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What Can I Find At the Beach? Walking the Carolinas Beaches
What Can I Find At the Beach? Walking the Carolinas Beaches
What Can I Find At the Beach? Walking the Carolinas Beaches
Ebook110 pages38 minutes

What Can I Find At the Beach? Walking the Carolinas Beaches

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About this ebook

The book is for you, a beach walker, who wonders what are the many things brought by waves to the beach. The 72 photos will help you identify big and small things found there. Each photo has a simple explanation of every item, helping you to “see” small things such as encrustations, holes and scars on shells.
Release dateMay 10, 2016
What Can I Find At the Beach? Walking the Carolinas Beaches

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    What Can I Find At the Beach? Walking the Carolinas Beaches - Grazia Walker



    Walking the Carolinas Beaches

    Grazia Walker

    Copyright © 2016 Grazia Walker.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-4922-7 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 04/27/2016

    To my grandchildren Camryn, Ian and Sydney and to all the other wonders of Nature


    For their contribution and advice I am indebted to Franco Sechi, Camryn, Sydney, and Michele Chepes, Tony Ansaldo, and to Martina Sechi.



    Preparation for Walking on the Beach

    What do I see?

    Sand, lots of sand



    Strand Line (Wrack Line)

    White and Dark Sand

    Big and Small Holes in the Sand

    Ways animals adapt to life in the ocean

    Common Findings at the beach

    What is a shell?

    Bleached and Black Shells

    What do mollusks eat?

    How do Mollusks breathe?

    How do Mollusks reproduce?

    How do Mollusks move?

    Do Mollusks have eyes?

    Two Main Kinds of Shells

    Gastropods: Snail Looking Shells

    General Characteristics

    Outside and Inside of a Gastropod

    Most Common Gastropods and Identifying Features

    Moon snails

    Purple snail

    Worm shell

    Slipper snails

    White baby ears

    Scotch Bonnets shell

    Ceritium snails

    Olive snails

    Egg cases of Gastropods

    Bivalves: clam looking shells

    General Characteristics

    Outside and Inside Anatomy of a typical bivalve: the Quahog clam

    Most Common Bivalves and Identifying Features

    Crossed-bar venus clams


    Ark Shells




    Jacknife Clam

    Jingles Shells

    Fossil Clams



    Coquina clams

    Angel Wings

    Pen shell

    Marks on shells

    Holes on shells

    Settlers on a shell: sponge, tubeworms and oyster

    Other Beach Findings

    Red Alga, also called red seaweed


    Gorgonian Coral

    Bryozoan colony under the microscope X20

    Hard coral on shells

    Drift Wood

    Shell Pieces

    Mermaids’ Purses

    Shark teeth

    Bones of fishes and marine mammals


    Mended Shells

    Sea urchin

    Horseshoe Crabs

    Activities connected to the beach



    The purpose of this book is to foster in adults and children curiosity about the ocean. The beach is where the ocean meets the land and therefore we can learn a lot about the ocean by observing what is left on the beach. This book is for you, a beach walker, who wonders about how shells are formed and what happened to them along the way. You will be able to find and learn about the delicate and beautiful little shells, fragments of colorful shells polished by the ocean, and other items brought to the beach by waves. You would be able to find the life story of some broken shells: how did they live and how did they die? Did they spend most of their time buried in the mud? Where to go? You will be able to find interesting things on

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