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Life Forces
Life Forces
Life Forces
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Life Forces

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Experience the life-changing power of Margaret Virginia McCabe with this unforgettable book.
Release dateNov 16, 2020
Life Forces

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    Book preview

    Life Forces - Margaret Virginia McCabe

    Life Forces

    Margaret Virginia McCabe



    Material Forces

    Spirit Forces


    Mortal Mind

    Alpha and Omega


    No apology is made for the thoughts herein given. The Spirit leads and all must follow. A great truth is ready for acceptance; has been since the beginning. There are many ways to enter and each wayseemeth best. Trust thyself is the best guide. As the Voice speaks to the inner conscious­ness, that is the road to take. Sickness abounds, and there is a mad rush to the pool as the waters are disturbed. Many stand back and complain, yet all are eager and wait­ing for relief, but they want a prop on which to lean and be pushed forward. The writer is not seeking to advertise her own gift of healing. She has avoided as much as possible all references to patients.

    This little book is sent out to those eager, striving souls who are earnestly seeking aid on a rugged, toilsome journey. The light within its lines may be hidden to many, but to those for whom it is intended the radiance will shine forth and the cross will grow lighter.

    It is meant also to relieve death of its horrors and teach the divine comprehension of the souPs progression. It is dedicated to none in name, but in thought and magnetic influence to many, and especially to suffering, saddened ones who need help.  J

    The author is repaid by the silent thanks that telepathy brings back to her.

    M. V. McG.



    Words spoken vibrate through all eternity. Thoughts generated reverberate with greater force because the in­visible powers are more potent in their results. Mater­ial forces cease with the death of the mortal body. Spiritual forces endure forever.

    The first Word produced creation, and each succeed­ing vibration widened the circle by evolutionary pro­cesses. Back of this Word was a Cause, and that Cause was God—invisible because Spirit. We see the effect. We know and feel the cause. Human mind cannot comprehend God. Only through man’s spiritual nature is the oneness felt.

    Man is the effect of the Word. The soul man is God’s individualization. External, mortal man lifted above the brute creation by his power of reasoning is simply the result of material forces.

    Ideas photograph themselves on the brain.

    Over one of our city colleges these words stand forth in glaring, glittering letters: Education for Real Life. It sets one thinking. Real life! The tenement of clay, tossed about by every wind that blows, a creature of chance or man’s pleasure. A life that ends when death calls! Perhaps we are mistaken and these are correct, but after years of experience in this real life I am ready to answer in the words of Phillips Brooks: The ideal life, the life of fall completeness haunts us all. We feel the thing we ought to be beating against the thing we are. Once upon a time, in the far-off years ago. so long past that human mind cannot grasp its beginning; some mortal mind felt inspired to put together legends and weave them into a history of creation; a story of births and wars and bloodshed; a story of men of great physi­cal strength, mighty and strong before the Lord. To these people many and devious happenings occurred, coupled with much wickedness and accompanied by visions of angels, and the world was filled with sugges­tions of ideas. Through all these centuries of strength, never was the people without one leading prophet guided by the Lord by means of visions. Finally, when the world grew more and more wicked the greatest prophet of all arose, and was called Jesus. Him they crucified, and ever since, the world of churches has worshipped the Man nailed to the cross. The shadow of that cross fell across the human race, and by suggestion, only the suf­fering, bleeding Jesus has been the world’s Savior, and this thought has vibrated through 1900 years. A cruci­fied Man has been worshipped, a man of sorrows aud acquainted with grief, a humiliated, despised Jesus! But the risen Christ, victorious over evil, with His Father’s seal upon his forehead shining with an inex­tinguishable glory, holding forth peace and comfort to the sorrowful race, has been ignored. The suggestion of the shadow of the cross has shut out the brightness of the all-comprehensible light—which is Love. And yet we call ourselves an intelligent, far-seeing race ! We have dwelt so long on the shadow side of life ; we have daily climbed Sinai’s and knew it not—-because we en­joy sympathy. We want to be sad, we want to be sickly, we want to be burdened and depressed, so we do not suffer too much.

    Tear aside the close-shut gates and step into the broad, illuminated sunshine of God’s love and worship the risen Christ. Ascend into the holy of holies, the inner sanctuary of your own God nature, and be at one with God himself.

    There are so many discrepancies, so many contradictions in this book that men have written and called the Bible. Not a page that does not contradict itself. Even the thoughts of this man Jesus are changeable. The world has bowed down and done reverence to the mortal part of the prophets. The inspiration of the Spirit, that might have set upon them as cloven tongues of fire, has been ignored, and when one rises up and asserts this ego now, he is scoffed at as mad. The Lord said, u My Spirit shall not always strive with man for that he is also flesh."

    The Bible is the product of mortal mind, historically incorrect, full of allegories and visions, but also full of inspired words. It pictures a God of anger and vengeance, smiting and killing and working His own

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