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Soul Modes: You Are Not One Ordinary Woman, You're Four Extraordinary Ones
Soul Modes: You Are Not One Ordinary Woman, You're Four Extraordinary Ones
Soul Modes: You Are Not One Ordinary Woman, You're Four Extraordinary Ones
Ebook141 pages1 hour

Soul Modes: You Are Not One Ordinary Woman, You're Four Extraordinary Ones

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About this ebook

  • Helps women feel less ‘crazy’

  • Presents a brand-new approach on time management for busy women
  • Is the missing piece in the personal development world for women
  • Applies to health, business, relationships, parenting
  • Is trending online, creating ‘buzz’ in the coaching and spiritual development realms
  • Sold 6000 copies in three weeks through social media
  • Appeals to fans of Gabrielle Bernstein
  • Appeals to fans of Elizabeth Gilbert
  • LanguageEnglish
    Release dateDec 15, 2020
    Soul Modes: You Are Not One Ordinary Woman, You're Four Extraordinary Ones

    Carlie Maree

    Carlie Maree is the master of motivational intelligence. She is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, online educator, renegade researcher, sought-after speaker and creator of the binge-worthy podcast ‘Go Hack Yourself’. With her bold teachings and revolutionary frameworks, she empowers women all over the world to live differently. Carlie has a deep understanding of how women work - what motivates them, what drives them, and what holds them back. Since coming out last year with her ground-breaking book and Netflix-style documentary, Soul Modes, she’s holding nothing back. Carlie is here to change everything. She currently resides in Victoria, Australia.

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      Book preview

      Soul Modes - Carlie Maree


      This book is for all the women who think they’re anything other than brilliant, amazing, and capable of anything. The ones who question themselves. The ones who are up-and-down and all-over-the-place.

      The ones who read the self-help books and watch the motivational videos and yet can’t quite get the momentum and consistency they’re craving. The ones who start things but don’t seem to stick to them.

      That was me. I’d wondered if I was crazy. Until the day I heard the words very clearly in my own mind – There is nothing wrong with you.

      I was newly separated, dating a new man, and had an unplanned baby in my belly.

      My life looked nothing like the way I’d planned it.

      I cycled between overwhelmed, exhausted, miserable, excited, thrilled, renewed, and ready to take on the world, and then back to overwhelmed again.

      There is nothing quite like being in a place of complete uncertainty to get you to really look at how you’re doing life.

      I went on a mission to figure myself out. At the suggestion of a therapist, I started writing down how I felt each day. I began paying attention to what I needed in order to feel okay, as well as to what I was craving in my day. Time alone, time with friends, meditating, dancing, new clothes, old photos, cleaning, resting – I noted it all down.

      I started reading different kinds of books. I began exploring crystals, energy, and quantum theories. I paid attention to the moon and noticed what I felt in its different phases. Being pregnant, I wasn’t experiencing a menstrual cycle, but I was interested in hormones and how they affect our state of mind.

      The more I studied, the more I tuned in and paid attention to myself, the more I realised that I was experiencing a very distinct pattern within myself. There was a rhythm to the up and down, an order in the chaos.

      But the frustrating part was that I couldn’t seem to line it up with anything.

      It didn’t seem to be the moon or any menstrual pattern that was causing it. I couldn’t explain what was driving the very clear cycle of fluctuations in mood, motivation, and mindset that I was experiencing.

      I refused to accept that I was just a hormonal, up-and-down, impossible-to-please, female human. I knew there was more to it than that.

      I knew there was magic within my madness.

      And I was right.

      Women are magic.

      But also, we’re tired.

      We are powerful. We’re here to change the world.

      Yet we are living in a society that isn’t set up for us to thrive.

      I’ve made it my mission to understand how women work – what drives us and what holds us back. I’ve conducted studies and gained feedback from women all over the globe on how they feel and how they tick.

      Soul Modes® has become a lifelong research project for me. I have dug and delved and discovered so much about this phenomenon, but also, I know there is more to uncover.

      The more I talk and write and converse about this concept, the more it reveals itself to me.

      I picked up a book recently while getting inspired to write this one. In the introduction, the author states that the book is a reflection of where she was at the time of writing it, and that she reserves the right to change her mind about what’s in it.

      That really stuck with me because it’s so true that a fear of changing our minds about something prevents so many of us from sharing what we know to be true.

      And so, I will say this:

      This book is part one of what I think will be quite a ride ahead. I believe this little theory of mine is just the tip of a very beautiful and powerful iceberg.

      It takes courage to talk about something new. It requires vulnerability to stand up and say, I have something to share.

      No matter what your message is, it’s not going to be for everybody.

      But I know this - the message of this book is for many. It’s for any woman - or anyone who loves a woman - who gives herself a hard time sometimes. Any woman who wishes she was better at things. Any woman who would love to be more consistent.

      For a long time, we have been bombarded with advice on how to live. We read books telling us why we should wake up at 5:00 a.m., or work at certain intervals, or exercise at particular times, or eat specific things. And maybe for a time, those protocols feel good, but it’s rare that a system sticks long term.

      And when something we committed to doesn’t stick, we can start telling ourselves, ‘See? I suck.’

      I hope this book is the end of that for you.

      I hope that:

      1) It will be easier to create consistent results in your life.

      2) You will think differently about what it means to be consistent.

      I conducted a survey recently, and more than half of the women polled said that they often feel exhausted.

      As I read through answer after answer, I felt so sad. I felt their collective sense of depletion.

      The women of the world cannot achieve what we are here to do if we are all running on empty.

      It all only works if we feel good.

      And different things are going to make us feel good on different days.

      That’s what this book is designed to do. To help you find your fire and to create flow in your days by figuring out YOUR formula.

      When I realised there was a pattern to what we want and when, everything changed for me. I knew I wasn’t broken.

      I know you’re not either.

      I’m proud of this book and I’m honoured to be the one to deliver this message to you.

      I did not create these modes. They’ve always existed. I merely noticed they were there. I gave them names and attached words to them to make it easy for the world to understand them.

      This book is me saying, Hey look what I found! Spread the word!

      This knowledge belongs to everyone.

      Use it in your life in a way that feels good to you.

      New concepts can be exciting, and they can also be confronting. You might find it’s something you keep coming back to and that integrates into your life over time.

      This is what I ask of you:

      Read on with an open mind and an open heart. Let’s do this together.

      Chapter One

      Four Women

      You are not one ordinary woman. You are four extraordinary ones.

      - Carlie Maree

      Women are complex creatures, right? We are not the same every day. We can be up and down. We can be hard and soft. We can be this way and that.

      Have you ever felt like you’re an emotional rollercoaster?

      Perhaps previous partners have called you that. Or you’ve said it to yourself. Maybe you’ve even been labelled as crazy, or something similar. Maybe you’ve even wondered if it’s true.

      One day, you want to do all the things. The next, you want to do none of the things.

      You want something, then you get it - yet you don’t feel how you wanted to feel. It can seem like there is no solid ground.

      You are not crazy. That I know, for sure.

      But you are quite possibly all-over-the-place. I know this because, well… we all are. And that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.

      There is, in fact, nothing at all wrong with us – the all-over-the-place women – and the emotional rollercoaster is actually much more predictable than it seems.

      The up, down, right, and left always go in a particular order.

      Your rollercoaster might look something like this:


      Look at me go. I’m nailing it as a mother. Love my hubby. Washed my hair. Loving myself in these jeans. Catching up with a friend for lunch.


      Urgh. The clutter in this house is unbearable. The linen closet needs a clean out. Two hundred dollars of new clothes purchased online. Gosh, I wish the kids would stop their whining.


      Tired. Just tired. I need a break from social media. It’s okay to wear stretchy pants to school pick up, yeah? Uber Eats for dinner.


      Routine, that’s what we need! Big food shop done, with a list, and all the meals planned out for the fort-night. In activewear, 5k walk while listening to a podcast. Decide that from today forth I will get up at 5:00 a.m. daily to do yoga.


      Skip yoga. Snuggle kids instead. They are only little for such a short time. Dance while washing dishes. Send text to hubby just to say, ‘I love you.’ Get a pedicure, just because.


      I need the $200 boots to go with the outfit I bought, obviously. Whole wardrobe cleanout is in order. Half the kids’ toys are going too. Change all the beds. Seriously, must he chew that loudly?


      Chill day. Gosh, I haven’t read an actual book in forever. All I want to do is read. Tea. Soup. Can I just sit in peace for one minute without somebody asking me

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