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The Finesser 2
The Finesser 2
The Finesser 2
Ebook142 pages1 hour

The Finesser 2

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About this ebook

Passion is on a mission to move on and forget about her ex and all the pain and stress he caused. Now, she’s raising his son, in charge of the business, and finally ready to love again. Unfortunately for her, letting go of the past isn’t as simple as she hopes.
Jody may be behind bars, but he’s not done manipulating. Jody is still cooking up schemes to get what he thinks he deserves. As he straddles the line between heterosexuality and bisexuality for the state, he is hard at work doing everything within his power to interfere in Passion’s life, especially now that she’s fallen for someone else.
Will Passion’s new life teach Jody a lesson in how to treat those he claims to love, or will it only incite more games and manipulation from him?

Release dateOct 7, 2020
The Finesser 2

Patrice Shavone Brown

Hello, my name is Patrice Shavone Brown and helping people is at the heart of everything that I do. I have spent the last two decades serving my community as a Mental Health Counselor. I have also authored three books. Needless to say, I find nothing more rewarding than empowering others and assisting in people’s healing through the power of words.I embarked upon my journey at the age of 18. Pursuing a degree in registered nursing didn’t wind up working out initially, so I opted for Human Services Technology two years later. Inspired by poets, teachers, my mother, grandmother and aunts along the way, I discovered my true purpose in this life: to make the world a better place as a Mental Health Counselor and Writer.My vision with my brands is to give a voice to the ones who may feel voiceless and raise awareness to the inherent beauty within us and all around us. Moreover, I consistently strive to be a catalyst for others who encourages them to fully believe in themselves, all while teaching them valuable life lessons.Currently, I hold an MA, BA, and AAS. I’m also an Anger Management Specialist and Creative Writing Expert.During my freetime, I enjoy singing and watching movies. I’m also an avid music lover whose sights are set on being on TV someday.

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    Book preview

    The Finesser 2 - Patrice Shavone Brown


    She sat on the bench with her back to him.

    He knew it was her from the long box braids that fell over her bare shoulders. The park wasn’t familiar and the breeze blew loose leaves on the ground in every direction, the same way it did to Passion’s sundress.

    Coming in from just outside his view, two children ran noisily towards the lone bench. Passion got up off the seat and spread her arms wide, as the kids collided into her. Jody could hear a song of laughter fill the air where they huddled. A warm feeling spread through him.

    Passion, my lovely! he called out, trying to get her attention. Passion!

    She didn’t seem to hear him, but after a while lifted her head and stared in his direction. Soon enough, she wore a grin.

    As she started off to where he was Jody stretched out his arm to match hers. It was then he realized his legs were stuck in place, stopping him from meeting her halfway.

    Reaching the spot, it threw him off to find Passion walked straight through him. When he managed to turn around, he saw her in the arms of a guy who’s face he couldn’t see.


    Jody opened his eyes to a cold, dark room that smelt of metal and different human fluids.

    Man, if you wake me up with that ‘Passion’ shit one mo’ time, imma put some passion into a right hook and deliver it to yo face, the man on the bed below mumbled sleepily.

    Jody smirked despite himself. Quick Vince was a failed boxer who’d got caught up in a moment of fame and taken to heavy drinking. A drunk Vince was a violent one, and his wife who’d found this out one too many times over the years had finally left a year before.

    Unfortunately, this new freedom had only led to more trouble and having nearly killed his last opponent (badly banging up the referee who’d tried to separate them too), he’d landed himself a stretch.

    The guys on his block knew he was well and truly capable of carrying out his threats to knock their skulls in, but it was also well known that he’d just about sworn off using his fists except in self-defense.

    How’s that, brother? You don’t wanna be my passion? Jody teased, stretching out on the thin mattress beneath him.

    Shut yo’ ass up. Best be puttin’ that energy in when next that girl o’ yours rolls round. You be all desperate till y’all meet, then suddenly you ultra cool. Don’t be like me and lose a good woman.

    Problem is man, I’m pretty sure I already have. She just won’t admit it…I can’t work out why.

    The two men lay silently in the cell seeming to think this over.

    A bell in the distance told them it was time to be up and about. Quick Vince kicked at the bed above him.

    Fuck you and yo’ lady. It’s mornin’ already.

    Jody jumped down and tapping on the ladder, hollered at his cellmate to get up. It was important he kept his spirits up.

    Woah there, that almost sounded like a plan. Now, come on, speedy. I knew you was tired of sleepin’ anyways.


    The book was beginning to get on her last nerve.

    Passion wasn’t altogether sure why the author had had the effrontery to publish it as a cookbook.

    Woman’s life history seems to overshadow whatever recipes there actually are in here.

    Passion could imagine why the book had existed in Andrew’s New Vista family for so long; it felt like she was practically talking (which was always more of listening on her part) to his high society mother each time she opened it.

    Suck it up, woman. This ain’t about her, she scolded herself, trying to navigate the steps for cooking traditional Cajun seafood around a story on Michelle Alain’s splendid, but sadly passed, grandmother.

    She might find a way to make it, though.

    Passion groaned and rinsed her hands to pour herself a glass of wine.

    Business was slow for the moment. Every year this happened and, to her, it was almost like folks were revving up for the Christmas/New Year rush.

    The increase in deliveries around the holidays was understandable, but what messed that up was the fact that this was the time where there’d be more cars left without maintenance getting stranded; more drivers on the roads, drunk and/or tired ones for that matter; and increased stress and speed.

    Trying to make the most of the lull, Passion was trying to have Andrew over as often as possible. Unfortunately, this meant he also saw it fair to have her over more often, and since her first time meeting his mother who had been over and made dinner, she seemed to be able to sense when Passion would be around. Then, she’d take the opportunity to criticize her son’s woman inside and out, and mildly suggest she couldn’t cook.

    For some reason, despite the fact that she knew her cooking was good, this had awakened the competitive spirit within her, and she now planned to teach herself to make his favorite meals; his well-meaning effort to get a cookbook from his mother only serving to put her further under the woman’s microscope.

    She suspected Mrs. Nickels was more miffed about Passion’s age and trying to protect her family from bad eggs, than anything actually to do with cooking.

    Though, I could be wrong.

    Her beeper went off somewhere in the living room and she took the opportunity to take a break from her mission. It was a reminder: Jody’s next visitation date would be coming up the day after tomorrow.

    Sometimes, she got so involved in her present life, that Passion’s brain skipped over the fact that he had been a chapter in her life just a heartbeat ago.

    As she stood staring wistfully at the machine, the two children, and she did consider them her two children, made their way in from their respective rooms.

    Isn’t it ready yet, cher? How special is this special meal?

    Special enough for her to exile me from the kitchen, Neveah answered in a clipped tone.

    Passion rolled her eyes at her glaring baby sister.

    No, I’m afraid not yet, pumpkin. Sweetie, I already explained that I can’t risk any slip ups this evenin’, ‘kay? Why don’t y’all go snack on somethin’ in the fridge while I finish up?


    Okay, cher.

    Oh, um. Richie darlin’?

    Yeah, cher?

    You know what? You go on. We’ll have ourselves a little chit-chat after dinner.

    What’d I do? the boy asked, looking up at her suspiciously.

    Passion snickered and allowed herself be proud of the environment she’d created, and how far his confidence had come lately.

    You haven’t done a thing, poppet. It ain’t nothin’ bad. Just somethin’ we need to tend to. Now, go catch up before your sister empties the place.

    Right! he said, running into the kitchen.

    She inhaled deeply, and put the beeper back on the sofa.

    It has to be done, for the time being.

    Chancing to glance at the grandfather clock in the passage, Passion recalled her quest and headed back to commune with Madame Alain.

    The doorbell rang just as she was setting down a bowl of greens and straightening the edge of the vintage table cloth. Passion checked her plaid mini dress in the mirror and flung open the door, ready to be held.

    Her face fell almost instantly.

    Sure enough, there Andrew was, gorgeous as ever in a muscle hugging white t-shirt and dark jeans; eyes glimmering. But, clinging to his right arm stood the elegant Delphine Nickels in her layers of pearls, and diamond earrings.

    The apologetic look on Andrew’s face directly contrasted the self-satisfied one his mother wore.

    Hello there, fervent one. I heard you had Cajun stirring and I couldn’t possibly miss it.

    No. No, you couldn’t


    The kid looked like a whole other person, and it wasn’t just the designer corduroys and mature haircut.

    Jody noticed the different air almost as soon as the guard escorted he and Passion to the glass booth where she picked up the telephone; from his new ease at making eye contact to a new bubbly attitude.

    Yo, little man. What’s good?

    I’m okay. We’re not gonna be here for long. Are you okay?

    Uh, yeah. Yeah. I’m well as I can be.

    Well, I’m fine too. School is cool. And cher is takin’ care of me pretty good. And me and Neveah get along cool. Oh, and And–

    That’s enough and’s, sweetheart. I’m sorry, the kids may ‘ave been too liberal with the cinnamon sugar on they French toast this mornin’.

    Oh, it’s aight. I been missin’ this mini reporter. Listen boy, I know I ain’t been the greatest–

    "Jody! It’s uh, not necessary right now. We’ve only got some minutes left; they oughta be spent

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