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History of Pesticides, A
History of Pesticides, A
History of Pesticides, A
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History of Pesticides, A

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In this fascinating book, Graham Matthews takes the reader through the history of the development and use of chemicals for control of pests, weeds, and vectors of disease and then discusses their future.
Release dateSep 14, 2018
History of Pesticides, A

Graham A. Matthews

Graham Matthews was a research entomologist in Africa from 1958 -1967 working on cotton in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Nysasland. He joined Imperial College in 1967 but was seconded to Malawi from 1968-72. He has since been involved with cotton during visits to many countries in Africa, including Egypt, Sudan, Cote D'Ivoire, and to India Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, China and Australia. His research has been primarily on pesticide application technology, extending from agriculture to vector control.

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    History of Pesticides, A - Graham A. Matthews

    Prologue – Before Pesticides

    Some examples of the enormous impact of pests, diseases and weeds on humans reveal enormous loss of life, failure of crops and drudgery in efforts to control them that can now be averted or at least minimized by the scientific development and sensible use of pesticides.

    Even in biblical times the devastating impact of pests was recognized: ‘What the palmerworm left, the swarming locust has eaten. What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust has left, the destroying locust has eaten’ (Joel 1:4). Depending on the translation, different locusts or caterpillars are referred to as eating all the vegetation. According to Howard (1931), locusts were the cause of famine in Algeria in 1866 when 5% of the population died. According to Dr Uvarov, globally, locusts caused an estimated loss of £15 million annually before World War II (Ordish, 1952).

    Perhaps one of the most devastating diseases was bubonic plague, caused by a bacterium, Yersinia pestis, which killed an estimated 50 million people in Europe between 1346 and 1353 and continued in some areas until 1654. The disease, known as the Black Death, was spread to people by fleas that had fed on infected rats living close to humans. When bitten by infected fleas, the bacterium develops and forms a painful swelling, often in the groin or on the thigh, armpit or neck. Eighty per cent of those infected died, usually within three weeks, and during the warmer summer months between July and late September. In the UK, a third of the population died from bubonic plague, with a catastrophic impact on trade and the economy, especially in rural areas. Outbreaks of plague did not occur during the winter months, as low temperatures reduced the activity of the fleas. It was thought that the disease originated in an area close to the Caspian Sea. It was spread through the Eurasian steppes by rats, gerbils and possibly camels, through the arid and semi-arid landscape. Later, rats on board ships crossing the Black Sea, and then the Mediterranean, gradually spread the disease north to other areas including Russia. Finland and Iceland were the two areas that avoided the plague, presumably because temperatures did not favour the fleas. In those days there was no insecticide to control the fleas, nor rodenticide to kill the rats. Plague is still present and has been reported in Madagascar and several other countries, but at least the disease can now be checked with antibiotics.

    The lack of a fungicide resulted in the devastation of the coffee industry in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) at the end of the 19th century. Growing coffee in Ceylon had been started in 1740 by the Dutch, but expanded after the British took over the country, encouraged by demand for coffee in Europe. Large areas were deforested to allow for the increase in coffee plantations. The country became one of the major coffee-producing nations in the world, with a peak in production in 1870; over 100,000 hectares were cultivated. It was then that the fungal disease Coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) arrived, allegedly as a result of a British military expedition from the Sudan, which passed through Abyssinia (now Ethiopia), the ancestral homeland of both Coffea arabica and its leaf rust, resulting in such a severe decline in production that growers switched to the production of tea. Although there is still some coffee grown in Sri Lanka, its production was ranked only 43rd in the world in 2014. Tea (Camellia sinensis) was not susceptible to the disease, so growers were able to expand production, making Sri Lanka a leading worldwide exporter of tea.

    Another country, Ireland, also suffered from the lack of a fungicide, when the disease potato blight (caused by Phytophthora infestans) is thought to have come from the USA by sea after spreading from Mexico. The potato crop had failed periodically due to disease or frost prior to 1840, but the devastating impact of blight led to the Great Famine with mass starvation, the death of a million people and the subsequent migration of another million between 1845 and 1852, resulting in a 20–25% drop in population. The severe impact of blight in Ireland, compared with other parts of Europe, was probably due to the potato being an essential part of the Irish diet (cereals being difficult to grow in the wet climate) and a lack of genetic variability among the potato plants.

    In the absence of suitable insecticides, the arrival of the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) from Mexico around 1892 had a major impact on cotton production in the southern states of the USA. From Texas, boll weevils spread northwards very rapidly, reaching Arkansas and Mississippi in 1907; and by 1922, 85% of the cotton growing area was affected. Damage to the Texan cotton crop in 1903 was conservatively estimated at $15 million. The only area that expanded production, partly due to the absence of boll weevil, was in the west of the USA. Once insecticides became available they were used to minimize the impact of the weevils. Initially, calcium arsenate dusts were applied from around 1923 until the 1950s, when low-volume sprays were applied, but the huge costs involved led to a major programme aimed at eradicating the pest from the USA.

    Prior to the development of herbicides, one of the main tasks on farms was removing weeds from fields, which resulted in a huge demand for human labour. Thus, in the USA around 1850, 65% of the population lived on farms to weed crops (Gianessi and Reigner, 2007), despite leaving fields fallow and rotating crops to new land in an attempt to reduce weeds. The development of equipment to cultivate fields using animals, and then tractors, increased the use of mechanical control of weeds, until the rapid adoption of herbicides in the 1950s replaced the millions of workers who hoed weeds by hand or used mechanical tillage. Herbicides were cheaper and more effective than hand weeding and cultivation, thus reducing production costs and increasing yields. Even today there are many areas, particularly poorer areas of the Tropics, where areas of crops are abandoned if there is insufficient labour for hand weeding during the crucial first few weeks of crop growth.

    Early attempts to use a pesticide

    Lodeman (1896) recorded some of the earliest instances of plants being protected from diseases and insect pests. In 1629, John Parkinson recommended using vinegar to prevent canker on trees. In Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris he states that ‘Canker is a shrewd disease . . . and must be looked into in time before it hath run too farre: most men doe wholly cut away as much as is fretted with the canker and then dresse it or wet it with vinegar . . . ’. Reference was also made to the use of a quart of common salt in 2 gallons of water, and when all the salt had dissolved the brine was used to wash scale insects on trees. Around the same time, Austen (1653), in A Treatise of Fruit Trees, recommended washing cankered branches with cow urine and, more helpfully as a source of potassium, dressing the surrounding soil with wood ashes.

    Early attempts to develop remedies were often for use against human and animal pests. In the 17th century, a Mr Tiffin established a company in Hatton Garden, London, and contracted to keep beds free from bedbugs for the sum of 3 shillings per year. The company had a royal warrant and a policy limiting it to only 100 customers. Interestingly, in 2005, a new company, Bed Bugs Ltd, was set up to emulate the original Tiffin & Son’s service in London.

    In 1711, it was suggested that an insect, Cantharides (Lytta vesicatoria), or Spanish fly, an emerald green beetle on trees such as ash, could be destroyed by using a pump to wet them with water that had been boiled with ‘some rue’. The common rue or herb-of-grace (Ruta graveolens), a native of the Balkan Peninsula, is grown as an ornamental and as a herb. Perhaps its very disagreeable odour and sharp, bitter taste were thought to make it a good insecticide.

    In 1763, a method of application using a small tin syringe having a nose pierced with about 1000 holes was described for applying a handful of finely powdered bad tobacco mixed with 2 l of water and in which lime was then slaked. It was recommended that this treatment was repeated after 4–5 days to kill plant lice (Goeze, 1787) and is possibly the first use of nicotine as an insecticide.

    Many other recipes were tried. Forsyth (1802) had been trying a mixture of cow dung and lime; some were using a soap or urine, but he recommended half a peck¹ of unslaked lime in 32 gallons of water allowed to stand for 3–4 days before being applied with a syringe to control aphids. Whale oil soap was another remedy, and sulfur was used against some diseases. In 1843, a Mr William Cooper marketed a product with arsenic and sulfur to cure sheep scab. He later marketed Cooper’s Wheat Dressing, a product containing arsenic and soda ash, sold at 6d a packet to treat six bushels to control smut, a disease noted by Jethro Tull when he developed a drill to sow three rows of wheat and turnip seed in drills at a time (Tull, 1743). By 1870 he was selling sufficient amounts to treat about 100,000 acres per year. Much later, the company he established became Cooper, McDougall & Robertson Ltd, which merged with a subsidiary of ICI – Plant Protection Ltd – in 1937.

    Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae) was introduced into France on vines brought in from the USA in the late 1860s. The damage caused by these pale yellow sucking insects, similar to aphids, feeding on the roots and leaves, devastated vineyards, so in France they attempted to graft American root stock to their own vines in order to produce a more resistant strain of grape. Around this time, in 1878, downy mildew (caused by Plasmopara viticola) on grapevines was first noted in France on some of the American grape seedlings. However, some owners of vineyards were also suffering losses caused by children and travellers taking grapes alongside the highways. To discourage the theft they sprinkled a mixture of milk of lime and copper sulfate, using a brush (Fig. 2) to colour the vines blue and make the ripening grapes appear to be poisoned. The protective effect of this against downy mildew was soon observed, notably by Millardet (Fig. 3), a chemistry professor at Bordeaux University, and led to the development of Bordeaux mixture. An early recipe was to dissolve 8 kg of commercial sulfate of copper in 100 l of water, and in a separate vessel make a milk of lime by slaking 15 kg of quicklime in 30 l of water. This was added to the copper sulfate solution to form a bluish precipitate that was stirred well. Some, carried in a pail, was sprinkled on the vines using a small broom. This proved to be very successful in 1885 when the downy mildew was very intense and defoliated untreated vines. Various formulas were tried, one adding glue, which was apparently beneficial.

    Fig. 2. Brush used to sprinkle copper sulfate on vines in France to deter children stealing grapes.

    Fig. 3. Professor Millardet, Bordeaux University. (Photo from Lodeman, 1896, used with permission)

    Another sulfate that really started to be used after 1900 was ferrous sulfate, which is still used today to control moss in lawns and in turf management. It may also be sold mixed with fertilizer to encourage strong root development of grass and tillering to cover where moss has been present. Some 50 years after ferrous sulfate was used on lawns, it is also available mixed with certain herbicides, such as dichlorprop-P and MCPA to control weeds in lawns.

    In the early days of using Bordeaux mixture, there was considerable interest in development of spraying equipment. In the USA, the first ‘knapsack sprayer’ had two hoses attached to the bottom of the tank so that two rows were treated as the liquid was gravity fed to the ‘sprinkler’ on the end of the hose (Fig. 4).

    Fig. 4. Treating potatoes with Paris green in the USA to control Colorado beetles, mid-1800s.

    This had been developed to apply Paris green on potatoes that were infested with the Colorado beetle, an alien pest from Mexico, which had become so serious that spraying the crop was widespread by 1875. In France, around 1885, a knapsack sprayer using a pump was designed, and by 1890 some were imported into the USA. The Vermorel ‘Éclair’ had a rubber disc to form a diaphragm pump (Fig. 5), while the ‘Vigourex’ had a piston pump.

    Fig. 5. The Vermerol Éclair Sprayer to apply Bordeaux mixture.

    The Japy and Albrand were competitors, the latter having an air pump and separate reservoir, thus being the forerunner of the compression sprayer. Soon, a knapsack sprayer, the ‘Galloway’, was designed and manufactured in the USA. At the same time, various nozzles were designed to provide a straight jet or a cone, or variable cone, of spray. Larger, wheeled equipment was soon developed, but it relied on manual pumping of the spray. However, one design called a potato sprayer was fitted with revolving horizontal brushes fed by gravity from the spray tank (Figs 6–9).

    Fig. 6. Barrel sprayer. (From Lodeman, 1896, used with permission.)

    Fig. 7. Wheeled sprayer. (From Lodeman, 1896, used with permission.)

    Fig. 8. Horsedrawn sprayer, c.1900. (From Lodeman, 1896, used with permission.)

    Fig. 9. Potato sprayer with rotary brush fed by gravity. (From Lodeman, 1896, used with permission.)

    According to Lodeman (1896) the best spray was said to be one that nearly resembles a fog, but it was noted that:

    . . . the finer the spray, the less liquid is thrown, and the smaller the area treated. Whenever the wind blows, a fog-like spray will go wherever the wind carries it, and not where the operator directs it. Sometimes this will be an advantage . . . .Yet when the wind will come from the wrong direction, much of the material is blown where it is not wanted.

    This would appear to be an early recognition of spray drift.


    ¹A peck may be used for either liquid or dry measure and is equal to 8 imperial quarts (2 imperial gallons) or a quarter imperial bushel, or 554.84 in³ (9.092 l).


    Austen, R.A. (1653) A Treatise of Fruit Trees. Thomas Robinson, London.

    Forsyth, W. (1802) A Treatise on Culture and Management of Fruit Trees. US edition edited by William Cobbett. D. & S. Whiting, Albany, New York.

    Gianessi, L.P. and Reigner, N.P. (2007) The value of herbicides in US crop production. Weed Technology 21, 559-566.

    Goeze, J.A.E. (1787) Geschichte einiger, den Menschen, Thieren, Oekonomie und Gärtneren sch㣬ichen Insekten. Weidmanns Erben und Reich, Leipzig, Germany.

    Howard, L.O. (1931) The Insect Menace. Appleton & Co., London.

    Lodeman, E.G. (1896) The Spraying of Plants. Macmillan, London.

    Ordish, G. (1952) Untaken Harvest. Constable, London.

    Parkinson, J. (1629) Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris. Methuen, London.

    Tull, J. (1743) Horse-hoeing husbandry. In: Ordish, G. (ed.) Untaken Harvest. Constable, London.

    1    Pesticides in the Early Part of the 20th Century

    After the many different attempts to develop pesticides during the 19th century, efforts over the early decades of the 20th century concentrated on two main areas – the use of extracts from plants, notably pyrethrum and tobacco, and certain inorganic chemicals, mostly containing arsenic, sulfur or copper. Then, from the 1940s onwards, chemists started to develop organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides as well as new herbicides and fungicides. A brief overview of the pesticides used from 1900–1960 is given in this chapter.

    Botanical Insecticides

    In grasslands and forests, plants are able to survive, as they contain chemicals that enable them to combat attacks from insects and diseases. The main plants that man has selected over the centuries as food plants generally have very low levels of toxins. The earliest insecticides were essentially dried leaves of some plants, and, ultimately, modern science has played an important role in identifying these botanical insecticides and subsequently developing similar chemicals that are more effective, photostable and economical to market to farmers. One important food crop, Cassava (Manihot esculenta), is very poisonous unless the roots are well cooked. Farmers often prefer the bitter varieties because they deter pests.


    Pyrethrum was known as far back as 400 BC in Persia (now Iran) and it was thought to have been used in stores, but interest in pyrethrum in Europe increased early in the 19th century, apparently due to an Armenian who learnt about the powder. In Europe it was initially referred to as ‘Dalmatian powder’ obtained from the flower heads of Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium (now called Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium), grown in the Balkans. An interesting story is that a German woman in Dubrovnik, Dalmatia, picked the flowers to have in her house, and having discarded the withered flowers in the corner of a room she noticed later that the plants were surrounded by dead insects, and apparently associated this with insecticidal properties of the plants. By 1850 the powder was used to kill insects in houses in France. Bales of dried flowers and seeds were exported to the USA where the powder was used in dwellings and glasshouses. The main source of disruption in supply of pyrethrum, caused by World War I, was Japan, where the crop had been grown since 1886; but after World War II, Kenya took over the main production (Fig. 1.1). In 1917, the US Navy mixed a pyrethrum extract with kerosene to produce a space spray to control house flies and mosquitoes (Glynne-Jones, 2001). Globally, there are over 2000 registered products containing pyrethrins, used mostly in homes and for controlling mosquitoes, for example in mosquito coils and domestic sprayers such as the Flit gun, used prior to aerosols.

    Fig. 1.1. Chrysanthemum flowers for extraction of pyrethrum.

    Studies on pyrethrum around 1910–1916 by Staudinger and Ruzucka (1924) separated and partially identified the two primary active principles of pyrethrum – Pyrethrin I and Pyrethrin II. This led to considerable research on these actives (Gnadinger, 1936). Pyrethrin I was considered to be more toxic than Pyrethrin II, but the latter was far superior in causing ‘knock-down’ of house flies (Sullivan, 1938). Studies by Tattersfield (1931) and others continued, as its use had proved to be very effective indoors, enhanced later by the development of piperonyl butoxide (PBO) as a synergist in the late 1930s and early 1940s, but it was not photostable, so research continued until the first photostable permethrin was developed (Elliott et al., 1973), followed by other pyrethroids, discussed later.

    Piperonyl butoxide was developed in the late 1930s and early 1940s to enhance the performance of the naturally derived insecticide pyrethrum. As a synergist, it inhibited the natural defence mechanisms of the insect, especially the mixed-function oxidase system (MFOs) also known as the cytochrome P-450 system. It was not considered necessary to use PBO when the synthetic pyrethroids were developed, but when Helicoverpa armigera, the cotton bollworm in Australia, became resistant to pyrethroids, following their extensive use, studies on using PBO revealed that esterase inhibition did not occur until 3–4 hours after PBO had been applied, suggesting a need for a pre-treatment prior to the pyrethroid spray (Young et al., 2005). More recently, PBO has been added to bed nets treated with pyrethroids to increase the mortality of the mosquitoes resistant to pyrethroids.


    Rotenone is another botanical insecticide, known for centuries. The Chinese had extracted the insecticide from the roots of a vine growing wild in Asia, known as derris (Derris elliptica), but it is also found in devil’s shoe string (Cracca virginiana) (Roark, 1933) and other plants – Tephrosia, Millettia, Mundulea and Pachyrhizus (Brown, 1951). It had also been used as a poison dip for arrows in Borneo, but was best known as a fish poison. In 1902, a Japanese chemist isolated the most potent insecticidal substance in derris and called it rotenone. The neurotoxin had been regarded as harmless to human beings but 15 times more toxic to aphids than nicotine. Derris, supplied as a liquid or dust, was generally available for gardeners and ‘organic’ vegetable growers in the UK until October 2009 when it ceased following an EU Directive. Rotenone has been used for the management of invasive fish species, but there is concern, as this also affects non-targeted organisms including amphibians and macro-invertebrates (Dalu et al., 2015).


    The alkaloid nicotine is found in many solanaceous plants, notably in the leaves of Nicotiana rustica, in amounts of 2–14%, in the tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum, the Australian pituri (Duboisia hopwoodii) and common milkweed (Asclepias syriacaas). Its use as an insecticide started with tobacco leaves. As Lodeman (1896) mentioned, two handfuls of Virginia tobacco mixed with a handful of wormwood and a handful of rue in two pailfuls of water, boiled for half an hour and then strained, was ready to be sprayed. Tobacco alone was good, but not as good as the mixture. Later it was usually marketed as nicotine sulfate, which is non-volatile but becomes so in proportion as it is changed to nicotine by the addition of an alkali to neutralize the combining acid. Its toxicity was mainly due to the ‘fumigation’ effect (de Ong, 1924). In 1880, a Mr G.H. Richards set up a company to market a standardized product, XL Nicotine, suitable for gardeners to use as it was successful in controlling sucking pests including mealybugs, woolly aphids and certain scale insects with a waxy cuticle, due to the penetration of the vapour. It was more effective if the ambient temperature exceeded 16oC.

    As nicotine, like other botanical extracts, is not persistent, recent interest has been in the use of nicotinoid insecticides (Ujváry, 1999), generally referred to as the neonicotinoids, which are discussed later (see Chapter 3).


    The botanical insecticide ryania is the ground stem wood and roots of the salicaceous plant Ryania speciosa, a plant originally recorded as found in Trinidad (Brown, 1951). The insecticidal activity of ryania extract was attributed to ryanodine but later shown to be due to the combination of ryanodine and the equipotent and more abundant 9,21-dehydroryanodine (Jefferies et al., 1992). It was very effective in controlling European corn borer and the sugar cane borer. As with other botanical insecticides, there are now modern synthetic ryanoids, which include chlorantraniliprole, cyantraniliprole and flubendiamide.

    Inorganic Chemicals


    The use of arsenical poisons for crop protection was initiated by the arrival of major insect pests in the USA, for example the potato beetle, which arrived from Mexico according to some reports; but Lodeman (1896) refers to it as a native of the Rocky Mountains, which spread eastwards when growing potatoes had spread west into territory occupied by the beetle. It is now referred to as the Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). It was such a vigorous feeder that farmers had to apply an insecticide. Paris green appeared around 1860 and became a standard insecticide, its use extending to other crops. It was also used to kill mosquito larvae. The name Paris green originates from its use as a rodenticide to kill rats in the sewers of Paris, competing with another arsenical, London purple, a less expensive by-product of the dye industry, which was exported in considerable quantities to the USA from 1878 by Messrs Hemingway & Co., London (Ordish, 1952). At that time, Paris green, referred to as emerald green, was also a popular pigment used in artists’ paints.

    According to Lodeman (1896), Paris green, a copper acetoarsenite, could be prepared by boiling a solution of white arsenic in one vessel and a similar one of acetate of copper (verdigris) in another. These two boiling solutions were combined and Paris green precipitated. The fine crystalline powder with a clear green colour was practically insoluble in water.

    In the USA, dusting cotton with calcium arsenate to control the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) and the cotton leafworm (Alabama argillacea) began in the 1920s and was soon carried out in all the cotton growing states. Dusts were used instead of sprays, as arsenicals used were insoluble in water. They wanted the deposit on the foliage, so that it was ingested by insects and phytotoxicity was minimized (Brown, 1951). Nicotine dust was added to control the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) in 1926, and by 1930 the technique was used by the Russians in central Asia, although they applied calcium arsenite and then sulfur to control mites (Tetranychus telarius).

    The quantities needed to control gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) with Paris green proved very phytotoxic, so a change was made to lead arsenate, which was less soluble. Lead arsenate had been prepared as an insecticide much earlier, in 1892, for use against gypsy moth, but its use in forests began with aerial spraying, which commenced in Massachusetts in 1926. It was also aerially applied in the UK, as a dust, in 1922 on an orchard near Sevenoaks. Lead arsenate (LA) was the most extensively used of the arsenical insecticides but, for some pests, was replaced by the less expensive calcium arsenate, until DDT became widely available in 1948.

    When the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae spread to north-east Brazil in the 1930s, Paris green was widely used as a larvicide (Killeen et al., 2002). Similarly, in Palestine, considerable efforts at improving drainage were supplemented by applying Paris green, the larvicide of choice from 1926 until 1948 (Kitron and Spielman, 1989), when DDT was used. In the Tennessee valley, in 1938, 95,000 acres of Wheeler Reservoir were dusted from the air with Paris green, and 4800 miles were oiled from the surface. Paris green was heavily sprayed by plane in Italy, Sardinia and Corsica during 1944, and in Italy in 1945, to control malaria.


    Sulfur has been known to be effective against diseases such as rust on wheat since the Greek poet Homer described the benefits of ‘pest-averting sulphur’ 3000 years ago. Farmers continue to use sulfur dust to control plant diseases such as powdery mildew. In Tanzania, sulfur dust was recommended to treat cashew nut, a major cash crop, to control the powdery mildew disease caused by Oidium anacardii Noack. The standard recommendation in the 1980s was to apply 1.25 kg of sulfur dust per tree per season, so that with a tree spacing of 12×12 m, 90 kg of dust was applied per hectare spread over 4–5 applications using a motorized duster. To minimize the possible impact of acidification of the soil, Smith and Cooper (1997) proposed that the current dusting strategy could be improved by treating only a portion of the trees at each dusting round and spreading the applications over the mildew control season.

    The effectiveness of sulfur as a fungicide could be increased by adding lime, which helped the sulfur penetrate plant tissues, as noted in 1851 by Monsieur Grison at Versailles, where he needed a product that was better than sulfur dust to combat the vine powdery mildew in his greenhouses. The mixture was prepared by heating an aqueous suspension of one part lime (calcium hydroxide) with two parts by weight of elemental sulfur (S). The mixture produced contained mostly calcium polysulfides with some calcium thiosulfate and some unchanged elemental sulfur. Many apple growers applied lime sulfur to control apple scab, often as a ‘winter’ spray before the buds opened.

    Although yellow sulfur had been a proven organic treatment against powdery mildew on ornamentals, as well as on fruit and vegetables, its use was banned within the EU and other countries in 2011. It could still be used in soil as an acidifier or nutrient treatment. Sulfur has also been used to control insect pests, sometimes mixed with DDT or rotenone, and to control ticks on cattle and mites, for example on cotton; but when used in apple orchards, it had a detrimental impact on some important predators of codling moth and was also mildly phytotoxic on some crops.

    Other inorganic chemicals

    A number of other chemicals were used. Cockroaches, e.g. Periplaneta spp., were controlled using a bait containing less than 5% boric acid or as a dust. The bait has to be ingested to be effective. It is very toxic to young children and pets so great care is needed in using it in cracks and crevices under sinks and other sites favoured by cockroaches. Thallium acetate or thallous sulfate were used in baits to control ants. Some soil pests, such as cabbage root fly larvae (Delia radicum) were controlled with mercurous chloride (Calomel). Sodium selenite was applied as a systemic insecticide and acaricide. Generally, none of these compounds is now recommended.

    Organic Chemicals

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