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Alpha Adrian
Alpha Adrian
Alpha Adrian
Ebook161 pages2 hours

Alpha Adrian

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I walk silently back home and listen to water running next in the river, which leads my way home.


And that is when I spot it. A huge wolf with pearcing brown eyes. He was watching me closely and I stared back at him.


The more I watch those brown orbs, the more I am drawn to them. I subconsciously start walking towards him.


Deep in the forest where humans don't set foot on - there is a whole new world. A world with werewolves, vampire, witches and nymphs.

Release dateMay 21, 2020
Alpha Adrian

Jenna Rose

Jenna Rose is an avid reader and writer, particularly when it comes to science-fiction and fantasy. Currently, she works as a receptionist, but her real love is writing. In her free time, she likes to read comic books, play video games, and waste time on the internet. She currently lives in Massachusetts with her dog, Harley.

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    Alpha Adrian - Jenna Rose


    I am Naiad. An elf-nymph.

    Well, nymph but I have some traits of elves; like fair skin, somewhat pointed ears, long beautiful hair and blue eyes. My father is an elf and my mom is a nymph. She is forest nymph while I am water one.

    We live deep in a forest, near waterfalls. Our land is near a werewolf pack. Yep, werewolves pack! I live in a world of what you would call fantasy; Werewolves are the most common ones, then we have witches, nymphs, elves and vampires.

    Of course, there are humans too! But we hide from them. They would probably use us as experiments, but mostly kill us all.

    I have never seen vampire or a witch. I saw werewolves once or twice when someone was looking for their mate and found them in our village.

    I know it’s weird, werewolves and nymphs, but if they are mates, why not? Although the combination is rare!

    As a nymph, I don't have a mate. My parents see who I will marry, based on the Stars when I was born. So it's kind of like mates, but it's not decided by moon goddess, it's by the Stars. And I don't feel any pull or obligation. We simply see it in their eyes. And we call them our beloveds, not our mates.

    I am turning 20, so I should have my beloved one with me already if it was another nymph or elf. My parents told me that he is a werewolf and that the Stars decide when I find him. Of course for him, I will be his mate if his wolf acknowledges me as one. If not, he rejects me and well Stars will be wrong for the first time ever. But hey! With me, it can happen.

    I am an only child, so most of the times I am quite lonely. I did have a good friend named Jareth; he was in love with me but it was forbidden in our community to be with someone else, if you know you have your beloved.

    He tried to break the rules and force me into being with him so, he was punished with exile. That was 6 years ago. I sometimes miss our moments but, I surely don't miss the evil glint in his eyes when he told me he will take me as his beloved. But, enough of thinking about bad memories!

    Tonight is a full moon; which means, I can go out in the night to show my respects to Tefnut; Goddess of water and fertility. Because I am an only water nymph in my village, I have to do it every full moon. Water nymphs are really rare.

    Since I am somewhat a princess here, well my parents are the most respected elf and nymph, I am not allowed to go anywhere alone and I can't go out after 8 in the night. Of course, today is an exception!

    So, I am currently getting ready and since I never wear makeup, I just readjust my long curls. I am wearing a long white dress with star pattern on it. It's really beautiful and it looks like I’m wearing the night sky itself. For tonight, I bathed in special oil from Dominican red rose and Davana. Its scent is heavenly and people always say I smelt like them since little.

    I take my plate of flowers which I always pick myself for the goddess. I can't mess this up or the consequences can be really dreadful; like having no water till the next full moon or that women in our village won't be fertile. At least that is what elders said to me.

    The village is really quiet tonight since they know the ritual. I begin my short walk towards my personal waterfall and I got there in approximately 7 minutes. The scenery is as beautiful as always; waterfall is just under the mountain, its dark blue water matches perfectly with dark forest green. It's still not dark but, it will be in next 15 minutes. Just enough time to prepare everything.

    I layout flowers on white stones that surrounds the waterfall and by the time I am done, it's already dark but with exception of full moon of course. I begin thanking goddess for all of her goods and offer her my obedience and loyalty. Then I humbly ask her to provide us with water and fertility. She then blesses me, so I know that ritual is finished. Everything takes about two hours.

    By the time I finished, it’s already pitch black dark and the moon is hidden behind the clouds. I walk silently back home and listen to water running in the river, which leads my way home. I know every bit of this forest, so not seeing much is not a problem. Nevertheless, moon decided to peek behind clouds for a bit and shine some of its light on the river.

    And that is when I spot it! A huge grey wolf with piercing brown eyes! He was watching me closely and I stared back at him. The more I watch those brown orbs, the more I am drawn to them. I subconsciously start walking towards him, only to be pushed back by the river. Yes! Water pushed me back but didn't do anything to that wolf, meaning it's not time or place to involve with it, but a wolf is no harm to me.

    With one last look, I slowly walk back to my room and go to sleep.

    Tomorrow is a big day!

    We have to go to werewolf pack for some special event. I forgot what event but, I think it's about one of Alpha's son finding his mate and becoming an alpha.

    * * * * *

    I am walking in the forest with grey wolf. He is standing protectively by my side and beside me is cute little girl holding my hand.

    Mommy! Mommy!!

    "Naia! Naia!! Wake up!"

    I jolt out of my bed. It was just a dream. A dream!

    I see my mom standing in front of me at the end of my bed.

    Naia honey, get ready or we will be late. she scolds me a bit.

    Morning to you too mum. I mumble, still sleepy.

    Morning Naia, now hurry up! With that she leaves me alone to get ready. I drag myself out of bed, jump in shower. When I am done, I quickly get my hair in a bun and put two white lily flowers in them. I proceed to pick out what should I wear, of course a dress – I don’t really wear much of other clothing, but dresses. I settle on a long orange sleeveless satin dress.

    Just as I finish, my father knocks on the door: Naiad are you ready? he says in his serious tone. As usual!

    I open the door and step out. Yes father! We can go now. You may be wondering why I address him so formally, but in front of others, I have to call my parents mother and father to show them respect. And since he has his guard with him, I have to address him properly. Besides, I am used to this cold exterior of his and our relationship isn’t the best either.

    In private I can call them mom and dad, and they too can call me by my nickname. Although, only my mom does it!

    Naiad, stop day dreaming and let's go!

    I apologize.

    I quickly follow them out of our house. Outside, several people bow to my father in respect.

    We go onto our horses and start our hour-long ride towards the werewolves. ‘Bluemoon pack’ is the largest pack with 2000 werewolves in it.

    The Alpha and Luna have two sons. One has found his mate and he is now to be Alpha, so they invited us to the celebration. I manage to find this out from one of my ‘friends’ who was preparing my horse.

    She also warned me about their other son. They say, he is really cold hearted and ruthless. He too is in a high position after all and they are known to hide their emotions, so they don't show any weakness. I guess it makes sense.

    If only I could just get that grey wolf out of my mind!

    I don't even know when we arrive. I see the Alpha and Luna King and unsaddle my horse. They are waiting to greet us or my parents at least. My dad is the first to speak as they approach us.

    Alpha, Luna. He bows respectively and my mom, I and the guards do the same. So my dad knows how to bow, wow!

    Aranel, Gaylia. Alpha says and they bow back. That’s my parents’ name.

    Guards, dismissed. My father says. That just means they stay at the entrance and wait till we need them. I silently follow them, getting bored before everything even started. I wish I could know more about that wolf. We were walking towards what seem to be their house when I see two boys and a girl approaching.

    Mom, dad we checked everything; it's ready. The boy with black hair and brown eyes says holding the girl’s hand. So I guess they are future Alpha and Luna. There is something about this girl that I don't like, something bothersome. She seems like a brat.

    That is nice. I am taking Aranel with me to discuss something. Your mom will be with Gaylia. Please go check the patrol borders with Kylie okay? Adrian, show Naiad around. I am shocked at how relaxed he is talking to their sons in front of us, wishing I would have that too.

    Of course my parents love me but, they can't show that. Well, they can in private, which happens almost never. There are always some people around. And again, I don’t think my father wishes to. He always wanted a son.

    Other boy -Adrian, who is really nicely built and has brown hair shots up with his face full of confusion and annoyance. Dad! Why me? I can go check the patrols. He whines.

    You will do as I say! Be nice to Naiad, Adrian. His dad says sternly. It's funny how he just scolded him like he was a three year old boy.

    He then looks me in the eyes and my world stopped!

    Those beautiful brown orbs!

    He is the wolf from yesterday, from my dreams!

    But what shocks me next is what I whispered:My beloved! I say so quietly that only wolves can hear. And in the same time, he growls.

    Mine, my mate!

    I just continue to stare in his eyes. Our starting contest is broken when my dad clears his throat.

    Shall we Alpha?

    Everybody silently disappears in their directions leaving me alone with my beloved. I was home schooled and I know how things work. He didn't say he accepts me yet and so, I still must show him respect as he has high position in this pack.

    I bow slightly in respect.

    Why are you bowing? He says in demanding tone.

    I apologize. They taught me that until my beloved accepts me, I am to show him respect appropriate for his rank.

    Of course I accept you. Call me Adrian. And never bow to me again.

    Okay Adrian. I saw him shiver when I pronounce his name.

    You have such a beautiful voice. He says as he caresses my cheek with his thumb. At that statement, I blush.

    You said I am your beloved. Do you need to accept me too?

    No. With us, you can't reject or accept your beloved. The Stars has chosen you one. If you don't like it, you could walk away. It's not like a mate bond. Of course you are more attracted to your beloved, but it doesn't break your heart. But I never heard that the Stars chose wrongly. In our village, every beloved stays together.

    Do you want to be with me? He asks perplexed.

    Yes I do. If we were paired, it means Moon Goddess, Stars and Tefnut wanted us to be together. I answer truthfully and with logic.

    Who is Tefnut?

    It's the Goddess of water and fertility. I am a water nymph so, I pay respects to her. Last night, I was just finished when you saw me in the woods. And your wolf is beautiful! When I mention his wolf, he smiles at me.

    Thank you. We should go now, it will start soon; any more questions? He certainly is not for a small talk.

    "Where do I stand now? Am I supposed to be with you or with my

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