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Ebook238 pages3 hours


Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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A Scarlet Woman. . .

Lady Fiona Gilberte, a sensual, enigmatic beauty, is presently without a husband--but never without a lover. Indeed, the handsomest noblemen in London are at her beck and call--and from their ranks, she may choose one man. . .or two. . .or three. . .with the most decadent delights in mind. With her late husband's vast wealth, an elegant Mayfair mansion, and a discreet staff of attractive servants to attend her, Lady Fiona does exactly as she pleases. But no man commands her. . .until Lord Edward Delamar, a notorious rake and the most virile lover she has ever known, decides to introduce her to a world of never-ending sensation. . .

"A truly sensual story that will titillate and captivate readers." --Romantic Times on Three (four-star review)

"The queen of seduction meets the king of rakes. Sensual, sexual, stupendous. A fabulous erotica romance." --Harriet Klausner Reviews

"Smoldering hot, naughty adventure. . .a deliciously kinky read." --Joyfully Reviewed
Release dateJan 1, 2006

Noelle Mack

Noelle Mack is a designer for a major California entertainment company. Three was her first erotic novel, followed by Red Velvet and Juicy (2007 winner of Romantic Times' Reviewers' Choice award for Best Erotic Romance), and novellas in Sexy Beast, Sexy Beast II, The Harem, Perfect Kisses, and Everlasting Bad Boys. Her tale of love in Venice, Nights in Black Satin, began a new series that moved to London with Nights in Black Leather and Paris for Nights in Black Lace. She lives in Los Angeles. Please visit her website at noellemack.info.

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    Three - Noelle Mack



    Black velvet suited her, Fiona thought, looking in the mirror with the faintest of smiles. And the lustrous triple strand of pearls around her throat provided a demure touch of white. She touched them with a fingertip, then pulled her rumpled gown back down over her bare thighs and legs as her naked and muscular companion bent down to kiss the nape of her neck. She laughed and tipped her head to one side, allowing him, inviting him, to dally with her once more.

    He slid his hands inside the front of her gown and over her breasts, tugging gently at her nipples as he whispered into her ear. My dear lady, I am sorry to leave you. But I must.

    Then do not delay, Fiona said calmly. And give your wayward wife my fondest regards. She removed his hands and sat upon the small armchair placed before the mirror, taking down her honey-colored hair pin by pin, in no great hurry. It tumbled free over her shoulders.

    I shall, Thomas sighed, standing in back of her and running his fingers through the glossy locks. If I can persuade her to leave her lover’s arms long enough to come downstairs.

    Do you permit her to entertain the fellow in your house?

    It is her house, he pointed out. And she does whatever she wants. I don’t care. I have all the freedom a man could wish for. She has never asked where I was going or when I might return.

    Fiona nodded. Then you are fortunate. She rose from her dressing table, unclasping the pearls and coiling them in a tortoiseshell box with an open lid. Dear Thomas. He did not have to know that she had several necklaces very like this one, hidden in other elegant boxes and silk bags.

    He frowned. Must you take them off? I rather fancied the idea of you wearing nothing but the gems of the ocean, like Aphrodite, rolling about in the billows—or should I say pillows? It is nearly midnight, you know. Sleep with the pearls on.

    Since you will not be here to see how I look, what does it matter?

    He clasped her around the waist and kissed her on the cheek. The moon will see you. And I will see the moon on my way home and it will tell me how beautiful you are.

    You are being ridiculously romantic.

    Not at all. He kissed her again, long and tenderly, capturing her mouth with his, and not stopping for at least a minute.

    She broke away at last. Ah. How you can kiss, Thomas.

    I have had some talented teachers. Including you, Fiona. He kissed her again and looked down at his stiffening cock. We might have another go. Would you like to?

    Of course, she lied. But I was going to bathe before bed. The maid will be bringing up the hot water soon.

    Thomas laughed. Wonderful! I can imagine you wet and naked! He put his hand between her legs and gave a rude squeeze. And ready for…soft lips upon lips that are softer still. I know how much you like to have your cunny licked, my sweet.


    Is that all you have to say? Merely mmm? Then I shan’t let you come right away. Imagine my tongue sliding deeply into you, Fiona. In and out. In and out. Like a cock. One that cannot come and only wants to delight you.

    Mmm, she said again with considerably more enthusiasm. She could almost be tempted, especially by that scenario.

    Thomas clasped her again beneath the velvet. You could close your eyes and imagine that the infamous Lady Raynald has her head between your legs. I understand that she is considered an expert in Sapphic skills.

    I have heard that she is an expert horsewoman as well, Fiona said, and rich enough to indulge her unusual tastes.

    And what are those?

    She likes brothel girls of twenty or so. By that age many are weary of men and quite prefer their own sex. She pays for two at a time and they undress…and kiss…and embrace…while she fondles and teases their plump cunnies. Fiona ran a brush through her hair, humming idly. She prefers them to be shaved there.

    Pretty peaches, dripping juice…what else?

    Fiona twisted her hair around one hand and studied herself in the mirror, amused by his impatience. The best way to tell such a story was slow-w-w-ly.

    Fiona, you are a dreadful tease!

    She touched his bare buttocks affectionately with the bristly part of the brush. One naked girl straddles the other, gripping tightly with her thighs, and…

    Thomas put his hands on his narrow hips and tried to glare the rest out of her. And what?

    Lady Raynald gives them riding lessons. With a crop. Then they service her as she desires. They kneel in turn to lick her pussy, after begging their stern mistress for the privilege.

    How delightfully perverse.

    Fiona waved a hand airily. And then, of course, she straps on a large dildo for their pleasure.

    How ingenious, Thomas said. But I should like to see the horseplay most of all. Do the girls neigh? He smirked, obviously in need of a smack, which Fiona supplied, with the smooth side of the brush. Ow!

    You deserved it.

    I did not. I was merely expressing a healthy curiosity.

    Then inquire at Mrs. Quaintree’s establishment. They offer bareback riding as a specialty. I believe it is near Covent Garden—you could ask a friend.

    Never. You are all that I desire. Now, what was I saying?

    You were telling me how you would go about licking me, she said patiently.

    Ah, yes. I want to see you open your legs all the way so that I can see inside the juicy folds. You may touch yourself with a finger for a little while but not for long.

    Then what?

    I haven’t decided. Perhaps I shall spread those beautiful legs of yours myself and tie those pretty ankles far apart so my tongue can go far up inside you.

    Indeed. She smiled demurely. But not now.

    Ah, well.

    Her indifference seemed to wilt him—or perhaps it was the sudden chiming of the clock, reminding him of his duty to his bitch of a wife, Fiona thought.

    Next time, then, my dear lady. I look forward to it. He almost bowed, then remembered that he was naked and gave her a rueful grin.

    As do I.

    Then promise me, Fiona, he began, slipping first one leg and then the other into the breeches he picked up from the floor.

    You know that I do not make promises.

    I was only going to ask that you wear my gift a little longer. Those damned pearls cost me a small fortune.

    Well, she said lightly, if it means that much to you, then I will wear them in my bath. And to bed. And to breakfast. And all through the day until I see you again.

    Thank you. He took the pearls from the box and clasped them once more about her throat, fumbling a little. Then I know you will be thinking of me.

    Fiona raised an elegant eyebrow. Of course.

    Is that so much to ask? I love you.

    She shook her head. You shouldn’t. I am a thoroughly wicked woman, according to your dear mama, the countess. She said as much to me at Almack’s when she thought no one was listening.

    Oh, dear, Thomas said. I expect she thinks I ought to spend more time at home and sire a few grandchildren. But my wife is not likely to produce any that look like me.

    Fiona stroked his hair. Why did you marry Anne? She is far from beautiful and never faithful.

    Thomas shrugged. Her dowry. Her parents let it be known that a considerable sum would be awarded to the suitablest gentleman of pure pedigree, as they put it, so that their darling daughter could marry up. They hoped to rub elbows with the gentry themselves.

    How romantic, Fiona said dryly.

    Isn’t it? He took her by the waist and twirled her around. I much prefer your company, my naughty angel.

    Did you ever love her?

    Certainly not. And as far as the marriage, I had very little choice in the matter. My forebears had a bad habit of burning through money. Gambling, extravagant living, mistresses— he chucked Fiona under the chin—that sort of thing.

    I see, she said. Then you ought not to give me trinkets, Thomas.

    Pshaw. You deserve those pearls. As I was saying, I married Anne because my family’s London house costs the deuce to keep up and Mama has two in the country to maintain as well. In fact, the roof at Castleward has sprung a number of leaks this very spring and I must—

    She shot him an impatient look. You must place pots and pans in strategic places upon the floor, Thomas. Return home, my lord. You have done what you came to do, and I pronounce myself well satisfied.

    Her lover grinned and fastened his breeches, looking about for his boots.

    Over there. Fiona pointed. The boots had been hastily pulled off and flung into a corner. He could have done the honors with them on and his breeches partway down, like any other man, she supposed. But Thomas preferred to be quite naked, though he usually insisted that she keep on some of her clothes.

    Tonight he had lifted her black velvet gown up to her waist and yanked down her lace-trimmed drawers a second later, revealing her bottom, which he had stroked tenderly—at first. He’d kneeled to kiss both soft cheeks all over, spreading them so he could see everything, then stood up to administer tingling slaps from his strong hands, keeping her bent over the bed, quite unable to do anything but enjoy herself until he thrust deeply inside her.

    She was positively glowing from his attentions to that part of her body. And her nipples were still tight and hard. Once he had turned her round and got rid of her drawers, he had freed her breasts from her lowcut gown and let them bounce in his hands while he rammed his thick cock, well roped with veins and slick, into her again and again. He had tugged on her erect nipples for good measure, in an irregular rhythm that excited her into a second climax soon after her first.

    Still, the gown had ripped under the sleeve. Thomas was nothing if not virile, but his preferred mode of lovemaking was hell on clothes.

    He set about retrieving the rest of his own attire rather quickly, as married men were wont to do, Fiona thought to herself. But he dressed carelessly, having no need to put on a show of propriety for his straying wife. He left his shirt un-tucked and went to the window to look out—a precaution, Fiona supposed, to avoid an angry rival or the occasional love-struck miss who might follow him about.

    The moonlight silvered the window on the opposite side of the narrow street…and then a cloud passed over the moon and the glass darkened. Thomas’s eyes widened. Fiona, come here. I can see quite clearly into the house across the street. I believe that is a bedroom…and your neighbor is beautiful. Who is she?

    Fiona crossed the room to stand near him and looked out. I don’t know. She is visiting. The owners of the house are away.

    Is she all alone then?

    Fiona shrugged, a little annoyed by his interest. I suppose so. I have never talked to her, Thomas.

    He laughed softly. Then it will not seem so wrong to spy on a perfect stranger.

    Hmm. I would rather not argue that point. But if you insist….

    Moving closer, they looked out the window together and Thomas put his arms around Fiona’s waist as the woman in the house opposite began to disrobe. She was tall, even when she kicked off her shoes, with a willowy figure and firm breasts. The candelabra she had set by the bed illumined her body but kept her face mostly in shadow.

    The night was warm and she sprawled on the bed, leaving the candles burning. She stretched, luxuriating in her nakedness, and opened her legs to reveal an intimate glimpse of female flesh that shone wetly in the candlelight. Then the woman slid her hands down over her belly, sinking several fingers into the dark hair between her legs.

    Ah, Thomas murmured. I hope that she doesn’t stop.

    She seemed restless, twisting her hips this way and that, keeping her fingers in her cunny.

    She is imagining a lover, Fiona murmured back.

    They watched the woman withdraw her hands and get up on all fours, rearranging the bed pillows into a high mound. She flung herself into them face down, lifting up her hips to tuck a soft little bolster covered in pale velvet between her upper thighs. This she began to squeeze in a regular rhythm, keeping it clasped between her thighs. Her hips thrust down into the pillows, going faster and faster.

    The shadows of the candlelight flickered upon the walls of the room they viewed. Thomas gasped. The woman moved with sensual abandon, relishing her solitary pleasure, quite unaware that she was being watched.

    Fiona stirred in Thomas’s arms. Hugely erect, he drew her tightly against his body as he riveted his eyes upon the darkened window across the street.

    What man would not be aroused, Fiona thought with an inward smile, watching a round, womanly arse like that tighten and relax…tighten and relax…as its possessor enjoyed a private session of frottage, using soft pillows to rub and pump herself to a strong climax. One did not always need a man.

    But luckily Fiona had a lover at hand to ease her own restless desire. Shamelessly asking for his attention, she lifted her skirts once more and pushed her bare bottom against the cock that strained against the confinement of Thomas’s breeches.

    He reached around to grab her cunny with one strong hand. Ah, good girl. Right where I want you, hot and ready for me.

    Fiona laughed softly. Yes. Always.

    Show me, he whispered. Play with your nipples while I penetrate you with your dress up. You know I love to see your arse bared for me. And bare your breasts too. Now.

    She obliged, pulling out one creamy breast and then the other, tugging at her own nipples, while Thomas glanced down over her shoulder to see and then returned his gaze at the other woman, still thrusting sensually against the mound of pillows.

    Then the woman reared up, reached between her legs and pulled the bolster out. Fiona could just see the wet spot on the pale velvet before the woman flung the bolster on the floor. She lay down upon her bed again and began to stroke and stimulate her cunny, giving it a few smacks for good measure, writhing like a woman possessed.

    They continued to observe, fascinated and expecting her to climax at any second. But the woman sank into the pillows, scattered now upon the bed, resting.

    Thomas pulled back a little and undid his breeches, taking out his stiff cock and letting it rest upon Fiona’s bare behind. She stepped so that her legs were farther apart, granting him full access, although the difference in their height made intercourse in this position impossible.

    He hooked a foot over the leg of a low ottoman and dragged it to them. Fiona stepped upon it, holding onto the windowsill with one hand and keeping her gathered skirts up with the other.

    The woman in the room opposite rose from the bed and went to the mirror, holding her breasts in her hands. She pinched her nipples hard and repeatedly.

    Do that to yourself, Thomas said into Fiona’s ear. She felt the throbbing head of his cock enter her nether lips, but he did not thrust in. Now. And do it as she does. Pull on your nipples and make them stand out. You have beautiful high nipples, Fiona. I could suck them all night. He clasped her hips and her bunched-up skirts at the same time, giving her a free hand.

    Fiona tugged one sensitive nipple, then the other, crying out softly when the feeling intensified, wanting only to make it more intense. Nipple teasing went right to her cunt, and her lover knew it.

    Ah, Thomas murmured. I love watching two big-breasted beauties play with their nipples. Keep on. It excites me tremendously. He nudged Fiona’s swollen cunny with the tip of his cock again, still holding on to her hips. Which one of you will come first?

    If all you give me is the hot tip, then I will be crazy with desire. Must I wait? She will come first, mark my words, Fiona said, wriggling back and trying to make him slide inside her. But Thomas was far stronger and held her still.

    I want to make you wait, love. Does it excite you to watch in this way?

    Yes, Fiona whispered.

    The woman turned from the mirror and went back to the bed, rummaging through the drawers of the nightstand. She took out a huge dildo of ivory, with attached balls made of softer stuff, round and heavy, which swayed in the air when she gave them a playful slap.

    Ah. Now for some devilish good play. Thomas’s voice roughened with male lust.

    Then the woman settled back on the bed and spread her legs more widely than before, touching each bottom bedpost with an elegantly arched foot. Fiona and Thomas had an excellent view, despite the flickering of the candles next to the bed.

    They watched her slide the ivory rod in and out, vigorously thrusting it into her snug pussy, obviously enjoying the bounce of the stuffed leather balls against her arse cheeks. Then, without further ado, she twisted up and around, turning her bum to them and holding in the false penis. The sudden screwing motion seemed to excite her even more.

    The woman crouched on her knees, reaching back between her thighs to slide the thing in even deeper, but the last inch or so of the thick, gleaming ivory rod stuck out from her swollen nether lips.

    "I would love nothing more

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