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Money in the Streets: A Playbook for Finding and Seizing the Opportunity All Around You.
Money in the Streets: A Playbook for Finding and Seizing the Opportunity All Around You.
Money in the Streets: A Playbook for Finding and Seizing the Opportunity All Around You.
Ebook193 pages2 hours

Money in the Streets: A Playbook for Finding and Seizing the Opportunity All Around You.

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About this ebook

Money in the Streets is more than one man’s journey in hard-knocks New York. It’s more than the recounting of risking it all to win. Told with heart and laced with the sentiment of tremendous gratitude, Barry Habib deftly weaves tales of his upbringing to take the reader back in time. From his childhood, where he’d pick up the discarded toys of other children because he had so few of his own to play with on into the sales world, where Habib got creative as a sort-of street vendor, Money in the Streets blends humor and hardship through the incredulous moments of Habib’s life. He wrote this book to answer a compulsion to share what worked for him as he scaled the ladder—creating multiple successful companies, growing into an international speaker, and frequenting major media networks as well as producing various entertainment productions—most notably as the driving force and lead producer of one of the longest-running shows on Broadway (later made into a film): Rock of Ages.
Habib offers his life as proof that you can keep going no matter what. He shares some of his most painful memories while also exulting in personal and business triumphs to encourage everyone to aim for the same.

Of particular note are the mindset tactics in Money in the Streets that are road-tested and personal practices of Habib, who treats each day as a reason to be thankful. No matter the struggle, whether self-doubt, negativity, loss, stress, or being “stuck” in life, Money in the Streets is a resolution roadmap. An easy read that will play on the reader’s every emotion, this standout work and Habib’s voice are unforgettable. He writes as if you are the only person in the room...because to Habib, you are.

Release dateOct 27, 2020

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    Money in the Streets - Barry Habib

    Advance Praise for

    Money in the Streets

    "Barry has taught and inspired many people as a speaker, and now, in his new book, he’s able to reach and positively influence the lives of many more. Money in the Streets teaches you how to find and identify the opportunities everyone else is missing, as well as use them to strengthen your personal and business relationships to attain the success you deserve."

    —Tony Robbins,

    #1 New York Times Bestselling Author,

    Philanthropist, and Peak Performance Strategist

    Photo by Francesco Carrozzini


    An Imprint of Post Hill Press

    Money in the Streets:

    A Playbook for Finding and Seizing the Opportunity All Around You

    © 2020 by Barry Habib

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN: 978-1-64293-632-2

    ISBN (eBook): 978-1-64293-633-9

    Cover design by Sooraj Mathew

    Edited by Hilary Jastram, Dan Habib, Donna Zuckerberg & Jen Rothke

    Contributions by Bookmark Editing House

    Interior design and composition, Greg Johnson, Textbook Perfect

    This book is a truthful recollection of actual events in the author’s life. The events, places, and conversations in this book have been recreated from memory. The names and details of some individuals or entities have been changed to respect their privacy.

    The information provided within this book is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. The author and publisher are not offering such information as business, investment, or legal advice, or any other kind of professional advice, and the advice and ideas contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. Any use of the information provided within this book is at your own risk, and it is provided without any express or implied warranties or guarantees on the part of the author or publisher. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. You should seek the services of a competent professional before beginning any business endeavor or investment. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be held liable or responsible to any person or entity with respect to any financial, commercial, or other loss or damages (including, but not limited to, special, incidental, or consequential damages) caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the use of any of the information contained herein.

    This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical, without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief questions embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    New York Nashville

    Published in the United States of America


    For Mom and Dad and all the sacrifices you made to give me opportunity.

    For Tina and Norm, for all your support.

    For Dan, Nicole, Jake, and Jared, for being the inspiration and driving force for me to want to succeed.




    Part One: How to See Opportunity Everywhere

    Chapter 1: Overcoming the Random Nature of Rejection

    Chapter 2: Let Hardship Teach You

    Chapter 3: Find Opportunity

    Part Two: Strategies for Seizing the Opportunities at Your Feet

    Chapter 4: Be Positive

    Chapter 5: Map Your Dreams

    Chapter 6: Recognize Opportunity

    Chapter 7: Amplify Your Message and Become Magnetic

    Chapter 8: Make Mistakes: Let Them Make You Better

    Chapter 9: Keep Evolving

    Chapter 10: Building Trust and Better Relationships Through Excellent Communication

    Chapter 11: Don’t Beat Yourself

    Chapter 12: Win by Staying on Offense

    Part Three: How to Use Your Opportunities in the Service of Others

    Chapter 13: Nurture Relationships

    Chapter 14: Make a Difference in People’s Lives

    Chapter 15: Stay Hungry

    Chapter 16: Be a Teacher

    Chapter 17: Work With Fear

    Chapter 18: Bad Things Happen, But We Can Still Control Our Mindset


    About the Author


    There are two types of people in this world. There are the people who change others’ lives, then take entirely too much credit for it, and there are the people who change others’ lives and allow the benefit of that positive change to be its own reward. Barry embodies the latter. He doesn’t need to boast about his accomplishments because his impression on people lasts way longer than any accolade ever would.

    Barry came into my life when he and the producers of Rock of Ages offered me a role in their show. I’d dreamed of being involved with Broadway my entire life, but it wasn’t happening for me in any traditional sense. Finally, in 2014, I was offered the role of Regina, and Barry changed my entire career trajectory. Without ever knowing it, Barry helped better not only my life but the lives of so many other aspiring Broadway babies because now I’m an active investor in other people’s dreams—as he was once in mine.

    Barry is inspiring to people both professionally and personally. He believes if he can overcome his own unfortunate circumstances, anyone can. He’s a true entrepreneur—he practices what he preaches. He doesn’t shy away from the challenges he has faced or the incredible hardships he has endured. Instead, he uses his stories to inspire other people. He possesses an intense loyalty to family—and by family, I don’t just mean blood relatives. I mean all of those who live under the protective umbrella of our lives.

    From the moment I first met Barry to the present day, I’ve witnessed his inspiring, unconditional love for his umbrella family. He’ll spot someone in need and immediately take them under his wing. That’s why I love Money in the Streets. It’s 100 percent, Barry, in all his infinite love, providing a step-by-step road map to alter the circumstances of life. Learning how to stay grounded, express gratitude, and live in service of others will make you more successful. And I know this is true because it’s a lesson that Barry taught me five years ago. It lives within me every day and is the backbone of how I lead, learn, and love.

    Barry can help you to be a better you too. Just turn the page.


    Randi Zuckerberg


    As a professional speaker, I’ve always tried to be selective about the speaking engagements that I commit to. But it wasn’t always that way.

    Early on in my career, I was anxious to have speaking opportunities. One time, in particular, I agreed to do a speaking engagement as a favor for someone. This meant that I would not collect a speaking fee and would only be reimbursed for my expenses. After agreeing to do the gig, I started researching flights. Because this engagement was in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and I was in New Jersey, it was a total pain in the ass to get to.

    If you’ve ever had to take connecting flights, you know what a hassle it is. Well, this trip had two connecting flights, a rental car, a long drive, and a ferry ride. Just kidding about the ferry ride. But there might as well have been one.

    The day before I was supposed to travel, I was not feeling well. But I had made a commitment, so I forced myself, reluctantly, to make the trek to Santa Fe for free while feeling miserable. Little did I know that this opportunity would change the course of my life.

    The venue was not the greatest. I knew I was in trouble when I checked in and found that the cost of the room was only $25 per night! To top it off, the hotel provided a coupon for a free beer for each night’s stay. I remember asking the hotel clerk if he could please charge me a little more so I could feel more confident about the accommodations.

    The next morning, I was surprised to see that there was a solid turnout for the event, and I proceeded to give my keynote talk.

    At the event, there were three different people who were especially interested in what I had to say. Each came up individually to speak with me after my talk. One has turned out to be a dear friend to this day. Another was the head of the largest mortgage insurance company in the U.S. (which wound up sponsoring me for a national four-year-long speaking tour). The third became my business partner in a venture that we later sold for millions of dollars.

    Opportunities are truly everywhere, and I might have lost out on some of these life-changing opportunities if I hadn’t been able to identify them. I simply wouldn’t even know all the great things I was missing. Identifying opportunities is a skill that can be learned and sharpened. It’s an important skill to harness because it’s scary to think about all of the opportunities that we have missed out on in our lives, not because we didn’t take advantage of them, but because we never saw them in the first place.

    In this book, I want to share with you how to first identify your opportunities, then how you can take advantage of them to improve your life and the lives of those around you. The opportunities I’m talking about can be related to business or your personal finances, but they can also be about the relationships that make our lives special. Some opportunities can also help us grow personally.

    I’ve learned so many life lessons through my relationships and experiences. But these lessons don’t just apply to me. I’m pretty sure they’ll apply to you too.

    My experiences in each chapter of this book have been specifically translated into lessons that you can use to enrich and enhance your life.

    You will make a deep connection to many sections within the book. And if you take the lessons I share and apply them in your interactions with others, as well as to build your business, you will achieve significantly greater success—and even more importantly, you will attain that success with fulfillment. Remember, you need both to be happy.

    Life is about relationships. And relationships are about people. Our interactions with others make us who we are and tell us how we feel about ourselves. Understanding ourselves better helps us reach higher levels of success and fulfillment.

    Money in the Streets is a phrase that means there are opportunities all around us that others are passing by. They just don’t know the trick yet, which is how to first look for opportunities and then make the most of them.

    After reading this book, you’ll know how to do both and want to teach others how to do the same. I think you’ll want to read this book more than once to use as a guide to help you through difficult times and as a playbook to maximize the good times yet to come.

    Success and fulfillment aren’t exclusive to those who’ve started off with everything in their lives handed to them on a silver platter…. I sure wasn’t one of those lucky ones. As you’ll come to see, I grew up extremely poor and can relate to what it’s like to have both financial and family struggles. Overcoming those early disadvantages has given me the perspective and experience that I will share with you. These lessons will help you lift yourself from wherever you may be or from whatever you are currently facing to take you to a better place. While these are my stories and lessons, they aren’t about me as much as they come through me.

    If I can overcome the disadvantages that I’ve faced, I’m quite certain that you’ll be able to overcome your challenges as well—even if it doesn’t seem that way right now.

    This book will help you identify and cultivate habits that will bring you success. But there are also common characteristics that many people possess that create more challenges in life than necessary—and there are feelings that hold them back from the life they deserve. In the pages that follow, you will learn how to foster more success while understanding and defeating self-limiting beliefs.

    If you have ever been held back

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