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"Arm yourselves likewise with the same mind" 1 Peter 4:1
What a study is this! To attain a dim reflection of it, is the ambition of angel higher they cannot soar.
"To be conformed to the image of His Son!" this is the design of God in the predestination of His people from all eternity.
"We shall be like Him!" this is the Bible picture of heaven!
In a former little volume, we pondered some of the gracious Words which proceeded out of the mouth of Jesus. In the present, we have a few faint lineaments of that holy Character which constituted the living expositor and embodiment of His precepts.
But how lofty such a standard! How all creature-perfection shrinks abashed and confounded before a Divine portraiture like this! He is the true "Angel standing in the sun," who alone projects no shadow; so bathed in the glories of Deity, that likeness to Him becomes like the light in which He is shrouded"no man can approach unto it." May we not, however, seek at least to approximate, though we cannot adequately and fully resemble?
It is impossible on earth to associate with a fellow-being without getting in some degree assimilated to him. Just so, the more we study "the Mind of Christ," the more we are in His company holding converse with Him as our best and dearest friend catching up His holy looks and holy deeds the more shall we be "transformed into the same image."
"Consider," says the Great Apostle (literally 'gaze on') "Christ Jesus" (Hebrews 3:1.) Study feature by feature, lineament by lineament of that Peerless Exemplar. "Gaze" on the Sun of Righteousness, until, like gazing long on the natural sun, you carry away with you, on your spiritual vision, dazzling images of His brightness and glory! Though He is the Archetype of all goodness remember He is no shadowy model though the Infinite Jehovah He was "the Man Christ Jesus."
We must never, indeed, forget that it is not the mind, but the work of Emmanuel which lies at the foundation of a sinner's hope. He must be known as a Savior, before He is studied as an Example. His doing and dying is the center jewel of which all the virtues of His holy life are merely the setting. But neither must we overlook the Scripture obligation to walk in His footsteps and imbibe His Spirit, for "if any man has not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His!"
Oh, that each individual Christian were more Savior-like! that, in the manifestation of a holy character and heavenly demeanor, it might be said in some feeble measure of the faint and imperfect reflection "Such was Jesus!"
How far short we are of such a criterion our mournful experience can testify. But it is at least comforting to know that there is a day coming, when, in the full vision and fruition of the Glorious Original, the exhortation of our motto-verse will be needed no more; when we shall be able to say, in the words of an inspired apostle "We have the MIND OF CHRIST!"
John Macduff
John Ross Macduff, D.D. (1818-95) was a minister for the Church of Scotland. He studied at the University of Edinburgh and went on to hold pastoral positions at Kettins in Forfarshire (modern day Perth and Kinross), St. Madoes in Perthshire (modern day Perth and Kinross) and Sandyford in Glasgow. He was a noted hymn writer and prolific and popular devotional writer. Macduff earned Doctor of Divinity degrees from the Universities of Glasgow and New York.
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The mind of Jesus - John Macduff
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus
Philippians 2:5
Arm yourselves likewise with the same mind
1 Peter 4:1
What a study is this! To attain a dim reflection of it, is the ambition of angel higher they cannot soar.
"To be conformed to the image of His Son!" this is the design of God in the predestination of His people from all eternity.
"We shall be like Him!" this is the Bible picture of heaven!
In a former little volume, we pondered some of the gracious Words which proceeded out of the mouth of Jesus. In the present, we have a few faint lineaments of that holy Character which constituted the living expositor and embodiment of His precepts.
But how lofty such a standard! How all creature-perfection shrinks abashed and confounded before a Divine portraiture like this! He is the true Angel standing in the sun,
who alone projects no shadow; so bathed in the glories of Deity, that likeness to Him becomes like the light in which He is shroudedno man can approach unto it.
May we not, however, seek at least to approximate, though we cannot adequately and fully resemble?
It is impossible on earth to associate with a fellow-being without getting in some degree assimilated to him. Just so, the more we study the Mind of Christ,
the more we are in His company holding converse with Him as our best and dearest friend catching up His holy looks and holy deeds the more shall we be transformed into the same image.
says the Great Apostle (literally 'gaze on') Christ Jesus
(Hebrews 3:1.) Study feature by feature, lineament by lineament of that Peerless Exemplar. Gaze
on the Sun of Righteousness, until, like gazing long on the natural sun, you carry away with you, on your spiritual vision, dazzling images of His brightness and glory! Though He is the Archetype of all goodness remember He is no shadowy model though the Infinite Jehovah He was "the Man Christ Jesus."
We must never, indeed, forget that it is not the mind, but the work of Emmanuel which lies at the foundation of a sinner's hope. He must be known as a Savior, before He is studied as an Example. His doing and dying is the center jewel of which all the virtues of His holy life are merely the setting. But neither must we overlook the Scripture obligation to walk in His footsteps and imbibe His Spirit, for "if any man has not the Spirit of Christ he is none of His!"
Oh, that each individual Christian were more Savior-like! that, in the manifestation of a holy character and heavenly demeanor, it might be said in some feeble measure of the faint and imperfect reflection "Such was Jesus!"
How far short we are of such a criterion our mournful experience can testify.
But it is at least comforting to know that there is a day coming, when, in the full vision and fruition of the Glorious Original, the exhortation of our motto-verse will be needed no more; when we shall be able to say, in the words of an inspired apostle "We have the MIND OF CHRIST!"
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
I have compassion on the multitude.
Mark 8:2.
What a pattern to His people, the tender compassion of Jesus! He found the world He came to save a moral Bethesda where crowds of sick people blind, lame, or paralyzed lay on the porches. The wail of suffering humanity was everywhere borne to His ear. It was His delight to walk its porches, to pity, relieve, comfort, save! The faintest cry of misery arrested His footsteps stirred a ripple in this fountain of Infinite Love.
Was it a leper that dreaded name which entailed a life-long exile from friendly looks and kindly words? There was One, at least, who had tones and deeds of tenderness for the outcast. "Jesus, being moved with compassion, put forth His hand and touched him."
Was it some blind beggars on the Jericho highway, groping in darkness, pleading for help? "Jesus stood still, and had compassion on them, and touched their eyes!"
Was it the speechless pleadings of a widow's tears at the gate of Nain, when she followed her earthly pride and prop to the grave? "When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her, and said, Weep not!" Even when He rebukes the rainbow of compassion is seen in the cloud, or rather, that cloud, as it passes, dissolves in a rain-shower of mercy! He pronounces Jerusalem desolate,
but the doom is uttered amid a flood of anguished sorrow!
Reader! do the compassionate words and deeds of a tender Savior find any feeble echo and transcript in yours? As you traverse in thought, the wastes of human wretchedness does the spectacle give rise, not to the mere emotional feeling which weeps itself away in sentimental tears but to an earnest desire to do something to mitigate the suffering of woe-worn humanity?
How vast and world-wide, are the claims