Yoga Sutra of Patanjali: Translation and Commentary
By Chandra Om
About this ebook
Chandra's profound and relatable commentary leads the reader through the explanation of each sutra, unveiling the systematic approach for the removal of the barriers to the Self. The essence of raja yoga is the concentration of the agitated mind and its ultimate transcendence.
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Yoga Sutra of Patanjali - Chandra Om
The attainment of human birth is no small privilege. Harder still is a sincere interest and desire for liberation and spiritualization of personality. Hardest of all is the grace to receive shelter at the feet of an illumined Master, for it is the Guru alone who teaches the secrets of discrimination between the eternal and the ephemeral, taking the disciple beyond desire for pleasures of all worlds. This triad encompasses the tools for liberation; the very goal of life, and rare indeed are those who are thrice blessed.
The ascent of the individual soul along the radiant summit of the experience as the Absolute is arduous and circuitous. The cultivation of discrimination and discernment is indispensable. Discernment between the Self and the non-self is experienced in the hush silence of meditation, born of a mind beyond agitations. When the false self gets utterly unbound, and the activities and misperceptions of the mind caused by it come to an end, then, by discerning between the real and the unreal, the Supreme Self, the substratum for the ever changing phenomenal world, is found.
Therefore, the wise yearn for and work ceaselessly towards freedom, abandoning all misconceptions and false identities. With the self transformed from intent on the ego, individuality and desires, the student soon becomes established in the ever blissful, fearless reality of the Self. This transformation of character and individualism is the essence of yoga. As long as the Infinite Self is masked by the false superimposition of name, form and desire, the nature of the true Self cannot be perceived.
The treasure of the Self lies just beyond personal ideas and desires. As the selfish personality is systematically abandoned, the all-pervading, unlimited Consciousness shines forth by its own light. There is in reality, no pilgrimage to be made, but only an efficient and orderly dismantling of the mirage of the subjective/objective experience of the Self, which is, by its own nature, eternally pure and perfect. The realization that distinctions only come to life through delusion results in the end of desires and the experience of the perfection of the Self.
The mind of the average individual is often not within their control. As unremitting impressions are continually imprinted on the mind without any real sense of management or discipline, the images of countless objects assail the mind through the senses. In its inevitable state of unrest, due to emotions, fears or the countless sense objects it struggles to process, discrimination and clarity are often lost. Rather than abiding in the natural state of peace, the mind is perpetually tossed from one mental storm to another.
Raja yoga lays out the systematic, scientific approach to transforming the mind from a slave to a master, from the state of bondage to that of a useful instrument. As will and self-control are developed, the mind begins to come under the yogi’s control and once the mind is under the yogi’s control, they can then concentrate it, and redirect it inward rather than outward. As the internal states are experienced, each more subtle than the previous, the mind is uncovered as being calm and beyond all likes, dislikes and sensory enchantments.
Just as the waves rise within the ocean due to winds and elemental turbulence, eventually calming themselves to return to that which they always were beyond the agitations, when the mind is quiet and calm, beyond all agitations, all duality falls away. The illusory world of names and forms, joys and sorrows and countless other pairs of opposites is revealed as a mere series of superimposed illusions maintained by an agitated mind.
The essence of raja yoga is the concentration of the agitated mind and its ultimate transcendence. In the same manner the scientist concentrates all the power and vitality of their mind into one object to uncover its elemental, worldly secrets, similarly, the yogi concentrates the powers of the mind into the quest of the ultimate truth. The secret of secrets supreme, which puts an end to all sorrows, even while in the body. The more the mind is concentrated, the more the secrets of the mind are uncovered. As the mind is turned back on itself, the subtle impulses, urges and impressions that color our perceptions of the world are conquered and rather than being under the enslavement of the mind and its inherent misperceptions, the yogi of wisdom achieves the undisturbed mental tranquility in even the most disturbing conditions. The imperfect becomes perfect, the finite becomes infinite and the mortal passes into the eternal life of blessedness. Transcending the bondage of sorrow and death, the self-luminous witness of all shines unobstructed through the veil of the soul.
Whatever exists in the universe is nothing but the Self, on which the awareness of body, mind and the universe are superimposed. The sense of ownership, experienced in the identity of I,
and mine
is merely an expression of the ego. As the sense of individuality is experienced, the true nature of the Self is obscured. When ownership, enjoyment and identification with the equipments of experience are given up, there is an inability to identify with them and thus develop any sense of ego. The ego dissolves and disappears into the reality of the Self.
Just as the moon shines by reflecting the radiant light of the sun, may you purify the mind and ego through the fire of Self-knowledge and selfless service and like the moon, reflect fully the resplendent light of the Self.
God bless you.
Chandra Om, 2015
Chapter I
Samadhi Pada
The first chapter of the yoga sutra, Samadhi Pada, offers an overview and definition of the entirety of raja yoga. Patanjali lays out in applicable and concise order the practical path of Sadhana. The nature of the mind and its successful control; the obstacles the aspirant may encounter and the methods to overcome them; the necessary virtues to be cultivated and the vices to be abandoned; the disciplines of practice and detachment; and the nature of the stages and progression in the ascent from individual consciousness to the emergence of the Self.
As we are led through the explanation and examination that comprise the removal of the barriers to the Self, Patanjali then unveils the indications of the fruits, majesty and immortality of this regeneration.
Chapter I
Samadhi Pada
1. Now the exposition of yoga begins.
When Patanjali says, the exposition of yoga begins,
what is really being said is samadhi. Now commences the instruction in samadhi. When a sincere student has, through discrimination, arrived at the realization that worldly longings are inherently flawed, never ending and the cause of all suffering, they approach a proper teacher. The Guru illumines the spiritual path by casting internal light and the disciple begins to see with the inner eye, due to the awakening of spiritual energy. The Guru transforms the consciousness of the disciple, and the disciple of sound mind experiences the awakening of the eternal soul knowledge of absolute truth through deep inner communion.
2. Yoga is the settling of the fluctuations of the mind.
You can understand from the very beginning of the Yoga Sutra that yoga deals directly with the mind and that for one to be successful in yoga, the mind must be brought under control. Yoga is the science of Self-realization. Its purpose is the awakening of the awareness that the individualized, illusory self is one with the Universal, formless consciousness of God. When practiced with sincerity of heart and tenacity of application, under the guidance of a Guru, the system of yoga brings unparalleled results.
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