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Mika's Black Cougar
Mika's Black Cougar
Mika's Black Cougar
Ebook188 pages2 hours

Mika's Black Cougar

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About this ebook

Mika Taylor has always had it bad for Trent Hunter, but she never had the guts to talk to him. Now that her best friend moved away, Mika dreads having to face a school year at Vernon Secondary alone. And being classed as the school freak doesn't help matters.

When Trent finally looks at her and not through her, Mika starts to think grade eleven won't be so bad, after all. Getting to know Trent better, she can't shake the feeling there is something he isn't telling her. A chance encounter with the fabled Okanagan black cougar has her putting two and two together.

Mika sees not only the black cougar along with another cougar lurking in her backyard, and she has to wonder if things can get any stranger than they already are.

Release dateDec 7, 2018
Mika's Black Cougar

Marisa Chenery

Marisa Chenery was always a lover of books, but after reading her first historical romance novel she found herself hooked. Having inherited a love for the written word, she soon started writing her own novels. She now writes young adult books and erotic romances. Marisa lives in Ontario, Canada, with her four children, four grandchildren (she’s a young grandma in her fifties) and three rabbits.

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    Book preview

    Mika's Black Cougar - Marisa Chenery

    Mika’s Black Cougar

    Marisa Chenery


    Edited by Marisa Chenery

    Cover design by Maria Spada Design


    Copyright 2018 Marisa Chenery. Published by Marisa Chenery. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-98865-933-6


    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

    Mika Taylor has always had it bad for Trent Hunter, but she never had the guts to talk to him. Now that her best friend has moved away, Mika dreads having to face a school year at Vernon Secondary alone. And being classed as the school freak doesn’t help matters.

    When Trent finally looks at her and not through her, Mika starts to think grade eleven won’t be so bad, after all. Getting to know him better, she can’t shake the feeling there is something he isn’t telling her. A chance encounter with the fabled Okanagan black cougar has her putting two and two together.

    Mika sees not only the black cougar along with another cougar lurking in her backyard, and she has to wonder if things can get any stranger than they already are.

    Chapter One

    The school loomed in front of me. My stomach was queasy from just thinking of what I’d have to endure. Oh, how I dreaded having to go inside alone. All the other years, I always had my best friend, Cathy, to help brave the first day of school, but not this year. Cathy and her family had moved from Vernon over the summer. I still felt a little lost without her. We’ve been best friends since the first grade. Now I’d have to face going through the eleventh grade alone, something I didn’t look forward to.

    With a deep breath, I slowly headed to the school’s entrance. A group of what looked like grade-eight boys jostled me out of their way as they rushed by. I shook my head at their exuberance. Vernon Secondary School, in British Columbia, taught grades eight to twelve. It seemed to me that each year the grade eights got younger-looking. The group of boys who had just passed me sounded as if none of their voices had even started to change.

    I adjusted the strap of my backpack on my shoulder and sighed before I pulled open the door to the school. The lobby was overly full as other students crowded around the class lists taped on the wall as they tried to find their homerooms. I decided to hang back until the crowd thinned a bit. Once I didn’t have to fear getting trampled by a bunch of thirteen-year-olds, I went to find my name on the list of homerooms. I found the T’s and ran my finger down the sheet of paper until I came to my name—Mika Taylor. I groaned to myself when I found it. I had Math for my homeroom. I hated Math, and to have it first thing in the morning didn’t help matters.

    I still had another ten minutes before the first bell rang, but I decided to go to my homeroom anyway. It wasn’t as if I had any friends to meet up with first. Cathy had been my only friend at school. I’m not the type of girl who fits in with the popular crowd. Never an outgoing person, I’ve always had trouble making friends. Not that I’d be accepted in the popular crowd, even if I could bring myself to be more outgoing. I just wasn’t like them. I didn’t have the need to have a bunch of friends to hang out with. Cathy had been more than enough for me.

    It didn’t take me long to find my Math classroom. Since I arrived before anyone else I had my choice of seats. I picked a desk in the front row. I pulled out one of my new binders from my backpack and then placed it on the center of the desk. With pencil in hand, I waited for the bell to ring.

    More kids trickled in and the other desks around me were slowly taken. Mr. Morrison, the Math teacher, arrived a couple of seconds before the second bell rang. As he pushed the door closed, one last kid slipped inside.

    I tried not to stare as Trent Hunter walked by me as he headed for an empty desk at the back of the classroom. I’d developed a major crush on him last year, and from the way my heart pounded at seeing him again, I knew I still had one. Not that Trent had ever given me the time of day, but it still didn’t stop me from admiring him from afar. Trent was a full-blooded Okanagan Indian. I could spend hours staring at his copper-colored skin and long, black hair. What I wouldn’t give to have his brown eyes look at me with interest just once.

    When Mr. Morrison addressed the class, I brought my wayward thoughts back under control. I kept my eyes focused on the front of the classroom as the teacher passed out our schedules and then gave us our locker numbers. Halfway through the class, I couldn’t resist taking a quick look behind me at the back of the room. My gaze unerringly latched on to Trent. He had his head down as he wrote something in his binder. I sighed to myself and focused back on the teacher.

    The rest of the class seemed to fly by. After the bell rang at the end of the period, I stuffed my binder into my backpack and then left the class. I made sure I didn’t look at the back of the room when I walked through the door. With my new schedule in my hand, I walked down the hall, looking at what class I had next. I had Science, another subject that didn’t thrill me.

    Science turned out to be boring, and I didn’t have Trent in this class for distraction. Ms. Syler droned on about what we would learn this year and the various assignments we were expected to complete. The bell couldn’t ring soon enough. My next class was English, which I liked. I’m a bit of a bookworm. I’ve always loved to read. I love to get lost in other worlds and places, to experience someone else’s life through the pages of a book. Reading lets me escape the boring reality of my own life for a time. As in my other two classes, I sat at the front of the room.

    With English over, I dreaded what came next—lunch period. Even though we didn’t have that many classes together, Cathy and I always sat together in the cafeteria during lunch. I hated to eat alone. Nothing screamed loser more than having to sit at a table by yourself.

    Since I’d taken my time getting to the cafeteria most of the tables were already full. I spotted an empty one close to the doors. I quickly walked to it and sat in a chair at the end. I pulled my bagged lunch out of my backpack and then set it on the table. As I took out my sandwich, I wished I’d remembered to bring a book to read. If I had, I could have gotten lost in my own little world while I ate. That way I wouldn’t have felt as if everyone stared in my direction.

    Determined to get through lunch without feeling too uncomfortable, I picked up my sandwich and started to eat. I kept my gaze down, not wanting to see if anyone stared. The other end of my table soon became occupied by three grade-eight girls. I groaned to myself. They spoke in loud voices as they gushed over all the older high-school boys they’d seen. I glanced at them. All three of them were pretty and were dressed in the latest style. Not like me. I dress for comfort, not style. My jeans may be a couple of years old, but I had them broken in just the way I liked them. The pale pink T-shirt I wore may have been plain, but it was one of my favorites. I knew these girls would have no trouble finding boyfriends.

    By this time, I’d finished my sandwich. I pulled out the rest of what Mom had packed in my lunch—a juice box and some chocolate chip cookies. As I munched on the cookies, I looked up at the big clock on the wall across from where I sat. I still had another fifty minutes before lunch was over. Now that I’d looked up, I quickly scanned the crowded cafeteria, hoping to catch a glimpse of the one person I wouldn’t mind staring at me.

    I’d taken a sip from my juice box when I found where Trent sat, alone as usual. I sucked in a breath when I realized for once he stared right at me, which in turn made me choke on my juice. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him, even though I must have looked really attractive with my face flushed as I tried to cough up one of my lungs. Trent gave me a crooked smile as I continued to choke. Embarrassed, I quickly looked away. Once I could breathe again, I gathered up what remained of my lunch and then slung my backpack over my shoulder. I was sure I looked like crap with my streaming eyes and hot face. I threw the rest of my lunch into the garbage can on the way out of the cafeteria.

    I ducked into the girls’ washroom. As I caught a glimpse of myself in the large mirror on the wall, I grimaced. My face was slightly red, and my eyes still watered a tiny bit.

    Smooth move, Mika, I whispered to my reflection.

    A damp paper towel cooled down my face, and also took care of my eyes. Trent finally noticed me, and I, of course, had to make myself look like a dork by choking. Real attractive. Not. I’d be lucky if he ever looked my way again. If Cathy had been there, she would have told me not to let it bother me—that I should take it as a good sign that Trent actually looked right at me. I tried to tell myself those very same things, but it didn’t sound as convincing without Cathy being the one to say them.

    I gave myself a final look over in the mirror. I ran my fingers through my long locks. I have naturally dark blonde hair, which I got from Mom. My hair and blue eyes are my best features. Everything else about me is average. Average height, average looks, average body. I stuck my tongue out at my reflection. I took a deep breath and left the safety of the girls’ washroom. Not wanting to go back to the cafeteria, I decided to spend the rest of lunch outside.

    * * * *

    My final two classes, Gym and History, proved to be uneventful. By the time the last bell of the day rang I felt more than ready to go home. If today had been any indication, this school year would be one I couldn’t wait to have over.

    At least I didn’t have to take the bus this year. Over the summer Dad had bought a new car and generously donated his old one, an eight-year-old Nissan Sentra in metallic gray, to me. It wasn’t much to look at, but it got me around wherever I wanted to go.

    The parking lot became a mad rush as everyone tried to leave the school at the same time. I eased my car into the line-up and inched my way closer to the parking lot exit. While I waited for the next vehicle in front to move up, someone walked between the cars. I tightened my hands on the steering wheel as Trent walked in front of mine. He seemed to pause for a few seconds as he turned his head to look right at me through the windshield. There was no mistaking the interest that flashed in his brown eyes. I gulped and stared back.

    A horn-honk came from the car behind me. I jumped and looked in my rearview mirror to find the boy in the vehicle behind me waving for me to go. I shifted my gaze to the front only to see the back of Trent as he walked away. The car honked again. I felt tempted to flip the guy off but thought better of it. With my luck, he’d get out of his car and yell at me if I did.

    On the drive home, I couldn’t stop thinking about Trent. He’d never acted as if he knew I existed before. What was so different about today that he finally noticed me? I had no idea. I hadn’t changed that much over the summer. If anything, Trent seemed to be the one who had while school had been out. He looked taller. He had to be at least six feet now, and he seemed to have packed on more muscle. I hadn’t missed the well-defined muscles on his chest and arms. The black T-shirt he wore fit snug enough to show them off. I’d promised to email Cathy after I got home from school on the first day. I’d have to make sure I told her about Trent not treating me as if I were invisible.

    After I arrived at home, I parked my car at the side of the driveway so Dad could put his new one in the garage. I pushed open the front door and called out to Mom. Mom, I’m home. She’d always been at home for me and my younger brother, Jared.

    I’m in the kitchen, Mika.

    I put my backpack on the floor near the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Mom sat at the table, sipping on a cup of tea. She smiled when I walked into the room. Even though Mom chose to stay at home with her kids rather than leave us at babysitters while she went off to work, it didn’t mean she didn’t take care of herself. Just about as slim as I am, she by no means looks forty-five years old. Now that I’m older, we sometimes get mistaken for sisters. Of course Mom loves that. I cringe every time I hear someone say it.

    Mom kicked a chair

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