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Shrinking the Heroes
Shrinking the Heroes
Shrinking the Heroes
Ebook452 pages6 hours

Shrinking the Heroes

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The award-winning political satire (originally published as From the Notebooks of Doctor Brain), Shrinking the Heroes is a hilarious, outrageous, gonzo take on the Bush Administration, confirming Minister Faust as one of the finest novelists of his generation.

Shrinking the Heroes contains the book-within-a-book, Unmasked: When Being a Superhero Can't Save You From Yourself!, a self-help book for superheroes recounting the group therapy of six of the worst and most powerful super-employees of the Fantastic Order Of Justice (the F*O*O*J).

Superbly caricaturing a range of DC and Marvel superhero conventions, while taking expert aim at the idiocy, shallowness, hypocrisy and viciousness of the celebrity industry, the cult of therapy, and the imperial US presidency, Shrinking the Heroes will make you laugh, cry… and yell.

Winner: Carl Brandon Society Kindred Award

Special Citation (Runner-Up): Philip K. Dick Prize

ROBERT SAWYER, Hugo Award-winning author of Hominids: "Minister Faust does it again: an outlandish, outrageous tour de force by the most innovative prose stylist in the field, bar none."

COREY REDEKOP, author of Shelf Monkey: "Faust's novel stands equal to such classics [as Watchmen and Dark Knight]."

CHARLES SAUNDERS, author of Imaro: "Pure satire... laugh-out-loud comedy. Superhero parodies have been done before. So have dysfunctional super-beings, ranging from Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four to the Watchmen. But nobody has done it as well as the Minister. If Richard Pryor had ever written science fiction, he might have come up with something like Doctor Brain.... Minister Faust is shaping up to become a one-man New Wave in the SF genre."

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY (STARRED REVIEW): "Sharp satire of caped crusaders hides a deeper critique of individual treatment versus social injustice.... uncomfortable parallels to real-world urban tragedies in the novel's 'July 16 Attacks.'"

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: "Entertaining... saavy."

ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH: "Brilliantly complex … dead-on satire of our times."

SFSITE.COM: "A whirlwind of jokes, satire, obscure pop references, devastating cultural analysis and prose poetry that never lets up from beginning to end.... This is political and cultural satire of the highest sort, and Faust is earning a place among the masters of the craft."

BLOG T.O. SUNDAY BOOK REVIEW: "A major accomplishment that is laugh out loud funny... This is the most revolutionary work of SF since William Gibson's Neuromancer…. I'm confident in saying that this is the best SF book of the 2007 - maybe the best book of the year."

SUNQIST BLOG: "The best book of the year... incredibly important...."

STRANGE HORIZONS: "Hilarious and pointed.... Like all the best satirists (Swift comes to mind).... Cutting commentary... true art."

SF READER.COM: "A well-paced suspense novel packed with twists and bluffs, together with an intelligent satire on post-9/11 Western society.... Wonderfully written... a multi-layered and satisfying read."

SCIFI.COM: "[Minister Faust's] insane fecundity and jazzy verbal dexterity, his sheer brio and exuberance... reminds me of Ishmael Reed or Steve Aylett... plenty of moments in this novel where I laughed out loud."

THE PINOCCHIO THEORY: "Had me laughing from the first page to the last. But the book is also a mind-boggling, multi-levelled allegory of racism and corporate fascism in America today.... Faust is brilliant."

Release dateDec 20, 2018
Shrinking the Heroes

Minister Faust

Minister Faust is a novelist, print/radio/television journalist, blogger, sketch comedy writer, video game writer, playwright, and poet. He also taught high school and junior high English literature and composition for a decade. According to The Routledge Companion to Literature and Science, “Since 1960s, Afrodiasporic authors including Samuel R. Delany, Octavia E. Butler, Nalo Hopkinson, and Minister Faust have become luminaries within the SF community.” The critically-acclaimed author of The Alchemists of Kush and the Kindred Award-winning and Philip K. Dick runner-up Shrinking the Heroes, Minister Faust first won accolades for his debut The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad, shortlisted for the Locus Best First Novel and Philip K. Dick awards. Minister Faust’s short stories have appeared in Cyber World, Edmonton on Location, Fiery Spirits, Griots: A Sword and Soul Anthology, Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond, and elsewhere. iO9, Adventure Rocketship, Canada 150: Stories of Reconciliation Connecting Us All, Engineer Magazine, The Globe & Mail, Greg Tate’s Coon Bidness, and more have published his articles. Minister Faust's Afritopianism draws from myriad ancient African civilisations, explores present realities, and imagines a future in which people struggle not only for justice, but for the stars.

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    Book preview

    Shrinking the Heroes - Minister Faust




    Very Bad Condition

    CHAPTER ONE: Operation: Cooperation!

    CHAPTER TWO: Facing the Ultimate Arch-Enemy

    CHAPTER THREE: Clash of the Icons

    CHAPTER FOUR: Iconoclastic Means I Can!


    Missing Number One

    CHAPTER FIVE: Limited Series

    CHAPTER SIX: Up is Down: The Path Inside is Outside

    CHAPTER SEVEN: Who Are You, Really? Secret Origins and Secret Shames

    CHAPTER EIGHT: Unrequited Hate


    Appealing to a Higher Power

    CHAPTER NINE: Paranoia: It Can Destroy Ya

    CHAPTER TEN: The Battle of All Mothers, the Mother of All Battles

    CHAPTER ELEVEN: Self-Distraction is Self-Destruction

    CHAPTER TWELVE: Superheroes Need Super-Egos


    Be a Phoenix, Not a Dodo


    About the Real Author

    Reading Group Questions

    The Music of Shrinking the Heroes

    Praise for Shrinking the Heroes

    Faustian Bargains

    Videos and More




    Why Are You Reading this Book?

    You can wrap a steel I-beam around your neck with your bare hands and wear it like a tie. You can swim so quickly that you can go back in time to offer Columbus correct directions to India. You can climb the outside of a building, regurgitate the ton of paper you’ve eaten, and weave a beautiful multilevel hive while not paying a cent in downtown rent.

    But are you happy?

    There was an innocent time not so long ago when most people assumed that the flamboyant adventurers whose stories emblazoned the front pages of our newspapers and whose exploits ricocheted across the six o’clock news must really have had it all: fame, good looks, public adulation, and seemingly godlike powers.

    But as our society has matured, many of the greatest heroes of our time have come to the numbing epiphany that invincibility and immortality simply aren’t enough. The war of Götterdämmerung was finally concluded in victory, the worst ultra-menaces were locked inside the maximum-security force fields of Asteroid Zed, and the rest of the misguided offenders are being cared for by the finest psychiatric facilities for the atomically insane.

    But while super-lawbreakers are being profiled in movies of the week, fêted for their (sometimes literally) ghost-written autobiographies, and cared for to the price of millions of tax dollars, who will care for you?

    Who will care for you, the brave men and women who put away the menacing malefactors? Who will care for you, the courageous crusaders who risked your headquarters, your magic bracelets and diadems, your proprietary technology, your connection with your sub-dimensional xeno-souls, and even your lives? Who will care for you, who jeopardised every relationship you were forced to put on hold or which you allowed to wither while you were fighting to preserve our freedom?

    Far too often, the sad answer has been . . . no one.

    You men and women who kept our world safe from the likes of the Infinity Farmer and his Time Tractor, from X-Stacy and the Ravers, or from the technopurges of Robot-Stalin, have too often defined yourselves solely by the existence of your foes. But what are you supposed to do now that those foes are gone, and the ungrateful world no longer applauds from the safety of its decorative balconies?

    What are you supposed to do now that you’re trapped in a safe world of your own making, a world which offers you no challenge, no rôle, no identity, and no external enemies?

    Yes, the supervillains of old are gone. But there’s a new group of them around today. And they’re psychic. No, not psychic like Sarah Bellum, Menton the Destroyer, or the specially-relative Einstein Baboons.

    Nor have these villains crafted poisons such as green glowing crystals hidden inside lead strong boxes, or poisonous prions murdering you one DNA-helix at a time. Instead these poisons are locked inside your head and your heart, revealing themselves as depression, paranoia, rage, guilt, performance anxiety, psionic decay, dimension-shifting, impotence, im-omnipotence, or any number of other impairments of the soul.

    Perhaps now you’re forced to recognise that hyper-hominidism is equal part curse to the blessing of your glory days.

    But if you’ve been suffering due to HH, the time to suffer without help is no more.


    My name is Dr. Eva Brain-Silverman, but to thousands of super-powered individuals like you I’m simply known as Doctor Brain. For twenty years at my Hyper-Potentiality Clinic in the refurbished Mount Palomax Observatory in sunny Los Ditkos, I’ve been helping the extraordinarily-abled to adjust to a life beyond heroics, and to feel alive again even when there are no more neutron bombs to defuse inside the UN building.

    The book you’re holding in your hands is the summation of two decades of advice I’ve dispensed as balm to heroes across North America at lectures, seminars and clinical sessions.

    But it’s more than that. It’s also the case study of the most spectacular group session of my career, whose destructive dysfunction culminated in the diabolical July 16th Attacks which are even now reshaping our world.

    When first contacted by the Board of Directors of the Fantastic Order Of Justice to assist its six most contentious and confused members in conquering their intercommunal conflicts, I leapt at the opportunity to assist. Which heroes among Earth’s foremost fighting force for freedom, I wondered, were so bent on antagonising each other and destroying themselves that their own leadership was threatening to terminate them unless they solved their problems in group therapy?

    To my astonishment, my line-up was a list of legends among legends:

    Omnipotent Man, AKA Wally Watchtower, seventy-one-year-old refugee from the destroyed planet Argon, and Earth’s mightiest man,

    The Flying Squirrel, AKA Festus Piltdown III, seventy-year-old billionaire industrialist and scourge of the criminal underworld,

    Iron Lass, AKA Hnossi Icegaard, the immortal Norse warrior-goddess and the planet’s leading martial strategist,

    The Brotherfly, AKA André P-Fly Parker, twenty-six-year-old wall-crawling, wise-cracking, blue-bottled ladies’ man,

    Power Grrrl, AKA Syndi Tycho, the nineteen-year-old dynamic diva and pop music sensation, and

    The X-Man, AKA Philip Kareem Edgerton, the thirty-four-year-old detective supreme and militant rabble-rouser from the squalid ghettoes of Los Ditkos.

    While numbering only six, these individuals bore afflictions galore: SID (Secret Identity Diffusion), NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder), SC (Saviour Complex), ODI-CFFB (Obsessive Defensive-Ideation and Compulsive Fight-or-Flight Behaviour), IC (Icon Trap), Mortiquaeroticism (death-seeking urges), and RNPN (Racialised Narcissistic Projection Neurosis), among others.

    Added into this miasma of mental maladies were group dysfunctions: Rudolfism and the Uranus Complex. And pervading all their disturbances, the leading malaise of our times among hyper-hominids: MILD (Mission-Identity Loss Disturbance), also known as PHSD (Post-Heroic Stress Disorder).


    By examining the three-week travail-to-triumph odyssey of the most extraordinary assembly of patients—or as I prefer to say, sanity supplicants—I have ever treated, you will put yourself on a trajectory out of the magma-pits of mediocrity and into the metropolis of mental health.

    Unmasked! When Being a Superhero Can’t Save You From Yourself will give you back the ultravision you once had—but stronger, so that you can perceive not only threats like MicroCrip and his Nanogangstas, but the ennui that destabilises the super-ego ions of your self-respect.

    Reading this book is the first step in re-arming yourself with the ultrapower necessary to rescue the only innocent person you’ve so far failed to save: yourself!











    FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1:43 P.M.

    Omnipotent Man, shouted Iron Lass, help me knock zis monster off balance!

    Her cloak exploding like coal dust and transforming itself into huge black wings, the Valkyrie streaked into the sky with Omnipotent Man trailing her as a red, blue and white flash.

    The rest of the team scrambled in the badlands sands, narrowly escaping being crushed. With ever-increasing speed, the mile-high metallic wheel of mayhem rolled its juggernaut path north-west towards the ten million people of Los Ditkos.

    "What is that thing?" screamed Power Grrrl.

    Buzzing above us and almost silhouetted by the flaming sunset, the Brotherfly whooped, Muss be Codzilla’s hoola-hoop!

    Don’t either of you know a kot-tam thing? That’s Cyclo-Tron! yelled the X-Man, gaping at the terror-wheel rolling its long arc to merge onto the Interstate towards its target. From this distance, Cyclo-Tron’s twirling lights resembled an ultra-massive Ferris wheel, but only for a carnival of destruction in which the cotton candy is made of pink insulation and the corn-dogs have sticks of dynamite inside them. Nearly destroyed Houston in ’78, yelled X-Man, until—

    —until Captain Alamo and the Confederate Wrecking Crew turned it into the world’s largest spare parts yard, said the Flying Squirrel, focusing his Squirreloscope on the retreating spectacle of Iron Lass and Omnipotent Man failing to knock over the unicycled behemoth. Well, X-Man? We need a vehicle!

    The X-Man closed his eyes. Brotherfly wrapped his arms and legs around Power Grrrl to fly her away, scraping the ground occasionally with her legs from bearing the additional weight.

    Slowly, carefully, the X-Man enunciated the word au-to-mo-bile.

    A geometry of shadows—onyx curves, lines and planes—congealed in front of me, composing themselves into the finned sleekness of a shining 1955 Ford Fairlane. X-Man and his elder jumped inside, rocketing down the cracked and splintered highway.

    Clicking forward several miles, I found Iron Lass and Omnipotent Man swirling like chaff in a dust devil, desperately dodging deathbeams from the sinister spokes of the Cyclo-Tron. The wheel’s blinding neon rays slashed mile-long smoking scars into the badlands, leaving the rubble reeking of sulfur. Omnipotent Man was virtually invulnerable, but airborne, Iron Lass lacked the protection of her impregnable wings, and was ignitable as a chicken breast marinated in ethanol.

    Witnessing Cyclo-Tron nearly incinerate the Brotherfly and Power Grrrl, Iron Lass swooped down to where they were flying mere inches above the badlands floor of cactus and purple sage. Get her out uff here, you verdammt ik-noramus! she yelled.

    "Like, we have every right to be here?" shouted Power Grrrl, clinging to the Brotherfly’s midsection like a baby possum on its mother’s belly. Even while furious, she intoned her statements like questions, as if expressing uncertainty or seeking the permission of some unknown agency.

    You cannot do any goot here, Broderfly! yelled Iron Lass. Get aheadt to Los Ditkos—get ze civilians out of ze way!

    But damn, Lass, said the Brotherfly, you c’n fly faster than I can, specially with this li’l girly-girl weighin me down!

    "Omnipotent Man unt I vill slow Cyclo-Tron down—now you get her out uff here!"

    Off flew the two youngest members, Iron Lass shouting to her partner to follow her lead. Zooming miles ahead on the highway and then hovering low, she swung her black long-sword Darkalfheimsdottir towards the road. Muspells-fire belched from her blade, turning a hundred-yard stretch into a hundred-foot-deep flaming crater.

    Streaking back another mile, the valourous Valkyrie dragged her white Grendelsmuter short-sword with her, the entire distance crackling into ice in her wake. Vally, rip it up!

    Sweeping low like a stealth bomber, Omnipotent Man dug his arms beneath the skin of the road, ripping it into the air like grass-clippings.

    Cyclo-Tron rolled right through their speed bump, slowing slightly, but not stopping.

    Iron Lass: Odin damn it!

    Omnipotent Man: Hnossi, I unnerstand y’upset, but there’s never any need for that kinda language, even if y’are invokin yer heathenish blasphemy agin—

    Vally, for ze love of fuckink Loki, just do sumsingk!

    Roger that, Iron Lass, ma’am, he said, streaking off.

    Clicking over to Route 22 on the outskirts of Los Ditkos, I found the Brotherfly and Power Grrrl struggling to evacuate a Squirrel Burger drive-in franchise.

    Yo, my peeps, yelled the Brotherfly, crawling along the ceiling and yelling down towards the customers, you gots to get your Squirrelly Fries and Nut Shakes on an turn yo highways to bye-ways, cuz danger is biz-anging on the door and briz-anging hell with it, kwam sayn?

    Apparently none did know what he was saying, for staring back were nothing but blank eyes, while mouths kept chewing and seam-popping polyestered legs remained motionless beneath the bright pink furry tables.

    I got this one, Brotherfly! said Power Grrrl. Hear ye, hear me, she called out, disco lights streaming out of her bustier, a dance track thumping out of her Power Pumps. She sang:

    "You got to get the move on, your groove on!

    It’s time for PG’s smooth song, the lube song!

    And o-o-o-O-O-uh-uh-UH-UH-UH-"

    she intoned, rippling in her trademarked R&B/gospel trill,

    —can you think! slink! and JINK like ME?

    In a Squirrel Burger blink, sixty diners of all ages, body-shapes, races, and genders simply . . . disappeared.

    Replacing them instantly, in the same chairs and the same poses, were three-score uniformed Power Grrrls, booty-shaking their way behind the original as she dance-beat them to safety outside and away.

    A moment later, a grey-haired man in plaid slacks with an eagle-shaped Elvis belt buckle shuffled his way out of the restroom, zipping up his fly. Swooping down on him, the Brotherfly plucked him up and out of the restaurant an instant before Cyclo-Tron flattened the diner into an inch-high greasy crust of flaming rubble and burning food products.


    Checking my display, I clicked myself over to the fringes of mainland Los Ditkos where the X-Man and Flying Squirrel were speeding at a hundred and sixty miles an hour over fractured highway right behind the thundering Cyclo-Tron.

    Lacking any real opposition, the hurricane wheel had ceased firing its particle beams—otherwise X-Man and Flying Squirrel would have been reduced to nothing but costumed puffs of smoke.

    Omnipotent Man, Iron Lass! shouted the X-Man into his comm. "What in the hell’re you two doing in south-east Los Ditkos? We’ve gotta stop this thing out here!"

    Wellsir, crackled back the voice of Omnipotent Man, we can’t let this here monster-osity cross the Centurion Bridge over to Bird Island. If downtown Los Ditkos were destroyed, th’whole free ennerprise system of the state could be at stake!

    "So you’re gonna bring down that big metal bastard in my neighbourhood? So what if all the coloureds buy it, so long as you can save Ivory-Town?"

    Son, snapped the Squirrel, this isn’t the time for your Zulu god-damned nationalism, do you hear me? For once in your life listen to people who know what they’re actually doing and let them bring down this giant steel cocksucker like they know how to!

    Old man, we can clear the path to Centurion Bridge and destroy the bridge to drown this motherfucker in the river, we can destroy Cyclo-Tron here while we still can, or I can personally rip you to pieces and fry you into hot wings. Now either shut your caviar-hole or help me blast this freak—or better yet both!

    And how do you suggest we do that, Rochester?

    What’s its power source?

    Even behind the mask, the Flying Squirrel’s eyes glinted. Get me as close as you can to that super-colliding son-of-a-bitch!

    As if he were piloting a ship in a tsunami, X-Man ripped at the steering wheel, hurtling inside in the ditch while keeping pace with the giant wheel’s hub, all the while dodging the storm of crushed cars, spinning street lamps, and flying trees pouring down on them. Dialling his comm, the Flying Squirrel waited for his connection and then unleashed thirty seconds of fury at the person on the opposite end.

    Instantly Cyclo-Tron’s lights went black. Slowly, the peak of its rotation dipped left, and the device fell straight for the Ford Fairlane.

    X-Man cranked hard to the right, arcing 180 degrees east. Behind him, the entire mile-high apparatus that was Cyclo-Tron plummeted. From that height, the distance to fall was so great that the descent appeared to be in slow-motion, until the wheel clapped the earth with a sound like God backfiring His own Humvee, turning every window within four miles of the shock wave into a mutilating hurricane of slivered glass.

    "I can’t believe you pathetic bunch of cripples!" snapped the Flying Squirrel, ripping off his Event Helmet, unstrapping himself from the Event Chair, and storming out of the Id-Smasher® before I could call him back.

    I tapped my panel, releasing all my sanity-supplicants from their Event Chairs. Each one detached him or herself, stretching and groaning, before exiting the techno-pinnacle of my analytical career. At over three stories tall, the neuro-dimensional Id-Smasher® was a glittering titanium tower of nine hundred terabits of cognintegrated processing power. I held back a moment, admiring the technology which interlaced the psychespheres of my patients via the long, slender transduction rods through its two black processing bulbs.

    Looks just like a giant shrimp, Doc, said the Brotherfly, observing me observing. "Come to thank of it, I’m hongry for some take-out now that we up outta there! Brotherfly be sayin ‘ka-pow!’—or should it be ‘kung-pow?’ Bzzzt! Somebody, anybody, can I get a witness?"

    Laughing at his own joke, he looked around for reinforcement, holding out a hand palm-up for slapping reinforcement. He received none.

    Thank you for sharing, André, I offered.

    Now could somebody fill me in on suh’m? said Omnipotent Man, rubbing off a dried trail of drool from the side of his mouth. How exactly did we brang down ol’ Cyclo-Tron, anyway? Cuz I think I mighta missed how thet happened.

    Festus shook his head. Since you people couldn’t destroy it, I went after its power source.

    X-Man snorted. "Only because I told you to!"

    The Flying Squirrel rippled an eyebrow in my direction, then said, When we were driving alongside that mangler, I called Senator Grapht. For the ignorant among you, Grapht is the head of the Defense Appropriations Committee which funds the DOD and therefore kept Cyclo-Tron operational. I had Grapht yank its funding. He harrumphed, fluttering his cape-flaps. Hell of a simulation you’ve got there, Doctor, to’ve actually arranged a simulated Senator for me to talk to. Do you have a J. Edgar in some other section of that program, too?

    I’m glad you approve, Festus. The program improvises according to the essential logic of any gambit you take and responds accordingly.

    Hmph. Anyway, he said, "that’s how it’s supposed to be done. Analyse the situation first. That’s what Hawk King taught us—those of us who bothered to learn. Forget brute-force idiocy. That’s for amateurs. We’re the professionals."

    I waved everyone along. Now, if you’d all like to get dressed, we’ll pick up in the Group Dynamics Verbalarium.


    All teams, super or otherwise, function and dysfunction like all families do: with inter-generational misunderstanding, birth-order clusters of privilege and disfavour, brutal grudges, pathological co-dependencies, tragically scripted behaviour loops, toxic levels of neglect and abuse, and phony displays of affection and loyalty.

    This catalogue of psychological cancers forms what I call the base sicks—the bombed-out foundation of every human being which is the source of all adult misery and the terror of every inner child. Because these base sicks are buried at the deepest-level programming of any group’s origin, they’re as invisible to the individuals they’re poisoning as a rainbow is to Dog Man.


    Emerging from the changing room, Power Grrrl stumbled, falling into me. I helped her along while she regained her reality legs, noting the extraordinary change in her appearance. Gone was the black and silver Sensosilk Event-Tunic, replaced by one of her more restrained uniforms: a dazzle of sequins, a lace vest with garters, and thigh-high leather boots whose skyscraper heels had no doubt contributed to her tumble.

    Like, Eva, she asked me, "could we have like died or something in that simulation? Because I am totally not cool with that?"

    Behind us, Iron Lass ground her teeth so loudly that for a moment I thought she was chewing ice.

    No, Syndi, not to worry, I said, intercepting the Valkyrie’s objection. The multiple waivers you signed cleared me of any liability in the unlikely event of your mental incapacitation, grievous bodily harm, or life-cessation, but while you could experience the illusion of pain inside the Id-Smasher®, your bodies couldn’t be killed, even if your somatic simulations could be.

    It’s precisely that kind of cowardice, grumbled the man waiting for us inside the Verbalarium, that’s destroyed this organisation.

    Sitting already in the ring of chairs, the Flying Squirrel almost glowed from the sunlight streaming onto him. The fur of his world-famous mask was gleaming with its oversized animal ears, snub nose, long white whiskers, and giant, pink-rimmed black eyes. With his Olympic build, tight skin, and laser-like stare, he looked more like the young Brian Dennehy portrayed him in the 1976 feature Flying Squirrel and Chip Monk than the seventy-year-old he was. But no one could mistake the power throbbing inside his clawed and furry gloves for that of anyone else.

    Cowardice. Contempt for chain of command. Lack of discipline, sneered the Flying Squirrel. And a hundred other maladies of character forming a lethal cocktail that has shaken, not stirred, everything that Hawk King spent decades building. If he’d seen how you invalids performed in there today—

    "O-ka-ay, we get it? said Power Grrrl, snapping her bubble gum. You know Hawk King, you like worked with Hawk King, you used to fetch coffee for Hawk King—I got it the like first thousand times?"

    Aw, man, Squirrelly, said André. "Brotherfly say Girly-Grrl just put the bzzzt! on you—"

    Quiet, you, said Festus Piltdown III. He paused to scrub Power Grrrl with his glance. "And as for you, your juvenile blandishments which reduce every statement to an interrogative don’t erase the simple fact that your performance was sub-farcical!"

    Oh, now jess tether yer ponies a sec, Festy, said Omnipotent Man, making a whoah gesture with his hands. I’ont think we was all s’bad in there. We set ’er up, an you an th’X-Man knocked ’er down. That’s the hokey-pokey, right? He grinned and winked at the ravenish woman in the winged helmet. Iron Lass’s ivory faced flushed. He sang, Now we turn ourselves around . . . thet’s what it’s all about!

    Ah, poor, pathetic, possum-fried Wally, said the Flying Squirrel, shaking his head minutely. "Would you be giving that moonshine-and-stained-overalls assessment if Hawk King were here? Did you happen to notice that your so-called settin’ ’er up amounted to a virtually-zero rôle in the mission’s success?"

    The X-Man spat, ‘Success’?

    All faces turned to Kareem Edgerton, HKA the X-Man, before flitting towards my hand, which I kept poised above my whistle like a gunfighter fingering his Colt.

    Kareem leaned back in his seat, letting out a breath while reconsidering his tone. If today’s ‘combat’ had been real, there would’ve been a hundred thousand people lined up outside of hospitals looking like bleeding pin-cushions from the flying glass. ‘Success’? he said, catching his voice just as it spiked. He glanced toward my whistle, looked down, loosened his fists, and stage-whispered, You call that success . . . I’d hate to see failure.


    Festus Piltdown said, If you’d been in this business as long as I have, Edgerton, you’d know that sometimes tough decisions, executive decisions, are required when the professionals take on the hard jobs no one else is qualified for—

    Professionals? said the X-Man, extravagantly sweeping invisible lint from his black blazer and pants. "Mr. Squirrel here said ‘professionals’ like that’s something to be proud of. But there’re professional killers, too. And those two, he said, wagging his chin across the circle, first to Omnipotent Man and then to Iron Lass, were willing to professionally liquidate everyone in Langston-Douglas to protect the borough of Bird Island. Don’t the people in Stun-Glas have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of not being blown to kot-tam hell?"

    I moved my whistle towards my lips.

    Excuse me, Doc, said Kareem. "‘Blown to golly-gee-whiz-gol-dang heck.’ Or was it just that not enough professionals live over in mainland Los Ditkos?"

    Hnossi Icegaard shifted in her chair, gripping her skull as if to keep it from splitting along its sutures. It vuss only a simulation, Kareem, she sighed, adjusting her gleaming silver-gold breastplate and blackfeather cloak. No actual human beinks vut haff been harmedt. Just like in ze moofies.

    So why not—! Kareem stopped, lowered his volume and tempo. "Why not . . . just let Cyclo-Tron hit the island, then? Like the Squirrel said, when we were inside the simulation we all believed it was real. And yet you and Wally had no hesitation to sacrifice how many of us to save how few of you?"

    Oh, Kareem! snapped Power Grrrl. That’s, like, not even—

    That didn’t take long, did it? said Festus. Have we gone to simulated Las Vegas now? Because once again Kareem is playing his race cards!

    You know, in my experience, said Kareem, caging his fingers and drawing out his words, "the jokers . . . who talk the most about ‘playing the race card’ . . . are the people who own all the diamonds . . . who’ve picked up the clubs . . . to beat down the spades . . . because they’ve got no heart."

    The Brotherfly laughed, slapping his knees in exaggerated delight. "You gots to admit, Squirrelly-man, Kareem just put the bzzzt! on y’all!"

    Kareem switched his gaze to Omnipotent Man and Iron Lass. Five times more people live on the mainland than on the island. I even told you two to clear a path for Cyclo-Tron to get onto Centurion Bridge so we could sink it there. Did you even consider moving into position?

    For all you know, Kareem, even if ve’d destroyt ze bridch, Cyclo-Tron vut haff continuedt rollink out of ze vaater. Dit you sink about zat?

    I notice you dodged my question, Hnossi: did you even consider taking out the bridge or not? Or did that just never even enter into your equation?

    Now, X-Man, hold up there a minute, said Wally. "Yore saying it’s like we wannid t’harm the citizens of Langston-Douglas, or like we jess din’t care whether they got smoked. But now, what if Bird Island got flattened, and then th’entire economy crashed? Then all the mummies an daddies in Langston-Douglas woulda lost their jobs! Well then how they supposta pay their mortgages? You really want alla them folks t’lose their homes?"

    Wallace, have you ever even set foot in Stun-Glas? You think the people there have mortgages? You think half the people there even have jobs?

    Now jess round up yer rangers a spell, Kareem. I been to mainland Los Ditkos all kindsa times. Jess last week I got a ball off the roof at one of those midnight basketball dealies. Very nice fellas playin, too. And don’t be bad-mouthing those folks by saying they don’t have jobs, no sir. I saw lots a fine automobiles there with some very shiny, expensive-looking hubcaps, an that means hard-working folks, car loans an auto dealerships fulla happy employees. Gracious jiminny, th’folks down there even try t’dress like superheroes—evra-one wearing all-red or all-blue—

    This monolithic level of ignorance about life in Stun-Glas, said Kareem, imploring the ceiling itself, is exactly why the F*O*O*J lost its HUD contract to police the neighbourhood in the first place, and why the L*A*B picked it up and protected our homes, reduced crime to almost nothing and earned the loyalty of the people there—

    Maybe, Kareem, said Festus, if your L*A*B wasn’t such a bunch of spear-sharpening, whitey-boiling racists, they would’ve kept in HUD’s favour. But then they wouldn’t be the League of Angry Blackmen anymore, would they?

    You hear that, Doc? Where’s your whistle now? Festus, those sheets you ride around in at night—they made of satin, or silk?

    I don’t have to take that from you, Edgerton!

    I blew my Mind Whistle™, and the bickering ceased as quickly as the migraines sucked everyone’s hands to their skulls.

    Ladies and gentlemen, we went over the rules yesterday, I reminded them, while resentment skittered across my group’s faces like silverfish across a dinner plate.

    "I’d thought we might go a few weeks at least before the whistle first had to be used, but . . . well. While controlled venting is a necessary part of the therapeutic process, aimless unleashing of anti-happiness merely blasts psychemotional shrapnel into the vulnerable underbelly of our healing community. Your real task inside the Id-Smasher® wasn’t tactical training, of course, but to prepare you for post-simulation self-observation of how you are de-capacitating the life-potentials you seek.

    "Your Board of Directors—pardon me, your F*O*O*J Leadership Administrative Committee—was quite specific with me, and with all of you. Unless you six can resolve the problems that are making you, and I quote, ‘contentious in the extreme, dysfunctional, and impossible to work with,’ end quote, the F*L*A*C will terminate your employment with and membership in the F*O*O*J."

    I let the weight of my words rest like rhetorical cement blocks upon their psychemotional fingernails. Each hero was still wincing from the beneficial operant-conditioning of the Mind Whistle™.

    Now, while some of you are unconcerned at the prospect of losing your benefits and pension, either due to your personal fortune, I said, nodding to the Flying Squirrel, or due to your immortality, I continued, nodding to the Iron Lass, "I assume the real threat is that of dishonourable discharge from the Fantastic Order Of Justice.

    And while such scandal might be a temporary boost in the ‘no press is bad press’ mode, dishonourable discharge from the F*O*O*J could severely damage a young heroine’s outside commercial endorsements, I said, nodding to Power Grrrl, distance oneself from the command of dedicated soldiers, I said, nodding again to Iron Lass, or from a community of friends and admirers, I said to the young black man with the floppy transparent wings, blue-bottled bug-eye goggles, and hairy antennae.

    I finished by nodding to the thirty-four year old black man in his conservative black suit-and-tie. And it would annihilate an ambitious man’s career aspirations.

    Everyone finally took their chairs to join Festus Piltdown III in the circle, leaving the X-Man as the last man standing, since he’d been jockeying to avoid sitting near either Power Grrrl or Festus. Finally he sat on the opposite side of the circle from his implacable adversary, the Squirrel.

    Perhaps ironically (for those untrained in psychoanalysis), the quietest of the group stood out the most. He’d made neither fuss nor folly during the just-concluded mini-fracas, and he sat serenely resplendent in his blue suit, golden epaulets, red necktie, and cape. Were I not a highly perceptive practitioner of the healing arts of psychotherapy, I might have believed this man had no worries at all, with his massive brawn and his hands folded in his lap so immaculately they appeared to’ve been carved by Michelangelo himself.

    But I did know better. For Omnipotent Man was as wracked with self-destructive pain as any of his comrades beside him.


    As you just saw, conflict on a hyper-hominid team is virtually inevitable. That’s because careers self-select for personality type. The irony, of course, is that success during the workday can mean severe interpersonal and psychological dysfunction at night.

    Take Clifford David Stinson, HKA the Tectonic Man. His heroism demanded his willingness, indeed his eagerness, to smash anything, anywhere at any time. But during domestic disputes, he also smashed several of his own homes and vehicles as well as those of his neighbours in Los Ditkos’s upscale Royal Arch district. In 1988 he so flattened Bucksome Hills that City Council had to rename it Spinster Flats.

    Eventually Clifford Stinson’s personal failings became professional ones. In 1983, when the Gasteroids threatened to infest the intestinal tracts of the entire population of Crystal City, Arizona, Stinson reduced its City Hall, Jewel Museum, and forty percent of its downtown to shards. No one doubted that smashing has its place—but never in Crystal City.

    Similarly, Magna’s magnetic-seduction was powerful enough to sway even the Iron Eunuch and the Cobalt Castrati. But her over-reliance on her erotopathic powers to the exclusion of all her others tossed her off the peak of a celebrated career and into a sewer of sexual addiction, face-down in the lap of the capes,

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