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Ebook88 pages54 minutes


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About this ebook

As God's beloved children, the most amazing growth happens inside of us during our disappointments, betrayals or heartaches none of which is a part of God's plan for us to begin with. However; though satan uses those profusely in order to get us to question God's presence and also to lessen our faith in his limitless power; God still ends up using it all to our benefit. Not only does He make us into spiritual pillars during satan's unexpected curveballs, but He also brings out extraordinary results that are above and beyond our earthly level of understanding. 

The author of Violet, Vicki Jenkins, humbly exposes her innermost details during which she has learned to process life's unrelenting trials through prayers and supplications; so much so that she has also learned to pray for those who hurt her, whether directly or indirectly. And according to God's Word, there is no higher sacrifice. Her closing words "The Secret To Happiness Is Always A Grateful Heart" are right on target when it comes to describing Violet. Vicki Jenkins' book is a gem to discover if you need a boost to interpret the Scriptures just so your own will lines up with God's, and not the other way around.

PublisherVicki Jenkins
Release dateSep 18, 2019

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    Violet - Vicki Jenkins




    When you have been stabbed in the heart,  what you need is hope!


    His eye is on the sparrow,  and I know He watches me


    This book is dedicated to the special God sent angels in my life. 

    Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels without knowing

    (HEBREWS Chapter 13,  VS 2) 

    *Many names have been changed for privacy reasons.

    *Please note that grief can come from any loss. That includes the loss of a job, a pet, a death or numerous other sources. It is deep sorrow, anguish, and heartache. 

    All scriptures in this book from the New International version, the King James and the New American Standard version of the Bible.


    Comfort another as you have been comforted.

    (II Corinthians; Chapter 1, Verse 4)


    I am an ordinary Christian.  I am not a spiritual leader or the wife of a minister.  I am the ordinary person, who behind what the world sees, has a deep love for the Lord and believes the truths of the scriptures and the promises therein.  It is important to me that the reader understands this, so that you realize I am truly walking beside you in my journey to know and do God's will.

    I, maybe like you, have felt my hurts to a depth that put me on my face before God for an extended period of time.  God’s word gives us much support during these times.

    "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trail which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;

    But rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy."

    (I Peter; Chapter 4, Verses 12 and 13)

    This assures us during our strengthening time of trial, there is hope for the good to come.  In addition, the degree of good will be in direct proportion to the level of our emotional or other investment. This gives us not just hope, but something to be excited about!  To my amazement I always found a comforting scripture custom fit to the situation of the moment.

    "Hope deferred, makes the heart sick, but when the 

    answer comes,  at last, there is joy and life".

    (Proverbs; Chapter 13, Verse 12)

    What a magnificent promise!  It doesn't say if the answer comes; it says when the answer comes.  It will happen!

    The sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed to us

    (Romans 8:18)

    I began realizing at some point during my trial that possibly God wanted me to write my feelings.  As I searched for Christian counsel for the things that continued to trouble me and was unable to find the right counsel, I became grateful for the many books written by other Christians.  I was aware of the need of these books. No matter how much I read I was never able to find any situation just like my own to which I could relate.  I listened to God as I felt Him leading me to write my story. I still knew there were answers yet to come. It became clear to me that I was to begin this book while I was still able to receive some of the energy it would require through the pain and grief I was still experiencing.


    My desire is to fill the pages of this manuscript, not just with suffering, but with the joy, hope, and humor that emerges as a bud in the spring erupts through the hard soil.  In that same way, together, we will experience the continual unfolding of God's plan for both you, and for me, and the miraculous process in which God does this.  We will watch as his plan comes to fruition.


    "For we know that all things work together for good, to

    those who love God, and are called, according to His  purpose"

    (Romans; Chapter 8, Verse 28)


    About Michael, Who God Allowed to Break My Heart


    Michael was not Prince Charming.  Michael was King Charming.  He literally came into my life on the wings of a snow white dove.

    In the months before I met Michael, I had just turned 47 and buried myself in a lengthy time before the Lord, in pursuit of His meeting a deep need that I believe He placed in me.  I had asked for a Christian partner, a helpmate, with whom I could better serve God.  That was the sincere motive in my heart.  After spending months in the reading of God's word, and in prayer, I was led to a fast which I easily endured for seven days.  I wanted God to know that I was serious and how much this meant to me.  I followed all the instructions I'd received from His word on how to have one's prayers answered.  I knew it was important to pray for God's will.  I had to believe the need I felt so deeply had been put there by God, so I have never doubted it was a need He wanted to meet.

    He promises to satisfy the desire of the heart of every living thing

    Psalm; Chapter 145, Verse 16)

    I believed that included me and my hearts desires:

    Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, Let your requests be made known unto God

    (Philippians; Chapter 4, Verse 6)


    I had done these things and now it was time to exercise obedience in regard to not being anxious.  It was time to lighten up and begin thanking God for the answer to this prayer.  I had done my homework.  My next assignment was to believe God had heard and that He would answer.  As I happily went about my life, I felt willing to let it be in His way and His time.  This is faith;  It is a constant commitment to believe in what you believe against all odds, no matter what.

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen

    (Hebrews; Chapter 11, Verse 1)

    This is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.

    Without faith it is impossible to please Him

    (Hebrew; Chapter 11, Verse 6)

    The righteous shall live by faith

    (Hebrew; Chapter 10, Verse 38)

    I put a smile on my face, with the confidence that God does not lie.  He was doing something!  Knowing I did not have to beg, I put away my anxious spirit and began thanking Him for the answer, graciously and daily, while continuing my sincere prayers for others.

    A few months passed and I began to date casually, trying to keep an open mind, as I knew God had promised to meet my individual need, and something of substance would come along.  I trusted Him, even though I heard no bells, I continued to smile and with a believing heart, thanked Him.

    Unknown to me was a beautifully spirited and gentle blue-eyed man of God living with his daughter only two miles away.  It happened that about

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