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Blood on the Crown
Blood on the Crown
Blood on the Crown
Ebook352 pages6 hours

Blood on the Crown

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Blood on the Crown is set in the latter half of the fourteenth century.

Will son of Harry is about to join one of the freebooting mercenaries who serve the Black Prince in Gascony and Spain. Soldiers of fortune they fight for pay and for loot. Circumstances mean that he comes to the attention of the heir to the English throne, Prince Edward and is chosen as the bodyguard for his sons, Edward and Richard. When the Black Prince dies before his father and his elder brother Edward also dies, a young Richard of Bordeaux becomes heir to the throne and Will has a greater responsibility than he expected. He becomes King at the age of just ten. Intrigue, attempted murder and a revolt by the peasants of Kent, Essex and London put both the young King and his bodyguard in mortal danger.

Based on the actual events of the years 1367- 1382 the novel shows the struggle for the crown through the eyes of a young warrior.

PublisherGriff Hosker
Release dateFeb 15, 2019

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    Blood on the Crown - Griff Hosker


    My father was not a cruel man. At least he said he was not being cruel when he beat me. He said that he was a hard man. When he punished me, he would say it was for my own good to make me as hard as him. He would beat me when he said I had made a mistake and that was often. He did it, he said, to make me a better man. Old Tom said when my father was drunk and unable to take a heavy leather belt, his baldric, to me, that my father was punishing me for the sins of my mother. She had run off when I had seen less than five summers and my father had been stuck with me. My mother was just a face which came to me in my dreams. She had been gone so long now that I could not remember her voice. Yet the smell of her hair still came to me. It was strange.

    I had been with him and the Blue Company since the campaign which led to the Battle of Poitiers. I travelled around with the men of the Free Company. I did not wonder that my mother left my father. I remembered that before she had left he had often beaten her. He was too free with his hands, especially when he had had a drink, and that was too often for me. It never affected his ability to fight. He was one of Sir Hugh Calverley’s men at arms, a member of the Blue Company. He was a mercenary, a sword for hire.

    My name is Will son of Harry. My father says that I am useless baggage and he wished he was rid of me but the other men in the company seem to like me. For some reason, I have some skill with the horses and I am tall for my age and strong. The others do not think me useless for I was able to groom their horses, when they had them, and fetch them water. Old Tom commanded our men at arms and he liked me. Each time the company went to battle I prayed, not for my father to survive but Old Tom. If he lived then I might survive. I knew that was unusual. Most of the children born to men of the Blue Company barely survived birth. The handful of children who followed the company were little more than extra baggage but I worked. I did not fight, save to join the other boys with their slings, but I was there, with my dagger, if we were needed.

    We had gone to Spain to help depose Peter the Cruel and we were led by Bertrand du Guesclin. He was a Breton. He knew his business and our forces succeeded in driving the Galician king from his throne and Henry of Trastámara, Peter the Cruel’s brother was crowned King. It was a quick, almost bloodless victory and we were paid well. My father was happy. I was not beaten for three days for he was drunk and away from our camp for most of them. Our work done we camped and my father spent his money.

    The battle resulted in Prince Edward being hired to retake Peter the Cruel’s kingdom. As the free companies were made up of Englishmen and Gascons, we left Bertrand du Guesclin to take service with Prince Edward, the Black Prince. Sir Hugh said the free companies had to fight for Prince Edward for he was their natural lord. We marched from one camp and into the other. Such was the life of a sword for hire.

    We followed the Black Prince. He led us to Portugal to reclaim the throne of the rightful ruler of that land. We heard that he had been promised gold and the crown of Galicia for Prince Edward’s eldest son, Edward. To our company, it mattered not. So long as someone paid Sir Hugh then the men at arms and archers were happy enough. When pay was not forthcoming the Blue Company sought other paymasters. If they found none they became bandits. This was not England nor even Gascony. This was the hot lands of Northern Spain, Galicia and Castile. So long as I tended the horses and fetched and carried then I was useful and I would be retained. I could not wait to be a man so that I could stand up to my father. That would be some years away. I swore that, one day, I would be more than the boy who swept up the horse shit!

    When we crossed into Spain and Portugal we entered a world I did not know. It was a world of heat and men who spoke a language I did not understand. The Prince had us fighting for someone else. My father seemed happy fighting there for the wine was cheap and plentiful. His face grew redder and the beatings more frequent. One day the beating was so bad that the men who had fought alongside my father had had enough. Old Tom took me from my father and appointed me to the company. I knew not why for I could not fight with the men; I was almost big enough but I did not think I had skills save that of looking after horses. I was, as my father, said, ‘useless baggage.’ That all changed that hot summer’s evening, two days after the battle of Nájera when Old Tom swore me in as a member of the Blue Company. My father’s former shield brothers took me and swore to train me as a warrior. My life changed in that instant. Had he not then I know I would not have attained the rank of gentleman. I would be lying dead in a ditch in Gascony.

    Part One- Will son of Harry

    Chapter 1

    As we marched from Nájera to Burgos the army led by Prince Edward was in high spirits. I was in high spirits. I had recovered well from the last beating. I had eaten better and I was healing. My father lumbered at the rear of our column while I kept close to Old Tom. Old Tom was a gentleman and rode the best horse in the company. That was another reason he liked me. I had a way with horses. I understood them and his jet-black horse with the white blaze, Badger, responded well to me. When other horses had died in the heat Badger had flourished and Old Tom or, to give him his proper title, Captain Thomas of Lincoln kept me close to him for that reason. Whenever we stopped he handed the reins to me knowing that when he returned to the saddle his horse would have been watered and had food. I often went without but his horse did not. I knew that my continued employment depended upon the horse. We had lost many horses in battle and in the heat of Spain. We now sought horses whenever we stopped. We moved more quickly with horses.

    I was employed now that I was of the Blue Company. I was not the ragged barefoot boy dressed in torn clothes which were neither changed nor washed. The Company had shared what they had. I was now warm and had sandals upon my feet. When I had been Harry of Lymm’s son I was nothing. I ate the scraps my father left for me or I foraged for myself. I was a good forager. I knew how to steal food and how to hide it. I was like a squirrel. I collected all that I could and hid it. Some was hidden in the wagon we used to carry our weapons while I secreted such treasures as dried meat about my person. When I ate them, they might be pungent and sometimes mouldy but they were food. One of the most respected members of our company, Red Ralph, commented that had I had proper food then I would be a giant. I had begun to grow rapidly once I had the same food as the other men. Being employed meant that I had a share of the food and a share of the pay. The fact that the Prince had not paid us yet did not seem to bother the others. Prince Edward was known as a fair paymaster. When he was paid then we would be too. He had been hired by Peter the Cruel to retake his kingdom and, as it was rich, there was the promise of much gold and silver. The one exception was my father. He whinged, moaned and whined about the lack of pay. No pay meant no wine unless he could steal some. Old Tom shut him up and Harry of Lymm stared with hateful eyes at our Captain and the son who had deserted him.

    I did fear for my life. My father bore grudges. There were few of the company who liked him. He had lost most of his friends either in battle or after he had changed. That had been when my mother left him. I learned more about my father as we marched. It came in snippets: a word here a phrase there, a look exchanged. I was clever and had quick wits. I learned more about my father in those months after I became a young would be warrior than in the preceding years.

    As soon as I joined the company Old Tom gave me a short sword. We won more than we lost and when we won we took whatever the dead left. This had been a poor sword which was not worth selling but it would do for the boy who watched the horses, fetched the firewood and foraged for food. There was no scabbard and it was not a good blade but it was a weapon and better than the short knife I had. I slept with both close to me. I feared that my father would do me harm. Red Ralph also liked me. He had known my mother and had not liked it when my father had beaten her. Ralph told me that he would try to get me some boots and a leather jerkin when next we fought. The clothes I wore were thin and that did not matter in the heat of Spain but they were ragged. The men of the Blue Company were proud men. They all tried to wear the same. When they had first gone to war, they had all worn a blue plume fastened to their helmets. They had long gone but each wore a scarf of blue. It was useful. As we marched through Spain on the dusty roads the men used them to cover their mouths and faces. I now had one. It had belonged to One Eyed Stephen who had died at Nájera. His shield brothers had shared the rest of his goods amongst themselves but they agreed that I could have the blue scarf. Until I had a shield and skills then I would have no shield brothers. I would be the boy who ran errands for the Captain and senior sergeants.

    The men I rode with had been the shield brothers of my father. That was no longer true. When my young, and, so the men told me, beautiful mother had left my father for a lord, Harry of Lymm had changed. He had always been a drinker. He had always been violent but my mother had been a good influence upon him. He was less violent but, as I grew older he beat both of us. With her gone, I was beaten. He fought with other men and they gradually shunned him. His shield brothers sent him from their fires but retained me. They had known me since I had been born. They had liked my mother and I became part of their camp. I felt honoured. My father ended up at the camp fire of the worst of our company, the thieves and vagabonds.

    The journey south was through hot lands and we stopped frequently. We had stopped at noon. It was too hot to travel too far in the heat. Men suffered and horses could die. Captain Tom slipped from the horse and handed me the reins. Find him some shade, Will, and water.

    Aye Captain. That was another change. When I had been Harry of Lymm’s boy I had called him master. Now he was my superior and I called him Captain.

    I will be with Sir Hugh. He wanted conference with me.

    The village in which we had stopped was poor and I could not see a well. I had an important job and that was to look after Badger. I had to water the horse. When the men rode I would water theirs too but we had lost many and most of the men marched afoot. When we could we would take horses again for our strength lay in the speed of our movement and the combination of men at arms and the finest archers in the world. Taking Badger’s reins, I led him between the buildings and down the slope. My days as a forager had taught me well. If there was water it would be lower down the slope and there would be a path which led to it. I stroked Badger’s mane as I led the horse down the path. The path was well worn. I turned a corner and saw water bubbling from a rock. It was a spring. I cupped my hands and drank first to make certain that the water was safe for the horse. I knew my continued existence depended upon the horse. It tasted sweet and I filled my hands with the water and then allowed the horse to drink from them. I knew when he had had enough for he stopped and raised his head. His whinny was the sign that I could stop. I drank my fill and then filled the waterskin which hung from my belt. It took time.

    I led Badger back up the path. He now needed food. Most of the villagers had fled at the arrival of our army. The ones who remained where the ones who saw an opportunity to ingratiate themselves with this Black Prince. They had gathered around him and the nobles to sell them whatever they could. I saw the door of an abandoned house swinging wide. Tying Badger to the door handle I slipped inside. I had not understood the language when first I had come. I had taken pains to learn as many words as I could. I seemed to have some skill with languages. My father could speak English and he understood Gascon. I could speak both French and Gascon as well as English.

    I tried a Spanish word I had heard, Hola. There was no answer and I slipped inside the dark, one roomed house. The people who had fled were poor but I spied some barley. That showed they were poor. They ground barley for bread. Some was already ground in the pestle. I took the small sack of barley and emptied the pestle into my cap. We could not bake with it for we had no oven but it might thicken a thin watery stew. I spied some cheese hanging in muslin. It was fresh and I took that. Then I found treasure. There was a cured ham. Most of the meat was gone but there was enough left on it to go with the cheese. The bone would make a stew. There was half a loaf of barley bread. I took that too. I put the ham bone, loaf and the cheese in my leather bag. I had taken that after the battle of Nájera. It had been on the body of a dead Portuguese. Everything else of value had been taken, even the cross from around his neck but to me the bag was treasure. The bone, when we had finished with it in the stew, would make boiled water into soup. I went out to Badger. I took handfuls of the barley out and allowed Badger to eat from my hands. He was very gentle. His teeth never once even touched my palms. I gave him half and put the small sack and my folded hat in my satchel. I led him up the path to the others.

    My father had managed to get some wine. He and a couple of other men were playing dice. Whatever coin my father had had he would soon lose. Ralph had told me that it was a good job my father was such a fierce warrior. The men would have tired of him otherwise. When he fought he was unbeatable. I steered clear of him and took the horse to the old olive tree which stood in the middle of the village. Red Ralph was there with Long John, Dick Long Sword and Peter the Priest. They had some bread and Long John was portioning it. They were all shield brothers. Red Ralph was their sergeant. They had taken me under their wing. I put Badger where he was shaded. It meant I was in the sun but the horse was more important that I was.

    I reached into my satchel and took out the ham and the cheese. I found these. I thought the bone might make good soup. I handed them to Red Ralph. He was sergeant and he would distribute them.

    He beamed, It was a good day when Captain Tom took you into our company! He nodded to Long John who cut a sixth piece of bread. Peter the Priest then divided the cheese into six and sliced the remaining ham from the bone. That too was into six portions. One was smaller than the others. That would be mine. I did not mind. He placed the portions on the bread and Red Ralph handed me mine. Treasure like this was too good to waste and we ate in silence. Even the crumbs were licked from our grubby, dust covered hands. The last piece of bread, cheese and ham was the largest and it was placed between two kettle helmets to keep the flies from it.

    Red Ralph rubbed his bald pate, Your father managed to find wine. How does he do that?

    I tapped my nose, He divines it the way a horse divines water and his nose leads him there.

    Peter the Priest laughed and said, Aye it is red enough!

    Just then the Captain walked back from his conference with Sir Hugh and the Prince. Although he carried a wine skin he did not look happy. Red Ralph handed him the bread and Old Tom smiled, Whence comes this bounty?

    The sergeant pointed at me, Our newest member of the company is the most resourceful, Captain!

    Thank you, Master Will. And Badger?

    I took out the remains of the barley from my satchel, He has been watered and eaten barley, Captain. There was no grass for him to have.

    He grinned, Good lad. This will make up for the news I bear! He bit into the bread, ham and cheese. We were all desperate to know what he had learned but we waited, patiently. When he had finished he took the stopper from the wine skin and drank deeply. He passed it to Peter the Priest and they all took a mouthful. When Red Ralph passed it to me I shook my head and handed it back. Well lads it seems that Peter the Cruel, now that we have won back his kingdom for him, baulks at paying the Prince the money he promised him. We have to march to Valladolid to try to get it from him there.

    Peter the Priest said, That is almost one hundred and forty miles from here. If every place has as little as this then we will starve to death.

    Long John shook his head, Or worse. Some of the lads have the bloody shits. That is all we need, no food, no horses and disease.

    The Captain was an old wise warrior. It is but sixty miles to Burgos and that is a big town. We may find more there.

    That is still sixty miles, Captain. Dick Long Sword was the youngest of the shield brothers and his boots had thin soles. Until he acquired a horse he would have to walk.

    He shrugged, Prince Edward has rarely let us down. We will have to trust to him. A horn sounded. Time for us to march. Will, fetch Badger.

    Although we had rested during the hottest part of the day the road still burned through the thin soles of my shoes. I had made them myself. I had found some thin leather and I fashioned them from it. The sandals I had worn before had offered no protection from the stones. Even so the thin leather had not worn well. I had grown somewhat. My feet had burst the toes and the soles were as thin as the parchment the priests used. I longed for boots such as the others wore. I had not yet fought and I knew that when we fought there was a better chance of getting boots from one of the dead. This chevauchée into Spain and Portugal had already yielded good boots and fine blades for some. That was one way my father got the money to spend on wine. He always killed more men than anyone else and took more booty from the dead.

    I walked next to Badger and the Captain. Ahead rode Sir Hugh and before them Prince Edward in his black mail surrounded by his household knights. We all followed the Black Prince because he was always successful. This campaign had been one filled with victories yet we had not received one piece of gold. The men were becoming restless. If they were not paid soon then they would seek coin themselves. They might raid towns and churches. My father fitted in well with these hard men. Most would fight for up to ten years and then retire back to England having made enough coin to be comfortable. There were many easier jobs in England. They could join the garrison of some rich lord and become old fat warriors recounting stories of their youth. Now, however, this was a good time to be out of England. They had the plague or black death as it was being called. It was called that because of the colour of the infection. Whole villages and towns had been wiped out. King Edward, Prince Edward’s father, could do little about the disease and people fled in huge numbers. It was said, by men who joined us from England, that there was great discontent in the land. It explained why our numbers were always swollen by new recruits fresh from England. There was hope in war.

    Red Ralph walked next to me. He saw me wince as I walked over a stone, Fear not, Will, there will be more battles. This road is not yet finished. Burgos has many opportunities for us. Either Peter the Cruel will pay us or his town will suffer. He pointed to Sir Hugh. Sir Hugh fights for one thing and one thing only, gold.

    Is that all there is, Red Ralph? Fighting for gold?

    The alternative is to fight for land. It may come to that. There is, at the moment, peace between France and England but that will not last. The Welsh will creep from their mountains and we will have to fight them. The Scots still smart over the capture of King David at Neville’s Cross and they will chance their blades. For the present, this is where the coin is to be found.

    I have never been to England. My mother had me after the Battle of Mauron.

    He smiled, She was a bonnie lassie. She still is.

    Did she not care for me? Is that why she left us all those years ago?

    His voice became sad and wistful, She was young. She was little older when she had you than you are now. Besides the choice was Sir Alan Buxhill or your father. He shook his head, I know who I would have chosen.

    Did he marry her?

    Red Ralph laughed, Knights do not marry camp followers! She is there to warm his bed and to give him comfort. He has a hawk faced harridan for a wife. I heard she brought him land. It is the way of the world, Will, and the sooner you realise that you take your chances when they come, the better. Your mother chose life for had she stayed with your father she would have found death. He looked at me, As would you had we not taken you under our wing.

    We walked in silence while I took this in. I had heard a rumour that Red Ralph had been a knight once. I did not know if it was true but he knew much about the ways of lords. In the Blue Company you did not pry. If a man confided in his shield brothers then so be it. Otherwise, a man was taken for what he did for the company. His words reassured me. I felt better. I liked my mother. She was pretty, as far as I could remember, and she had been kind. She had oft times put herself between me and my father’s hands. It was more than six years since she had left and her face was now a foggy memory. I remembered her songs and I had taken comfort in them when my father had beaten me. I had closed my eyes and heard the melodies.

    Red Ralph, can I ask you something?

    Having given us the best meal in many a day I would say aye, ask away. I can only say nay.

    Why do they call you Red Ralph?

    Because of my hair.

    But you have none!

    He laughed, When I was young I had a full head of bright red hair. The Good Lord took my hair but left me my name.

    You beard is not red, it is brown.

    He stroked it and said, Aye, that has me confused too!

    Will you go home when you have enough coin?

    I will go to England, aye, but not to my home. The Black Death struck my home. My mother and father, brothers and sisters, all perished. They burned the buildings to stop the pestilence spreading. Barely ten of us escaped. I will not go back there. When I return to England I will find somewhere far from the Black Death. These shield brothers are my family now. When you get a shield then you will become family too. He ruffled my hair. That will be some time off. There is still growing in you. I fancy you will be the tallest man in the company when you finally stop growing.

    When we stopped for the night camp it was in another little village. The Prince and his knights paid for their food and wine. It meant there was none left for us. I thought it a mistake on the Prince’s part but what did I know? I was the lowliest member of the company.

    After I had seen to Badger Old Tom waved me over. Will, the ham bone and the barley flour are a start. What else can you get for us?

    Have you anything to trade, Lord?

    The village is no good, Will. The Prince has paid for everything they had.

    I smiled. I had learned much since my mother had left. I had learned that people often kept a little something back, Let me try, eh lord?

    He nodded and handed me a rosary. He had taken it from a dead Castilian. Here it is little enough but the people hereabouts appear to be more religious than most. It must be the proximity of Santiago di Compostela. The pilgrimage site with the statue of the saint drew people from all over Europe.

    I took it and slipped it into my satchel. I had learned enough words to be able to barter. If I could then I would take. If I had to I would use barter. As I passed the other camp fires I heard my father’s voice. It was raised. He had not been able to get wine and that made him belligerent. I was glad that Captain Tom was now my benefactor. I headed out of the village. I had spied a couple of lonely houses further away. Perhaps the Prince’s men had not been there. My father’s temper and heavy hand had taught me how to move silently. Despite my size, I could be stealthy.

    I approached the first hut and I could not hear any noise. These simple huts had two doors. I went to the one which did not face the road. It was ajar. I drew my knife. As soon as I opened the door I could smell death. I clutched at my wooden cross and eased the door open. The interior was in darkness but, as I opened the door I saw the old man on the chair. He was dead. There was no sign of violence. I made the sign of the cross and said, May you sleep in heaven and not worry about a young boy who seeks food. It can do you no good, my friend, and it may help us to survive.

    I found some old onions and garlic. I put them in my satchel. The bread was mouldy. There appeared to be little else and then I sensed a movement above my

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