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Nightstalkers: Origins
Nightstalkers: Origins
Nightstalkers: Origins
Ebook407 pages6 hours

Nightstalkers: Origins

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After a botched assassination attempt and the kidnapping of her husband, Kylee leaves her post as Ambassador to the minotaurs and flies south, in hopes of seeking aid to rescue her husband from the clutches of the Phoenix’s forces.

It’s been four years since the war began, and the free races are steadily losing the war. King Erik, commander of the united forces, is striving to find a way to turn the dark tide before all are either enslaved or cast into oblivion.

After a brief discussion, the two agree to an arrangement that serves both their interest, the creation of a strike force that will operate behind enemy lines, as well as act to rescue her husband once his location has been ascertained.

Forced into a leadership role she never wanted, Kylee and her carefully selected group of Nightstalkers set off to join the war, but can they make a difference or is already too late?

PublisherTimothy Ray
Release dateJun 24, 2019
Nightstalkers: Origins

Timothy Ray

Timothy Ray (1978-) was born in Tucson, Arizona, where he resides to this day. His family is from eastern Arizona, from Safford to Morenci, and he enjoys camping on Mt. Graham during the summer months. He attended Desert View High School, where he was inspired by an English teacher to explore his creative writing skills and work on his first novel; the Acquisition of Swords. He joined the Writer's Group under Mrs. Wakamatsu, and finished the rough draft of his first book in 1995.

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    Book preview

    Nightstalkers - Timothy Ray

    Chapter 1


    It’d been awhile since she’d been free to hunt and as she stepped quietly between a set of ferns, she came to realize just how much she missed it. She’d been cooped up for over a week and as fascinating as the citadel to the north was, she’d rather be deep within the woods on her own rather than surrounded by masses of people moving throughout a major population center. She had begun feeling claustrophobic, the need to get out and on her own so fierce that her legs had literally been trembling the entire ride to the forest’s edge.

    It had been four years since the war had begun and she had found herself once more on a mission of diplomacy, tirelessly working to get the minotaurs to join the war. For two-thousand years, since they’d stepped through the portal the Phoenix created, they had found themselves at war with the dragons that claimed the northern mountains; the loss of life as devastating for both sides as the Freedom War had been for the rest of the known world. They might not have suffered as quickly as the elves, dwarves, or Man, but unlike the others that populated the island formerly known as Great Britain, their war had never stopped; until now.

    She had been sent north on a similar mission after the Battle for Forlorn, before the world had gone to shit and was on the brink of another apocalypse. During that journey, she had uncovered the truth behind the hostilities between the two races, that the Phoenix had engineered all of it straight from the start in an effort to keep them occupied with one another ran than her. Infiltrating the caves that housed the dragon’s eggs, the Phoenix’s minions had whisked away the dragons’ unborn children and placed the blame for it on the innocent minotaurs, raining hellfire upon their people with the fury of dragon’s breath.

    Having unmasked the true villainy behind the death of their children, the dragons had entered the war with a determination unmatched by any other race, their brutality barely in check as they raged against the forces of evil spreading across the lands. Their children had not only been taken, but they’d been morphed by the magic of the Phoenix into mindless beasts that served as nothing more than air support or as transports for her armies. The dragons fostered no hope to save the lost souls of their young and sought only retribution through the death of their enemies.

    Deer, her companion told her through their bond.

    They had come across the game trail and signs of recent passage fifty yards back and Skye had swung south in an effort to flank their prey.

    Closing her eyes, she allowed her vision to shift and become one with the Direwolf, the world around her changing color and vibrating with life. A soft white line of smoke drifted along the path before the wolf’s long snout and she noticed that it led haphazardly towards a nearby creek; the deer had grown thirsty.

    Wait for me, she responded, releasing their connection and focusing on her own surroundings once more. The creek was nearby, she could smell it, and hear the trickle of water upon the slight breeze. Her pulse quickened, and her breathing intensified as she reached over her shoulder and expertly drew her bow. Winding the cord around the tip, she tightened it as she slid forward, careful not to bend even a blade of grass past the point of breaking.

    With a practiced hand, she slid an arrow free of her quiver, notched the end against the chord and felt shaft fall perfectly against her extended finger, her palm gripping the handle of her composite long bow with tender ease. Invoking her magic, the lifeforce of every nearby living creature blazed into being, their heat signatures visible regardless of the foliage blocking them from sight. The form of a deer appeared before her; her neck bent as she drank from the stream, oblivious to the predators that stalked her.

    From the opposite side of the stream she could see the crouched figure of her Direwolf, the hunger her companion felt flowing through their bond and causing her own stomach to ache as well. She would have to end this quickly or Skye would act and take all the fun from the hunt. Drawing the cord of her bow back, she stepped slightly to the left and in full view of the calm and ignorant deer; death had arrived.

    Her fingertips were sliding free of the chord, her arrow a second from letting loose, when a flicker of movement appeared on her left. She released her arrow just as the deer’s head rose, ears perked and snout pointing in the direction of the newcomer that had attracted her attention. The deer’s life snuffed out as her arrow struck the beast’s heart, but she wasn’t paying attention any longer as another arrow was notched, her bow aimed at the humanoid lurking nearby.

    The earth trembled beneath her feet, catching her unawares, nearly making her lose her footing as the forest around her burst into chaos. A tree cracked and fell behind her and she was forced to whip around and put her back to the skulking humanoid she’d spotted thirty yards further on. She didn’t know how she’d been flanked so easily, but she was not going to get struck in the back like some naïve simpleton.

    A massive form was barreling in her direction and she immediately released her arrow, watching with the slightest hint of fear as it harmlessly struck the creature’s armored chest and broke in two. Her hand was already reaching for another as she dodged to the right in an attempt to get out of the monstrosity’s way. The beast was nearly thirteen feet tall, cloaked in platemail from head to toe with a massive helm sporting a long-armored trunk hanging from the place a nose should have been. Fiery blue eyes tracked her movements as the humongous legs tried to alter his path, but momentum and what had to be a ton worth of weight made last ditch corrections near impossible.

    It’s one of those damned eles! What the fuck is he doing here?

    She knew instantly that he wasn’t alone, but that was okay; neither was she.

    Ragon’s cry echoed across the heavens as her Direwolf leapt across the creek in a single bound and launched herself at the smaller figure coming at her from the rear.

    The tree she had dodged behind was sufficient to keep her from getting trampled, but it was split in two as a massive warhammer slammed into it a foot from where her head had been. She fired another useless arrow in his direction as she dove behind the brush and continued trying to gain some distance from the rampaging mountain of metal.

    Her vision was still picking up the lifeforce signatures of every creature nearby and she spied six additional humanoids approaching her position. There was no way she’d be able to hold them off, even with her companions’ help; they had to retreat, try to get reinforcements.

    The ele came to a grinding halt and whipped about, warhammer held within his massive gauntlets, eyes trying to spy her location.

    She did not hesitate, she fired yet another arrow, but this time aimed a bit higher. A howl erupted from the creature as her missile found it’s mark, the right eye of the massive beast impaled by her expertly fired arrow. The earth shook once more as seconds later the armored figure crashed into it, causing a rain of pine needles to shower upon her like stiff rain.

    Green fire scorched the tree to her right, snatching away her brief surge of elation with its heated violence. Reacting swiftly, she leapt to her left, rolled, and came up with another arrow in place and on its way. The reptilian magic user had broken from cover and was in the middle of chanting when her arrow struck his shoulder, causing the pango’s magic to fail with what had to be a quite painful interruption. He was wearing a brown robe over his tan scaled body, the snout open in anguish as her next arrow flew through the maul and pierced the back of his throat.

    Skye had killed a smaller creature, probably one of their scouts, and was trying to reach her side as the Direwolf’s senses sought out further danger. Connecting with her bodyguard overhead, she commanded Ragon to seek help, the shrike reacting badly to the command; eager to enter the fight himself.

    We can’t take them alone. There are five more of these creatures and I’m only standing because so far, I’ve been a lucky son of a bitch. Now, do as I command, she ordered, as she turned to make a run for it, calling Skye to follow suit.

    An armored figure blocked her path, the armor black, the adornments red and made of layered wood. The helm the creature wore had two horns curling up from either side, almost like the minotaurs that populated this land, and looking to be just sharp. In each hand was a katana, both held out at angles away from his body, and he looked ready to attack the instant she drew close enough to engage.

    Fuck me, where did you come from? she groaned as she notched another arrow.

    Skye landed at her side, her white fur wet with blood, her teeth barred in warning against the figure before them.

    Cursing herself, she realized that the brief hesitation had been a costly mistake, as it allowed the other four members of the enemy party to surround them; cutting off any chance of retreat.

    Our Queen has ordered your execution, the armored figure before her stated. Kneel and I shall make it quick, for you and your enormous mongrel.

    Her eyes flicked to the right, where an overly large black furred wolf stood on his hindlegs with an axe in either hand. He wore leather armor, allowing for quicker movement, and was bereft of a cape, allowing the tail behind to wag freely in anticipation of her resistance. Looks like you’re the one that brought the mongrel, pussycat.

    The humanoid kangaroo to the right of the wolf had an arrow pointed in her direction, the brown furred beast’s own leather armor looking sparse and hardly covering anything but the vital organs.

    A crok growled on her left, the scaled monstrosity flexing in his chainmail, the dual maces swinging softly, ready to strike out at her with but a word from their leader.

    A cackle erupted from her rear, the hideous laughter making her skin crawl, the ena making his presence known should she choose to backtrack in that direction.

    It was a strike team, made up of the individual races the Phoenix had under her command, and it had been sent north with apparently only one command; to kill her.

    "I’m not the kneeling type. However, should you instead choose to kneel, I can promise an equally swift and painless death for each of you. It’s the least that I can do since you’ve journeyed all this way just to find me. I am glad you came though; I haven’t had this much fun in weeks. I was getting kind of rusty, so I appreciate the work out," she replied with a smile; her white hair bouncing as her frame shook with laughter. The pink diamonds that stretched vertically over her lightly tanned cheeks scrunched a bit with her raised cheeks, pulling outward with her genuine grin, her albino eyes reflecting the hilarity she felt in her soul.

    She didn’t know if the man realized that she had sent for backup, that she was simply stalling long enough for it to arrive, but if he was stupid enough to let her talk that long; he deserved what was coming for him.

    As she looked at each of them in turn, she wondered at what point she had become so important that the Phoenix had felt the need to send such a force to end her life? Seemed like a rather odd choice considering all that was going on in the war, and her place well out of it. Care to dance, pussycat? How about you, crocodile boots?

    The tigre’s face remained serious, the humor not even scratching at the assassin’s demeanor, as he bowed slightly in her direction, his eyes never leaving her own. A different answer would have been unexpected. You shall have the honorable death the deeds of your life deserve. He then raised one of his swords and took a fighting stance, giving her mere seconds of life left before he struck.

    She laughed harder still, and it gave the man pause. You’re such a fucking idiot. Do you not realize where you are? Well, let me enlighten you. You are deep behind enemy lines, in territory you know nothing about, with a massive citadel full of minotaurs less than a mile north of your position. I mean, seriously, if you wanted me dead, you probably should have just gotten on with it, rather than give my reinforcements time to get here.

    Fire struck the forest from above, and though it was rebuffed by the tree cover, some of the flames struck earth, as well as the two unsuspecting attackers on her right.

    She was already moving, not waiting to see if the tigre would give chase as she quickly dodged to the right and past the screaming forms of the dying kang and wolf. Skye bounded by, taking the lead as she ran for the creek and the deer she’d killed shortly before the conflict began.

    Several roars echoed down at her, the three dragons that Ragon had fetched circling back and preparing for another attack; she didn’t want to be in the line of fire when they did.

    She lost her footing as hands struck her in the back, pitching her forward. She hit the earth with her shoulder and rolled, her bow coming up as she flipped about and fired. The armored crok swiped at the arrow with one of his maces, his body shifting to the right as his tail came about and struck at her from his rear.

    You are going to make for a nice pair of boots, maybe even a jacket, she snarled, dropping her bow. She instinctively reached for her long knives and launched herself at the long snouted reptilian beast. Rows of teeth appeared as the maul widened in an attempt to bite her, but she had aimed lower, her right hand coming up and jabbing her knife into the crok’s throat. The scales protected him well, but not enough to keep the tip of her blade from piercing his flesh.

    A mace came in her direction, but the angle was bad, and it only whisked by; unable to reach her. Her black leather armor creaked with her movements as she switched her footing and drove her other knife into the creature’s knee from the side. Her purple cloak must have been caught by a point on the mace as it tugged at her, causing her torso to yank backwards. The weight of the armored warrior pushed down upon her as its dark maroon blood gushed, covering her arm from fingers to elbow.

    She did the only thing she could think of, she went for the crook between the legs and tried to come out the other side. She almost made it, but for the tail that struck her in the shoulder and drove her to the ground as well.

    Using her fists to push herself upward, she got up on her knees and found herself looking at a pair of iron sabatons. Glancing up at the tigre, she saw the certainty of her death, and knew that despite the last minute save, this is where her life would now end.

    A whistle sounded from her right and the tigre’s head jerked in that direction. A gunshot split the air as a musket fired, striking the tigre in the torso and driving him back a step.


    It’s about time you showed up! she yelled at him.

    The figure of her husband bounded into view as she drove herself to her feet, his musket going back into the holster on his chest as his other hand drew a longsword in its place. I got here as fast as I could. You interrupted my poker game; I was winning. You made a mistake coming here, my friend, and I’m going to exact whatever losses I’ve suffered from your miserable hide, Morgan declared as he brought up his sword and entered the fray.

    Sheathing her knives, she retrieved her composite bow and prepared to aid her husband in battle.

    That hideous laughter rose again, and she didn’t have time to react as a smaller being struck her in the waist, driving her back over the corpse of the fallen crok and onto the ground once more. Her breath was knocked out of her, her bow falling from her slackened grip as the ena rolled to the side and came to his feet.

    The beast had the snout of a dog, but it was bent further down than any canine she’d ever seen, his leather armor protecting all but the neck from attack. A pair of daggers were in hand, the beast’s mouth open with the joy of the hunt, saliva dripping from his long pink tongue. The light in the creature’s eyes was manic, maybe even rabid, as it launched forward; intent on ending her life.

    Skye struck the ena in the torso, her fangs latching onto the exposed neck and jerking the creature back the other way.

    Rolling over, she grimaced in pain, feeling like she had broken a rib or two from impacting the fallen crok. Short of breath, she reached for her bow once more, but was no longer sure she could wield it. An arrow struck her in the left shoulder, driving her back a step and nearly causing her to fall once more.

    Her eyes caught sight of a walking inferno bouncing in her direction, the bow blazing and barely holding together as the kang prepared to fire again. It was a creature of nightmares, defying all rationale that it was even still standing, and she knew it would plague her sleep for a very long time; if she lived long enough to do so again.

    Before the kang could finish the job, the fire got to be too much for him, and he ended up falling to the ground in her place; the crispy corpse having finally realized what was happening to it and giving up at last.

    That was insane, she muttered, her adrenaline keeping her on her feet, the arrow lodged in deep and making her shoulder unbearably painful.

    Skye came to her side, blood dripping from her fangs as her eyes searched for another opponent to tear apart.

    Morgan and the tigre were hidden from sight, the rest appeared to be dead, and there was the sound of a landing dragon to her rear. She was in mid-turn to look in that direction when the pain of her shoulder caught up with her brain and caused her to black out, her vision darkening just as her body hit the ground.


    It hurt to breathe, and she woke up feeling like she’d been buried in a coffin, only to find herself in a hospital room in the minotaur citadel instead.

    The room was distinguishable from that of the other races because it was filled with gadgets and tech that the southern folk had yet to discover or learn to operate. One such piece of machinery was standing next to her bed, and though there was movement on the thin rectangular screen, she couldn’t tell you what it was for or even if it was doing anything. Maybe its purpose was just to stand there as a piece of decoration with no true purpose at all; with the exception of annoying those ignorant of its uses.

    The walls were painted white, there was a cushioned chair in the corner of the room, and the window to the left had large tan drapes that barely kept the straining rays of the mid-day sun at bay.

    Groaning, she tried to shift into a sitting position but her back screamed in agony, forcing her to relax and lay back down. Oh, I know I wasn’t that fucked up. Had someone kicked her while she was out cold? How bad was she? There didn’t appear to be anyone to ask, not even her husband.

    Where the hell was Morgan?

    Her hands roamed over her body and she realized that she was wearing nothing but a gown of some type, her clothing and armor had been removed while she’d been out. If she wanted to jailbreak out of here, she’d be doing it in this paper-thin gown, and she doubted very much that it’d hide more than the bare minimum of flesh. No way she was going to be gallivanting through the citadel in nothing but that.

    There was some kind of tubing leading to her arms, which appeared to be holding a fluid of some type, the end point disappearing beneath a bandage on her elbow. What were they putting into her body, and how did she get it out?

    The door opened and a minotaur in a white outfit entered the room, a rectangular device in hand, her eyes on whatever it was she was holding. Her horns were no longer than half a foot, a fourth of the males’ in their species. Her fur was brown with the occasional white patch, her shorter snout turning in her direction before green eyes rose to meet hers. Thin fingers flexed as the woman began to speak. Oh, I didn’t realize that you were awake. You gave us quite the scare. I’ll be right back, the physician on call needs to be informed right away.

    Wait! she called as the woman turned to leave. What happened to me? What’s going on? Why do I feel so—beat up?

    The nurse didn’t stop as she exited the room and disappeared from sight.

    Well, that was rude.

    It wasn’t like she could get up and go after her, not without making things worse by pulling out tubes growing out of her arms. In frustration, she thrust her head against the pillow and growled; it was lumpy. Turning her eyes towards the window, she cast her mind out in search of her companions and felt a slight tickle in the back of her mind. It wasn’t Ragon, he had a thicker feel to his thoughts, and not being able to reach out to him wasn’t uncommon; he liked his privacy.

    Where are you?

    Skye’s thoughts were at the edge of her consciousness, not close enough to be sure she was heard, but enough to relay to the other that she was still there, alive and breathing; for the moment. Their bond allowed them to communicate with each other even when they were miles apart. So, either Skye was being shielded, or she’d been taken much further out; for a purpose she did not know.

    You seem quite alert. Considering the amount of pain meds we’re giving you, that’s surprising, a male voice said, interrupting her search. Maybe it’s a difference in the biological makeup of your species, elven genetics allowing for a more rapid burn of the chemicals pushed through your bloodstream. I may have to adjust your dose, but I hesitate to do so until I’m sure it’s safe. Too much, and all of this would have been for nothing.

    The nurse was circling to her left, but she paid her little attention as her eyes caught sight of the large curved horns hovering over her thighs and followed them down to the black furred minotaur standing to her right. He had a white muzzle, thick arms, and tender brown eyes. He was adorned in a white coat, with a matching shirt and pants. He was smiling, but she didn’t feel like giving one in return.

    I understood absolutely nothing of what you just said. My head is feeling kind of heavy and I’m having a hard time concentrating. That is quite the white coat you got glowing on you, bleach much? she asked, her stomach twisting as a wave of nausea struck her.

    The minotaur didn’t laugh. Apparently, he didn’t have a sense of humor either.

    Or, she just wasn’t funny.

    Nah. Can’t be that.

    Give it to me straight Doc, how bad is it? she croaked, her throat suddenly dry.

    A glass was placed in her left hand by the nurse, and she nodded in thanks as she raised it to her lips and took a sip.

    Fuck, that feels good. Really good. Like the best water ever. I wonder if they bottle it?

    She was about to ask when the doctor briefly smiled and began to speak.

    You broke a couple of ribs and had an arrow penetrating your shoulder just below your left clavicle when you arrived in our emergency room. If that wasn’t enough, the fall you took after you reportedly passed out didn’t help either. You’ve suffered a concussion as a result. We have set your ribs and bound your chest so they have time to heal. Your shoulder required minor stitches as nothing vital was hit, fortunately. If you had been struck an inch further to the right, you’d have lost mobility in that arm altogether. As to the concussion? You need rest, your body will do the rest. We are administering a drug cocktail of pain meds to keep you comfortable. I don’t think I need to tell you this could have been far worse? the physician asked. I would counsel against this particular line of work, but as you are a diplomat, it would appear you’re operating outside the duties your job requires.

    It was a lot to take in, but she nodded and shrugged. It can always be worse Doc. And I’m not much of a diplomat; I’m a ranger masquerading as one.

    Yes, well, it might be time to attend to simpler matters of state, then. You will be kept for observation and I am recommending an extended period of rest, and regular check-ups after you’ve healed enough to be discharged. I can see from your paperwork that you’ve declined magical assistance in your treatment, but I’d like to implore you to meet with one of our shamans, allow them to treat you as well. I can understand the mistrust, it’s common enough even amongst our own kind, but from what I can see in your notes, you are one yourself. Is it our capabilities that you distrust then? he returned.

    She softly chuckled, then regretted it as the pain in her chest reminded her that she’d been hurt. I can see why you’re confused; your notes are not entirely accurate. It really has nothing to do with your type of magic, it’s all flavors and uses. However, you’re right about the contradiction and you should know that I do trust a few; just none that haven’t shed blood on the battlefield with me.

    You don’t like losing control over what happens to your body, he told her; it wasn’t a question.

    Does anyone? she returned, feeling a bit drowsy. That had to be the drugs, she couldn’t be that tired; she had just woken up. Your horns look like they’ve been recently polished. Do they have a job for that? Or do you do it yourself?

    This would go a lot faster if you’d rethink your decision, he advised, ignoring her last questions as if he hadn’t heard them.

    She sighed and shrugged. I’ll think on it.

    He smirked, knowing that she’d do quite the opposite. If you need anything, just let one of the nurses know. I’ll be back to check on you after rounds. Blura, let’s get our guest some lunch? Keep it soft foods for now. Monitor her urine output, and if she starts vomiting, give her a something to ease the nausea. With that, the man turned and left her in the care of the nurse hovering nearby.

    Chapter 2


    Retching into a provided container, she let out every bit of food she had just consumed. That is, if you wanted to call it food; she wasn’t so sure it ever was. Her head was pounding, her stomach was twisted in a knot, and it felt like her cycle had begun early as well. That, combined with the multiple trips to the bathroom, was making her forget her pain in lieu of how sick she was. She didn’t know what was in the meds they were giving her, but they were wreaking havoc on her body and making her long for the pain of her injuries instead.

    Of course, she said that now. She knew it’d be an entirely different story when the pain returned, but then, that’s how you knew that you were alive, right?

    What a load of crap.

    And where have you been? she groaned as she leaned back on the bed and glared at her husband standing in the doorway, watching her like a creep.

    Her hair was undone and all over the place, she hadn’t bathed in two days, and she was sticky in places that were mighty uncomfortable and hard to get at, especially with tubes coming out of her arms like some damned cyborg elf out of the northern isles. Her hand came up to her running nose and wiped at it hard, the damned thing would not stop itching. Maybe it was the elf in her causing it to be more unbearable than it should, like her heightened senses were detrimental in this case. She didn’t know and would have to remember to ask.

    Morgan stepped inside and smirked. Someone has to take care of the kid.

    Even though he claimed to have been looking after their infant child, he wasn’t dressed for it. His six-feet of hard-worked muscular body was carrying his standard black leather armor as well as the twenty or so weapons he enjoyed going into battle with. The pauldrons had three ridges lined with steel on the edges, the breastplate covered in studs that held the steel inside the leather padding in place. Two muskets were on his chest, one over each breast, and she could see the hilts of both his longswords sheathed on his back. The throwing knives he wore on his legs were in place, and she saw the slight bulge of a knife hilt in his right boot. His long black hair was pulled back, his brown eyes lacking the one thing she really needed right now; concern.

    Going somewhere? she asked, knowing that something was up by the way he was hovering on the other side of the room rather than drawing closer to the bed.

    Ever since Adeline’s birth six months before, the two of them had seen less of each other, spent less time together than the previous three years of their marriage. At first, she thought it was just an adjustment period to having a child together, but lately it felt like an emotional distancing instead. He was pulling away, and she had no idea as to why.

    He gave her his winning smirk, meaning that she’d hit it right on the head. Branham is under siege and our military commander has asked that I head south to lend a hand. It’s the last stronghold before the open plains to the east, and if it falls, Lancaster might not be far behind. Not that I get along with your famous brothers-in-law, but got to do my part regardless, right?

    And they can’t do that without you? she ventured, not seeing why he’d been personally summoned when there were so many others out in the world more than capable of lending assistance to help break the siege. He glanced away for a half-second, and in that brief flash of time she knew more than their entire conversation would later reveal.

    He didn’t want to be here and was looking for an out.

    "It was actually

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