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Ebook163 pages1 hour


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About this ebook

Baltimore college student, Brooklyn Taylor finds herself falling in love with Tyrell who loves the streets more than anything. She gives birth to their daughter and takes on another job to earn extra money while Tyrell is serving time. 
Tyrell learns about her new job and becomes insecure upon his release from prison.
The last physical altercation they have lands Brooklyn in the hospital where her internalized pain turns into deep-seated resentment towards Tyrell. 

Release dateAug 1, 2018

J. Brinkley

About The Author Currently an independent author, Jonas Brinkley was born in Georgia and raised by his mother in Tift County. His writing talent manifested from his teen years and by the encouragement from his relatives and friends. He developed it by taking the relevant college courses that honed not only his writing skills but also his knowledge on various fields like Theosophy and Business. He founded ( Voice Of My Ancestors ) Voma Publications LLC. J. Brinkley's unconventional philosophies about life and love are a gift that ought to be shared with the world via writing.

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    Book preview

    Revenge - J. Brinkley


    rooklyn and Desiree picked up their duffle bags and headed out of the locker room towards the back door. They were done with work for the night and Brooklyn’s boyfriend, Tyrell, was waiting outside. It was a little past two o’clock in the morning and the club had just emptied and closed for the night. As the two women exited the club, they said goodbye to the bartender, one of the bouncers, and a couple of the other dancers that they were cool with.

    Y’all gone? The bartender asked.

    Yup, Brooklyn said.

    I’m having a get together at my house tomorrow night. Y’all coming?

    Maybe, Brooklyn responded.

    A’ight. Desiree, you should let me get that number.

    Boy, you better stop. You know that I’m dealing with somebody.

    Fuck that got to do with me?

    Anyways, she said and then the two ladies turned to walk out the door.

    Tyrell was leaning up against the car smoking a cigarette. Brooklyn could tell by his demeanor that he was not in a good mood. She knew that he would be tripping about trivial things and she wasn’t in the mood for it.

    A few of the nightclub patrons were still hanging around in the parking lot, hanging around like they always did after the club let out.

    One of the guys called out Brooklyn’s name. Aye, Brooklyn! When you gone be here again?

    I’ll be here Friday!

    A’ight..., cool!

    Stop running your fucking mouth and let’s go! Tyrell yelled.

    He flicked the cigarette butt onto the ground and turned to walk to the driver’s side of the car.

    Brooklyn looked at Desiree and rolled her eyes. Hey listen girl, he tripping big time, so I’m just gone roll with him and see if I can talk him down. Here, you take my car and I’ll catch up with you later. Brooklyn handed Desiree her car keys.

    Girl, are you sure? You know he is such an asshole and you really don’t owe his ass anything..., I’m just saying.

    I know, but he is Ariana’s father. I just think I should hear him out.

    Ok, but you better call me. You know Ima be worried till I hear from yo crazy ass.

    I know..., love you too! Brooklyn hugged Desiree and got in the car with Tyrell. By this time, he was fuming.

    Tyrell turned the key in the ignition and then he continued to fuss. Why the fuck is you always yakking at the mouth!?

    He is one of my best tippers. I can’t just ignore him.

    You always up in some dude’s face!

    I wasn’t in no dude’s face, Tyrell. You already know it comes with the job, so why are you acting brand new tonight?

    Flirting and talking to some lame ass dude doesn’t come with the job!

    Brooklyn got angry and yelled, I’m a stripper! I shake my ass for a living! Talking to dudes and chicks is what I have to do to make sure the bills are paid!

    Brooklyn had gotten used to Tyrell’s moods. Some nights he was chill and some nights he would be extremely contentious and hostile. She hated to see him tripping, especially because most of the time it was for nothing. Desiree was always telling Brooklyn that she could do better, but she just couldn’t see it. She loved the man, plain and simple.

    So, you just gonna play me and act like I ain’t doing shit?

    That is not what I said Tyrell!

    That is what the fuck you said! You disrespecting me!

    No, I’m not! Brooklyn yelled.

    Say something else, Brooklyn!

    Whatever, Brooklyn said as she waved her hand in a shooing motion.

    Her hand gesture set Tyrell off. He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her to him. The car swerved a bit and Brooklyn started yelling while trying to stop Tyrell from pulling her hair.

    Tyrell, stop! Brooklyn yelled. Let me go!

    Shut the hell up, bitch! Tyrell yelled in return.

    He finally let go of Brooklyn when he realized that she was trembling. She let silent tears fall. She wiped her tears as she looked out the window. She was hoping that Tyrell would calm down by the time they got home so she could go to bed and get some rest. Tyrell continued to drive with a frown on his face and they rode in silence the rest of the way to Brooklyn’s house.

    Once inside the house, Tyrell still had a chip on his shoulder and felt like arguing. Brooklyn was trying everything to not get into something with him. She just wanted to go to bed, but Tyrell wouldn’t let things die down.

    You always showing off in front of your friend, he said angrily as he lit up a cigarette.

    Brooklyn ignored him and took off her shoes. She stayed silent, but everywhere she moved he was right behind her.

    You think that shit is cute, huh? He said.

    She put her purse on the dining room table and walked towards the kitchen.

    You call yourself ignoring me? Tyrell yelled. He stepped in front of her to stop her from walking.

    Tyrell leave me alone, Brooklyn said calmly.

    Leave you alone? Huh? Tyrell asked.

    She tried to side step him, but he stepped in front of her. That is when she knew that Tyrell was on another level that night. Brooklyn couldn’t tell if he was high or drunk. She figured that he was probably a little bit of both. Tyrell’s drug of choice was cocaine and at times it would make him hostile and erratic.

    She decided that she should get out of there and go to Desiree’s house, like she had done in the past when he got like that. It wasn’t her first rodeo with Tyrell. He had put his hands on her before. She knew that she should have left him years before, but she always let him talk her back in. Brooklyn justified it as he loved her, he wasn’t perfect but he would change. Sometimes Brooklyn felt like she believed in him more than she believed in herself. Certainly, more than Tyrell believed in himself. She started staying at Desiree’s house when he got into one of his moods.

    That night she wished that she would have never gotten into the car with Tyrell. She looked at him and tried to side step him again.

    Answer me. You tried to clown me in front of your girl cause you think you cute right now? You think you cute in this whack ass weave? You think you so cute that you can talk to lame ass dudes in front of me!?

    He grabbed her hair, pulled her head backwards, put his face close to hers and asked, Cute enough to talk crazy to me in front of your friend? Bitch, you got me fucked up!

    Tyrell head butted her and blood started flowing out of the cut. Brooklyn started screaming as he threw her down to the floor by her hair. She tried to scoot away, but Tyrell stood over her, grabbed her by the hair again and hit her in the face.

    Bitch, you don’t ever disrespect me! You hear me? He yelled.

    Brooklyn screamed and begged Tyrell to stop, but he wouldn’t. He continued to hit her repeatedly while yelling about how much she had him fucked up.

    When he was done he said, Don’t fuck with me like that ever again! You understand me!? Now get up and get out of my face!

    Brooklyn didn’t say anything.

    He yelled, Brooklyn!

    She wasn’t moving.

    He walked over to her and said, Brooklyn get your ass up.

    She didn’t move or speak, so Tyrell tried to lift her, but her body was limp.

    He said, Oh shit, baby. Get up.


    When she didn’t move or respond, he grabbed his keys, looked at her one last time, then left. He noticed Desiree driving past him as he hurriedly drove away, leaving Brooklyn lying unconscious in the middle of the living room floor.

    Chapter 1

    5 years earlier....

    The school bell rang and all the high school teenagers exited their classrooms, flooding the hallways. Brooklyn walked out of her class and stood by the hall lockers, waiting for Desiree to exit her class and meet her. They always chatted in the hallway before leaving to go home from school. She saw Desiree making her way down the hall a couple of minutes later.

    Desiree and Brooklyn were both five feet and five inches tall. Desiree’s skin tone was a little darker than Brooklyn’s peanut butter skin complexion. Both girls were gorgeous, but Desiree always envied how voluptuous Brooklyn’s body was. Even in high school Brooklyn had a bigger butt and bigger breasts. It always made Brooklyn get more attention from the boys. Sometimes Desiree wished that she had a body like Brooklyn’s, so boys would pay her more attention.

    Hey, girl! Desiree said when she walked up.

    Hey! Can you believe we only have a few weeks left of school before we graduate? Brooklyn asked.

    I know. Finally. We can finally be out of our parents’ houses and on our own.

    I know. Have you gotten any college acceptance letters yet? Brooklyn asked.

    Not yet, but I’m hoping to soon. I hope we get accepted to the same college, Desiree said.

    Me too, Brooklyn replied.

    The girls’ conversation was interrupted by one of the most popular boys in the school. Landon was tall, attractive, had a deep brown skin tone and played basketball. Rumor around school was that he was going to go to the League. Most of the girls at the school wanted him, including Desiree.

    Brooklyn stopped walking when he approached them. Desiree’s eyes scanned him up and down as he walked up and then she smiled.

    What’s up y’all? Landon asked.

    Hi, Desiree responded.

    Hey, Landon, Brooklyn said.

    Brooklyn, are you coming to my graduation party? Landon asked.

    I don’t know, she responded.

    Ah, man. I was hoping that you would be there, he said.

    If my parents let me out of the house, Desiree and I will come, Brooklyn said.

    A’ight. Well, I hope to see you there.

    He walked away and they watched him walk over to a group of his friends. They continued down the hallway and out the front door.

    Girl, he is so fine, Desiree said.

    He’s alright.

    Seems like he likes you.

    I don’t know.

    Desiree laughed. Every girl in this school wants him, including me, but he is always talking to you.

    Yea, but you know I have a boyfriend.


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