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Take It To Heart
Take It To Heart
Take It To Heart
Ebook78 pages1 hour

Take It To Heart

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About this ebook

You can read the book of Revelation with confidence and understanding when you take it to heart.

Too often we read the book of Revelation with a narrow focus on the End Times. With this devotional guide, you will focus on what God wants you to take to heart for your life today.

Be encouraged to rely on the Holy Spirit for boldness. Be challenged to share the gospel with those who do not know Christ as their Savior. Be secure in Christ's provision and protection. Worship God because of His justice.

Each section of this 30 day devotional includes a short devotion, key verse, take it to heart prayer, and a question for further study or thought. The guide may also be used for small group Bible study. Discussion questions and free access to short teaching videos are included.

Release dateAug 2, 2021
Take It To Heart

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    Take It To Heart - Rachel Schmoyer

    Praise for Take It to Heart

    Rachel Schmoyer’s love for Scripture shines through in this devoted offering. The author of Hebrews assures us God’s word is living and powerful, partnering with us in redemptive work now, not only looking toward eternity. Rachel embraces this truth, studying Revelation not as glimpses into a future time, but as a book with lessons, and opportunities for worship, today. Take It to Heart is a wonderful mix of teaching, personal narrative, and opportunities for reflection.

    —Traci Rhoades, author of Not All Who Wander

    (Spiritually) Are Lost

    Rachel is known for her passion to lead women to the Word. Here she shows how Revelation, far from being scary, is meant to be a comfort and a challenge to God’s people. Rachel has a fine grasp on the Bible text and presents it in warm, sympathetic, and moving ways, drawn from her own life.

    —Gary S. Shogren, PhD in New Testament Exegesis,

    University of Aberdeen

    Rachel Schmoyer’s Take It to Heart: 30 Days through Revelation provides a sigh of relief to those wanting to apply the Bible’s Book of Revelation to ordinary daily life.

    —Michelle Ule, 35-year Bible study leader; speaker and author of Mrs. Oswald Chambers: The Woman behind the World’s Bestselling Devotional. www.michelleule.com

    Rachel Schmoyer has already proven she doesn’t shy away from the hard parts of Scripture, but she also proves in Take It to Heart: 30 Days through Revelation that she can gently walk readers into the hardest parts of Scripture. Writing and speaking in the prophecy world for the past several years has shown me that teachers want to immediately drag their students into the deep water of end-time prophecy, but in Take It to Heart, Schmoyer is content not to overwhelm the reader while being true to the text and not shying away from challenging them. This devotional is a great tool for those new to the study of Revelation and for those who have spent a lifetime in the book.

    —Jake McCandless, executive director of Stand Firm Ministries & Prophecy Simplified; lead pastor of Epic Church

    I’m so delighted to endorse this title on Revelation. Rachel has taken on various hard parts of Scripture over the last few years and broken them down into applicable, practical devotions that train and edify others. Take It to Heart: 30 Days through Revelation continues to build on the work she has been doing and is a title I will be recommending to my friends and family!

    —Victoria Duerstock, award winning author of the Heart & Home books with Abingdon Press and new releases Extraordinary Hospitality for Ordinary Christians and Advent Devotions & Christmas Crafts for Families with Skyhorse Publishing

    Take It to Heart

    30 Days through revelation,

    a devotional workbook for women

    Rachel Schmoyer

    CrossLink Publishing


    Copyright © 2020 by Rachel Schmoyer.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed Attention: Permissions Coordinator, at the address below.

    Schmoyer/CrossLink Publishing

    1601 Mt. Rushmore Rd., Ste 3288

    Rapid City, SD 57701


    Ordering Information:

    Quantity sales. Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the Special Sales Department at the address above.

    Take It to Heart / Rachel Schmoyer. —1st ed.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020942995

    All Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    To Tim, for patiently listening to everything I take to heart. Thank you!


    To Deb Davies, my cheerleader.


    Praise for Take It to Heart


    Day 1: Take It to Heart

    Day 2: Drawn to the Light

    Day 3: Your First Love: The Church of Ephesus

    Day 4: The Reality of Riches: The Church of Smyrna

    Day 5: A New Name: The Church of Pergamum

    Day 6: Be Intolerant: The Church of Thyatira

    Day 7: Wake Up: The Church of Sardis

    Day 8: Security Guard:

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