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Mallard: How the ‘Blue Streak’ Broke the World Speed Record
Mallard: How the ‘Blue Streak’ Broke the World Speed Record
Mallard: How the ‘Blue Streak’ Broke the World Speed Record
Ebook260 pages3 hours

Mallard: How the ‘Blue Streak’ Broke the World Speed Record

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The smooth outline of streamlined A4 Pacific locomotive Mallard is instantly recognisable, an icon of railway history resplendent in blue. Famously reaching a top speed of 126mph on 3 July 1938 on the East Coast main line, this world record for steam locomotives still stands today. Don Hale tells the full story of how the record was broken, from the rivalry of the nineteenth-century London–Scotland speed race, to similarities in Mallard’s futuristic design to the Bugatti car, and the influence of Germany’s nascent Third Reich in propelling the train into an instrument of national prestige. Mallard’s designer, Sir Nigel Gresley, is celebrated as one of Britain’s most gifted engineers. Updated with new appendices and extra photographs, this classic book remains the perfect tribute to one of British technology’s finest hours.
Release dateSep 2, 2019
Mallard: How the ‘Blue Streak’ Broke the World Speed Record

Don Hale

Don Hale is a British author and investigative journalist. He has been National Journalist of the Year on three occasions. His campaign to free Stephen Downing won the National Campaign of the Year Award and helped force a change in British and European law allowing any prisoner in denial of any offence the right to appeal for parole. In 2002 Don Hale was made an OBE for his efforts and campaigning journalism in this case.

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    Mallard - Don Hale




    Mention the term ‘arms race’ and you instinctively think in terms of military build-ups in the twentieth century: the Dreadnoughts of 1904–14, the Spitfires and Messerschmitt 109s of the 1930s, and the space race of the 1960s. All were politically motivated, and all had consequences that would change the way we live. But arms races aren’t always about weapons. In the 1930s, an equally exciting competition between Britain and Germany was taking place on the railways. Throughout that decade, records would be made and broken, culminating in a high-speed run in 1938 by the famous locomotive Mallard that has never been bettered since by steam traction.

    It was a hugely significant event that went beyond the breaking of a speed record: at a point when Nazi Germany seemed to be having everything its own way, Britain’s triumph proved that ingenuity and determination could beat the Nazi regime. At a time when British morale was faltering, this success provided a much-needed fillip. Mallard is significant in other ways, too: her creation marked the culmination of more than a hundred years of steady development for the steam locomotive, and her record-breaking sprint from Grantham to Peterborough set the high-water mark for railways everywhere. Despite all the technological breakthroughs that have happened since, Mallard still represents for many the zenith of the railway’s golden age, before war followed by nationalisation and then re-privatisation saw its painful decline. How Mallard’s triumph was achieved, and why, forms the subject of this book.

    The desire to go faster, higher, farther seems to be an intrinsic part of human nature, which is why, in 1804, a Cornish engineer called Richard Trevithick invented the steam locomotive. The desire to make money is another intrinsic desire, which is also why colliery owners in north-east England started to use steam locomotives, as they could haul more than horses.

    At the famous Rainhill Trials in 1829, Robert Stephenson’s Rocket reached a frightening 29mph, and less than twenty years later the unprecedented speed of 60mph was the norm on some railways. These were the fastest machines ever invented at that time – the equivalent of a rocket today – and any speed advantage was immediately seized on by the companies involved to promote their routes and win new business.

    For the railways, going faster was a deadly serious competition, with the various railway works around the country pushing materials and manufacturing techniques to their limit. At first, the Great Western Railway, with its flat route from London to Bristol and wider tracks than anyone else, held the advantage. By the 1860s, however, other companies had caught up. These were heady times, but because each company operated on generally different routes, it was difficult to compare performances on a like-for-like basis. This didn’t deter two alliances from competing with each other in a series of races that lasted years (with occasional interruptions) and effectively set the pattern for the story of Mallard.

    The rivalry lay between the two routes to Scotland – the West Coast Main Line from London Euston through Rugby, Stafford, Preston and Carlisle, and the East Coast route, which ran from London King’s Cross through Peterborough, Doncaster, York, Darlington and Newcastle to Edinburgh; both still run today. The first railway route from London to Glasgow and Edinburgh, up the West Coast of England, was completed in 1847 and operated jointly by the London & North Western Railway Company and the Caledonian Railway Company. The rival line, the slightly shorter East Coast route, opened some four years later following an alliance between the Great Northern, North Eastern and North British railway companies. ‘Speed’ soon became the buzzword of the period. Within ten years of opening the East Coast line, its operators were proudly boasting that they offered a much faster schedule than their rivals. Unlike today’s heated competition between budget airlines, in which the key factor is who offers the lowest fares, price was no issue: speed was all.

    At this time the railway operators had a rather unfortunate image. They were the butt of newspaper jokes and often mocked by caricaturists of the day. The public expected that trains would be cold, dirty, smelly, slow and downright uncomfortable – and they were usually right. Imagine ten or more hours in a third-class compartment, with oil lighting, no heating and wooden seats, sometimes upholstered but still painful for long periods – not a pleasant experience. But with the only alternative being several days in a horse-drawn carriage, there was little choice for anyone who wanted to go to Scotland, or anywhere else for that matter.

    In many ways, the railways reflected social and economic change – paradoxically, change that the railways themselves had engineered. Massive construction challenges and manufacturing problems had been overcome, and the railways provided a means to move produce rapidly. As more lines opened, people began to commute into work. For the railways, gaining the hearts and minds of this expanding clientele was vital.

    Backed by their new, ‘racing style’ image, the directors of many railway companies determined to lose their old-fashioned tag and reinvent themselves. First, they began to encourage fast services from London northwards: to the growing industrial centres of Sheffield, Manchester and Birmingham and, of course, across the border to Scotland. However, at this early stage, they also promoted quality and convenience rather than pure speed.

    Then, between 1872 and 1876, the Midland Railway Company decided to build its own line from Settle to Carlisle, which enabled it to bypass the existing LNWR route from Crewe to Carlisle and thus set up its own service to Scotland. Even more importantly, it confirmed plans to admit third-class passengers to all of its services for the first time in its history. The news came as a bombshell to many of the other class-ridden railway operators, especially to the rather highbrow East and West Coast firms. Then, a few weeks later, they received a second shock: the Midland Railway said it was also going to scrap the second-class service and upgrade third. It could now justifiably boast its trains were more luxurious than the competition.

    At this stage, the East Coast service in particular had been content with competing for the quality of its passengers rather than the quantity, but this new series of statements from their Midland rivals meant that they now faced serious competition and risked losing a large part of their market. In response the Scotsman service finally admitted third-class passengers and announced a new running time of nine hours.

    Disturbed by the threat of further competition from a new rival and by the constant and infuriating boasts of ‘superior speed and revised schedules’ from the East Coast line, in May 1887 the West Coast management team unexpectedly rebelled. They announced that they would not only match their competitors but beat them, with a new operating schedule of just nine hours from London to Edinburgh – exactly the same time as the rival train the Scotsman, with a broad hint they could, and probably would, improve on that.

    This bold move led to renewed boasts from all sides, which not only attracted interest but also rallied public support. The foreign press soon picked up the story and for many months the directors of several continental railway companies kept a watching brief on developments. Any news, no matter how trivial, was eagerly gobbled up and reported by the volatile and jingoistic British press. In those years the newly united Germany, fresh from its success in the Franco-Prussian war, was building up its military in a bid to acquire an Empire along the same lines as Britain’s. National superiority was vital.

    By 1 August 1887, less than four months after the West Coast first launched their high-speed programme, the East and West Coast outfits began running head-to-head from London to Scotland – eventually revising an already punishing schedule to just eight hours. At first the two companies seemed fairly well matched, but all this changed when the East Coast Company deliberately tried to take the lead. Determined not to lose out, they vowed to reduce the Scotsman’s running time to just seven hours and forty-five minutes, and ran a special test train to prove the point. This recorded an outstanding performance, racing from London to Edinburgh in just seven hours and twenty-seven minutes, twenty minutes under the advertised schedule – even allowing for a near half-hour stop at York for lunch and an unexpected delay caused by a swing bridge at Selby.

    The East Coast management were elated by their success but realised that it came at a cost. Running trains at such high speeds was becoming increasingly expensive in terms of maintenance, and there were safety issues too; a derailment or, even worse, a crash would be a disaster for all concerned. The day after the record-breaking run, the directors of both alliances met and reluctantly agreed to a compromise, a more conservative schedule of just under eight hours and thirty minutes. To the great disappointment of the public and doubtless some of the drivers (but perhaps not the hard-pressed firemen) the racing stopped – at least for a few years.

    Meanwhile, British engineering continued to expand the frontiers of possibility with the opening of the Tay Bridge in 1887 and the Forth Bridge in 1890. These magnificent structures reduced the East Coast journey from London to Aberdeen to 523.5 miles, against the West Coast distance of 540 miles, and overall journey time to twelve hours and twenty minutes from King’s Cross. There were unprecedented demands from the public for new trials; the press continued to focus on the issue and observers from across the world waited eagerly to see what would happen next.

    They were not disappointed. In June 1895, determined not to be beaten again, the West Coast alliance entered the fray, recording a new world-record time of eleven hours and forty-five minutes from Euston to Aberdeen. Its rivals were not slow to respond, and for a thrilling seventeen days in July and August every night became a race to the finish, with timetables continually updated until the drivers of both services were told to cast schedules aside to make the best time they could.

    On each of those nights, two express trains left London’s King’s Cross and Euston stations at 8 p.m., one on each route and both bound for Aberdeen. For the final 38 miles of the journey, from Kinnaber Junction, near Montrose, to Aberdeen, the East Coast train had to use West Coast tracks. Whoever reached Kinnaber Junction first would win the race, as strict intervals were enforced between trains running on the same track. The story goes that on one run, the trains were neck and neck and within sight of each other as they steamed furiously towards Kinnaber Junction. The signalman, who worked for the Caledonian Railway, had to decide which train to let onto the section first. In a sporting gesture, he gave the ‘road’ to the East Coast train – but it was as close as a race could be. Still, it was a little difficult to decide who had actually won, so the companies agreed to a change of tactics and switched back again to competing over running times instead of head-to-head parallel running.

    On 20 August 1895 the East Coast express crew really excelled themselves. The train arrived at Edinburgh Waverley in just six hours nineteen minutes, then continued onward to Aberdeen in a superb combined time of eight hours forty minutes from London. This achievement claimed another world record and the Aberdeen through time remained on the books for eighty years, only beaten by the introduction of 100mph-plus diesel trains travelling the same route. The timings belie the sheer difficulty of running fast with steam locomotives. During the Aberdeen races, vital stops were needed on the East Coast route, and locomotives were changed at Grantham, York and Newcastle to avoid running out of fuel. Despite this, the train still managed to claim another record, achieving an average speed of more than 60mph for the entire journey – including the difficult gradient from Edinburgh to Aberdeen with a 100-ton load.

    The next evening, the London & North Western and Caledonian Railway, determined to claim their share of glory, attacked the same target via their own West Coast route. They, too, had to make engine changes, this time at Crewe, Carlisle and Perth, and they also had to negotiate severe climbs at Shap Summit in the Lake District (915ft) and at Beattock (1,015ft), with three coaches in a 70-ton load. Although they did not quite overtake the running time of their rivals, they recorded another magnificent record, achieving a superb time of just eight hours forty-two minutes from London, for a journey that was some 17 miles longer, and a higher average speed of 63.3mph. These were remarkable achievements that pushed the technology of the day to its limits. They also set in stone the rivalry between East and West Coast routes that still exists to this day.

    By the following year, many other national railway operators were also competing hard on speed. It suddenly seemed to be the craze of the nation: fast expresses now departed several times a day from the opposition London stations to Manchester, usually arriving within five minutes of each other. Press statements claimed racing trains rarely stopped for anything – including stations – and staff were instructed to give them priority. Timetables were discarded and drivers adopted a ‘gung-ho’ spirit, determined to be the first to reach Scotland, at almost any cost. Drivers and train crews certainly needed all their experience on the difficult northern routes, yet some began to take chances, realising that valuable minutes could be won or lost by successfully negotiating major obstacles at crossover points and junctions, or on sharp track curves. Some unscrupulous railway directors even reduced the number of coaches hauled, just to maintain top speed and give their trains a sporting chance. Despite other exciting runs on other cross-country services, it was the Scottish races that remained firmly in the public spotlight. The public remained curious, eager to know every minute detail about the contestants. Press coverage became intense – in one story, it was claimed that the races had encouraged gambling.

    Inevitably, other main-line services, including freight, were affected. It was hard to run a reliable freight or local passenger service when the line ahead might be shut down unpredictably to allow the Scotsman through. Locomotives at the time were not equipped with speedometers (which were not standard on all railways until the late 1940s), so the authorities, concerned for public safety, insisted on the installation of track markers and mileage posts at quarter-mile distances. Even so, the line between calculated risk and outright danger was increasingly being crossed, especially at major junctions. The issue was of such concern that it was even debated in parliament. Fortunately, there were few mishaps or breakdowns during the speed runs. But in August 1896, a southbound express was derailed at Preston when it exceeded the speed limit entering the station. The two engines came to rest against a bridge wall with the coaches scattered across the tracks. Fortunately, there were only sixteen passengers on board, but one was killed.

    The races were not an unmixed blessing even for the companies who initiated them. Many trains were double-headed and used numerous locomotives en route to haul coaches at speed. Maintenance costs soared, but despite keen public interest, passenger numbers fell disappointingly. Consequently, the directors of both companies agreed that in future they would concentrate on improving their services.

    Other railway operators were still interested in breaking records. The Great Western Railway and London & South Western Railway began to stage their own spectacular competitions. In 1904 the GWR threw down a spectacular gauntlet, with a run from Plymouth to London that still ranks as one of the most daring railway operations ever. On 9 May that year, one of its new City-class locomotives, No. 3440 City of Truro, became the fastest train on British rails, with a timer on the train recording a top speed of 102.3mph. This figure has been disputed since and never officially recognised, but the balance of evidence suggests that whatever the top speed actually was, it was certainly around the magic hundred-mark.

    After this, to the disappointment of many, most companies thought the records could wait. Railway technology was at its limit: to achieve faster speeds locomotives would have to become radically more powerful, with longer range. Even as the West and East Coast railways were busy racing, designers across the world were scratching their heads trying to work out how to provide a new generation of rolling stock to haul the heavy loads now being demanded, and luxurious carriages to attract new business. The emphasis quickly changed from speed to increased capacity and passenger comfort. Engineers concentrated on building more powerful locomotives and new rolling stock to carry heavier loads for greater profits.

    The speed trials might be over, but their effects were long lasting. They had not only accelerated journey times but also provided a valuable impetus for the development of new locomotives and rolling stock. The achievements on the London–Scotland routes and elsewhere helped shape the future of the industry, and the investment poured into the railway network by competitive bosses provided skilled training and regular work for employees across the country.

    The results also ensured Britain continued to rule the tracks, holding more than a dozen early, fully authenticated steam records. It was many years before overseas nations were able to mount any serious challenge, and in the meantime the British rail industry had not only gained acres of publicity at home but also attracted worldwide attention and admiration. Those eagerly awaiting

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