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The Yoga Sūtras of Maharsi Patañjali
The Yoga Sūtras of Maharsi Patañjali
The Yoga Sūtras of Maharsi Patañjali
Ebook95 pages41 minutes

The Yoga Sūtras of Maharsi Patañjali

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The Yoga Sūtras of Maharṣi Patañjali have been composed between 300 BCE TO 300 ACE. They are most versatile and comprehensive aphorisms that even today we seek answers to life and a way of living through them.

The 195 sūtras are divided into four chapters called pāda: Samādhipāda (On Concentration and Enlightenment), Sādhanapāda (Path of Action and Purification), Vibhūtipāda (Transcending the Elements) and Kaivalyapāda (Transformation and Beyond Enlightenment).

This beautiful booklet is a daily treasure to enable easy recitation and learning of the sūtras, ponder over their meanings and to bring about a resolve of self-transformation.

PublisherDamini Dalal
Release dateDec 28, 2018
The Yoga Sūtras of Maharsi Patañjali

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    The Yoga Sūtras of Maharsi Patañjali - Damini Dalal


    On Concentration and Enlightenment

    Atha yogānu śāsanam 1

    (Atha-now, auspicious moment, yoga-Yoga, anuśāsanam-following the discipline of)

    Flowing from an eternal continuum, now, at this auspicious moment, commences the teachings of the discipline of Yoga.

    I begin, at this very auspicious moment, my moment to moment practice of Yoga. I am blessed!

    Yogaś cittavṛtti nirodhaḥ 2

    (Yogaḥ-Yoga is, citta vṛtti-mind waves, nirodhaḥ- absolute and skilful stilling/stopping/mastery)

    Yoga is defined as the absolute stilling and mastery over the ever-fluctuating mind-waves

    The stilling of my unruly mind-waves is my aim!

    Tadā draṣṭuḥ svarūpe’vasthānam 3

    (Tadā-then, draṣṭuḥ- the seer, svarūpe- self nature, avasthānam- is established)

    Then, (at that time of Samādhi, occurring through the absolute stilling of the thought-waves) the essential self-nature abides in-itself as the untouched seer.

    Then only, in a one-pointed state, will I be able to know myself as I am!

    Vṛtti sārūpyam itaratra 4

    (Vṛtti-mind waves, sārūpyam-external nature, itaratra- at other times, otherwise)

    Otherwise, (when not in a state of Yoga Samādhi) it (the self) identifies itself with/takes on the forms of the ever-fluctuating mind-waves and the extraneous disturbances of the world.

    Or, otherwise, I will remain trapped in the surging frenzy of the minds’ tidal waves!

    Vṛttayaḥ pañca tayyaḥ kliṣṭā akliṣṭāḥ 5

    (Vṛttayaḥ-those mind waves, pañca tayyaḥ- of five categories, kliṣṭā- painful/afflicted, akliṣṭāḥ- non-painful/non-afflicted)

    The ever-fluctuating mind-waves have five (broad) categories, which can be both, afflicted and non-afflicted (by pains of the world).

    The innumerable wave-tides of my mind, strike ceaselessly, angst and joy interspersed

    Pramāṇa viparyaya vikalpa nidrā smṛtayaḥ 6

    (Pramāṇa-right valid knowledge, viparyaya- misperceptions, vikalpa-misconceptions, nidrā-deep sleep, smṛtayaḥ-memories)

    (These five categories or forms of the mind-waves are) valid/right knowledge, erroneous knowledge, knowledge of things that are non-existent, deep sleep and memory/recollection.

    My mind can know aplenty! But oh! All knowing can be both, pain-giving and pain-alleviating!

    Pratyakṣānumānāgamāḥ pramāṇāni 7

    (Pratyakṣa-direct perception, anumāna-inference, agamāḥ-scriptural and verbal testimony, pramāṇāni- are the valid sources of knowledge)

    Direct perception, inference and scriptural testimony are the three forms of valid cognitions that occur in the mind.

    Knowing right, I understand, is directly through all my senses-faculties, through interpretation and through the scriptures or the wise!

    Viparyayo mithyā jñānam atadrūpa pratiṣṭham 8

    (Viparyayo-misperceptions, mithyājñānam-false knowledge, a tat rūpa-not of that form, pratiṣṭham-based on)

    Erroneous knowledge is illusory/false and is based on mistaking something for something completely different.

    I can, I realize, several times mistakenly perceive something for what it is not!

    Śabda jñānānupātī vastu śūnyo vikalpaḥ 9

    (Śabda jñana-knowledge of the words/s, anupātī-following, vastu śūnyo- absence of object, vikalpaḥ- is misconception/ideation)

    (Mental) ideation arises from word/s denoting non-existing/unreal objects.

    My day-dreaming never ends! It gives me both joy and pain when I am unable to distinguish when to end it all! I need to awaken from my day time reveries!

    Abhāva pratyayālambanā vṛttir nidrā 10

    (Abhāva-absence, pratyaya- force of mental thought/s, alambanā- extending on/leaning, vṛttiḥ nidrā-is mental wave form of deep

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