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Die For Me
Die For Me
Die For Me
Ebook512 pages8 hours

Die For Me

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In 1985, Charles Ng and Leonard Lake were spotted shoplifting. Ng escaped, but Lake's capture led police to a concrete bunker in the Sierra Nevada foothills, where they discovered the grisly evidence of an orgy of sex crimes, torture and murder that claimed at least sixteen victims. Lake committed suicide: Ng fled to Canada, where he was tracked down and extradited to California. This 14-year, $10 million legal case was the costliest and longest criminal prosecution in California history.
Release dateSep 10, 2014

Don Lasseter

Don Lasseter has written five true crime books for Pinnacle, plus sixteen magazine articles that were reprinted in Pinnacle's anthology books about murders. In addition to being a crime writer, Mr. Lasseter is a WWII historian who frequently lectures on the subject in schools, at service clubs, and for veteran's groups. He accompanies his talks with slide packages entitled "WWII, Then and Now," consisting of photos he took while actually retracing most major battles in Western Europe and in the South Pacific. Taking black and white combat photos with him, Mr. Lasseter laboriously searched for the exact spots on which the photographers stood, and shot the same scenes as they look today. He accumulated over 1500 such pictures associated with various battles including the Normandy invasion, Battle of the Bulge, crossing the Rhine, taking Berlin, and other major engagements. A native Californian, Mr. Lasseter resides in Orange County. He has served as guest lecturer in criminology classes at California State University, Fullerton. Hollywood history is Mr. Lasseter's third major interest. His personal library includes an extensive collection of movie books, and he takes pride in being able to name hundreds of old character actors whose faces are often seen in classic films. One day, Lasseter says, he will write books, both fiction and non-fiction, about the golden era of film production and the people involved. If you would like more information about his books or his interests in WWII or Old Hollywood, please feel free to write him at 1215 S. Beach Blvd. #323, PMB, Anaheim, CA 92804.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book sad that Ng is still alive because California is filled with bleeding hearts. What if he escapes? Dumbasses!

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Die For Me - Don Lasseter


Chapter 1

October 1983

Wilseyville California

Settling into a well-worn brown fabric recliner chair, Leonard Lake turned his placid green eyes toward a tripod-mounted video camera and spoke in a calm, soft voice with no trace of any emotion. Good evening. It’s Sunday, October ... twenty-second, twenty-third, something like that. Very close to my thirty-eighth birthday, and I’m starting this tape without script or without any real organization of what I want to say. But I do feel I need to explain.

Apparently alone in the room, occasionally leaning his head back to gaze toward the ceiling, then once more facing the camera lens, and crossing his ankles on the footrest, the burly, balding speaker continued. This tape, which you’re hearing now, is going to be the lead-in of the various phases of construction of a building which, hopefully, will be the first of a series of underground buildings. As if to rationalize the purpose, he described plans to erect what he called a tool and storage room. With no change in his quiescent tone, Lake gradually admitted a much more sinister intention for the planned structure. But the main emphasis of the building, the whole justification for its expense and its effort, will be a hidden portion . . . a secret room, if we can call it that, that will house a cell . . . a jail cell, if you will.

Dressed in a long-sleeved black-and-white patterned shirt, faded jeans, and brown boots, Lake clasped his hands in his lap. Still exhibiting no signs of excitement, he explained, The purpose of that cell . . . will be the imprisonment of a young lady who probably, at this moment, is unknown to me.

Drifting away from the chilling hint of capturing a woman, Lake turned to a rambling narration of his personal philosophy. These are troubled times. There are wars and rumors of wars going on. Today, one hundred thirty-five Marines were killed in Lebanon.... Lake misstated the casualty count in his reference to a stunning tragedy that took place earlier that same Sunday, October 23, 1983, in Beirut. A terrorist had crashed a truckload of explosives into the U.S. Marine Corps headquarters building, taking the lives of at least 216 Marines in the massive explosion. Lake, having served with the Corps in Vietnam, identified closely with the fallen leathernecks. After mustering out, he had concluded that an imminent holocaust would wipe out most of humanity. The only survivors, Lake theorized, were those who possessed the foresight to build bunkers in the mountains and stock them with food, weapons, and money. His personal bunker, though, would also provide a place to live out his dark sexual fantasies.

Lake’s soliloquy continued, describing the concrete and steel bunker he visualized. It would be ... designed not around the cell, but ultimately around the concept of a secret, secure living place for myself and perhaps for friends. But, he admitted, ... it would be a lie to say it was for anything other than primarily emphasizing the cell.

Leonard Lake’s favorite book, The Collector, by John Fowles, told the tale of a butterfly collector who carried out his fantasy of capturing and enslaving a young woman. It meshed perfectly with Lake’s own hidden desire. The idea of having complete control over a female slave formed the most erotic thrill he could imagine.

Wondering aloud about recording his most intimate thoughts on video, Lake said, Posterity may care less about this tape, care less about what I have to say. To be honest, I’m not too sure who I want to show this tape to, or if I will ever show it to anyone. But, for anyone that is interested, anyone who needs my justification and my rationalizations as to why I would want to imprison, and, in fact, enslave [a woman] they have only to look closely at me. I’m a realist. I’m thirty-eight years old, a bit chubby, not much hair and losing what I have, not particularly attracted to women. Realizing his mistake, Lake corrected it. "Or, I should say, particularly attracting to women. All of the traditional magnets, the money, position, power, I don’t have. And yet, I’m still very sexually active, and I’m still very much attracted to a particular type of woman who, almost by definition, is totally uninterested in me. Dirty, old man. Pervert." His hand gestures became momentarily animated.

I’m attracted to young women. Sometimes even as young as twelve, although to be fair, certainly up to eighteen to twenty-two is a pretty much ideal range as far as my interests go. I like very slim women, very pretty, of course petite, small-breasted, long hair. [But] such a woman, by virtue of her youth, her attractiveness, her desirability to ... the majority of mankind, simply has better options. There’s no particular reason why such a woman should be interested in me. But there’s more to it than that. It’s difficult to explain my personality in twenty-five words or less, but I am, in fact, a loner. I enjoy peace. The quiet, the solitude. I enjoy being by myself, and while my relationships with women in the past have been sexually successful, socially they’ve been almost always a failure. I’ve gone through two divorces, innumerable women, fifty to fifty-five, I forget exactly the count.

Pausing for a moment to stare at the ceiling, and again folding his hands in his lap, Lake sighed and sounded almost bored. I’m afraid the bottom-line statement is the simple fact that I’m a sexist slob. I enjoy using women and, of course, women aren’t particularly interested in being used. I certainly enjoy sex. I certainly enjoy the dominance of climbing on a woman and using her body. But I’m not particularly interested in the id, the ego, all the things that a man should be interested in to complement a woman’s needs. Now I can fake these emotions, and I can fake them very well. And in the past I’ve been very successful with attracting interesting and attractive women, simply because I did fake fairly well an interest in their needs and their requirements. So, momentarily, I had what I wanted, and they thought they had what they wanted. But, in the long term, I don’t want to bother. What I want is an off-the-shelf sex partner. I want to be able to use a woman whenever and however I want. And when I’m tired or satiated or bored or not interested, I simply want to put her away. Lock her up in a little room, get her out of my sight, out of my life, and thus avoid what heretofore has always been the obligation to entertain or amuse or satisfy a particular woman or girlfriend’s whims of emotional whatevers.

Recognizing the shortcomings of his views, Lake acknowledged certain problems. Such an arrangement, he confessed, "is not only blatantly sexist, but highly illegal, there’s no doubt about that it. It violates all of the human rights and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I’m going to spare posterity my concepts of other people’s morality. I’m explaining my morality, what I feel, what I want, and as of this moment, I’m going to try to get. The advantages of such a situation are, of course, obvious and, even beyond sexual, such a woman, totally enslaved, would be useful for the mundane chores I have to do, but am not particularly interested in doing: clean house, washing dishes, et cetera. A slave. There’s no way around it. Primarily a sexual slave, but nonetheless a physical slave, as well."

Still expressionless, with his voice modulated not much louder than a husky whisper, Lake said, And I believe that if I can construct a holding cell, a place where I can put such a woman, where I can walk off and feel secure that she can’t escape, that I can create a facility that is so stark, and so empty, so cold, so quiet, so totally removed from the world, that fairly quickly, by a combination of painful punishments when I’m displeased, and minor rewards such as music or magazines or some such stuff, that I can quickly condition—this is my belief—that I can quickly condition a young woman to cooperate with me fully, and in fact, even look forward to cooperating with me, simply for no other reason than such cooperation would be a relief from boredom.

Taking a breath, and pausing no more that a few seconds, Lake added, Whether I can do this or not will remain to be seen. Obviously, I’ve never done such a thing before, and it may not work. However, I want to try. I want to try. Costs and logistics of constructing the bunker occupied Lake’s monologue for a minute before his electric green eyes bored into the camera lens again. Life, as I am living it, is boring. The challenge of this project, the excitement, the thrill of it will be an exciting experience even if it fails. As long as I don’t get caught, it’s very attractive. It’s something that I’ve fantasized daily about. We’ll see. I don’t think there’s much more to say on the subject. This, hopefully, will be a mystery.

Within a few days, Lake aimed his video camera at a churning yellow backhoe taking huge bites of earth from a hillside near the mountain house in which he had dictated what would one day be known as the philosophy tape. Pine and cedar trees surrounded the idyllic mountain site near Wilseyville, California, where miners had swarmed the cascading streams and tunneled the rich earth 135 years earlier in search of gold. Lake’s videography recorded a growling chain saw ripping away trees, and a dark-coated German shepherd warily observing the backhoe as it dug a foundation for the sex-slave bunker. As the animal’s interest changed, Lake noted, Uh-oh. Little dog chasing a butterfly. In John Fowles’s novel, the protagonist chases butterflies. In Leonard Lake’s fantasy, he would leave flying insects to the dog. More erotic prey occupied his mind.

Panting into the video camera’s microphone, he said, I can hardly wait.

Chapter 2

April 1985

Milpitas, California

At the age of eighteen, Kathleen Elizabeth Allen felt pretty good about her life. Long dark hair tumbling past her shoulders, with full lips and exotically tilted brown eyes that she sometimes overdecorated with makeup, Kathi created a package most men found attractive despite her ongoing battle to keep her weight down. She always wore her favorite piece of jewelry, a gold chain from which a floating heart dangled.

Kathi spent as much time as possible with her younger sister, Dian, and her Japanese mother, Sumiko, in their San Jose, California, home at the lower tip of San Francisco Bay. Dian thought Kathi was strong and intelligent. Of course, with an age gap of over two years, the siblings sometimes had misunderstandings. But, recalled Dian, Kathi could always make me laugh, and if I had problems, she always had an answer for me. She had a knack for being everyone’s friend. Dian recalled an evening near the end of March 1985, when she had needed to talk about some problems. In any emergency, Dian knew where to turn, so she had telephoned her sister. Without any hesitation, Kathi had driven from her workplace to pick up Dian so they could chat about it. Kathi’s presence worked its usual magic.

Because their mother, Sumiko, struggled with the English language, Kathi frequently came to the rescue by volunteering to act as interpreter. Sumiko’s live-in mate also expressed fondness for Kathi, characterizing her as loving and tolerant.

A full-time job at the Safeway supermarket in nearby Milpitas, where she had worked for most of a year, allowed Kathi Allen to support herself. Her boyfriend, Michael Sean Carroll, twenty-three, contributed to their entertainment expenses with his earnings from a pizza restaurant, and provided most of their transportation with his 1974 yellow Mercury Capri. Because he’d served time on federal drug charges at Leavenworth Prison in Kansas, he’d had difficulty finding employment. Standing an inch less than six feet, and trim at 178 pounds, Mike sported dark hair parted in the middle, arched eyebrows, large brown eyes, and a youthful, alert face that caught the attention of most young women. He tried to look more mature by nurturing his light whiskers and mustache, but only managed to blur a well-formed chin.

Mike Carroll lived with a foster brother, who also acted as a father to him. The two men had exchanged letters often during Mike’s absence for a hitch in the U.S. Marine Corps, where he ran afoul of the law. The correspondence continued during Mike’s imprisonment in Leavenworth, Kansas. The brother met Kathi Allen on several occasions and could see that she loved Mike deeply.

The love Kathi felt was mixed with concern about his violent temper, which sometimes manifested itself in physical abuse of her. She found it easy to forgive those transgressions, but worried even more about his tendency to become discouraged. She didn’t want him to fall back into the easy-money trap associated with selling drugs.

In early spring 1985, Mike Carroll moved out of his foster brother’s home and convinced Kathi to share a rented motel room with him until they could find a more permanent residence. To her, it seemed to be a sign of his willingness to settle down and plan their future together. So, on April 12, when he failed to show up one night, the old worries reeled through her mind again. On Sunday, April 14, she parked his car in the Safeway lot, only a block from the motel, and struggled through her work duties trying not to think about her missing mate. Late in the afternoon, she received a telephone call at the store, a call that sent her fears about Mike Carroll skyrocketing through the roof.

One of Kathi’s friends later divulged that the worried young woman had confided in her about receiving a mysterious message from Mike Carroll. According to Kathi, Mike had told her that he’d experienced some serious problems in San Francisco and had sought refuge near Lake Tahoe, about 140 miles northeast of the Bay area. Mike reportedly asked Kathi to meet him in Tahoe. If she could get time off and make the trip, he’d reportedly said, he would send someone to pick her up at the supermarket.

A coworker at Safeway stated that the message about Kathi’s boyfriend actually came from someone, other than Mike, who made it sound even more ominous. The colleague reported that Kathi said, Mike had been shot and might be dead.

Another Safeway employee, supervisor Monique Bobbitt, recalled that Kathi received the telephone call at the store. Shortly afterward, the worried girl had called the Safeway manager and asked for time off, explaining that she wanted to go to Lake Tahoe, where her boyfriend needed her. As soon as she received permission for a leave, Kathi told Monique Bobbitt about it. Bobbitt later spoke of the conversation. Kathi said her boyfriend had been shot and hurt, and that she was going to go to Tahoe to be with him. The supervisor remembered unlocking the supermarket’s doors to let Kathi out of the store, which had been closed at 7


after customer hours. Concerned about the young employee, Bobbitt gave Kathi her home phone number to call if she needed anything, then watched as Kathi walked across the parking lot and entered the passenger side of a car parked near the yellow Capri. It was a Honda, copperish color like a penny, with a luggage rack on the trunk. As Bobbitt hazily recalled, she thought she saw a Caucasian male, perhaps about forty years old, behind the steering wheel.

That same Sunday evening, James Baio, who described himself as a very good friend of Kathi Allen, answered his phone and could barely make out her worried voice. Kathi told Baio about the troublesome call at the store, but whispered that she couldn’t talk much at that moment because there was someone in the room with her at The Best Inn in Milpitas. She sounded like she was in a hurry and she said she couldn’t talk to me, Baio explained. Probing his memory about the mysterious conversation, Baio could still hear Kathi’s words about a man who had arrived to pick her up and take her to Mike, but the guy was kind of weird, and he talked about wanting to take pictures of her.

James Baio asked Kathi to call when she arrived at her destination, and Kathi promised she would.

A few hours later, though, Kathleen Allen found herself in terrifying circumstances, unable to telephone anyone in the outside world. A video camera recorded segments of her nightmarish predicament.

As the tiny red light on the camcorder blinked, Kathi sat in a well-worn brown fabric recliner chair, her legs crossed. She wore a white jersey with red short sleeves, dark pants, and black shoes. Handcuffs bound her wrists together behind her back. She sat perfectly still with a numb expression on her face, saying nothing, perhaps in a state of shock, or possibly unable to comprehend the extent of danger. At her right, a table lamp bathed the room in a soft amber glow, illuminating the wall behind her, covered with a photographic mural depicting the flaming colors of a forest in autumn.

From behind the camera, the voice of Leonard Lake filled the room. Mike owes us, he said, a hint of threat in his words. He can’t pay. Now we’re going to give you a choice, Kathi, and this is probably the last choice that we’re going to give you. You can go along with us, you can cooperate, you can do everything we tell you to do willingly, and in approximately thirty days, if you want a date to write on your calender—the fifteenth of May—we will either drug you, blindfold you or in some way or other make sure you don’t know where you are and where you’re going, and take you back to the city and let you go. And what you say at that time, I don’t care. My name you don’t know. His name is Charlie, but screw it. Lake made reference to another man who emerged from shadows in the dimly lit room, a short, black-haired Asian dressed in dark colors. Lake, wearing a tan knit sweater, entered camera range, knelt to adjust the bonds on her ankles, and moved back out of sight.

Alternately threatening in firm tones, then softly cajoling, switching from bad guy to good guy, then back again, Lake said, You don’t know where you are. And what you say hopefully can’t hurt us, and by then, hopefully, Mike will have disappeared gracefully. Obviously, I’m telling you this because we’ll have no control over what you say or how you say it once you’re gone. If you don’t cooperate with us, if you don’t agree this evening, right now, to cooperate with us, we’ll probably put a round through your head and take you out and bury you in the same area we buried Mike. Kathi’s facial expression remained frozen, even though she had just heard devastating news about her lover.

We do this, Lake continued, "just because we’re, we admit it, scared, nervous. We—we never planned on fucking up, much less getting caught, and we’re not intending to get caught. It’s the old ‘no witnesses.’ It’s a little crude, but, uh, that’s where it’s at. While you’re here, you’ll give us information on Mike in terms of his brother, bank accounts, who we need to write to make things correct. We’ll probably have you write some letters to the guy . . . his foster brother, telling him some bullshit story about how you and Mike have, uh, moved off to Timbuktu, and he’s got a job doing this and that and doing something else and, basically, we want to phase Mike off, just sort of move him over the horizon, and, uh, let people know that, yeah, Mike moved off to God-knows-where, and we never heard from him again.

That’s semiacceptable. If anyone wonders, no one’s going to wonder too hard. While you’re here, we’ll keep you busy. You’ll wash for us, you’ll clean for us, cook for us, you’ll fuck for us. That’s your choice in a nutshell. It’s not much of a choice, unless you’ve got a death wish.

Still sitting perfectly still, Kathi tried to speak, but her vocal cords constricted, and her words failed. She could only manage, No, I don’t particularly . . . do ...

The Asian man whom Lake had called Charlie muttered something unintelligible, but Lake smothered him out with another effort to put his captive at ease. Actually, Kathi, I like you. I, uh, didn’t like lying to you. Whether you believe it or not, that’s not important. The fairness of what you’re doing is, uh, not up for debate. We’re not worried about whether we’re fair or whether we’re good. Again, he shifted from Jekyll to Hyde. We’re just worried about ourselves. Selfish bastards, maybe. You’ll probably think of worse names for us in the next four weeks. But that’s where it’s at. In the last twenty-four hours we’ve been tired, nervous, a little high-strung, perhaps. We expect you to do something about that. Believe me, we both need it. If you go along with us, cooperate with us, we’ll be as nice as we can to you within the limits of keeping you prisoner. If you don’t go along with us, we’ll probably take you into the bed, tie you down, rape you, shoot you, and bury you. Sorry, lady, time’s up. Make your choice.

Motionless, Kathi forced words through her dry mouth, barely audible. Well, I have to be available.

Spell it out for us on tape, Lake demanded. I want to hear it from your own lips.

I can’t spell it out, she whispered. I’ll go along with whatever you want.

That’s all we wanted to hear, said Lake. Mike was an ass.

Kathi attempted to reply to the insult of Mike Carroll, but her voice failed again.

I understand, Lake said in mock sympathy. Either he lied to you or you lied to us. You can believe this or you don’t have to believe it. It has nothing to do with anything. Mike was getting ready to drop you.... He said you were clinging on to him, you were asking things of him that he didn’t want. Apparently directing his attention to his Asian cohort, Lake asked, Today, was it today? Yesterday? Returning to his taunting of the helpless woman, Lake continued, He [Mike] had some woman in the motel giving him a blow job. Again, this is what he said. Whether it’s true or not, I don’t know. He could have been lying to us.

Struggling again to speak, Kathi could only gasp.

His voice betraying enjoyment of the verbal torture, Lake said, Okay. Then maybe he just liked talking big. He thought he was impressing us. He wasn’t. He was disgusting us. Addressing Charlie, Lake asked, Do you have keys for her cuffs?

Uh-huh, affirmed the collaborator.

Stand up Kathi, Lake ordered. If we’re a little clumsy at this, forgive us. Stay on your feet. Undress for us. We want to see what we bought.

Undress for you? Fear and disbelieving sounded in her throat.

Take your blouse off. Take your bra off. They’re not all that bad. Take your chains off. Accepting the inevitable, Kathi began to disrobe.

Charlie muttered, Now, what do you think? Addressing Lake, he asked, Take her pants off?

Sure, we’ll run her through the shower.

Should I go, too? Charlie asked.

Oh, you want to take a shower with her? Lake seemed amused. If you want to. Sit down, Kathi. She complied.

The Asian observed, This is, uh, surprisingly cooperative.

Wisely cooperative, Charlie. To the captive, he said, We’re prepared to do practically anything to get you to agree with us. I’m glad you’ve, uh, made all of that unnecessary. But a few ground rules, Kathi. We’re real serious about this. Do what you’re told, cooperate with us, and there won’t be any problems. If you create problems whatsoever, you could very well die. Keep undressing, please.

Alert to the threat of death, Charlie said, The piece is on the table, apparently reminding Lake of a handgun lying nearby.

I see it.

Charlie, seeming to be concentrating on the possibility of joining the captive in a shower, slurred his next few words. You didn’t get the shower . . . she . . . time limits.

Ignoring him, Lake focused on Kathi as she rose to continue removing her clothing. Keep going, he commanded.

Barely able to speak, Kathi said, You’ll have to excuse me for being shy. Sorry.

I can understand, soothed Lake. But don’t be shy. You’re going to take a shower.

Now joining in the activity more audibly, Charlie commented, This won’t be the first time. It won’t be the last time.

Patronizingly, Lake chided his partner. Don’t make it hard for her, Charlie. Watching Kathi as she stood only in her underpants, he urged her on. Panties too. Kathi, I don’t want to have to make an example of what we need to do to make you cooperate.

Completely vulnerable, standing naked after removing her last garment, Kathi said, I realize that.

Then, please, cooperate.... Go ahead, Charlie.

As all three left the camera’s view, Leonard Lake spoke one last time. When you get out, there’ll be slippers outside of the—

The camera stopped.

But the torture had not ended. The video camera would record two more devastating episodes in the final few days of Kathleen Allen’s eighteen years of life.

Chapter 3


San Francisco, California

Muted fog horns echoed through heavy mist shrouding the Golden Gate Bridge. The blaring noise signaled the passage of troop ships slicing through cold, choppy waters under the world-famous span, returning weary veterans home from the South Pacific combat of World War II. The devastating war had been over only a few weeks and families waited breathlessly, ecstatically, at the Embarcadaro on San Francisco’s north shore for the disembarkation of lucky survivors. Jubilant reunions, and the advent of world peace, gave the city, and the world, a warm glow in October 1945. For twenty-one-year-old U.S. Navy sailor Elgin Lake, and his wife, Gloria, it seemed the right time for the birth of their first child. Leonard Thomas Lake made his arrival on October 29, 1945, at St. Francis Hospital, just five hours after his groaning mother waddled through the entry doors.

Unfortunately, world peace and booming economic conditions in the United States had little effect on what should have been a happy time for the young couple. They frequently argued, and Elgin found solace in alcohol. If the disharmony extended to their marital bed, it prevented conception of additional children until 1950, when Gloria delivered a daughter, Sylvia. One year later, their second son, Donald, arrived.

Shortly after the birth of the newest child, Elgin Lake announced he could take no more of the marital discord, and left his wife and children, ostensibly to seek better times in Seattle, Washington. Abandoned, with three small children, Gloria barely managed to scrape by, living in cheap public housing called the projects, plus worrying about inadequate food, medicine, and other necessities. Whether driven by economic needs, or smoldering embers of affection, Gloria decided a few months later to follow her husband in an attempt to repair the marriage.

Little Leonard had started kindergarten, and his mother didn’t want to interrupt the beginning of his education. Also, she felt uncertain about successfully reestablishing the union with Elgin. What if it didn’t work? So, she decided to leave her first son in San Francisco, under the care of his grandparents, until she could establish a better grip on the future. One of Leonard’s sisters would later recall hearing family stories about the traumatic separation. According to her vague recollection of the event, Gloria had asked Leonard if he wanted to go with her to Seattle, and the six-year-old boy had said he didn’t want to go. But, at the train station, he evidently changed his mind and tearfully begged not to be left behind. It was too late. Gloria had reserved space only for herself and Sylvia, planning to carry the infant, Donald, in her arms. Leonard pleaded hysterically, sobbing and screaming, clinging to his mother’s skirt. But he had to remain with his grandparents. Many years later, it would be theorized that the experience permanently scarred Leonard, and planted a seed that would grow into emotional problems. In any case, Leonard Lake would never again live with either of his parents, even though his mother and siblings did return to San Francisco within a year.

The relationship between Leonard and his mother, wounded by separation, remained unstable for years. Even when she remarried in June 1956 and invited him to rejoin her, the boy refused. Gloria gave birth to two more daughters with whom Leonard interacted cordially. He would later tell one of them that he had suffered constant hunger when he lived with Gloria in the projects, and that he never owned any toys there. Life in the custody of his grandparents offered more stability. Even though they weren’t wealthy, he never experienced hunger or poverty while living with them. He had his own room, plenty of food, fashionable clothing, and an allowance. They even sent him to summer camp to enjoy mountain hiking and swimming in clean lakes. The aroma of pine trees and fresh air in high altitudes would stay with Lake and repeatedly draw him back to that environment. Not wishing to return to the privation he’d experienced with his mother, he kept civil contact with her, but chose to remain in his grandparents’ home.

Chester Richardson, a cousin nine years younger than Leonard, lived only two blocks away in the same middle-class Glen Park district. At age eight or nine, Richardson enjoyed spending time with Leonard in the afternoons when the older boy came home from high school. Leonard, he recalled, owned a small chemistry lab. Experiments with it included the use of acid to dissolve various materials. Once, according to Richardson, Leonard set part of the room on fire with chemicals. The boys managed to extinguish it with minimum damage. Young Chester also loved to watch the hoards of mice his cousin had collected. Richardson recalled that Leonard had started with just a few of the tiny rodents, but they had reproduced to more than a thousand. He had a little city for them, a regular little mouse world. There were tunnels and castles, mazes, and even a little train for them to ride on. Eventually, Richardson said, it came time to get rid of the mice. Leonard sold some of them and gave a few away. But he killed the majority of them. An especially gruesome image remained in Richardson’s mind, long into his adult years. He recalled that Leonard used chemicals and acid in an attempt to dissolve the little dead bodies. They turned into an ugly green liquid, said Richardson.

Leonard Lake’s compatibility with his sisters and his cousin did not extend to his brother, Donald. The younger boy had been involved in a debilitating accident at the age of nine, suffering serious head injuries when a train struck him. According to half sister Janet, it left Donald a little slow. Leonard, she said, had no use for incompetent people, and held anyone who collected welfare payments in low esteem. People who took from the system should be punished, he told anyone who would listen. As Janet recalled, Leonard once said that if he could poison the water supply of everyone on welfare, he would gladly do it. Lake regarded Donald as one of the welfare cheaters because the younger boy collected Social Security disability payments. He was a leech. He’d be better off dead, Leonard allegedly said of his brother.

Chester Richardson, too, recalled Leonard’s disapproval of Donald. I thought Leonard was trying to put his brother on the right track, to straighten him out. But later, I realized that he thought Donald was a big burden on their mother. The two brothers, Richardson said, were never very close.

It could be accurately said that Leonard Lake didn’t follow the biblical precept to be thy brother’s keeper. Instead, he shrugged off any theological teachings and developed his own religious views. At one point, he decided he’d like to worship ancient Nordic gods, then he changed to an interest in Buddhism. Eventually he announced that he was an atheist.

As Lake neared eighteen, images from The Collector, by John Fowles, swirled in his mind. He kept the dark fantasies secret, allowing himself to privately feel erotic pleasure, mentally picturing a beautiful young woman enslaved, kept in a secret cell, subject to any sexual whim of his, available whenever he wanted her, and completely under his control.

Even though Lake seemed relatively satisfied living with his grandparents, a restlessness and an urge to strike out on his own took hold early, and the wanderlust grew as he matured. Soon after completing high school, Lake found the opportunity he needed. On January 27, 1964, three months after his eighteenth birthday, Leonard Lake enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps.

The teenaged boot adapted quickly to the military regimen. The use of weapons fascinated him, including fire control techniques, and rifle tactics. He paid close attention during classes about the use of chemicals in combat, guerilla warfare, explosives and demolition. Marine Corps training gave Lake the opportunity to drive large and small vehicles, and provided instructions on how to expertly read maps. Field survival techniques lodged themselves in his memory for future use. He learned military jargon, and in the future would refer to any project as an operation or ops. The camouflage work uniforms, called cammies, especially appealed to Lake, and he would continue to wear them in later civilian life.

After graduation from basic training, he entered and completed specialized classes to become a radar technician. The Corps transferred him to Camp LeJeune, North Carolina, where he took advanced courses in aircraft radar work. On weekend passes and during leaves of absence, Lake often visited relatives at the home of an uncle who lived in South Carolina.

At one of the gatherings in April 1965, Lake was pleasantly surprised when another guest showed up. Karen Lee Meinersman, eighteen, the daughter of his uncle’s friend, had traveled from Delaware, where she attended college, majoring in math. Homesickness motivated her decision to spend spring break with her parents. During the holiday, she joined them in acceptance of an invitation to pay a social call on Lake’s relatives. As soon as they met, both Karen and Leonard felt a certain attraction. Before he returned to the Marine base, they agreed to correspond by mail.

The couple exchanged affectionate letters during the following months, until President Lyndon Johnson escalated the conflagration in Vietnam by feeding thousands of young men into the unpopular and deadly war. Leonard Lake arrived in Southeast Asia not long before Christmas 1965 and spent most of the following year in country. The exchange of letters with Karen Lee dwindled and eventually stopped.

In late 1966, Lake was reassigned to duty in California at the Point Mugu Naval Air Station. His thoughts returned to the willowy young woman in Delaware. When they began writing letters again in 1968, Karen confided in Lake about her loneliness. She would later reveal that she felt not very worldly at age twenty and hoped to find someone to direct her. She thought Leonard might fill the bill. In March 1969, Lake used his leave to seal the relationship by taking a flight to Delaware, where the fondness they’d felt earlier grew to a romance. When Lake proposed marriage, Karen accepted and accompanied him back to California. Before the month ended, she became his bride.

As Karen would later recall, life during those first few months with her new husband was sort of average. But a couple of behavior patterns in Leonard worried her: First, he often jested with fellow Marines about selling her body to them. Karen tried to see the humor in his bawdy comments, but they still embarrassed her. She wondered if he disguised his lewd offers as lusty humor, but was actually hinting that he wanted her to become a prostitute. Lake’s constant urging her to dress in revealing costumes and bare as much flesh as possible made her nervous about his joking. The second problem concerned Karen even more. Prior to the marriage, she had never detected any tendency for him to be unusually dominant. But now, in his role as her husband, he became especially controlling and overbearing about everything she did. He became the master and expected her to be the slave. Trying to humor him, Karen submitted to his wishes, but didn’t enjoy being a possession. Lake seemed to feel he could do anything he wished with her.

Her concerns faded away, though, when Lake volunteered midway through 1970 for a second tour of duty in Vietnam. Lake’s grandparents had moved from San Francisco to Gait, a small town in central California. They agreed to let Karen live with them during the long wait for her husband’s return.

In the green hell of Vietnam, Lake would later say, he really enjoyed the experience. He boasted of killing a lot of people and said that the toughest thing he had to do was zip up body bags. As a radar technician, Lake was stationed in Da Nang, the coastal city of 200,000, where 3,500 Marines had stormed ashore on March 8, 1965, to begin the escalation that would eventually cost the United States more than 58,000 lives. Lake’s role at the huge Da Nang air base involved repairing radar machinery, not assaulting villages or slogging through humid jungles

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