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Have you ever wondered what life would be like if your rich parents were never around? If they would just send money and leave you with a mansion and anything you could ever want?

Aiden knows how this works. But it's not really working out for him. Simply put, it's because of a simple feeling that creeps up on him every once in a while: rejection.

A simple word that stings harsher than a wasp.

Aiden Black doesn't know the meaning of rejection. He doesn't care either; it's never stopped him from getting what he wants. While owning a strip club at the age of fifteen may have its perks, it's hardened the boy in more ways than one. Neglected and almost always alone in the mansion his parents bought but never stay in, Aiden finds his entertainment in other ways. Ways a preacher certainly would never approve of.

To help out her mom with the piling bills, Summer Gray applied to as many jobs as she could. A hard-working girl with the personality of a bulldozer doesn't seem like the maid type until she gets to work as a maid. Unknowingly, she's met with the biggest challenge of her life. The most arrogant, self-absorbed imbecile there ever was now her new boss. And he would relish in that as much as he could. Well, as much as she would allow.

A girl in a committed relationship, strong-willed and working for the bombshell of a boss. But is Aiden really what he makes himself out to be? Is his repulsive reputation just that, a reputation?
Release dateJul 22, 2020

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    Book preview

    Greed - Veronica Soliman

    Epilogue      190


    Seven Years Ago

    Summer Gray

    The short boy with the electric blue eyes stood on stage carefully searching the crowd.

    The play had halted to an end when he abruptly threw a table off the stage declaring that Romeo never liked tables anyway. The dark auditorium seemed to rage with a light that was Aiden Black.

    Everyone had thought this was cute that perfect ten-year-old Aiden Black was acting up. He was the school's stars student, and the star of the play this year.

    The bright light shone on him as he stood in the center of the stage, an angry snarl to his otherwise adorable character.

    I thought he was pretty cute, and so did all the other girls in my grade. But it was Savanah Bo who got to play the role of Juliet and everyone was expecting them to kiss. On the mouth.

    Mrs. Monica, our fifth grade teacher, was known for making the best school productions ever. Everyone looked forward to it, knowing she'd outdo herself each year.

    I sat beside my mom on the uncomfortable plastic chairs of the school watching as Mrs. Monica walked on stage to talk to the perfect little boy.

    He looked frustrated and upset.

    My parents aren't here. He announced loudly, his voice echoed in the auditorium. I knew what that felt like since my dad was always away covering the next best story in remote locations. This week he was in India for his news report.

    Mrs. Monica looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

    The show must go on Aiden. She smiled, urging him to continue. A sudden discomfort told me I needed to use the restroom. Although it was extremely entertaining to stare at Aiden all day, I had to take a little break.

    Mom, I have to use the bathroom. I said. She smiled at me with kind eyes, nodding.

    Go ahead. I smiled rushing out as fast as my little ten year old legs would allow.

    I was a foot away from the bathroom, feeling like I'd explode if I didn't go when I saw the back door to the stage open and out came a furious looking Aiden Black. I stared at him, he was every little girl's dream, kind, smart, and handsome.

    I stared at him in admiration as he turned his blue gaze to me. I felt my ten year old heart rate rising, he'd never looked at me before. Butterflies erupted in my belly, and I felt like I'd just pee my pants.

    Are you okay? I asked, walking up to him shyly. I'd been wanting to talk to him for ages, now may have been my only chance. He was always surrounded by his friends and many, many girls.

    I'm fine. He took a seat on the ground beside the stage door. I walked up to him.

    Okay. I smiled at him, taking a seat beside him on the floor, I know how you feel. I added after a long silence. My dad didn't come today either. I said, turning to face him. He was staring at his shoes, he turned his cute face to me, his eyes locking with mine.

    He makes everyone feel like this. I told myself, trying to make nothing of the new emotions exploding inside me.

    Nah, I don't know why I thought they'd come this time. He said, then seemed to shake the thought away, I'm Aiden. He introduced himself.

    As if I didn't know who he was.

    I'm Summer. I smiled, I think you should go back to the show, you were doing really good! I encouraged.

    He stood up, a warm smile on his face as he began walking away and back into the auditorium.

    I rushed into the bathroom, a wide smile on my face. Aiden Black had just talked to me!

    I did my business in the bathroom and walked back into the auditorium.

    Sweety, what took so long, you almost had me worried. Mom whispered as Mrs. Monica announced that the show was about to continue.

    Nothing. I smiled, wider than I ever have before.

    Aiden walked on stage, his eyes meeting mine for a slight second as he recited the lines. Everyone applauded loudly when he kissed Savannah Bo. I felt a ting of jealousy that only lasted for a second, wishing they had followed Mrs. Monica’s instructions and just hugged.

    When the show was over, everyone was walking up to Aiden with amazing compliments while I watched from the distance.

    Mom took my little hands and led us out. We walked to the car and drove away.

    It's sad to say that I'd never talked to Aiden again until my senior year of high school.

    And the sweet little boy, worried about his parents watching his play, seemed to slither out of his shell and become a monster.

    Aiden Black was no longer that perfect shining star, but more like a star that burst and became something awful. He isolated himself and spent his time doing things that should not be named.

    It wasn't hard to see that all these years had hardened him, but most importantly, how much he'd changed, for the worse that is.

    Aiden Black seemed to have flipped a switch in his mind, being a victim of circumstance had taken a great toll on him.

    He was bad now, rotten to the core, putting it simply, he'd now be number one on Santa's Naughty list.

    Chapter 1: Triumph

    Seven years later.

    Aiden Black

    Hey gorgeous. I walked past one of my many strippers, slapping her butt with a wide smirk on my face. She never seemed to mind, none of them ever did. They all seemed to enjoy having me around, but who wouldn't? Especially when they were paid like princesses.

    I grinned at the other girls, longing in their eyes as I looked at each and every one of their almost bare bodies.

    Aiden, join me? One of them asked, she lay on the table, seductively eating a lollipop. I grinned climbing on top of her, placing butterfly kisses on her neck and stepping away. I didn't feel like getting crazy just yet.

    Later sweetness. I winked walking around to see how well business was doing tonight. I grinned evilly, watching several men walk in and score with two of my best, Maddie and Clara.

    I stepped out into the freezing cold weather, it was almost midnight.

    Right about the time the police would show up. I pulled out a cigarette and placed my hand in my pant’s pocket, walking down the street to where I parked my motorcycle. The dark street was empty.

    Police siren noises came closer as I stood in front of my motorcycle, putting the helmet on my messily tousled dark blonde hair. Right on time.

    Good thing the girls knew to hide, some poor sucker would get caught and probably ruin his marriage for choosing this place to have his bachelor party. Good, marriage is overrated.

    I smirked, stomping the cigarette flame to the ground and starting my engine. I placed my helmet over my head and began driving to my oversized mansion. My little sister would probably be asleep by now.

    Paula I'm home! I shouted to nobody, my housemaid had probably already left by now to get home to her own family. She was going be fired soon anyway.

    Aiden, I've been waiting for you all night! I had another nightmare. My little sister stood in front of the kitchen, staring at me with her big blue eyes. Her small six year old arms wiped her little eyes. I stared at her for a second. I never want my sister to end up with a guy like me. I thought to myself.

    I was perfect in my own way, and she had to find someone who was nearly as perfect as me, in their own way.

    Amy, go back to bed, did you turn off your night light? I calmly walked up to her as she wrapped her arms around my leg. When she forgets her night light, that's usually about the time the nightmares happen.

    Tuck me in Aiden. Her cute little voice said as I picked her up and began carrying her upstairs, You smell bad, what did I say about smoking. She commented, scolding me all at once.

    "Okay Amy, I'll stop, just for you." I winked as she began giggling, having no intention of stopping. I covered her and plugged in her night light.

    Go to sleep Amy, you've got school tomorrow. I kissed her cheek and walked out of her room, leaving the door open a bit in case she needed more light.

    Good night, Aiden! She shouted.

    Sleep tight, Amy! I walked across the hallway to my room, throwing off my favorite leather jacket. I reached for my phone. Messages from a bunch of numbers I didn't know. Just my luck.

    Hey Aiden, wanna hook up?

    See you tomorrow cutie.

    Doing anything tomorrow night?

    Hey sexy

    I looked at the messages and tossed my phone on my bed, shaking my head. I knew I was stunning, but the rate at which girls threw themselves at me was quite annoying.

    I walked into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower. I stared at my perfect mirror self, smirking.

    I stepped out in my boxers and set my head on the pillow for a well earned rest. Phone aside, I didn't need drama in my life.

    Summer Gray

    I unlocked the door to my house, sneaking in without my mom noticing. I quietly lurked around, checking to see if anyone was there.

    Summer Nicole Gray. My mom's angry voice sent waves of fear down my spine. Startled, I jumped in place, bumping my head on the kitchen counter.

    Hey mom, what's up? I smiled nervously, hoping she wouldn't ground me. Suddenly, all the house lights turned on and I felt like a deer caught in the headlights.

    What's up is that you had me worried sick! Where have you been young lady? She shook her head in disapproval.

    Obviously not here. I laughed nervously, avoiding her eyes.

    And what are you wearing! She announced, staring at my short shorts and tank top. It was freezing outside, but I'd left early to apply for jobs.

    Clothes, duh. I nervously joked again, trying to sneak to the hallway and escape her demanding figure.

    Summer, listen here young lady.

    Look mom, I'm tired, punish me in the morning. I rolled my eyes walking into my room and shutting the door.

    You're grounded young lady, and by morning, if you don't change this attitude, it'll be for more than just a week. I heard mom's angry voice against my door. I looked at my mirror in frustration, pulling out my backpack and starting my homework.


    A loud knock on my door woke me up. I pulled my head off the desk, my cheek was stained with dry drool. Gross.

    I'm up! I yelled, loud enough for mom to hear.

    Unlock this door right now young lady! Mom said as I jogged to my bedroom door and unlocked it. She stepped in, glaring at me.

    I've got to get to school. I said, putting all my homework into my bag. I walked to the bathroom to wash the sleep off my face and changed into jeans and and a crop top. I grabbed my bag and was about to head out the door, but my mother’s figure halted me in my tracks.

    Summer! She shouted, go change, what are you wearing! She yelled. This is inappropriate for school young lady!

    Later mom, love you. I rushed out the door, completely ignoring her comment on my choice of clothing and hopped into my car. I had a job offer and I had to be at 7345 Blackberry lane today if I wanted it.

    Aiden Black

    See you later Amy. I hugged my little sister goodbye, placing my helmet on and hopping on my motorcycle.

    Now listen here buddy boy, Amy's childish voice said as she watched me pull out my cigarette box, What'd we say about smoking? I laughed at her adorable voice.

    That it's bad, sorry Amy. Here hide this from me. I handed her the cigarette pack as she hugged me again. Our new maid should be coming by today around four, make sure you welcome her.

    "What about you?'

    I'll be home late tonight.

    Aiden! She whined, you're home late every night! Come early today. Please! How could anyone resist a cute little six year old like her?

    Amy I have work. I smiled at the thought of what I would be doing tonight at my strip club. I loved that place.

    Just one night! Please Ace? Nobody ever called me Ace except for my older sister who was in college and wouldn't dare come home.

    Fine, but just for you Amy.

    Yay! She squealed in excitement as I backed out of the driveway.

    I drove the three miles to school parking beside the exit of the school as a girl I'd seen around before parked beside me. I hadn't talked to her in years, for my own reasons.

    I took off my helmet and killed the engine, waiting for her to get out. I might score another one tonight. Aside from my other twenty.

    She stepped out of her car, grabbing her bag. She took two steps toward the school before I hollered after her.

    Hi, I smirked, leaning on my motorcycle, she halted in her tracks. I'm Aiden. I gave her a half smile as she turned toward me.

    I'm unavailable. She gave me a sassy smile before continuing her walk.

    Your loss. A half-hearted grin formed on my face when she glanced in my direction.

    Yeah, maybe. She began walking faster as I sped up to catch up with her. Don't you have some other girl to mess with? She remarked.

    Nope, I'm free for today.

    Well great for you. She said again. "Look Aiden, everyone knows what you want, and you're not getting it from me, so I suggest you leave me alone." She sassed. Damn, never met someone so sassy in all my life.

    I like a challenge. I winked as she glared at me in disbelief. She continued to walk.

    You're unbelievable. She said, turning toward me.

    Actually I'm Aiden. I smirked as she rolled her eyes, swaying her hips as she walked away.

    Summer Gray

    I wished he'd just wipe that annoying smirk off his face.

    Everyone knew exactly what Aiden Black wanted, they knew he'd stop at nothing until he got it. I guess rich people think that everyone owes them something.

    It's not easy to deny a handsome face looking for trouble.

    I walked to my locker, opening the silver lock. I placed my books in there as my boyfriend, Ryder King walked up behind me, placing a soft kiss in the crook of my neck.

    Hey babe, he whispered as I pulled away.

    Not here Ry. I smiled signaling to the restroom, he nodded as I shut my locker and walked behind him.

    My eyes landed on the blue ones of Aiden Black as he winked at me and continued to make out with some random girl. He was very

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