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The Seer
The Seer
The Seer
Ebook116 pages4 hours

The Seer

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The Seer was trained to see the fate of others, but nothing prepared her for her own destiny...In the last leg of Asheva's journey, new stories and secrets will be revealed. Secrets that will shake the very foundation of the Territories. Secrets that have to do with a young prince, a monarch, and a Seer...
Release dateApr 7, 2020

Roberto Ricci

Roberto Ricci is an author who specializes in novels, short stories, and screenplays. He is best known for The Red Harlequin series, which has been translated into four languages and has been adapted into graphic novels.

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    Book preview

    The Seer - Roberto Ricci

    Roberto Ricci

    The Seer (The Red Harlequin #5)

    UUID: e1513b9f-6261-4718-8119-d3edfcc1fa51

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    Table Of Contents


    38. A Wedding... Not

    39. A Night In Disguise

    40. The Seer

    41. The Hunt

    42. An Oath

    43. To The North

    44. Lost

    45. Found

    46. Chosen

    47. Encounter

    48. A New King

    49. A Dance Of Colors

    About The Author



    Change begins from afar.

    It’s like a new form of life.

    At first,

    you can’t understand what it is,

    nevertheless it’s there.

    It is already complete even though you do not see it.

    It is only when the transformation is finished,

    that you can look back and see where,

    in what place and time,

    it all started.

    You’ll be surprised

    to discover that

    the metamorphosis had altered you

    from the beginning,

    and only completed you at the end.

    38. A Wedding... Not

    We are going to have an infant…

    I vividly recall that the night air was laced with the sweet smell of jasmine flowers. Cestia and I gazed at each other with the same, confused expression on our faces. I could tell my Red princess was desperate to gauge my reaction. The flames of the torches danced inside her eyes. How could I put into words the explosion of feeling within me? The news that we were going to be parents was overwhelming, yet glorious and fulfilling at the same time. There was such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation, that I prayed this first moment of finding out would freeze and hold us together in blissful eternity.

    See? I told you that the night was full of promise! It was Ewy who ended up speaking for us. The young Orange sister had made her way back to our campfire. Now she started to giggle and dance around. You did a pygma, you did a pygma! She gleefully cried. The pygma was a mating ceremony between Orange and Yellow chromes.

    Ewy, please, said Cestia, her face burning red as the torch flames, Not every Chrome shares your… er, unusual Orange customs.

    Nonplussed, Ewy asked: "Well then, what are the mating customs of your territory?"

    This time, I replied, In my Black territory, we... er, we vow to spend our entire lives with someone... through a wedding. My eyes turned to Cestia.

    It was the same in Samaris, Cestia confirmed.

    Oh! Then you need to marry her and do a wedding! Ewy crowed, clapping her hands.

    Yes, I agreed, speaking more softly this time, but where I come from, before you marry someone, it is necessary to make a proposal. As I said this, I kissed Cestia and a huge grin spread across her lovely face.

    I turned back to Ewy and knelt close to her, taking the orange pendant that was the symbol of her sisterhood in my hand. Don’t you think it's a bit late for you, my dear Orange sister, to witness my proposal? It's time to go to sleep and chase your dreams, otherwise the night will not turn promises into reality. I winked at her, making her understand that I wanted to be alone with Cestia.

    Ewy, smart infant that she was, understood. You're right, but even Red princesses need to rest, if they are going to have healthy infants who won’t be cranky. She returned my wink and scampered off to one of the many tents my harlequin rebel troops had pitched after our victorious battle. We were battle-weary but celebratory, for it had taken a collaboration of many different chromes to bring our collective dream to fruition: freedom and equality for chromes of every color.

    Cestia moved closer and took my hand. I wanted to be sure before I told you; I would have liked to let you know in another way, but- Before she could finish, I embraced her and sealed her lips with a longer kiss. I was intoxicated by her perfume and held her until she reluctantly pulled away from me so she could place her hands on my cheeks.

    You know, I think my father would not be pleased with me. I am a princess without a kingdom. I love a chrome of a territory other than mine and now ... I will be the mother of a... non-chrome…

    Cestia, you will be the best mother to one of the first truly free chromes. Chtomio... or rather Quadrio... could not be more proud of you! I knelt down and said: Marry me, Cestia. Make me the luckiest creature in the territories!

    Asheva... I cannot marry you, now! she replied, downcast.

    I immediately stood up, stunned. Why not?

    She kissed me sweetly and said, "I love you, Asheva and want to marry you, but not now, not like this. Not while we’re still at war. To unite ourselves at this moment in time feels like just another way to escape from something bad and I... I will not run away anymore. I want to marry you, my love, in a free land, not one that is still divided. I want our infant to grow in a place of prosperity, not famine. The Red ritual of sponsali, or marriage as you Blacks call it, was… is important for a Red too; it is a choice that will last over time and that no one can dissolve. I want to honor it by fighting for it. This way, I feel that my father would be proud of me..." She looked pensive. I knew she was thinking of the Blacks and how to defeat Nomius the Eldest, the one that had ordered the murder of Quadrio.

    Maybe you're right. Maybe it's still not the right time, I said. I told her about my conversation with Andahar and of my resolution to return to the Black territories. Andahar, my childhood friend-turned-enemy, had come to me in secret after our last great battle in the Blue territory. Perhaps battle was not the correct term for the cold blooded slaughter we had endured. The Blacks had manipulated the Blues into setting us up with threats and false promises. They lured us into their great city of Ayas on the false pretext of a rescue mission. They then trapped us in a long alley.

    There, in the shadow of the Blue pyramid, practically all of my multi-chromed army had been massacred. The Blacks were waiting on the high walls that surrounded us and they shot their arrows, killing us like fish in a barrel. It took everything we had to turn the tide, rout our enemies and escape. Cestia and I lost many close friends, but my harlequin renegades won the support of the chastened Blues – the last territory to fall in line.

    Later, Andahar had risked his life, sneaking into our camp like a starving wolf, right in the middle of the night. Our reunion had been bitter, for we had fought against each other, not only in this battle, but another in the Orange and Yellow territories; where he almost succeeded in killing me in hand to hand combat.

    Still, for old time’s sake and an overwhelming sense of curiosity, I spared him and heard him out. What he had to say changed my entire view about the future of my former Black Nation. It seemed the Blacks had suffered too under the iron hand of their ruling eldest, Nomius. He had stretched my chrome-kin thin in his bid to conquer the territories – starving Black citizens at home and forcing his soldiers to fight and march until most of them died.

    Andahar had come around to my way of seeing things while he witnessed the brutality meted out coldly by Nomius, in the very land he had defended for so long. Now, he was ready to rebel and he sought my help – the help of a feared Harlequin. He was desperate and humble. My heart broke at the sight of him and I could not refuse. But I was determined not risk my army without secretly returning to the Black territory, on my own. I needed to assess the true state of things, first hand, so I could make an informed decision.

    Cestia listened without saying anything, until I finished.

    "If things are truly as bleak as this Andahar says, then why don’t you convince all the other chromes to come with you

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