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The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead
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The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead

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At a time when Jews are under attack from right and left, posting guards around synagogues is hardly the answer. Just as Israel takes the fight to its enemies, Kestin explains how American Jews must go on the offensive by teaching our kids to speak up and our adults to use our financial, legal, and political resources to make life miserable for Nazis of every stripe. According to Hesh Kestin, “When they pick on American Jews, let them learn they picked on the wrong Jews.”

Release dateJan 19, 2021
The Wrong Jew: Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead

Hesh Kestin

Hesh Kestin was for two decades a foreign correspondent, reporting from the Middle East on war, international security, terrorism, arms dealing, espionage, and global business. He was the London-based European correspondent for Forbes and is an eighteen-year veteran of the Israel Defense Forces. His articles have appeared in Newsday, the Jerusalem Post, Inc. and Playboy. The father of five, Kestin lives on Long Island in New York.

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    The Wrong Jew - Hesh Kestin


    An Imprint of Post Hill Press

    ISBN: 978-1-64293-584-4

    ISBN (eBook): 978-1-64293-585-1

    The Wrong Jew:

    Defeating Those Who Want Us Dead

    © 2021 by Hesh Kestin

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author and publisher.

    Post Hill Press

    New York • Nashville


    Published in the United States of America


    Adamantly sunny,

    with unwavering fidelity

    and the occasional threat

    to shoot me in the head,

    your valor roused mine

    as for half a century

    we crashed forward

    through the brittle barriers

    of mortal peril

    and the commonplace,

    two Wrong Jews.

    Also by Hesh Kestin

    Based on a True Story

    The Iron Will of Shoeshine Cats

    The Lie

    The Siege of Tel Aviv

    Table of Contents

    Author’s Preface

    A Note on Sources


    Understanding the Threat

    What We Are Up Against

    Fashions in Jew-Hatred

    Modes of Growth

    Offense, the Best Defense

    Making Them Pay

    Choosing Our Battleground

    Changing the Jewish Mindset

    From Generation to Generation

    Scarier Accountants

    Kosher Sitting Ducks

    The Economics of Insecurity

    Top Down or Bottom Up

    Upfront and Digital

    A War on Hate?

    Trial by Jewry

    Campus Disruptus

    Mosaic Fragments on the Lobby Floor

    The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend

    Check Please

    A Jewish Dentist

    Author’s Preface

    After What’s the book about? the most common question authors must deal with is: How did you come to write it?

    In the case of the book now in your hands, I’d much prefer the answer to be a joke: Thirteen antisemites walk into a bar, followed by a Jewish publisher who changed his name from Schwartz, and then by a herd of feckless journalists. But in truth, The Wrong Jew came into being because all of the above walked not into a bar, but into my life…and changed it.

    No joke. In April 2019, a normally well-thought-of publishing house brought out The Siege of Tel Aviv, my fourth work of fiction. What’s that book about? (I thought you’d never ask.) For an answer, think of the bloody horror that would certainly ensue should Israel ever be overrun by its Islamist enemies. As Stephen King put it on the front cover: "Hesh Kestin’s The Siege of Tel Aviv is scarier than anything Stephen King ever wrote—and then the fun begins as Israel fights back. He added: This novel will cause talk and controversy. Most of all, it will be read."

    With varying degrees of success, Steve has been generously recommending my novels to the public for a decade. Regarding controversy, he nailed it.

    After thirteen tweets on the internet called The Siege of Tel Aviv islamophobic and racist, its chicken-hearted publisher was so frightened by this antisemitic micro-mob, he recalled all the copies in bookstores and ordered them all pulped. The Nazis preferred the bonfire. Then again, Hitler wasn’t much of an environmentalist.

    My sin: I had taken the Islamist universe at its word and described the tragedy of an Israeli defeat, where yet another six million Jews (yes, I know) are herded into Ghetto Tel Aviv to be wiped out, while once again the world sits on its hands thinking of what to order for lunch. Apparently, according to our thirteen twidiots, a Muslim victory would mean little more than every Jew in Israel being flown via magic carpet to Miami Beach—no bloodshed at all. Suggesting the bloody opposite was, therefore, islamophobic.

    In point of fact, the only time I have had a phobic reaction to Muslims is when they have come bearing down on me in tanks. Other than that, as a soldier in the IDF, I have had the honor of serving twice under Arab commanders (one Muslim, one Christian). Via marriage, members of my family are Muslim. And as a former twenty-year resident of an Israeli village a stone’s throw (perhaps there’s a better term…) from the 1967 border known as the Green Line, many of my neighbors were Arabs. Poor things didn’t know I was a racist so they kept inviting me to their homes for coffee and to their weddings for kabob and ear-splitting Arab music. If the Jew-haters who labeled me islamophobic on Twitter had actually read The Siege of Tel Aviv, they might have noticed that in it three Arab characters are downright heroes—well, in Israeli terms. I guess that wouldn’t please them either.

    We come now to our herd of feckless journalists. You’d think such defenders of free speech as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal would have been all over a publisher who pulped his own book because it was selling well. Alas, despite my decades of personal and professional connections in journalism at the highest level, no one would touch the story. According to a friend at the Times, They don’t want to piss off the Arabs—running the story is too risky.

    Perhaps worse, because reviews sell books: Though all my earlier prize-winning novels had been widely and positively reviewed, now…silence. Though within weeks after the pulping, I had digital and bound editions up for sale on Amazon (still there, still selling), though Stephen King was still recommending it, though it was anything if not timely…aside from a handful of positive notices, zip.*

    When the dust settled it didn’t take long to see the siege of The Siege of Tel Aviv as a metaphor for the horror story of what was happening in the world around me: Jew-hatred on the internet, gutless Jews like the former Schwartz cowering in fear, and the press—a good many of them Jews—and society in general unwilling to get involved.

    The truth is my minor problem with Jew-hatred was as nothing compared to the antisemitic violence, verbal and ballistic, exploding across America. That the two are related is hardly a stretch: Antisemitism is a continuum—it starts with words, then desecration, then murder. Put simply, Islamists and white and black nationalists are on the march, encouraged by dog-whistle signals from scum at every level of government, shrugged off by a neutral press, and unopposed by Jews who either refuse to act or don’t know how. What everyone believed was a post-Nazi paradise where Jews are safe has been shown to be little more than a universe of antisemitism in hiatus. Reborn less than a century after Jew-haters burned books, they have set out once again on the path to burn Jews.

    One thing is certain: Turning our backs on those who would make Jews a target will no longer do. If we allow ourselves to be destroyed, they will destroy us.


    Nota bene: Added up, hyphenated-Americans make up a majority of all Americans. By inference, if not outright example, some of the strategies outlined in this book may well serve as a guide for targeted minorities of all sorts. For those of our fellow victims who by happenstance read this book, I urge a bit of metaphysical editing: Whenever the phrase the Wrong Jew appears, it might be wise to read it as the Wrong [fill in the blank]. We Jews are commanded to be a light unto the nations. In that light, much that is hidden may be revealed.

    * Yet there were notable and laudable exceptions: Barbara Kay in Canada’s National Post; Sheldon Teitelbaum in Hadassah Magazine; Aaron Leibel in Washington Jewish Week; fearless Muslim Maajid Nawaz on LBC radio in London; rising star Palestinian-American novelist Fawzy Zablah with a very fair review on the internet; and not least, a hard-charging piece in Commentary by Mark Horowitz.

    A Note on Sources

    Curious, skeptical, or puzzled readers who would like further information on the sources of the facts, numbers, and quotes broadly distributed over the length of The Wrong Jew are invited to use Google or a similar search engine to verify their authenticity.

    In most cases, the internet will deliver hundreds of citations testifying to same, but in one very critical situation it is often the case that statistics on dead and injured may vary from mine regarding victims of terrorism. This may be because: [a] Same-day news reports, which frequently lead the search engine listings, do not include the fact that an injured person had died from her wounds many weeks later; [b] Oddly, depending on the way the article is written, the number of victims of a terrorist act often do not include the deaths of police officers and civilians who brought the murderer down, this on the weird grounds such persons were not the terrorist’s intended targets; [c] Perversely, news reports of the number of victims of a suicide bombing sometimes include the bomber—which suggests a mad twist on the old joke about the man who kills his parents and then asks the court for mercy on the grounds he is an orphan.

    Yeah, I know. But as it happens, I spent a good part of my life as a journalist, in the Middle East and other bad neighborhoods, counting corpses. You would be surprised how often the official toll was four and the body count six. Still, should you discover a fault in the numbers, quotes, or facts that follow, please contact me at wrongjewbook@gmail.com. Upon verification, I will be pleased to attempt to update subsequent editions. As a general rule, it behooves all of us to heed the wise advice imparted during the early decades of the previous century to young reporters in Chicago: If yer mama tells ya she loves ya, check it out.

    "In a place where

    there are no men,

    strive to be a man"



    Entire libraries have been written about the causes of antisemitism, mostly because Jews have had an enormous lot of trouble figuring out why Christians, Muslims, and even Buddhists and animists, to say nothing of atheists, don’t love us. (Agnostics simply don’t know.) Jews are disliked where we live and where we don’t, where we are a quarter of the population (as we were in mid-twentieth century New York City) and where there aren’t enough in residence to field a couple of baseball teams. Japan is virtually judenrein, but manages to include Jews—second only to Koreans—in its demonology. And the Japanese really despise Koreans.

    So let us be clear from the outset: The question this book sets out to answer is not why antisemites, but what to do about them. But first some definitions.

    Jew. This is someone a second person sees as a Jew. Never mind that the Jew in question has morphed into a Methodist or a Buddhist. For all negative purposes, the essence of Judaism is not religious practice but genealogy, however adulterated by generations of intermarriage. Hitler’s faithful servants sent people to their death at Auschwitz who had never seen the inside of a synagogue, knew no Hebrew, and whose dying wish was to be given absolution by a priest.

    Goy. This Hebrew word simply means nation, as in all others. It is not in essence derogatory, except when used by those who have suffered at the hands of goyim (the plural) or whose sense of history goes back further than the last thirty seconds. In this book we will use goy, goyim, and goyish (this last the polar opposite of Jewish) sparingly but certainly not pejoratively.

    Antisemitism. This is a societal disease whose bacillus creates antisemites, a broad category that includes everything from xenophobes, who are simply uncomfortably fearful around those who are different, to those who would exclude Jews from their towns and neighborhoods, to those who would exclude Jews from life itself. In its essence, antisemitism is social in nature. Though antisemitism can trip over itself—for instance, antisemites dislike Jews for being clannish and at the same for looking like, sounding like, and otherwise being like goyim—at its base, antisemitism is crystallized fear of the other when that other is a Jew. Often this is cloaked in religion—as expressed in the term Christ-killer—but one need hardly be a professor of divinity to realize that such dislike would likely have disappeared in the first century were it not for the parallel idea that such a grievous stain lasts eternally, that the family down the block is somehow responsible for the persecution and death of Jesus—and never mind that the Savior was himself a Jew. Still, antisemitism may be considered as only minimally toxic as any other spurious opinion until it manifests itself in action.

    Jew-hatred. Ah, now we’re getting somewhere. Jew-hatred is to antisemitism what lynching is to racism. Jew-hatred is not an opinion or a feeling. It is anything on the spectrum of planning to kill Jews to the actual act. It does not go too far to say that virulent Jew-hatred is largely dependent on opportunity. Give a Jew-hater a gun and an unguarded synagogue, and what was internal rage becomes murder. Give an unorganized group of Jew-haters a single identifiable Jew and a dark street, and the result will be the same. Permit a large number of Jew-haters to band together in an organization, and we have…

    Nazism/nazism. Because we are speaking of varieties of political power, please note that this book will differentiate Nazis (card-holding members of the German National Socialist Party) from nazis (often called Neo-Nazis), those who would emulate Nazism’s aims, but who are only loosely organized and not yet a political party. Think of Socialists and socialists: the former identifies a political party, the latter a set of ideas. In terms of identification, nazis may be white nationalists, black nationalists, Muslims, French super-patriots, or just plain nut jobs. Once antisemites become activists, they are nazis. Should they band together to form a political party, they may call themselves Nazis, or then again may be satisfied with such cloaking labels as Aryan Brotherhood. In brief, a nazi is someone who plans to hurt Jews.

    Now that we have dealt with the problem of terminology, let us give the briefest of thoughts to understanding the reasons for antisemitism. This may best be explained by what at first glance appears to be a joke.

    Two Jews are walking down the street. Jerry is practically in tears. Bob, he says, I’m screwed. Unless I can get my hands on $32,500 by 10 AM tomorrow, I’m going to lose my business, my house, my kids will have to leave private school, and because of all this my wife will probably leave me. All because I can’t get a hold of $32,500 by tomorrow morning.

    Just as Jerry finishes railing against fate, the two come upon a church. A large sign in front reads: Today only: Become a Christian and get $32,500. Jerry is transfixed.

    Don’t even think about it, Bob says.

    I’m not thinking one way or the other, but why shouldn’t I go in and find out what this is all about?

    Bob begs him not to, but Jerry enters the church. An hour later, he returns to his friend, who asks what happened.

    Nothing much, Jerry says. I met the priest, a very educated man, and we had a philosophical conversation, including a lot of stuff I never considered, and then I had a little bath. And that’s it. I’m in. I’m a Christian. Nothing to it.

    Bob: But what about…

    What about what?

    What about the money? Did you get the money?

    Jerry fixes Bob with a hard look. Don’t you people, he says, ever think about anything else?

    Okay, we have now completed our research into the reasons for antisemitism, which may best be summed up in the single scientific phrase, Who gives a damn?

    Understanding antisemitism has classically been predicated on understanding ourselves: What are we doing wrong that has inspired otherwise nice goyim to hate us? This is as classically ass-backwards as anything can be. Number one: We’re not talking here about nice goyim; we’re talking about defective individuals acting both individually and as a group, but in both cases infected by the botulism of genetically-transmitted xenophobia—what is heard at the dinner table in one’s youth is passed down as received truth in the next generation. In this it is really no different from perceptions of beauty and ugliness, or the idea that one must under no circumstances eat food that has fallen on the ground or swim within an hour after lunch. The difference between this type of groundless prejudice and hatred of another race, religion, or culture (alas, we’re all three!) is that few people die because other people avoid black cats or believe the earth is flat. Such stupidity is victimless. It stops being victimless when it concerns negative misconceptions of other people as a group. Those Jews can really belt out show tunes, is not quite the same as All Jews think about is money.

    Once this kind of opinion establishes itself in the body politic, it no longer makes sense to worry about why (Is it us? Nah, I don’t recall having killed Christ this week), but what to do about them. After all, antisemitism can be expressed in anything from social snubs (We can’t permit you to live here) to homicide (We can’t permit you to live). When we talk about antisemitism, we should be aware that we are not looking at an out-of-the-blue incident of Jew-hatred but at a continuum.

    Antisemitism in all its forms is a fact of life. Trying to figure out the why of it normally—and perversely—leads to trying to figure out how to make people who hate Jews love us. Fuck. That. It has never worked. Assimilation? Nope. Giving to charity

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