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The Second Mother: A Novel
The Second Mother: A Novel
The Second Mother: A Novel
Ebook504 pages7 hours

The Second Mother: A Novel

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"Proving Stephen King isn't the only author who can make a scenic small town in Maine feel menacing, Jenny Milchman's The Second Mother is a haunting thriller."—POPSUGAR

Opportunity: Teacher needed in one-room schoolhouse on remote island in Maine. Find the freedom in a fresh start.

Julie Weathers isn't sure if she's running away or starting over, but moving to a remote island off the coast of Maine feels right for someone with reasons to flee her old life. The sun-washed, sea-stormed speck of land seems welcoming, the lobster plentiful, and the community close and tightly knit. She finds friends in her nearest neighbor and Callum, a man who appears to be using the island for the same thing as she: escape.

But as Julie takes on the challenge of teaching the island's children, she comes to suspect that she may have traded one place shrouded in trouble for another, and she begins to wonder if the greatest danger on Mercy Island is its lost location far out to sea, or the people who live there.

Release dateAug 18, 2020
The Second Mother: A Novel

Jenny Milchman

Jenny Milchman is a USA Today bestselling author. She has won the Mary Higgins Clark Award and the Silver Falchion Award. A member of the board of directors for International Thriller Writers, she lives in the Hudson River Valley with her family.

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    The Second Mother - Jenny Milchman

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    Copyright © 2020 by Jenny Milchman

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Milchman, Jenny, author.

    Title: Second mother / Jenny Milchman.

    Description: Naperville, IL : Sourcebooks Landmark, [2020]

    Identifiers: LCCN 2019055787 | (trade paperback)

    Classification: LCC PS3613.I47555 S43 2020 | DDC 813/.6--dc23

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    Front Cover

    Title Page


    Part I

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Part II

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-One

    Chapter Thirty-Two

    Chapter Thirty-Three

    Chapter Thirty-Four

    Part III

    Chapter Thirty-Five

    Chapter Thirty-Six

    Chapter Thirty-Seven

    Chapter Thirty-Eight

    Chapter Thirty-Nine

    Chapter Forty

    Chapter Forty-One

    Chapter Forty-Two

    Chapter Forty-Three

    Chapter Forty-Four

    Chapter Forty-Five

    Chapter Forty-Six

    Chapter Forty-Seven

    Chapter Forty-Eight

    Chapter Forty-Nine

    Chapter Fifty

    Chapter Fifty-One

    Chapter Fifty-Two

    Chapter Fifty-Three

    Chapter Fifty-Four

    Part IV

    Chapter Fifty-Five

    Chapter Fifty-Six

    Chapter Fifty-Seven

    Chapter Fifty-Eight

    Chapter Fifty-Nine

    Chapter Sixty

    Chapter Sixty-One

    Chapter Sixty-Two

    Chapter Sixty-Three

    Chapter Sixty-Four

    Chapter Sixty-Five

    Chapter Sixty-Six

    Chapter Sixty-Seven

    Chapter Sixty-Eight

    Part V

    Chapter Sixty-Nine

    Chapter Seventy

    Chapter Seventy-One

    Chapter Seventy-Two

    Chapter Seventy-Three

    Chapter Seventy-Four

    Chapter Seventy-Five

    Excerpt from Wicked River

    One Year Before

    Reading Group Guide

    A Conversation with the Author


    About the Author

    Back Cover

    This one is for my brother and sister, Ezra and Kari, and for our parents, Alan and Madelyn, who made sure all our summers in Maine were times of beauty, peace, and togetherness.

    Part I

    Finding Mercy

    Chapter One

    Julie Mason found the ad on Opportunity.com, the site she frequented the most, in part because of its optimistic name. It seemed the essence of simplicity: clear and unambiguous in meaning. May as well have been called NewLife.com, although that might’ve sounded a little religious.

    Looking to start all over again? the site’s marketing message beckoned. We can help. Julie just lurked, had never taken an actual step forward with any of the opportunities that were posted. So far it was enough to read the listings, imagine other lives.

    This latest post fit her qualifications, though, and its old-fashioned wording drew her eye. Like a classified ad from days of old, all those small, perfect squares lined up in columns above and below a newspaper fold. So many people searching for a second chance, and so many chances on offer.

    Julie wasn’t the only one with something to leave behind.

    This particular opportunity seemed to come from a world that time forgot, one that had vanished in the crush of modern-day life, which had also crushed Julie.

    Opportunity: Teacher needed for one-room schoolhouse on remote island in Maine. Certification in grades K–8 a must.

    Julie read the post a second time, then a third, before glancing down at the clock in the corner of the screen. Nearly noon. Four whole hours gone since she’d sat down at the computer. This was how time passed for her these days, not in a fluid, comprehensible stream, or even streaking by, falling-star fast. Instead, it was as if time had a beast lapping at its heels, taking great, gobbling bites.

    David wouldn’t be home for hours still. And if she was going to give some thought to a real, actual opportunity, then she should eat lunch. That was what normal people who inhabited normal lives—lives where things moved, and changed, and were accomplished—did around noon.

    The only problem was that she wasn’t hungry, and she didn’t think there was likely to be much food in the house anyway. Over the past year, they’d been subsisting on supermarket salads and sandwiches, pizza for a diversion. David had never really gotten the hang of grocery shopping. That had always been Julie’s task, along with housecleaning, which explained why the floors were gritty underfoot, and the furniture languished beneath an opaque veil of dust like discards from Miss Havisham’s attic.

    Their finances were probably in tip-top order, however. And the yard looked shipshape, green and blooming at this height of summer, while never overgrown. Ole didn’t-miss-a-step David saw to that.

    Julie pushed the chair back from the desk she and her husband shared, its wheels grinding bits of dirt into the floorboards. David did the aforementioned finances here, and once, a long, long time ago, eons to her mind, Julie had used the laptop to communicate with the parents of her fifth-grade students and keep up with work on the school portal.

    One year.

    As of five days ago, it had been exactly a year, which meant that Julie had already lived this date, another July 28, without Hedley. Each day in which her daughter didn’t take part was a new ordeal to be gotten through, a fresh cut in Julie’s skin.

    She stood up, legs wobbly from inactivity, or perhaps from the prospect of leaving the house. But maybe if she went out to a place where she could see and smell food, it would trigger her appetite. Her shorts slid downward alarmingly on her hips; Julie couldn’t recall the last full meal she’d eaten.

    Nowadays she nibbled. Bites here and there. Partial plates.

    She patted her empty pockets. Cash and keys. That was the first step.

    * * *

    In Wedeskyull, New York, a town almost as remote as the island Julie had just read about, you didn’t have to worry about locking doors. Julie skipped the step of locating her purse; how would she possibly find it in the unkempt clutter of the house? A quick peek in her closet, where her bag usually hung, revealed a tangle of clothes and the teetering stack of her old CD and DVD collection—soundtracks, shows, and musicals sequestered away now that she no longer played them for Hedley.

    Julie settled for taking the Ford’s extra keyless remote along with money from David’s neat stack of emergency bills.

    Her husband’s punctilious ways kept their lives in order, and had probably enabled them to survive this past year. Without heat, you could die during an Adirondack winter. Every log in David’s woodshed lay like a soldier in a bunk, and his barn looked like a Home Depot ad: carefully maintained equipment and tools, each stray screw and nail stored in a tiny box or tray. David also kept an online calendar, color coded for both him and Julie. Only lately had his methods started to register on her as smart and utilitarian, but also hollow, devoid of the emotion she craved. The life.


    Julie gave a hard shake of her head. That wasn’t right. She’d go online again as soon as she got back, open the bookmarked tab for Opportunity.com—that was its name—then reread the post about the one-room schoolhouse. Both activities might take up enough of the day that sleep could be a reasonable next step, aided by some liquid assistance combined with half of one of the pills Dr. Trask had prescribed. Julie was down to three-quarters of a bottle from her last refill, and carefully conserving. In Wedeskyull and the surrounding towns, meds were no longer dispensed with a free hand. But Julie wasn’t going to think about what would happen when her supply ran out, how she would ever sleep more than five minutes at a stretch again. Trask knew she was still relying on pharmaceuticals; maybe he’d have mercy.

    Julie scuffed across the driveway, the heels of her flip-flops flapping loosely. Had even her feet shrunk, every bit of her diminished now, whittled away?

    She started the Ford, its wheel feeling alien in her hands, as if the power steering had failed. Every inch of rotation was arduous, effortful. The road, once she backed out of their drive, didn’t look familiar. Had it always been this steep and winding? The SUV seemed poised to topple at the start of a hill, fall nose over tail, like a kid rolling down a lawn.

    Julie braked in the middle of the road. One advantage to living on the edge of the wilderness: there was no other car in sight to deliver a beep of protest. She felt around for the gas pedal with her foot and began again to drive.

    When had she last been out on her own? After, David was always with her. And before, it would’ve been Hedley, tiny in age and size, but huge in terms of the space she took up in Julie’s life. Since her daughter’s birth, Julie hadn’t experienced much in the way of aloneness, had even resented that reality, fighting for hard-won fractions of time like every new mother: Can I just take a shower, finish a cup of tea, or better yet, a nightcap without being interrupted by this sudden, all-consuming presence?

    The space in the rear of the Ford yawned, as dark and empty as a cave. They mostly took David’s car now, on the rare occasions that Julie did go out. She’d scarcely been inside this one in over a year. Oh God, Hedley’s car seat was still belted in back there, secured as required by law—so many parents got it wrong, but Julie’s closest friend was a cop—yet so unspeakably vacant.

    Julie hit the brake so hard the Ford jolted, and her chest struck the steering wheel with which she’d just been doing battle.

    Only this time there was a car nearby, and it sheered around the SUV with a Doppler’s whine of wind and a furious blast of its horn, making Julie throw up one of her hands in a futile, unseen gesture of apology before driving off in halting spurts and stops.

    Chapter Two

    Julie decided not to go to the Crescent Diner, the place her uncles and grandfather used to frequent for a bite between shifts on the job. On the rare occasions when Julie’s father and mother had eaten out, they’d also been customers at the diner. Nor did Julie choose to go to the new, upscale café in town, which her mom and dad might’ve liked, had they still been alive when it opened. Fancy salads and wraps and expensive coffee drinks that cost more than most longtime residents’ daily food budgets. What’s wrong with plain black? Julie could hear her uncle, the former police chief, asking.

    Instead, Julie pulled up in front of a store that barely had a name, at least not one that anybody remembered. The letters on its aged sign had faded to the point of invisibility. An old-fashioned general store, or The Store to the locals, as in, I have to pick up some soap at The Store. Or pants even. Or berries, sold in season in gleaming rows of jewel-filled cartons on the front porch. Julie had a different mental name for the place, almost a term of endearment. The Everything Store. Its wares had provided distraction for a baby, enabling Julie to get shopping done during the most tender stages of new motherhood.

    Her heart thrummed in her chest as she parked. She sat staring through the car window at The Everything Store’s facade till her eyes started to tear.

    They have sandwiches here, Julie told herself, stabbing the button to turn off the engine. I can get something to eat.

    The door opened with a welcoming jangle of bells that gave Julie a chill. She looked around before entering to see if the temperature had dropped, leaves showing their underbellies in the type of wind that preceded a thunderstorm, clouds rolling in. But the sun shone warmly in a cornflower-blue sky and the day was still, the kind of weather seen in Wedeskyull only a handful of weeks out of the year.

    Julie rubbed her goose-pimply arms and went inside.

    The first section to greet her was the easiest: hangers and racks with tees and sweatshirts on display, Wedeskyull silk-screened over a row of jagged mountaintops that looked like teeth. Then camouflage gear in adult and youth sizes. After that came camping and outdoors equipment, with portable hunting blinds and crossbows next. Guns were kept behind a glass case to Julie’s left, taken for granted enough in her life that their dark, threatening lengths and sleek triggers curving like grins didn’t trouble her.

    Beyond the guns stood the lunch counter. Julie could swerve right now—stroll past the glassed-in case, or veer in the opposite direction, toward where moccasins sat in boxes on shelves—and avoid the area in front of her entirely.

    She had shopped and browsed, hung out and played here, each stage a marker in reverse of the years of her life. Married with enough money to make purchases. A window-shopping single woman, seeing which new goods had come in, but trying to conserve her dollars. A teenager killing time over a soda and candy with friends. A kid at her mother’s heels, or a baby in a stroller, as the mysterious tasks required to keep house were taken care of.

    Julie could thread her way to the row of stools without looking and not even stumble. Perch on top of a cracked vinyl seat and order a tuna-fish sandwich and iced tea, food as simple and old-fashioned as the want ad she’d read a thousand years ago that morning. Instead, she walked forward as if pulled by a rope. The act had a compulsive, unstoppable feel, a victim returning to the scene of the crime.

    These clothes were different from the ones that had faced her when she came in. Tiny onesies and miniature sweaters hand knit by local women, priced at amounts that, even in Julie’s near-mesmerized state, seemed shocking, exorbitant. Board books about nature, pairs of fur-lined booties so tiny, both would fit on Julie’s palm. Sock animals and corn-husk dolls. Slightly less frivolous items like organic teething biscuits and herbal remedies for nursing moms.

    Julie spun around, turning her back, but it was too late. Memories began swarming her like wasps. She tried to bat them away, fight them off, but failed and dropped to her knees.

    She couldn’t explain the sudden flurry of white; it was as if it had begun snowing right here in The Everything Store. Cloth diapers, Julie saw through blurred eyes, made of fair trade cotton, the packaging somehow torn open, no, clawed open, so that the squares fell in a pile on her lap. Julie leaned down, burying her face in the sweet-smelling heap until it grew sodden, plugging her nose and mouth.

    Um, miss? Ma’am?

    Julie looked up, and the woman leaning over her, her pregnant stomach a swell that blocked out sight of anything else, took a sudden, lurching step back.

    I think…we need some help over here! the woman cried.

    Julie bunched up the white drift of cloth in her hands, squeezing it tighter and tighter. It was like a ball, an object that could be thrown. Thrown at this horrible person with her immense belly, and her innocent, concerned face, just trying to help because she hadn’t yet learned that there were some situations that could never, ever be helped.

    * * *

    From the side of The Everything Store where a cordless phone clung to the wall—it had been a modernization not so long ago, replacing the kind of contraption with a curlicued wire—Julie heard a series of bleeps. The store clerk made the call matter-of-factly, her voice bleached of sympathy, allowing Julie a shred of dignity.


    Not the old chief, thank God, Julie’s grandfather, nor the son who came after him.

    You mind coming down here?

    The next voice Julie heard was husky and deep, echoing in her ear. Julie had known this voice when it was less husky, and not yet deep.

    Come on, Jules, Tim Lurcquer said quietly, squatting beside her.

    She blinked.

    Come on, he repeated. You’ll feel better once we leave.

    Tim got to his feet—a faint creak from his knees as he rose that surprised her—and extended a hand, strong enough to pull Julie upright. The cloth of his uniform shirt felt crisp despite the summer heat.

    She held out a twisted clutch of plastic. I have to buy these diapers. That was what you did if you broke something accidentally in a store. Or ruined it with malice and fury. Maybe you paid double then. Also, I think I might’ve assaulted a woman.

    Tim took the packaging from Julie’s hand, his touch slow and gentle, as if she were a deer or a sparrow, some sort of wild animal that would shy away from human contact. No, he said, his voice so kind it caused an ache. You don’t. There’s not a person in this town who would take your money.

    * * *

    Tim pulled up in front of Julie’s house in his police-issue vehicle, a luxury 4×4 that was a relic of another age. A whole other Wedeskyull, a different kind of regime. Subsidized by the wealthy to keep the powerful in charge. Julie’s uncle used to drive this Mercury; the model wasn’t even made anymore.

    Of the Weathers men living here since the town was incorporated, Julie’s father had been an outlier. Younger by a fair shake compared to his two brothers, and the only male in the family not to enter law enforcement. He’d chosen logging instead, and had died in a chain-saw accident. Julie sometimes saw her dad’s premature death as a near-Grecian tragedy. Scandal and wrongdoing had undone the cops in her family, and although her father had attempted to rebel, find his own way, in the end he had been toppled too.

    She unlatched her seat belt, which had imprinted a band of sweat across her shirt. Tim had powered both windows down, and it’d felt cool enough as he drove along at a good clip, but now the air grew swampy and hot.

    It’s not the loss that kills you, Tim said.

    She looked at him sharply, and he lifted both hands off the steering wheel, flattening his palms. A gesture of retreat, of surrender. But then he went on. It’s the guilt. I see it all the time on the job. Guilt makes it so there are at least two deaths for every one.

    Julie’s nose plugged solid with tears.

    But I can’t imagine less reason for guilt than you have, Jules. There was just nothing you did wrong. Not one goddamned thing.

    She pressed two fingers hard against her eyes. I’m going to leave, Tim. Her throat was raw from crying, and the words came out rusty.

    Take your time. The engine rumbled patiently.

    Julie was shocked to feel a small smile lift her lips. At his assumption, the idea that even a move so small as that would require preparation on her part. Of course, just a couple of hours ago, it had. Then there came a trickle of something Julie hadn’t experienced in so long it was all but unrecognizable. Hope. Or at least a dawning awareness that she might be headed toward something. Which was maybe the same thing.

    She had grown up here, brought the husband she’d met online back to her hometown, never spent more than a vacation week away. But now there was a newfound sense of movement, a feeling of things tugging and shifting inside her.

    No, she said, turning to face Tim. I mean that I’m going to leave Wedeskyull.

    Chapter Three

    Certain entries on Opportunity.com—house swaps and anything involving a caretaker, for instance—could be counted on to go fast. But jobs tended to stick around longer, more variables involved on both sides in getting the right fit, and the site prided itself on a high rate of successful matches.

    Julie brought up the submission form. Once it was filled out, the original poster could communicate directly with the user, send paperwork to be completed, set up a phone call or even an in-person interview. She clicked on the first box and typed in her last name. Then came first, middle initial, address, marital status. Married, Julie entered.

    She stumbled over the tiny box into which you could enter your number of children—the drop-down went as high as twelve, good Lord—before leaving it blank and moving on. Choosing 0 seemed an erasure too cruel to bear.

    Were you still a mother when you weren’t a mother anymore? What became of the role, the identity, once the child was gone?

    A series of slots requested background information: where Julie had grown up, gone to college, fields she’d worked in other than teaching. Then came questions about her qualifications for this position, which Julie answered, fingers moving easily across the keys. The consolidated nature of Wedeskyull’s school meant that all the students were grouped together in one building, and due to perennial understaffing, teachers got switched around constantly. Julie had classroom experience in each of the grades taught on the place she’d just learned was called Mercy Island.

    She opened a tab to Google it after she sent in this application, her hands hovering over the keyboard as she considered one final question.

    Why is this opportunity the opportunity for you, and why are you right for it?

    That one was going to take a little longer than the rest had. Still, Julie could envision crafting her statement and how it would be received, the seamless slide of a perfect fit. She paused as she considered, staring through the screen on the bedroom window. She was already steps ahead in her mind, having procured the job, making preparations to leave.

    Packing would be an ordeal. So many things had been hastily stowed in the wake of Hedley’s absence. Swing, highchair, stroller—objects Julie could no longer bear to look at, all boxed away or simply shoved into closets, to be dealt with during a later that never seemed to come.

    But other steps would be easier, like slipping out of the pared-down life she was now living. And David could work from anywhere. He was a freelance journalist—one of the few still making a living in an age of vanishing pubs and free content—and even earned enough to rent a room in town where he wrote. He said that getting dressed each morning and leaving the house made him more productive.

    Car wheels ground over the gravel in the drive. Speak of the devil, Julie thought, with her second partial smile of the day. Or if not a smile, at least some movement of her mouth, her mind, both of which had felt encased in cement for over a year.

    David’s car engine turned off, leaving only quiet ticking amidst the cricket hum and gentle whoosh of wind through broad, fleshy leaves outside.

    Lately David been working longer hours, and it didn’t seem like he should be home already; then again, time wavered in and out so unreliably for her these days. Maybe it was later than she thought. But glancing at the computer screen, Julie saw that it was only four o’clock. She looked toward the window again.

    David had just opened the back door of his car to let their dog out. Depot jumped down with the resounding bark that signaled reunion.

    She’s in town, boy, David called as Depot bounded up the porch steps.

    Her car was missing from the driveway, Julie realized. David’s offhand comment didn’t take into account how radical the trip had been for her. Her husband missed a lot, although not, thankfully, their nightly ritual, which she was in sore need of right now.

    The window already wide open to let in the warm summer air, Julie lifted the screen and leaned out. I’m home, I’m here!

    Depot gave a satisfied bark, while David craned his head to look up at the second floor. His eyes reflected the sun, making his expression unreadable.

    Julie blinked in the bright glare. The car’s in town. I had, um, a problem.

    Yes, David said, voice traveling through the still remainder of the day. I heard you were in town today.

    So he knew. Well, at least that justified his lack of surprise at the fact that she’d gone out. The memory of those crumpled-up diapers returned, and as the sun struck her skin, Julie’s cheeks grew hot. But the incident felt somehow distant, a long time ago already, perhaps because of the opportunity she now had to pursue.

    David’s tread sounded heavy on the porch. Julie went to meet their dog at the top of the second floor staircase, Depot’s bulk hitting her, rocking her back on her heels.

    How was your day, Deep? she murmured.

    Back when Julie was still teaching, she couldn’t come home in the middle of a school day to give Depot the exercise a big dog needed, and anyhow, David said that having him around for company while he worked made the words flow. But Depot’s presence would’ve been nice during the infinite hours of Julie’s days this past year, time no longer blown up like a balloon, expanded by the chores of new motherhood. David had voiced concern that a change in routine might be disturbing to their dog; after all, Depot was grieving Hedley too. He used to lie beside the baby’s Moses basket, face between his front paws as he kept his eyes open, taking in the nursery.

    Depot was so big that the baby basket couldn’t be seen when he lay down in front of it. Long after she’d outgrown it, Hedley still preferred to nap in the basket, and sometimes Julie would come in and startle for a second at the sight of the empty crib, envisioning the terror that would’ve arisen if Hedley had been snatched by some stranger. One of the things that plagued Julie now was the fear that she’d brought on Hedley’s disappearance from their lives by foreseeing it once too often.

    Depot twitched in Julie’s grasp, a full body shake sufficient to reposition her. Julie felt herself smile; that made three times today. You trying to wrestle or just get away? she asked.

    If a switch in routine had worried David, what was he going to think about a total change of environment for their dog? On the other hand, David had never fully adjusted to life in Wedeskyull, hadn’t come to love it as Julie had hoped he would. He might be perfectly happy to leave.

    She bestowed a final pat to their dog, who raced down the stairs in search of food, while Julie herself moved more slowly down the flight of steps. David wasn’t in the living room, nor the kitchen either. Poor guy knew there wouldn’t be much to eat. Well, she would change that, Julie resolved. A return to the land of the living—a different land of the living—signified life starting up again. She wondered about the food situation on Mercy Island. Did you have to cook every meal—in which case David was going to need to muster some skills—or was there takeout?

    She glimpsed him through a screen door that led to an enclosed deck.


    A mere whisper. Her husband didn’t look up. She and David had lost the ability to talk in normal tones. Julie coughed, started over.

    How would you feel about moving to an island in Maine?

    Chapter Four

    David twisted to look at her, a cold, beaded bottle of beer in one hand. That he had known how to keep the house stocked with. They’d never once run out of beer. To be fair, David always kept a bottle of Julie’s brand of scotch around too.

    He stood by a screened wall at the back of the deck, looking out over the garden. Tidy rows of regimented flowers. Julie wondered how the perfectly tended beds would fare once she and David left. Depended on the new residents. Should they rent out their place, put someone in charge of Airbnb-ing it maybe, or sell it outright?

    The thought prompted a sudden tingle, like the sensation of a foot waking up. Not entirely pleasant, except in how inarguably there it was, novel to feel anything again at all. David? Did you hear what I said?

    I heard. He took a long swig from his bottle.

    The slow, sweet slide of scotch down her throat had made a lot of hours, over the past year and probably others before that, recede into a tolerable haze. Julie had been longing for such a state just a few minutes ago. But suddenly, she wanted to be sharp.

    You okay, honey? she asked. Did you have a rough day?

    Not as rough as yours, he answered. A pause. Care for a drink?

    From a glass-topped cart, he produced a tumbler and a fifth of scotch, already half-emptied by other cocktails, prior drinking nights. Julie hesitated before taking the generous fingerful David had poured, and her husband closed her hand around the glass.

    Go on, he said. Looks like you need it.

    Neither his words nor the offering conveyed much kindness, but Julie lifted the glass, cool in her hand, and took a sip. The taste, its instant effect, blotted out the quiver of shame that had passed through her upon hearing David’s assessment of her day.

    I think things are going to get better now, she said. "I’m going to get better."

    No reply.

    This island… Can I tell you about it?

    David plunked his bottle down, soldier-straight, not a wobble. I can’t do this anymore.

    Julie looked at him. It wasn’t as if such incidents transpired regularly for her, although yes, there had been more than one, especially in the initial days, weeks, maybe months. I know. Me either. But what happened today—I don’t mean the thing in town, something else—

    Thing, David repeated. Is that the euphemism we’re using?

    Julie flinched. How had she missed the anger in his tone, in his whole demeanor? David’s body was rigid all over with fury.

    She struggled to hit a light note. "Well, whatever you call it, this was the worst one ever. Do you know I actually hit a woman? Not hit her hit her. But I threw a wad of diapers definitely in her direction—"

    David spoke over her. This is starting to get humiliating. For you, I mean. I’m not concerned about myself. Having a meltdown in front of a bunch of strangers—

    Julie felt a small charge of her own anger. These aren’t strangers! They’re my lifelong friends. Family almost.

    Well, your friend the store clerk didn’t exactly see fit to take care of you like family, did she? David replied bitingly. She called the police. Yes, that’s who I heard from. A pause for an acerbic quip. Small-town living.

    Heat returned to Julie’s face on a painful back draft. She swallowed her drink in one gulp, then blotted her lips with her hand. She was just trying to help.

    David’s shoulders sank, a sudden softening. He poured Julie a second nip. You’re right. And she was right, too, I suppose. Because I sure haven’t been able to do that.

    Oh, David. Julie drew nearer, touching her husband’s bare arm. The feel of his skin ignited something long lost. David dressed in button-down shirts to write, but tonight, perhaps on account of the warm weather, he had rolled up his sleeves. The look lent her husband an uncharacteristic vulnerability. Is that what this is about?

    He didn’t respond, though he also didn’t step away.

    It isn’t you. It isn’t anything you’ve done, or haven’t done. I just… I miss Hedley. That’s all. I don’t mean that’s all. What a stupid thing to say. That’s everything.

    Everything, David repeated. Venom had returned to his voice.

    Not everything, Julie amended. There’s us. I’m sorry if I’ve seemed to forget that lately. She’d taken David for granted. He would be there whenever she crawled out of the dark place created by Hedley’s loss because he occupied the same cave.

    Depot nosed open the screen door, padding up beside Julie. His snout glistened, giving off a meaty odor, the way it always did after a meal. Depot wasn’t a neat eater. Julie glanced inside the house. Aside from the Saturn’s ring of nuggets scattered around Depot’s bowl, the kitchen looked clean to the point of sterility, uninhabited and scentless.

    David seemed to follow her thoughts. It’s like I’m married to a shell. It’s not even you in there anymore.

    It is me. More than it’s been in a long time. Let me tell you what I did today.

    He let out a scoff. Before or after you lost your marbles in town?

    Julie felt her legs sag. Depot moved closer, and his mass served to steady her. That sucks, she said. I understand that you’re angry—I even think I understand why—but don’t you dare make me feel crazy. What happened to me could send anybody—

    It didn’t just happen to you! David roared. He swept out a hand, grabbing the beer bottle before it could topple off the cart.

    With a single step, Depot edged David backward, away from Julie.

    It had been an atypical loss of control. David was a careful man who moved in precise, contained ways. He printed articles out in neat stacks to proofread, collated his notes, planted seeds in ruler-straight rows. Made love with slow, steady strokes; grieved with silent tears, one tissue dampened at a time. Even his drinking rarely grew sloppy.

    It happened to us, David said. You act as if I have no right to be bereft.

    I don’t think that at all! Julie cried. Though, of course, it was she who had been with Hedley at the time, and maybe deep down, Julie did feel that worsened her burden. The shock of checking the stroller and not being sure at first, having to lean over and really look, study the folds of blanket under the hood. I know you’re mourning too.

    David scrubbed a hand across his face, smoothing his hair back into place.

    Julie took it as a sign of withdrawal. This unusually heated skirmish would pass, become one more part of an amorphous, indistinct mass of sodden days and sullen silences. Her husband let out a breath and Julie did too.

    He crouched to give Depot a pat. It’s all right, boy. I’m sorry if I scared you. Then he stood up again. I think we need a break.

    A break? she echoed. But we’re going to Maine. The dazzling prospect, which had yanked Julie out of the darkness, seemed suddenly absurd.

    David gave a firm shake of his head. Not a break.

    Thank God. Julie wasn’t sure if she’d breathed the words out loud.

    I want a divorce, David said. I’m sorry. I did talk with my therapist about a trial separation first. But…

    You have a therapist?

    He gave a nod. I’ve been seeing her after I finish up work for the day.

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