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Eureka: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Eureka: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Eureka: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
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Eureka: Obstetrics & Gynaecology

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About this ebook

Eureka: Obstetrics and Gynaecology is an innovative book for medical students that fully integrates core science, clinical medicine and surgery.

The book benefits from an engaging and authoritative text, written by specialists in the field, and has several key features to help you really understand the subject:
  • Chapter starter questions - to get you thinking about the topic before you start reading
  • Break out boxes which contain essential key knowledge
  • Clinical cases to help you understand the material in a clinical context
  • Unique graphic narratives which are especially useful for visual learners
  • End of chapter answers to the starter questions
  • A final self-assessment chapter of Single Best Answers to really help test and reinforce your knowledge
The First Principles chapter clearly explains the key concepts, processes and structures of the female reproductive system.

The Clinical Essentials chapters provide an overview of the symptoms and signs of obstetric and gynaecological disease, relevant history and examination techniques, investigations and management options.

A series of disease-based chapters give concise descriptions of all major disorders, e.g. complications of pregnancy, gynaecological tumours and subfertility, each chapter introduced by engaging clinical cases that feature unique graphic narratives.

The Emergencies chapter covers the principles of immediate care in situations, such as ectopic pregnancy and eclampsia.

An Integrated Care chapter discusses strategies for the management of chronic conditions across primary and other care settings.

Finally, the Self-Assessment chapter comprises 80 multiple choice questions in clinical Single Best Answer format, to thoroughly test your understanding of the subject.

The Eureka series of books are designed to be a 'one stop shop': they contain all the key information you need to know to succeed in your studies and pass your exams.
Release dateSep 17, 2016
Eureka: Obstetrics & Gynaecology

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    Book preview

    Eureka - Hannah Kither

    Chapter 1

    First principles

    Overview of the female reproductive system

    Development of the female reproductive system

    The ovaries

    The fallopian tubes

    The uterus

    The cervix

    The vagina

    The vulva

    The perineum

    The female urinary tract

    The menstrual cycle

    Fertility and conception


    Labour and the puerperium


    Overview of the female reproductive system

    Starter questions

    Answers to the following questions are on page 74

    1.   What makes us male or female?

    2.   Can eating foods high in plant oestrogens affect the reproductive system?

    The female reproductive system is a collection of organs that enable women to conceive and bear children. Together, these organs:

    develop female gametes (reproductive cells that contain half the number of chromosomes of a somatic cell)

    create the ideal environment for their fertilisation (the fusion with a male gamete to form a zygote)

    support a developing fetus

    give birth

    The endocrine system governs the ways in which the reproductive system develops and changes throughout a woman’s life.

    The reproductive organs start to develop during gestation, but the system remains immature and non-functional until after puberty. At puberty, increasing levels of sex hormones stimulate the reproductive system to mature (see page 11). During the reproductive years, the cyclical changes of the menstrual cycle cause the maturation and release of oocytes (female gametes) that enable fertilisation and prepare the uterus for pregnancy (see page 44).

    The quantity and quality of a woman’s oocytes decline over time, so as she ages the reserve of oocytes capable of fertilisation is depleted. When the reserve is exhausted, menopause occurs, marking the end of her fertility (see page 72).


    The female reproductive system comprises both internal and external structures with specific functions (Table 1.1).

    The internal structures are the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and vagina (Figure 1.1)

    The external structures are the vulva, clitoris, and labia minora and majora (Figure 1.2)

    The internal reproductive organs are located in the pelvis (Figure 1.3). The external reproductive organs are situated in the urogenital triangle of the perineum (Figure 1.22). Innervation and blood supply to these areas reflect their embryological origin.

    Hormonal regulation

    The function of the reproductive system is tightly regulated by the endocrine system, which ensures that the body maintains a state in which it is working as efficiently as possible, i.e. homeostasis. Reproductive hormones are chemical messengers that coordinate changes in multiple sites around the body (e.g. the breasts, the female reproductive tract, the brain) to facilitate sexual reproduction. Reproductive hormones are secreted directly into the bloodstream by endocrine glands, specifically the pituitary gland and ovaries, where they are transported to their target organs.

    Figure 1.1 The internal structures of the female reproductive system: the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and vagina.

    Figure 1.2 The external structures of the female reproductive system. The labia minora and majora protect the clitoris, urethral meatus and vaginal entrance. The vulva includes all these structures as well as the mons pubis. The Bartholin gland opens into the vagina.

    Figure 1.3 Anatomy of the female pelvis (sagittal section). In this view, the ovaries lie lateral to the uterus and are not visible.

    Feedback loops

    Levels of reproductive hormones are regulated by both internal and external factors. For example, high levels of circulating oestrogen and progesterone inhibit further production of oestrogen and progesterone from the ovary (Figure 1.4a). This is known as a feedback loop. Feedback loops can be either negative or positive.

    Negative feedback

    In a negative feedback loop, as in the previous example, the effects of the hormone include inhibition of further secretion; this ensures controlled release. Most hormones are regulated by this type of feedback.

    Positive feedback

    In a positive feedback loop, a hormone’s effects potentiate further release of hormone. This amplifies the hormone’s signal and continues until its level reaches a threshold at which an event occurs that returns the system to basal levels. The control of ovulation is an example of positive feedback. The release of luteinising hormone (LH) causes an increase in oestrogen production by the ovaries, which in turn stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to release more LH (Figure 1.4b). This results in the LH surge that triggers ovulation.

    Hypothalamic hormones

    Production of reproductive hormones is inhibited by external factors such as stress and malnutrition; in this way, the body prioritises energy for survival over reproduction. The hypothalamus acts as a control hub to integrate feedback from the pituitary gland and the ovaries with other factors from the environment.

    The hypothalamus is a small gland in the brain that controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland. Release of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland is controlled by releasing and inhibiting hormones secreted by the hypothalamus. Hormone release from the posterior pituitary gland is controlled by neural signals from the hypothalamus. Anatomically, the hypothalamus sits between the thalamus and the pituitary gland.

    Figure 1.4 Feedback loops of the hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian (HPO) axis. (a) Negative feedback. Stimulation of the ovaries by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) leads to follicular maturation and an increase in oestrogen. The increased levels of oestrogen inhibit further secretion of the stimulating hormones FSH and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH). (b) Positive feedback. Luteinising hormone (LH) stimulates the production of oestrogen, which in turn potentiates further secretion of LH. Once LH levels reach a threshold, ovulation occurs and oestrogen levels fall.

    The hypothalamus synthesises various hormones (Table 1.2). These enter:

    the circulatory system via the posterior pituitary gland

    the hypophyseal portal system (blood vessels connecting the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary) to exclusively stimulate the anterior pituitary

    The hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis comprises negative and positive feedback loops thats act via the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries to control the female reproductive system (Figure 1.5).


    This peptide hormone (a short chain of amino acids), is synthesised in the cell bodies of magnocellar cells found within the hypothalamus. The axons of these neuroendocrine cells (neural cells which secrete hormones) project into the posterior pituitary. Oxytocin is stored in membrane-bound vesicles at the tips of these axons in the posterior pituitary and is released into the circulatory system in response to electrical activity from the hypothalamus. Peptide hormones, like oxytocin, cannot pass through cell membranes and must bind to cell surface receptors to trigger changes within target cells.

    Figure 1.5 The hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis. The hypothalamus, pituitary and ovaries secrete hormones that regulate their own production and secretion. Together, they control the function of the female reproductive system.

    The main functions of oxytocin are to:

    stimulate uterine contractions during labour (see page 65)

    stimulate milk ejection (‘let-down’) during lactation (see page 71)

    Oxytocin is also thought to have a role in social behaviour, for example enhancing the development of the bond between mother and baby and strengthening the emotional bond between sexual partners. The mechanisms through which these effects occur are not well understood.

    Oxytocin has a mild antidiuretic effect. This is because its chemical structure differs from antidiuretic hormone by only 2 amino acids. In large doses, such as when used to augment labour for a prolonged period, this can cause hyponatraemia.

    Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone

    This is a peptide hormone produced by the hypothalamus. It stimulates the anterior pituitary to produce gonadotrophins. These hormones, namely LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), stimulate the activity of the gonads.

    Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is secreted in bursts known as pulses, causing circulating levels to rise and fall in short periods of time. The frequency and amplitude of these pulses are more important than the presence or absence of GnRH in determining the body’s response. For example, in childhood GnRH secretion is low. GnRH pulses increase in frequency and amplitude to trigger sexual maturation at puberty. During the reproductive years, the characteristics of GnRH pulses vary throughout the menstrual cycle.

    High-frequency GnRH release during the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle favours secretion of LH

    Low-frequency GnRH pulses after ovulation favour secretion of FSH

    Thus, changes in the frequency of GnRH pulses control not only the amount of gonadotrophins released but also the ratio of LH to FSH.

    Continuous release of GnRH leads to a rapid decrease in the production of LH and FSH. As a result, oestrogen production is blocked. Slow-release GnRH analogues are used therapeutically to treat oestrogen-dependent conditions such as endometriosis.

    Negative feedback controls GnRH release. Increasing levels of oestrogen down-regulate both the release of GnRH by the hypothalamus and the release of LH and FSH by the anterior pituitary.

    Pituitary hormones

    LH and FSH are synthesised in the anterior pituitary and released in response to GnRH secreted from the hypothalamus. These hormones are known as gonadotrophins, because they act on the ovaries to regulate the production of ovarian hormones (see page 7) and stimulate oocyte maturation during folliculogenesis (see page 36).

    Gonadotrophin production is stimulated by GnRH but inhibited by inhibin (a byproduct of folliculogenesis), oestrogen and prolactin.

    Luteinising hormone

    This is a glycoprotein secreted by gonadotrophic cells in the anterior pituitary in response to high-frequency GnRH pulses. It stimulates production of sex hormones (see page 7) in both males and females and in females triggers ovulation.

    In women, sex hormone secretion begins with the stimulation of thecal cells (secretory cells that form a shell around the maturing follicle) to produce dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). DHEA is converted to oestrogen by granulosa cells, which make up the ovarian follicles (see Figure 1.5). Positive feedback by the increasing levels of oestrogen stimulate further LH release (see Figure 1.4). This results in an LH surge, midway through the menstrual cycle, that triggers ovulation (see page 37).

    After ovulation, LH causes granulosa and thecal cells to differentiate to form a temporary sex hormone-secreting structure known as the corpus luteum, which secretes oestrogen and progesterone. High oestrogen and progesterone levels cause negative feedback, inhibiting the release of FSH and LH, and preventing further follicle development and ovulation. Once LH falls below a certain level, the corpus luteum degenerates and oestrogen and progesterone levels fall. This releases the negative feedback inhibition and a new menstrual cycle starts.

    Follicle-stimulating hormone

    This hormone is secreted by the anterior pituitary in response to low-frequency GnRH pulses. FSH stimulates the recruitment and growth of ovarian follicles (see page 37). These follicles secrete oestrogen, which in turn inhibits the release of FSH (see Figure 1.4). Because of this negative feedback, FSH levels decrease rapidly during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (see page 37).

    Larger, more developed follicles are less dependent on FSH for their continued development. As FSH levels fall, it is only the largest follicles that continue to mature. The oestrogen produced by these follicles suppresses FSH release further. This process selects for a single follicle, known as the dominant follicle, that matures to the point of ovulation each cycle.


    This peptide hormone is synthesised primarily by lactotroph cells in the anterior pituitary. It is also secreted by the uterus, placenta and mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation.

    Prolactin promotes milk production (lactation) and maternal bonding. Unlike the secretion of other anterior pituitary hormones, prolactin is secreted continuously and only inhibited by the release of dopamine from the hypothalamus. When dopamine levels fall, its inhibition is released and prolactin is secreted again.

    Drugs that block the effects of dopamine, such as the atypical antipsychotics risperidone and quetiapine, may cause excess prolactin secretion (hyperprolactinaemia). A drug history should always be taken in women presenting with symptoms of hyperprolactinaemia, such as amenorrhoea or galactorrhoea.

    Ovarian hormones

    Oestrogen and progesterone are commonly referred to as sex hormones. These steroid hormones are produced by the ovaries and are responsible for preparing the reproductive system for possible pregnancy. As steroid hormones, they diffuse through the cell membranes and bind to receptors in the nucleus to modulate the expression of genes.

    Their secretion is stimulated by the pituitary hormones LH and FSH as part of the hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis. Oestrogen and progesterone levels rise and fall cyclically in response to LH and FSH after puberty; this continues until a woman reaches the menopause. The release of LH and FSH is stimulated by the hypothalamic hormone GnRH. Oestrogen inhibits the production of LH, FSH and GnRH through negative feedback.


    This hormone prepares the body for pregnancy. Specifically, oestrogen enables the development of female secondary sexual characteristics, thickens the endometrium and triggers ovulation (Table 1.3).

    Once secreted into the circulation, 95–98% of oestrogen molecules bind to transport proteins such as albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin. This prolongs the life of steroid hormones and makes them more soluble in the blood. Only 1–2% of oestrogen is unbound: this fraction is free to diffuse into target cells where it modulates expression of target genes. The level of sex hormone-binding globulin, therefore, controls the amount of biologically-active oestrogen available to act on cells.

    Girls who are obese are more likely to have early menarche (onset of menstruation). Obesity leads to lower levels of sex hormone–binding globulin and increases levels of biologically active oestrogen. Prolonged action of biologically active oestrogens predisposes obese girls to hormonally driven cancers, such as endometrial cancer, in adulthood.


    This hormone opposes the proliferative effect of oestrogen on the endometrium, and helps to mature the endometrium by promoting the differentiation of glandular structures. Progesterone maintains the body in a suitable state to support pregnancy. It dampens the maternal immune response to placental and fetal tissues, and decreases the contractility of uterine smooth muscle.

    Development of the female reproductive system

    Starter questions

    Answers to the following questions are on page 74.

    3.   Why are some babies born with ambiguous genitalia?

    4.   Why is the average age of puberty falling?

    The female reproductive system develops in stages: the organs are formed during fetal life, but mature and become functional during puberty. The onset of menstruation (menarche) occurs in response to increased activity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–ovarian axis. It takes 3–4 years for regular menstrual cycles to become established; the onset of which is a sign that an individual’s reproductive system has reached maturity.

    Fetal development

    Sexual differentiation occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy (weeks 1–13). The female reproductive organs develop in three main stages:

    differentiation of the gonads

    differentiation of internal reproductive organs

    differentiation of external genitalia

    Differentiation of the gonads

    Male and female embryos are indistinguishable until the 7th week of pregnancy. The first reproductive organs to differentiate are the gonads.

    Differentiation of the gonads into either testes or ovaries depends on whether or not the embryo has a Y chromosome. In males, expression of the sex-determining region Y gene (SRY), located on the Y chromosome, activates a series of further genes that induce the primordial gonads to develop into testes. Because females lack a Y chromosome, SRY is absent, so ovaries develop instead.

    Sex is usually considered an objective biological category – male or female – based on distinct physical characteristics determined by an individual’s sex chromosomes. However, intersex conditions challenge this binary classification. For example, an individual with androgen insensitivity syndrome, who has a Y chromosome and is therefore genetically male, may develop female external genitalia and identify as female.

    Gender is generally regarded as a construct based on what a particular society considers ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’. As such, it is subjective and may not match an individual’s sex. For example, a transgender person has a gender identity that differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.

    Differentiation of the internal reproductive organs

    The internal reproductive tracts in men and women develop from embryonic structures known as the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts. If the gonads develop into ovaries, no testosterone or antimullerian hormone are produced; these hormones usually suppress the differentiation of the paramesonephric duct. In the absence of these hormones the uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and upper third of the vagina develop from the paramesonephric ducts while the mesonephric ducts, which in males become the epididymis, regress (Figure 1.6). This process is completed by the 4th month of pregnancy.

    Figure 1.6 Development of the internal reproductive tract. The paramesonephric ducts fuse to form the fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and upper part of the vagina. The mesonephric ducts regress. The vaginal plate grows and canalises to form the lower part of the vagina.

    Figure 1.7 Development of the external reproductive tract. Without the influence of androgens, the fetus develops female external genitalia. The labioscrotal swellings form the labia majora. The urethral folds develop into the labia minora, urethral opening and vaginal opening. The genital tubercle forms the glans of the clitoris.

    Differentiation of the external genitalia

    The external female genital tract forms during the first trimester. As with the differentiation of female internal organs, differentiation of the female external genitalia occurs by default in the absence of testosterone (Figure 1.7). In both sexes, the urethral folds elongate and fuse to form the cloacal membrane. This membrane separates to form the urogenital sinus anteriorly and the anal orifice posteriorly.

    Normal ovarian function is not essential for the development of the female reproductive tract. People who have complete gonadal dysgenesis (Swyer’s syndrome) develop a female reproductive tract despite having an Y chromosome. Their gonads fail to differentiate into testes, and therefore they are unable to produce the testosterone and antimüllerian hormone necessary to form a male reproductive tract. Because they have no functioning ovaries, they do not develop female secondary sexual characteristics at puberty.

    The upper third of the vagina is formed by the paramesonephric ducts. The lower two thirds derive from the vaginal plate, a thickened area of endoderm lining the urogenital sinus. The cells at the centre of this thickened tissue break down to form a lumen by the 5th month of pregnancy. A thin membrane known as the hymen remains, which separates the lumen from the urogenital sinus. A small opening forms in this membrane around the time of birth. The urethral orifice is located anteriorly and the vagina posteriorly within the vestibule of this sinus. The urogenital folds lying lateral to these openings also remain unfused and develop into the labia minora. The labioscrotal folds form the labia majora, and the genital tubercle forms the clitoris.


    Puberty is the process by which physical changes make the body capable of sexual reproduction. In both girls and boys, the onset of puberty is triggered by an increase in the frequency and amount of GnRH released by the hypothalamus.

    In girls, the first signs of puberty usually appear between the ages of 8 and 14 years (Table 1.4). It is usually completed within 3–5 years of onset.

    Puberty is a period of accelerated growth, redistribution of body fat and development of secondary sexual characteristics:

    development of breasts

    development of axillary hair

    redistribution of body fat

    development of pubic hair

    accelerated growth and fusion of epiphyses

    These changes occur in a set order and can be classified into the distinct stages of the Tanner scale; those for girls are shown in Table 8.3. The appearance of each characteristic marks the maturation of different components of the reproductive system, and the absence of certain features is useful in determining the cause of any abnormalities in puberty.

    The first sign of puberty in girls is the development of breast buds (thelarche)

    This is followed a few months later by the development of pubic hair

    Menarche occurs about 2 years after thelarche

    In the first few years after menarche, 90% of menstrual cycles are anovulatory. Girls experience heavy and irregular bleeding during this time. Within 3–4 years, their periods become more regular as ovulatory cycles become established.


    At puberty, increased hypothalamic secretion of GnRH stimulates secretion of FSH by the pituitary. FSH, in turn, stimulates the development of ovarian follicles, which secrete oestrogen as they mature. During puberty, increasing oestrogen levels increase the frequency and amplitude of GnRH secretion by positive feedback; this results in an LH surge, ovulation and the onset of menstruation.

    The average age of menarche is 12–15 years. The timing of menarche is affected by factors such as diet, genetics and overall health. For example, girls with higher dietary energy intake have earlier menarche, while girls with chronic illnesses, such as Crohn’s disease or kidney diseases, have delayed menarche.

    The ovaries

    Starter questions

    Answers to the following questions are on page 74.

    5.   Why is ovarian torsion an emergency?

    6.   Does removing one ovary affect the length of the menstrual cycle?

    The ovaries are two almond-shaped organs about 2 cm wide, 5 cm long and 1 cm thick. They lie within small depressions in the pelvic side wall, known as the ovarian fossae, and are held in place by the infundibulopelvic (suspensory) ligament, the ovarian ligament and the broad ligament (Figure 1.8).

    Arterial supply and venous drainage

    The blood vessels supplying and draining the ovaries reflect their embryological origin in the abdomen. The right and left ovarian arteries arise directly from the descending abdominal aorta and pass over the pelvic brim as they enter the pelvis to reach the ovaries via the infundibulopelvic ligaments (Figure 1.9). Venous drainage is via the two ovarian veins, which travel, along with their corresponding arteries, within the infundibulopelvic ligament.

    The right ovarian vein drains directly into the inferior vena cava

    The left ovarian vein drains into the left renal vein

    Nerve supply

    The ovaries receive sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation arising from abdominal and pelvic plexuses. Visceral pain travels via sensory afferent fibres that accompany the sympathetic fibres to the level of T10-T12.

    Lymphatic drainage

    The ovaries drain to the para-aortic lymph nodes (Table 1.5).


    Each ovary is covered by a single layer of flat cuboidal epithelial cells (ovarian surface epithelium) and a thick layer of connective tissue called the tunica albuginea. The ovary has two histological compartments (Figure 1.10):

    Figure 1.8 Ligamentous support of the ovary. The ovary is held in position by the infundibulopelvic ligament, the ovarian ligament and the broad ligament.

    Figure 1.9 Arterial supply and venous drainage of the female reproductive system.

    the cortex, which contains the developing ovarian follicles

    the medulla, its vascular central core


    The ovaries have two main functions:

    production and release of female gametes (secondary oocytes) capable of being fertilised

    production of oestrogen and progesterone to control the development and function of the female reproductive system (see page 7)

    The development of secondary oocytes from precursor egg cells (primordial germ cells) occurs by a process called oogenesis. This requires the development of a surrounding support structure known as a follicle; this process is folliculogenesis. Each oocyte develops within a single follicle, meaning oogenesis and folliculogenesis occur in conjunction (Table 1.6). They start during embryonic development, pause during childhood, restart with the onset of puberty and continue until the menopause.

    By the time she is born, a female infant has all the primordial follicles (dormant follicles) she will ever develop. Thus, women are born with a finite number of both eggs and follicles. Over the course of her life, the follicle count gradually declines: each day around 30 primordial follicles start the 13-month long process of folliculogenesis. Less than 1% of follicles mature to the stage where ovulation occurs, instead undergoing atresia (cell death). Menopause occurs when there are no follicles left. In contrast, men continue to produce new gametes throughout adulthood.

    Figure 1.10 Structure of the ovary. The ovary consists of the cortex, which contains developing follicles, and a vascular central core, the medulla.


    Oogenesis is the production of a mature egg (ovum) with a single set of 23 unpaired chromosomes, i.e. a haploid cell (n), from a primordial germ cell with two sets of paired chromosomes, i.e. a diploid cell (2n) (Figure 1.11). The process begins in utero and is not fully completed until after fertilisation.

    Figure 1.11 Oogenesis. Oocytes are held in meiosis I until puberty. Meiosis is completed only after fertilisation. c, chromatid number (numbers of copies of DNA); n, haploid number (23 chromosomes); 2n, diploid number (23 pairs of chromosomes, i.e. 46 chromosomes).

    Before birth

    In the third week of development primordial germ cells migrate into the gonads and differentiate into oogonia. These cells then divide by mitosis to produce millions of oogonia. By the 5th month of pregnancy, there are up to 7 million oogonia. These cells enter into meiosis and become primary oocytes. Primary oocytes contain two sets of chromosomes: a maternal and a paternal set. During the first meiotic division, each set duplicates to form two daughter chromosomes (4c chromatids). Meiosis pauses here until puberty (1st meiotic block). Many of the oogonia that start differentiating do not survive this process: by birth, approximately 2 million oogonia have differentiated to become oocytes, the rest degenerate.

    After puberty

    From puberty, a single primary oocyte is triggered to undergo maturation by the cyclical peak in LH each month. One to two days prior to ovulation, the primary oocyte completes its first meiotic division to form two haploid cells: a secondary oocyte, containing most of the cytoplasm, and a polar body. Each secondary oocyte contains half the number of chromosomes (23), but each chromosome is still made up of 2 daughter chromatids. Meiosis is halted again until fertilisation (2nd meiotic block). Fertilisation triggers the oocyte to divide again to form a mature ovum and a polar body. This halves the number of chromatids in each chromosome, leaving a cell with a single set of chromosomes, each made up of one chromatid. The polar bodies degenerate and never become mature oocytes.


    Follicles comprise a shell of somatic cells that develop in stages over about 13 months by a process called folliculogenesis (Figure 1.12).

    During fetal development, each primary oocyte becomes enveloped by an outer layer of support cells to form a primordial follicle. These follicles remain dormant until puberty when 20–30 primordial follicles begin to develop each day. As the follicle develops, granulosa cells form multiple flattened layers around the oocyte. Follicular cells and the oocyte secrete glycoproteins that establish a coat around the oocyte called the zona pellucida. When this process is complete, the follicle is called a secondary follicle.

    As the follicle develops into a tertiary (graafian) follicle, it recruits further layers of thecal cells and develops a large fluid-filled cavity called the antrum. The follicular fluid in the antrum nourishes the oocyte.

    The thecal cells form two layers: the theca externa and the theca interna.

    The theca interna secretes androgens in response to stimulation by LH; these are converted into oestrogen by aromatases produced by the granulosa cells

    The theca externa contains smooth muscle cells that facilitate rupture of the follicle at ovulation

    This process can take up to 300 days, during which the developing follicles are not gonadotropin-dependent. All but 0.01% of the developing primordial follicles die before reaching the tertiary follicle stage. If a follicle reaches this stage, it becomes responsive to FSH, which causes it to grow rapidly. As the follicle grows, it secretes increasing amounts of oestrogen and inhibin. Oestrogen and inhibin reduce FSH production by negative feedback. The follicle best able to continue maturing despite decreasing levels of FSH becomes the dominant follicle during that cycle. The other follicles degenerate; this is known as follicular atresia.

    Figure 1.12 Folliculogenesis. After menarche, a dominant follicle develops each month. Increasing numbers of granulosa and thecal cells surround the oocyte during this process.

    The fallopian tubes

    Starter questions

    The answer to the following question is on page 74.

    7.   Why are fallopian tubes often the site of ectopic pregnancies?

    The fallopian tubes, also known as the salpinges, are ciliated seromuscular ducts that convey the fertilised ovum to the uterine body. They are situated within the upper edge of the broad ligament. At the distal end are the fimbriae. These are finger-like projections closely applied to the ovarian surface. From distal to medial, the rest of the fallopian tube is divided into the infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus and interstitium (Figure 1.13).

    Arterial supply

    Their blood supply is via the uterine and ovarian arteries located within the mesosalpinx (see Figure 1.9). They are drained by the corresponding venous plexuses.

    Figure 1.13 Anatomy of the fallopian tube. The fallopian tube comprises the fimbriae, infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus and interstitium.

    Nerve supply

    The fallopian tubes are innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres. Sensory signals travel via fibres from T11 to L1.

    Lymphatic drainage

    The fallopian tubes drain to the iliac and para-aortic lymph nodes (see Table 1.5).


    The tubal wall consists of three layers (Figure 1.14):

    the internal mucosa

    the intermediate muscular layer

    the outer serosa

    Figure 1.14 Cross-section of the fallopian tube, showing the three layers of the tubal wall: mucosa, muscular layer and serosa.

    The internal mucosa contains ciliated and secretory cells. Both cell types aid in tubal transit.

    Ciliary dysfunction in the fallopian tubes is associated with subfertility and ectopic implantation of pregnancies. Subfertility and ectopic pregnancy occur as a result of the delay in transit of sperm to the oocyte and of the fertilised ovum to the uterus.


    The primary function of the fallopian tube is to facilitate the meeting of oocyte and sperm. At ovulation, the fimbriae contract rhythmically to sweep the oocyte into the duct. The oocyte then passes medially, aided by the peristaltic contractions of the smooth muscle of the tubal wall, into the infundibulum and then to the ampulla through the isthmus and onwards into the uterine body. If insemination occurs around the time of ovulation, sperm travel up through the uterus into the fallopian tubes to meet the oocyte.

    Fertilisation occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. The fertilised ovum, propelled by peristaltic contractions, travels to the uterus for implantation.

    Fertilisation and transport are facilitated by three factors:

    tubal contractility

    ciliary movement

    tubal secretions

    Peristaltic contractions propel the ovum along the fallopian tube (Figure 1.15). Tubal contractility is regulated by both changes in oestrogen and progesterone levels during the menstrual cycle and the sympathetic nervous system. Oestrogen stimulates tubal contractility, whereas progesterone has the opposite effect. Increasing progesterone levels after ovulation make the smooth muscle more responsive to sympathetic signals. Sympathetic stimulation relaxes the circular muscles of the isthmus, thereby allowing the passage of a fertilised ovum into the uterus.

    Cilia are hair-like structures on the surface of the internal mucosa. They beat rhythmically to ensure the unidirectional travel of the ovum (see Figure 1.15).

    Tubal secretions aid fertilisation by acting as lubricant and nourish the fertilised ovum before implantation.

    Figure 1.15 Following fertilisation, the oocyte and pre-embryo are moved along the fallopian tube by peristaltic contractions of the muscular wall of the fallopian tube and wafting of the tubal cilia.

    The uterus

    Starter questions

    The answer to the following question is on pages 74–75.

    8.   Does the uterus return to its normal size following pregnancy?

    The uterus is a hollow muscular organ located in the pelvis. It is the site of embryo implantation and is the organ within which the fetus develops.


    The uterus lies anterior to the rectum and posterior to the bladder. Its position within the pelvis varies with distension of the bladder. For example, a full bladder will push it upwards and backwards, whereas emptying the bladder will return it to its resting position.

    The position of the uterus is described in terms of version and flexion: version describes the position of the cervix in relation to the vagina and flexion describes the position of the uterine body in relation to the cervix (Figure 1.16). The most common resting position is anteverted, i.e. the cervix is tilted forward, and anteflexed, with the uterine body bent forward over the cervix.

    One in five women have a retroverted (backwards tilting) uterus. This is usually a normal variation but occasionally occurs when adhesions due to conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis tether the uterus in this position. A fixed retroverted uterus can cause pelvic pain and dyspareunia. Retroversion also increases the risk of uterine perforation during procedures that involve instrumentation of the uterus.

    Figure 1.16 Positions of the uterus.

    The main supports of the uterus are the pelvic diaphragm, the transverse cervical ligaments and the uterosacral ligaments. These structures maintain uterine position. If they are torn during childbirth, uterine prolapse may result.

    Anatomically, the uterus is divided into four sections (Figure 1.17):

    the fundus

    the uterine body

    the isthmus

    the cervix

    Within the uterus, the internal cervical os opens into the uterine cavity, which is in direct continuation with the lumen of the right and left fallopian tubes. The anterior and posterior walls of the uterus are closely applied to each other, so the uterine cavity is very small. However, during pregnancy the capacity of the uterus increases from 6 mL to > 5 L at term.

    Figure 1.17 Uterine anatomy.

    The size and weight of the uterus varies considerably in response to oestrogen (Table 1.7). The uterus is at its smallest before puberty and after menopause, when oestrogen levels are low. During pregnancy, when oestrogen is abundant, the weight increases 20-fold to almost 1 kg.

    The uterine cavity can be examined internally by passing a fine camera (a hysteroscope) through the internal cervical os. Hysteroscopy can be used to visualise and therefore diagnose abnormalities of the endometrium (e.g. polyps) and provide visual guidance during treatments.

    Arterial supply and venous drainage

    The uterus is mainly supplied by the uterine artery, which arises from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery (see Figure 1.9). There is also a rich anastomotic connection with the ovarian vessels. Venous drainage of the uterus is via the uterine veins.

    Embolisation of the uterine artery is used to shrink fibroids that cause troublesome bleeding or pressure-related symptoms. A guide catheter is passed into the uterine artery under fluoroscopic guidance, and once in position, tiny embolisation beads < 1 mm in diameter are released to occlude the vessel. Collateral arterial supply ensures that the uterus itself does not become necrotic.

    Nerve supply

    The inferior hypogastric plexuses and the pelvic splanchnic nerves innervate the uterus.

    Lymphatic drainage

    The fundus drains to the para-aortic lymph nodes. The uterine body and isthmus drain to the external iliac nodes (see Table 1.5).


    The uterus is made up of three layers (Figure 1.18):




    The serosa is continuous with the peritoneum. It is a double layer of cells adherent to the myometrium.

    The myometrium is composed of several layers of smooth muscle with fibres that crisscross each other. Running within this muscle layer are the arcuate vessels of the uterus. Contraction of muscle layers occurs during labour to dilate the cervix, and during menstruation to expel the sloughed endometrium. With each contraction, the fibres that encircle the blood vessels restrict flow within them.

    The endometrium is made of columnar epithelium consisting of glandular cells. The functional layer matures in response to oestrogen and progesterone, but it is shed during menstruation if pregnancy does not occur.


    The uterus is the site of implantation of the embryo. Changes in the endometrium facilitate successful implantation of the blastocyst. They also allow the development of the placenta, which transfers oxygen, nutrients and waste products between the maternal and fetal circulations.

    During gestation, the fetus develops within the uterine cavity. The uterus enlarges as a consequence of hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the uterine smooth muscle cells that make up the myometrium. With the onset of labour, the uterus contracts to dilate the cervix and allow passage of the fetus through the birth canal. After delivery, uterine contractions continue; these facilitate delivery of the placenta and rapidly reduce the size of the uterus thus restricting vascular flow and hence blood loss.

    Figure 1.18 The three layers of the uterus: the serosa, myometrium and endometrium.

    Failure of the uterus to contract efficiently after birth, termed uterine atony, is the most common cause of post-partum haemorrhage. ‘Rubbing up’ a uterine contraction or carrying out bimanual uterine compression stimulates the myometrium to contract, thereby reducing bleeding caused by uterine atony.

    The cervix

    Starter questions

    The answer to the following question is on page 75.

    9.   Why is the cervix a common site for cancer?

    The cervix forms the lowest part of the uterus and is composed of fibrous tissue. It is a dynamic structure that acts as a barrier between the uterus and the external environment.

    It is cylindrical and 3 cm wide. Its distal end projects into the vagina. This divides the cervix into the upper portion, located above the vagina, and the lower portion, called the ectocervix, which is visible within the vagina. The vaginal recesses formed by the protrusion of the cervix into the upper end of the vagina are known as the fornices (Table 1.8).

    The endocervical canal runs through the cervix and connects the vagina with the uterine cavity.

    The distal opening within the vagina is the external os

    The opening of the endocervical canal into the uterine cavity is the internal os

    The cervix is divided into the ectocervix and the endocervix, which differ in their characteristics and functions (Table 1.9).

    Arterial supply and venous drainage

    Blood supply to the cervix is via the descending branch of the uterine artery (see Figure 1.9). Uterine arteries run in the lateral aspects of the cervix at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions. The corresponding veins run parallel to them and drain into the internal iliac veins.

    Nerve supply

    The nerve supply to the cervix is derived from the hypogastric plexus. Sensory innervation to the ectocervix is sparse, whereas autonomic and sensory nerve endings are abundant in the endocervix.

    Because there are few nerve endings in the ectocervix, biopsy and cryotherapy involving only this outer surface of the cervix are often well tolerated without local anaesthesia. However, the pain of dilating the endocervix may cause a reflex stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in a vasovagal reaction.

    Lymphatic drainage

    The cervix drains to the internal and external iliac nodes (see Table 1.5).


    The ectocervix and endocervix have different histological characteristics (see Table 1.9).


    The surface of the ectocervix is mainly comprised of stratified non-keratinising squamous epithelium. It is made up of the basal, intermediate and superficial layers (Figure 1.19).

    The squamous epithelium is being constantly remodelled and renewed; its many layers protect the tissues underneath from abrasion. Basal cells form the source of new cells within the upper layers of the epithelium. As basal cells divide, they mature and migrate towards the surface of the epithelium, becoming larger and flatter, and start to produce glycogen.

    Figure 1.19 Layers of cervical epithelium. Cells within squamous epithelium flatten as they mature.

    In colposcopy, Lugol’s iodine can be used to identify abnormal cells that have not undergone maturation. Normal squamous cells contain glycogen in their cytoplasm and stain brown. Abnormal cells remain pink.


    The surface of the endocervix consists of columnar epithelium. This is a single layer of glandular cells that produce mucus. This epithelium forms folds and crypts that line the endocervical canal. The crypts acts as reservoir for sperm, from which they are released up to two days after ejaculation, increasing the chances of fertilisation.

    Squamocolumnar junction

    The area where the squamous epithelium of the ectocervix meets the columnar epithelium of the endocervix is known as the squamocolumnar junction. Its location varies throughout a woman’s life. Before puberty, it is located close to the external os. Higher oestrogen levels during the reproductive years cause the uterus and cervix to swell and elongate; this pushes the columnar epithelium out of the endocervical canal and onto the ectocervix (eversion), resulting in ectopy. The squamocolumnar junction therefore also moves out onto the ectocevix. On visual inspection, ectopy appears as a red area surrounding the external os. Cervical ectopy is a normal physiological process.

    Increased oestrogen levels during pregnancy and use of the combined oral contraceptive pill make cervical ectopy more prominent. The ectopy is more friable (susceptible to bleeding on contact) than mature squamous epithelium and tends to bleed, particularly during sexual intercourse.

    The exposure of columnar epithelium to the acidic environment of the vagina causes these cells to transform into squamous epithelium by metaplasia. This process usually starts at the site of the original squamocolumnar junction and moves inwards towards the external os, thereby forming a new squamocolumnar junction. The zone between the original squamocolumnar junction formed in intrauterine life and the squamocolumnar junction formed by metaplasia is known as the transformation zone (Figure 1.20). This is the site of origin of > 90% of cervical cancers.

    Persistent infection of immature metaplastic cells by oncogenic strains of human papillomavirus causes them to transform into atypical cells with nuclear and cytoplasmic abnormalities. These may either regress with time or proliferate and progress into invasive cancer cells.


    The cervix acts as a barrier between the external environment and the uterus. The integrity of this seal changes in response to female sex hormones to allow passage of sperm between the vagina and the uterus or vice versa during labour to facilitate the delivery of the baby. The ectocervix protects against abrasion, and the endocervix produces cervical mucus (see Table 1.9).

    Figure 1.20 The squamocolumnar junction (SCJ) and the transformation zone. Exposed columnar epithelial cells undergo metaplasia in the transition zone forming a new squamocolumnar junction.

    The glandular cells lining the endocervical canal produce a glycogen-rich mucus plug that acts as a physical barrier to pathogens. It is also rich in white blood cells, immunoglobulins

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