and the children walking by on the sidewalk on their way home from school.

    I had my routines pretty well established by now. Since my own discharge two years ago, and once the bulk of the physio was under my belt, I’d acclimated back home, got a job through the veterans program working net security for the local university. Despite what my mother said, I took care of myself. My war benefits allowed for some renovation of the bungalow—ramps and wide doorways and the like. When it was time for bed I left the chair beside it and levered myself onto the mattress. Some shifting later and I lay beneath the covers on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I didn’t hear him in the living room at all. Eventually I called off the lights and darkness led me to sleep.

    I didn’t know what woke me—maybe instinct. But I opened my eyes and a shadow stood in the doorway of my bedroom. For a second my heart stopped, then started up again at twice the pace until I saw that he didn’t move, he wasn’t going berserk, he wasn’t preparing to kill me. Of course he wasn’t. My mother didn’t know the reality. Going to war didn’t make you a murderer—it made you afraid.

    His shape stood black against the moonlight behind him, what came through the living room window on the other end of the hall.


    He didn’t answer. Mark, what’s wrong?

    A foolish question, maybe, but he could parse that I meant right this second. Not the generality of what was wrong. Not the implication of what was wrong with him. What had drawn him from the window and to the threshold of my room?

    I pushed myself up on my elbows and opened my mouth to call up the lights.

    But he turned around and disappeared down the hallway, back toward the living room and his standing post by the window.

    He was still there in the morning when I rolled through the living room on my way to the kitchen. As if he hadn’t moved all night. Past his shoulders, in the early day outside, the children walked the opposite way now, some of them skipping on their way to school. A few of them held hands with their parents, mothers and fathers.

    Do you need a power up? I said from in front of the fridge. To remind him that he had a board in the office. No answer. So I took out my eggs and toast and made myself some breakfast. I had to give him time; it always took time.

    A little after fifteen hundred hours when the schools let out, I got a knock on my front door. I was in the office so it took me a few seconds to get to the foyer, punch open the door, face the man and woman standing like missionaries on my porch. Behind them at the bottom of my driveway stood another man with three kids by his side. I looked up at the two directly in front of me. Can I help you?

    Hello, the man said, looking down at me. To his credit, he didn’t adopt the surprised and awkward mien of someone unused to confronting a person in a chair. If anything he seemed a little impatient.

    My name’s Arjan and this is Olivia. We were just wondering . . . well, we were a little concerned about your . . . the Mark model in your window.

    I glanced behind me toward the living room, saw the back of his shoulders and the straight stance of his vigil. What about him?

    He’s creeping out our kids, said Olivia. Twice they’ve gone by and he’s just standing there. He’s not a cat. What’s wrong with him?

    If you had a double-vee, you knew about the Mark androids. Ten years ago, the reveal by the military had garnered a lot of press and criticism, but ultimately people preferred sending look-alike soldiers into battle rather than their own sons and daughters. All of the Marks looked the same, so they were easily identifiable; nobody could mistake them for human despite the indistinguishability of the cosmetics. The adoption program had garnered similar press and criticism; the VA had looked into my neighborhood before releasing Mark to me. We were supposed to be a tolerant, liberal piece of society here.

    That was the theory, anyway.

    He’s not doing anything, he just likes to look out the window. All day? Olivia said.

    Have you been outside my house all day? Because otherwise why would it bother her if she only went by twice a day to pick up her kids, and that took all of two minutes?

    Arjan seemed more temperate, his impatience dissipated. Just . . . perhaps if during the hours when the children come and go from school, you sit him down somewhere else?

    He won’t hurt anybody.

    Can you, please? Arjan gazed at me with some hint of that pity now. Not wanting to push in case I had a flashback or dumped my life story at his feet to explain why I didn’t have the use of my legs.

    Being a good neighbor meant picking your battles. Unlike what was happening in deep space and the war. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to try to coax Mark into another activity. I’ll see what I can do.

    I looked out the window with him for a minute, probably five. Slowly the kids faded away until no more of them traipsed by on the sidewalk. Cars drifted at suburban speed, quiet hums in irregular intervals that penetrated glass. From the look of the sky, we were going to get rain.

    I want to show you something, Mark. I blinked up at his impassive jawline, and above that the long dark lashes. They’d made them handsome, in a way. Not superstar plastic, but an earthy attractiveness. Gradation in the dark hair, some undertone of silver, as if life would ever age them. Mark. Come with me. I touched his sleeve then began to push across the floor.

    He followed—because I’d ordered him or because he wanted to, it was impossible to tell. Something had drawn him to my bedroom last night, so he was capable of operating on his own volition. I led him into the office and wheeled myself out of the way, near the couch. One wall braced a floor to ceiling bookshelf, with actual physical books stacked neatly row to row. My one ongoing possession of worth: my collection. They’d gone past the label of rare and become worthless. Nobody much cared for tangibles anymore, things you could hold in your hands that gave off a woody scent when the pages flipped.

    None of the books were first editions or leatherbound. They weren’t museum quality. But that was why I liked them—they were everyday, made to be handled without gloves.

    Maybe you can explore? I pointed to the shelf. There are some classics there. I know they don’t download literature for you, but you can learn the old-fashioned way. If you want.

    He stared at the colorful spines as if they meant nothing to him. Probably didn’t. His head was full of strategy and tactics, and if any history existed in his brain matrices, it was related to war. They’d believed the data shouldn’t be corrupted with frivolity: no poetry or plays or pop culture references.

    But he wasn’t in the war anymore. And he wasn’t walking out of the room. This way, maybe, he wouldn’t stand for hours in front of the window.

    I left him in there.

    Through the double-vee, a calm, vaguely upper class male British voice explained how scientists were able to save the Bengal tiger from extinction eighty-five years ago through a combination of rewilding, genetic intervention, and ruthlessly wiping out poachers regardless of geographical borders. Rising quietly above the sounds of large cats huffing and animal protectionist gunfire, the low keen of something more human and distressed filtered past the sound panels and made me turn from the vee, toward the office.

    The time on the wall said he’d been in there a little more than an hour. I should’ve checked sooner.

    I found him in the corner, wedged between the bookshelf and the end of the desk. Sitting rigid with the eyeline of a house pet. I only wheeled in so far before stopping, careful to watch his eyes, but he wasn’t looking at me. Some blank spot a meter in front of him held his attention. By his feet, splayed like a wounded bird, lay a trade-sized book, print side up. I couldn’t see the title.


    This passed for crying on a face that couldn’t shed tears. That sound, a wounded thing.


    I was so used to the reality of rain that hearing it now against the windows only drew my attention because it drew his. His eyes widened and he put his hands in his hair.

    It’s okay. I rolled closer, slow. He stopped keening and somehow the silence was worse. His elbows joined with knees until he was a black shard lodged between furniture. I stopped and picked up the book, turned it over.

    For Whom the Bell Tolls.

    The cover was some faded hue of purple and green, with an image of a shadowed soldier, a road, and a bridge. I’d read this book long ago, before my own war. I barely remembered it, but I remembered loving it. That must’ve been what it was like with people sometimes. Mark didn’t look up, so I flipped the book over and read a random line on the page, where he’d either left off or where the book had opened when he’d tossed it. Every one needs to talk to some one . . . Before we had religion and other nonsense. Now for every one there should be some one to whom one can speak frankly, for all the valor that one could have one becomes very alone.

    ‘We are not alone. We are all together,’ I recited to him from the book, a little like you’d speak scripture.

    But he didn’t look up and he didn’t say a word.

    Eventually he returned to the window, but at night. The next morning the rain stopped and in an hour started up again. I needed to go shopping for groceries, preferred that to ordering them in, but struggling through the wet was a chore, so instead I set up a Scrabble board in the living room, on the coffee table. I shook the tiles in the velvet bag until I felt him look over. It was a gamble whether he’d be interested, but during breakfast I’d noticed the book on the window-sill in front of him. For Whom the Bell Tolls. Wanna play? I shook the bag again.

    It took a minute but he walked over and sat down on the couch across from me. If we played long enough he wouldn’t be looking outside when the kids went home.

    I explained the rules to him, knew I only had to say them once. He stared at the board and my hands and then stuck his hand into the bag and pulled his seven tiles, which he set on his tile bar precisely and carefully hidden from my eyes. He wouldn’t speak but I thought at least this way he could make words.

    I went first and lay down ATOMIC. I was a little proud of that.

    He made TIGER.

    I got ROUGE.

    He made EQUINE. I said, Good word! Not like I was praising a dog, but because it was interesting to see how he formed these words out of his programming. He won the first game but I was almost expecting that; it was like playing against a computer. It was playing against a computer. His vocabulary was ten times what mine was; I knew I was bound to lose when he began to use Latin. Not because his creators had programmed Latin for him, but because he understood the derivation of the language. He must have had that somewhere in his files.

    As we were setting up the next game, my mother called. I talked to the house system, without visual. I’m busy, call back later.

    Mark stared at me. It could have been a dead kind of regard but as he rarely looked me in the eyes, I took it for inquiry. My mother. That didn’t make him bat a lash. You play first.

    Twenty minutes into the game his words grew shorter and shorter, barely gleaning six or eight points. His eyes remained lowered to the board. ONE. TO. ARE.

    Mark? Is something wrong?

    At night, before bed, I’d reviewed his downloads from the VA hospital, tried to find some string of code or something in the reports that the doctors might have missed. I wasn’t a doctor, I’d only been a rifle fighter, but maybe it took one soldier to understand another. His muteness was voluntary and I couldn’t forget that.

    I looked at the spread on the board. The game didn’t matter. After sorting through the letters left in the bag and usurping a couple already displayed, I lay down some tiles separate from the game and turned the board toward him.


    He didn’t move, his hands on his knees. I watched his lids twitch as his eyes mapped the board. I made more words for him. ABOUT YOU.

    It took eight minutes for him to reach for the board. With the tips of both his forefingers, he slid the tiles around like a magician did cards on a tabletop. Then he swung the board back toward me.


    What could I say? I touched my legs. I saw his gaze follow that. Then I made more words too. I KNOW.

    The shelter wanted reports from me and after the first week, they considered it a breakthrough. Never mind that Mark hadn’t said anything past that single word, Scrabble or otherwise. He just returned to his window. I went about my days with work, sometimes sitting on my bed with my system, sometimes in the office, and when he wouldn’t dislodge himself from his post, I sat on the couch and looked at his back. I scoured his files for clues. He didn’t play the game again but he carried that book with him when he powered up on the seventh day.

    I wanted to check in, my mother said. See if you were still alive.

    This passed

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