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Ebook124 pages1 hour


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Not all fairy tales are ribbons and roses.

In a world where the measure of a person rarely goes beneath the surface, Margaret Thoning refuses to play by its rules. Unwilling to compromise her ideals, she walks away from everything she’s ever known to risk her heart and her life for the people who matter most.

Welcome to the Tales of Cinder and Snow.

PublisherM.J. Haag
Release dateApr 27, 2019

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    Disowned - M.J. Haag

    Chapter One

    Margaret, hold still.

    I struggled to do as Mother asked. The lace on my cuffs was making my arm itch.

    She wound a thick strand of my dark hair up to the top of my head and pinned it in place. In the mirror, I stared at my reflection. Mother was almost done.

    Are there any biscuits left? I asked.

    You'll be covered in crumbs.

    An apple then?

    There will be food later.

    Food that I can hold but not eat for fear of a speck marring my perfection. My pleasant tone didn’t soften the disapproval in my words.

    Mother gave me a cross look as she pinned the last strand into place.

    You act as if we are cruel to you, when we only ask what all parents ask. Marriage will ensure you have a home and a family to call your own.

    This is not my home? You are not my family?

    She tsked.

    Go eat your apple, willful child. Remember my graciousness when you consider mischief tonight. And keep yourself clean.

    Yes, Mother. I gave her a quick curtsy and exited the room, keeping the mischievous smile from my lips. I wasn't hungry for an apple, only an excuse to escape.

    Keeping my steps measured, I maintained the picture of poise and beauty as I made my way down the staircase. Father's study doors were closed. Stepping softly, I swiftly passed them and went to the kitchen.

    You look lovely, Miss Margaret, Judith said a bit too loudly. The cook ignored us both, her focus on the spices in the cabinet.

    Mother said I could have an apple. Are there any?

    No apples. Only pears.

    That will have to do.

    Judith smirked and, with an obedient bob of her head, went to the cold storage. She was the closest thing I had to a friend. She knew I wasn't like the rest. Whatever wealth or title my family possessed, it did not change how I viewed my position in life. It did not give me the right to look down upon or mistreat others.

    However, I was not yet free to make my own rules and openly befriend Judith. Doing so would cause her dismissal. No matter how I thought of myself, it was how my parents thought of me that mattered. And they thought me above mingling with the servants.

    She returned with the pear. I accepted it from her with a smile.

    Thank you, Judith.

    She nodded and glanced at the cook. I waited until she smiled to bite into the pear and wandered toward the door.

    I grabbed her cloak and eased it over my shoulders. I knew she wouldn't mind me borrowing it, and the cover would hopefully hide the majority of my cream skirt. As soon as I had it on, I called to the Cook.

    Please inform my parents that I will meet them at the House of Greylin.

    I opened the door and slipped outside before the cook could react. Lifting my skirts, I ran. My passage startled several of the stable hands.

    I raced through the yard and out onto the cobbled streets where horse-drawn carriages moved slowly through the light foot traffic. The nearest startled at my sudden appearance. I chuckled as the well-dressed man struggled for control.

    It took several minutes before I reached the smaller homes further away from the castle. Ducking onto a dirt path between two houses, I pulled up my hood. A running servant wouldn't be noticed here, but a well-bred young woman might.

    I continued walking at a brisk pace, competing with the darkening sky.

    A curl of purple-grey smoke rising from the chimney of a thatched roof house heralded the end of my journey. I knocked on the wide-planked door and waited. It swung open only a moment later. The scents of herbs and the tingle of magic greeted me.

    Elspeth grinned when I lifted my head to peer at her from under the hood of the cloak.

    Well, come in, imp. What trouble do you have in mind this time?

    Trouble? I asked innocently.

    If it's about the beauty spell again—

    I waved my hand as she closed the door behind me.

    As much as I would love the world to see the true Aleese, I understand why you cannot sell a bad spell. Your magic is your livelihood because you're the best at what you do. Which is why I'm here. I want you to make me ugly. I removed my cloak and hung it on a peg beside her door. Not hideously. Just unattractive yet recognizable to someone not blinded by their own self-worth.

    Child, I question your purpose. I thought you despised those who changed their appearance.

    I don't mean to make myself homely permanently. Only for tonight.

    Her face swept over me, lingering on my dress and coiffed hair.

    The house of Cresstoll?

    No. Lord Greylin’s this time. All the girls are ever so hopeful to win the attention of strapping Brendal.

    I thought his interest lay with Feshell and your mother was determined to see you with the Cresstoll boy.

    She was until she discovered I was stuffing my waistline and never lifting my head enough for him to see my face. Now, I believe she’s determined to prance me in front of Brendal. She’s given me strict orders not to stuff my waistline this time.

    Elspeth shook her head at me.

    Being beautiful isn't a tragedy, Margaret.

    It is if it means you must marry a shallow sop.

    Your parents will know it was me. There will be repercussions.

    Please, Elspeth. Mother doesn’t care if Brendal is a decent man, only that he will inherit the title of Lord. I just need to separate the chaff from the grain. This spell is the only way.

    And if there is only chaff?

    That would suit me well.

    You know you need to choose soon. Your seventeenth year isn't far away.

    I snorted and moved to the chair beside the fire, already knowing that I'd won.

    You're starting to sound like my mother, I commented.

    Elspeth grinned.

    I have saved you from your own foolishness more times than I can count. While I find the antics that vex your parents amusing, sounding like your mother might not be amiss. You need to think of your future, Margaret.

    She paused and gave me a hard look that hid the affection I knew she felt for me.

    I most definitely am thinking of my future.

    So be it. Payment is required.

    Of course.

    I withdrew a blunt silver from my pocket.

    Is this enough?


    We both knew it was plenty for the simple spell. Just as we knew she would use the money to buy food to help those less fortunate on the outskirts of town.

    She tucked away the coin and went to her herbs and potions.

    Temporary glamours I have in plenty. But all for enhanced beauty. Margaret, you are the first to ask to be made ugly.

    I wish you weren’t opposed to making someone else ugly.

    As much as I would enjoy seeing a bit of retribution on a few of those twits, it is not worth the risk. Never forget—

    All magic done with malicious intent on another has a high cost, I said with her. I know. It doesn't stop me from wishing, though.

    I remained quiet as she mixed a potion and spoke quietly while holding it over a bowl of clear water to prove our intent and the potion pure.

    When she finished, she handed me the vial.

    It will last three hours from when you drink it.

    I tipped it back, and she groaned.

    It will not last the whole evening now.

    A tingle ran through me, tickling my nose and chin as the magic took effect.

    Precisely, I said. I want them all to see how shallow they are.

    She shook her head.

    Go, then, imp. Play your tricks.

    I will. I hugged her and whisked the cloak around my shoulders once more.

    I will see you again soon, Mother Elspeth.

    She swatted my backside as I fled out the door.

    The sky had darkened considerably during my brief visit. I quickened my steps knowing my Father would only grow angrier the longer I delayed my arrival. Not that I meant to approach him while I looked like this.

    I paused by a storefront and studied my reflection in the window. Elspeth’s spell had given me a small hairy mole on my chin, added hair between my brows, and made my teeth and nose crooked. My brown eyes were still my own. I didn't look hideous, only plain and unnoticeable.

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