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Inspirational Thoughts
Inspirational Thoughts
Inspirational Thoughts
Ebook70 pages44 minutes

Inspirational Thoughts

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About this ebook

You cannot have a new day, a new week, a new month without a new mind. If you do not have a new mind then experiencing a new day is impossible. Without a new mind that is filled with new thoughts you will just be living another day. The phrases in this book that has been inspired by the holy spirit will open your mind to a new wave of thinking. It will broaden your perspective on how to look at the things around you. This book is designed to alter the pattern of your thought life which will in turn shift your behavior. Motivation, inspiration and liberation starts in the mind, your dreams, ambitions and goals need to be cultivated in order for them to flourish. Thinking Godly thoughts will provide you with the substance for you to move forward even when obstacles attempt to hinder you. It's not enough to htink positive but you have to raise the standard and think Godly because Godly thinking will produce Godly results and Godly results will produce supernatural manifestation.
Release dateJun 16, 2014
Inspirational Thoughts

Fountain Hendricks

Fountain Hendricks was born in Chicago, IL. He was raised in a Christian house-hold. He was a young man driven by worldly morality which prevented him from living underneath the power of the Holy Ghost. Through experience and many failures he has gained understanding and knowledge on how to exhibit Godly character. Going to church became a ritual for him but God never became the center focus of his life until he had a "Damascus" moment in his mid-twenties. The Lord spoke to Fountain in a loud voice through his transition of condition. After being isolated from love ones, betrayed by those whom he was familiar with and being separated from everything that was common he discovered that God allowed this to happen for a reason. The Lord was calling Fountain out of deception and darkness to live in the truth and light of holiness. Fountain realized that he was serving God under the influence of religion, tradition and commonality which empowered him to inherit misfortune but the Lord gave him clarity, understanding and great wisdom. This experience allowed him to see that "Becoming holy" is the difference between practicing Christian ethics and Christian character. Becoming holy has allowed him to live a joyful, purposeful, exciting and influential life. The Lord has placed him in a position to teach and nurture others on how to live a life, modeling Jesus internally and externally.

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    Inspirational Thoughts - Fountain Hendricks


    Copyright © 2014 Fountain Hendricks.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1144-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1143-9 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 05/29/2014


    Why I Wrote this Book


    About the Author

    Why I Wrote this Book

    I wrote this book to provide an instrument of wise inspiration for the world. Nothing changes in the world until one receives inspiration. Inspiration leads to enlightenment. Enlightenment uncovers illumination. Illumination is the stepping stone to understanding and understanding provokes action. You have greatness inside of you. My assignment is to turn on the lamp inside of you so you will be able to see it and believe it! You cannot have a new day, a new week, a new month without a new mind.


    According to Proverbs 4:23 our thoughts run our life. Our thought life is the center of who we are. The mind is like a garden. Flowers or weeds have the ability to grow in a garden. The same way we can care for a garden should be the same way we care for our mind. Our mind is an open field. Inspirational thoughts and depressing thoughts have the ability to fill and cultivate our mind which will produce our behavior on the earth. Your mind will determine what type of person you are in the eyesight of God. This book will equip you to have the right mindset in order to live the right life.

    Every thought in this book is inspirational. Every phrase will cause you to look at life through the lens of wisdom. This book was written for the people who desire to fill their mind with uplifting and inspirational phrases that will keep them focus on what’s pure, innovative, encouraging and empowering. However a man thinks will determine who he is. Proverbs 23:7 says For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

    Each of us is literally what we think, our character being the complete sum of all our thoughts.

    - James Allen

    37758.png    Anybody that has a lack of focus has a lack of standards. Standards keep you from drifting.

    37768.png    Loneliness is not absence of people; it’s the absence of purpose.

    37833.png    Isolation is preparation for holiness.

    37838.png    Learning catapults you to the next battle.

    37844.png    Learning is essential to growing; if you have a hard time letting go, you’ll have a hard time growing.

    37850.png    Holiness allows God to overwhelm you with His many blessings.

    37855.png    Holiness is birthed through discipline.

    37860.png    The first dimension in life that God takes a person through is dedication; the next dimension is transformation.

    37865.png    The people that are jealous of you are the people that admire your work the most.

    37872.png    When God gives you favor, He is giving you responsibility, power, influence, authority, privilege, and honor among men. Favor is when men like you. Favor is when a person listens. You can’t earn favor, but you must qualify to

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