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Becoming a Significant Man: Unleash Your Masculine Self to Become the Better Husband Your Wife Desires, Better Father Your Children Deserve, & Better Leader the World Needs
Becoming a Significant Man: Unleash Your Masculine Self to Become the Better Husband Your Wife Desires, Better Father Your Children Deserve, & Better Leader the World Needs
Becoming a Significant Man: Unleash Your Masculine Self to Become the Better Husband Your Wife Desires, Better Father Your Children Deserve, & Better Leader the World Needs
Ebook302 pages5 hours

Becoming a Significant Man: Unleash Your Masculine Self to Become the Better Husband Your Wife Desires, Better Father Your Children Deserve, & Better Leader the World Needs

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About this ebook

There’s more to life than this! An inspiring guide to becoming the man you were created to be.

Men have been sold a lie—they’ve been told that if they chase success in the world then everything will be ok. Instead, they end up with the cars, the house, and the toys, yet still in pain, asking, “Is this all there is?”

The cost of the lie is enormous. Offering an alternative, Becoming a Significant Man provides easy-to-digest ways to become the man you want to be. If you’re tired of sleepwalking your way through life, then Becoming a Significant Man is for you. Warren Peterson, founder of Significant Man Ministries, is eager for all men who have fallen behind in the game of life to benefit from his unique and powerful message.

Haven’t you had enough? Enough of the struggle? Enough of feeling lost, without direction, and without hope? No more lies. No more pretending. Your time is now. You have the power and permission to stand up and scream the truth about who you are—the significant man you were created to be. Let’s get started!
Release dateOct 25, 2016
Becoming a Significant Man: Unleash Your Masculine Self to Become the Better Husband Your Wife Desires, Better Father Your Children Deserve, & Better Leader the World Needs

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    Becoming a Significant Man - Warren Peterson


    The average man today is sleepwalking through life; without ever reaching his potential and without ever crossing the line to living a more significant life. However, it goes deeper than simply needing to wake up and live.

    Yes, men need to wake up. Yes, men need to step into their power and reclaim what they have given away. Yes, men need own their current reality; own the state of their life, their finances, their careers, and their relationships, all of it. Men absolutely have to wake up to this truth.

    As you continue past this truth you start to realize that men have to wake up because when they do not they are doing far more damage than simply staying asleep.

    These men are dying.

    Men who are passively letting their lives slip past them, men who are simply drifting along in their lives, going in whichever direction the water takes them, these are men who are beyond bored. They are dying.

    When I walk down the street today and look into the eyes of men, I see man after man who is sleepwalking, man after man who has given up on himself, simply waiting for each day to end.

    These men look for all sorts of ways to disengage with life, ways not to wake up. They remain asleep, most men actually not wanting to wake up. These men get lost in watching sports, playing video games, binge watching television, working harder and longer hours, or they bury themselves in their drinks and their drugs, anything to keep themselves from waking up.

    That is killing men; their sleepwalking is actually a slow suicide.

    Too many men are disengaged, not caring about anything or anyone, other than the surface level platitudes and unremarkable statements they squeak out in order to avoid conflict.

    Too many men are disconnected from themselves and from God, no longer even interested in searching out the big answers to the big questions they asked earlier in their lives.

    When you see these men, you see men who have lost that look of life in their eyes, there is no sparkle, there is no energy, and there is no enthusiasm. They are dying.

    When you see these men, you see men who have no ambition for anything other than playing a new game or watching a new show, you see men who have no mission or vision for their life. They are dying.

    When you see these men, you see men who look at their own lives with detachment; they look passively back as if they are looking through the window at a stranger, not at themselves. They are dying.

    When you see these men, you see men who have all the stuff that a successful man is supposed to have, but you see men who have emptiness behind their masks of success. They are dying.

    If you are one of these men, you have to wake up. Your sleeping is not just passing time; it is killing you. If you are one of these men, you have to choose another path. Your complacency is killing you.

    You have this power in you already; you have this ability right now. It might be somewhat daunting to think about taking your power seriously and to think about becoming fully awake, but this is required.

    You have to wake up in order for you to become the significant man that you know you have inside.

    As you read along you will learn that for far too long men have been hiding; hiding from their wives, their children, their communities, and from themselves.

    Men have been walking through this life feeling alone, feeling like all they have to offer is to focus on earning money, as if the paycheck alone will give them value, purpose, and enough to survive on.

    As the famous line, from one of my favorite movies states:

    Wake up, Neo… the Matrix has you.

    It’s time for you to wake up. It’s time to realize that you have given away your power while you have been sleeping. No, you likely didn’t do that on purposes, in fact you likely didn’t even realize it was happening.

    Once you have realized this, once you know of this new reality, it is time to open your eyes to what is in front of you, and to the life you can live. You can choose to step out of hiding; you can choose to wake up, and to step into the power that you have buried within.

    You have incredible power, ready to unleash on the world. However, in order for you to get there, you have to honestly want to. You have to choose to stop with the distractions and stop with putting obstacles in your own way. You have the power; it’s time to use it.

    It’s time for you to expect more. It’s time for you to stop falling back into the old patterns that have been holding you back for your entire life.

    If you’ve ever said, or thought, anything like this, then you need this book:

    I know that I have so much more inside, so much more to offer this world, and so much more to give.

    I want to become the hero, the warrior, and the leader that I was created to be.

    I can’t stand not knowing my kids, or them not knowing me.

    I can’t stand my wife turning into my roommate.

    I can’t stand this feeling of being alone and not sure where to go next with my life.

    I know that I have more to me than my success, more than my money and my stuff, I am ready to move from seeking success towards living a life of significance.

    I want more. I want to experience more. I want to understand more. I want to have an intimate relationship with my wife. I want to lead my children. I want to connect with God. I want to learn more. To know more. To do more. To BE more.

    If those are the things you know you want deep down, but you’re still working up to saying so, then this book is for you.

    If you think you already have everything you want, if you think you already have everything figured out, if you think you already have it all, then this book isn’t for you.

    If you’re open to new ideas, to new challenges, and new ways of thinking, then this book is for you.

    If you’re sure your ways are already good enough, and you don’t like to be pushed to think about new ideas, then this book isn’t for you.

    I wrote this book as the result of my own journey and to honor all the men I’ve worked with over the years. The simple fact is that men, all over this world, are seeking more, but feel like they have no outlet and no place to turn to. To make matters even more confusing, our society has thrown all the rules out the window, has discarded universal truths about men that have grounded us since the dawn of time, and as a result men are confused and are struggling.

    No more.

    This book is the start of a journey, not the end, and it is a journey that I am honored to be on with you.

    Your life isn’t about the man you are today. Your life isn’t about the man you were in your past. Your life is about the man you are becoming. No matter where you are right now, you can become more significant, you can become more connected with God, you can become the father your children deserve, you can become the husband your wife desires, you can become that man…

    …and you can choose to begin right now.

    So, let’s get started.


    Founder, Significant Man



    The Measure Of A Man

    The questions that haunt most men may sound simple to many, but to us men who are seeking more out of life we know these are anything but simple questions.

    Are we really men? Are we doing what men are supposed to be doing? Are we living the lives we were created to live? Is this all there is to life?

    In other words, and what those questions are really asking is, how do we measure ourselves as men?

    For the majority of men, the answers come down to our stuff; so we measure ourselves by the cars we drive, the homes we live in, the vacations we take, and the toys we buy for our family, our friends, and ourselves.

    This is an easy way for us to measure ourselves, because each of these things, all this stuff, is very easy to see and identify. You can visually see the difference between a Ferrari and a Ford. You can visually see the difference between a mansion and a shack. All men can see these differences, and this makes for an easy and quick way to measure success.

    However, measuring ourselves by our things leaves a hollow feeling inside, and never really answers those haunting questions we have deep down inside. Measuring by things simply confuses the situation.

    This is why so many successful men are burnt out, hurting inside, numbing themselves to the reality of this life. They are in pain, but don’t know why. They are seeking fulfillment, but doing so in ways that will never fill the hole they have in their souls.

    Not only are those ways not filling the hole they each have, but those ways are actually making the hole bigger, cutting deeper, and opening a canyon sized feeling of emptiness and pain they can’t quite describe.

    The stuff cannot fill that hole; the toys cannot heal the pain.

    As we continue, I want to extend this to another interesting question for you to think about.

    Watch any two men meet each other for the first time. Within a few seconds of the initial handshake and hello comes the question, So what do you do?

    To men, this is not a simple question (and to the ladies reading along, this might be a revelation for you). In reality this question is the start of the measuring between the two men, it is asking who in the conversation has done better, who should be listened to, who will be more respected, who the winner is, and it is asking who is more successful with life itself.

    That’s why so many men dislike that question so much, even if they have never actually thought about to this depth before. Because that one question is how most men measure themselves and the other men they meet. Usually this isn’t intentional, it’s just that men don’t have any other tools or questions to use for this measurement.

    Which then raises the obvious follow–up; since that is so hollow, and since the stuff never really works and leaves men empty inside, how should a man measure himself? How do you measure your success as a man?

    Let’s think about another way to look at this critical question, in a way that is perhaps quite different from how the world and our society tends to measure a man.

    This new idea about how you can measure yourself as a man might take some time for you to really grasp, but this is incredibly powerful for you on your journey towards becoming the man you know you can be:

    A significant man can be measured by the overall emotional and spiritual health of himself personally, AND the overall emotional and spiritual health of his family.

    In more detail: a significant man is a man who has a vision and direction for his life, who creates an intimate relationship with his wife, who builds up and leads his sons and daughters, who connects with God, and who will powerfully defend all of that when the trials and challenges come to tear it all down.

    Without this, without the vision and without the leadership, his family will be hurting, his family will struggle, his family will have a dark cloud hanging over all decisions, and his family can become lost in the wilderness of life. If he and his family do not have emotional and spiritual health, no matter how much money he has, or how many things and toys he owns, or how much he has bought for others, he will never feel at peace as a man.

    Take a step back today and consider those two points. How is your own emotional health and that of your family? How is your own spiritual health and that of your family?

    You might have all the toys, own a successful business or great job with the corner office, and take vacations to exotic places around the world, but if your emotional and spiritual health are not well, the truth is that you are not living the life of a significant man. If you think you have that health yourself, but your wife and children do not, then again you are not living the life of a significant man.

    It is time for you to reconsider how you measure yourself as a man. It’s not about the toys, it’s not about the gifts, it’s not about the stuff. It is much deeper than that, it’s actually on a whole other level that most men never reach.

    When you get to that level, when you start to see life this way, and when you start to measure yourself as a man this way, then you know you have taken a great leap forward on your journey towards becoming a more significant man.


    The Power Of Your Choices

    When I’m working with men one thing I am constantly talking about is the power of choice, which is related to why I ask so many questions.

    Sometimes, especially with someone who is new to the idea of taking control and living a significant life, I’m asked if the concept of choice itself is really that important, or if we can simply float through life.

    Considering that this is a theme of mine, choices in life, and is something that comes up in so many conversations, I want to expand on this concept of choice right away.

    Almost everything you have in front of you today, both the good and the bad, the positive and the negative, it is there because of a choice you have made in the past.

    If you’re reading this in print or electronically, that was a choice. If you’re reading this in your home or away, that was a choice.

    The car you drive, the house you live in, these all were choices you made. The clothes you are wearing today, the work you do for a living, these all were, and are, direct results of the choices you made, and continue to make.

    Where you went to college was a choice. Where you got your first job was a choice. The subjects you studied in school, or the work you decided to do last decade or last year, were all choices. Those early choices all led to new choices as you moved through life.

    The woman you would marry. The church you would attend. The children you would raise. All choices.

    Your fitness and health level. Your financial situation. The legacy you are building. All choices.

    You may look back and wish you had other options to choose from, or you may look back and think that you wish you had made different choices, but those are different conversations. Even in the choices you regret, you had options and you played a role.

    Often I hear men tell me that their life isn’t a result of their choices, they feel that other people have made choices for them, that other people have been in control of what has taken place, and that they really had no input on what was decided.

    The hard reality is that that is almost never the case. The reality is that you were part of those choices; you were not a powerless bystander. Those decisions that you didn’t like, you did have the option to say No and you did have the option to go a different way.

    It might have been harder, at least at the time, if you had said No or if you had made a different choice. That’s true. It might have cost you financially or it might have cost you a relationship, but there was a choice to make, and you made it.

    Please note that this is referring to adults, not children. Decisions your parents made for you, when you were a child, are obviously a separate issue. This concept is about the average everyday man, dealing with everyday life.

    At some point you have to accept the truth that the life you have, right now, is a result of all the choices you have made, both good and bad, over the course of your entire life.

    Owning this truth is hard for many, it forces a serious look in the mirror and acceptance of the truth. It is not easy; which is why it is not something most men will choose to face.

    Most men don’t want the truth, most would rather run from the truth, or pretend that somehow this doesn’t apply to them. Most men will find an excuse, find someone else to blame, find some reason to be a victim, and most men will create some reason not to accept this reality.

    However, if you are going to live the life of a significant man you do accept this reality and you don’t run from this truth. In fact, not only do you avoid running from this truth, instead you run headfirst towards it.

    The reason you run towards this truth is because you realize the power it holds. You begin to become aware of the choices you have made, the ones you continue to make today, and the ones you will make tomorrow, and then realize you can use that truth to your advantage.

    This is a critical step in living a life that you design. A life that provides you with what you desire, and a life you control. Because when you realize that your current situation and your past situation were all built upon the results of your choices… that means that your future is also built upon the results of your choices, and that is a powerful realization.

    Your future tomorrow is a result of the choices that you make today. There is serious power in that awareness.

    Realize that now you get to make those choices with this new awareness and understanding. Now you get to be strategic, you get to build and plan your life based on this truth.

    Now you get to think about what you want next year to look like and you get to decide what you have to do differently to make that happen. Now you get to look at every decision in front of you and you get to decide which choice will move you closer to the life you are seeking, and which choice will move you farther away from that life.

    When you’re getting ready to make a choice, if you don’t have a clear answer, if there isn’t an obvious choice that will bring you closer to the life you want to live, then pause. Wait. You can take your time to decide.

    Step back and really think about the options, think about what moves you to where you want to be.

    Realize that you have incredible power through the choices you are about to make.

    You get to choose your future.

    What will it look like?


    Most Men Won’t Do This

    This is one of those painful truths that I wish wasn’t so. But here it is:

    Most men won’t live the life of a Significant Man. Most men won’t be willing to go deep, won’t be willing to ask themselves the tough questions, won’t be willing to open up, won’t be willing to dig into their wounds, won’t be willing to invest in themselves, won’t be willing to make the changes, and most men won’t be willing to do the work.

    Most simply won’t.

    Oh you’ll hear many who talk the talk. You’ll hear many who say they want it. You’ll hear many who make it look like they are interested in experiencing those changes on the outside, but when it comes down to making the change, when they are standing on the line and have to make a decision, most men will choose to remain where they are.

    I get it, I understand. For the longest time I said I wanted that life, I said I wanted to become that sort of man, but I really wasn’t fully committed and wasn’t ready to actually cross the line to the other side. I was not going all in. I wasn’t willing to invest in myself. I wasn’t willing to do the hard work, and to confront the hard realities of my life.

    You see we all get comfortable, and that state of comfort is both a blessing and a curse. Because change is different, it is new, and it is unfamiliar. As humans, we tend to really love what is familiar over what is different, even when we’re pretty sure that different place/thing/life is where we are supposed to live.

    For years, I was the guy on the sidelines, the guy who knew I was called to do more. I knew that God put me on this Earth to do more than earn a paycheck. I knew that God did not put me here to sit in an office cube month after month. I knew that God put me here on this Earth to really help people, to impact lives, to change generations.

    But I waited. I hesitated.

    I needed the time to be right.

    In hindsight, that waiting only cost me one thing: time. I wasted years waiting for the right time. I had excuse after excuse as to why I wasn’t ready, why I couldn’t take the risk, why I couldn’t invest in myself, why I wasn’t able to do what God created me to do.

    The reality was simple. I was more comfortable

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