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Make My Dreams Come True
Make My Dreams Come True
Make My Dreams Come True
Ebook128 pages1 hour

Make My Dreams Come True

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About this ebook

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd have a chance with my best friend's hot, straight, older brother.
Kelly… I need a fake boyfriend to take along on my family vacation to keep my mom from trying to play matchmaker all the time so I ask my best friend's straight older brother Dean if he'll pretend to be my love interest. I've had a crush on him for years so I'm understandably over the moon when he says yes.
Dean… I'm torn when my baby brother's gay best friend asks me to be his plus one on his family trip. On one hand, hey, free vacation, but on the other hand, I'll be sharing a bed with another man. He says all I'll be expected to do is hold his hand on occasion and occupy the other half of a kingsize bed… but you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men…

PublisherCindy Cowles
Release dateJan 26, 2021
Make My Dreams Come True

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    Make My Dreams Come True - Avery Adams

    cover-image, Make My Dreams Come True

    Make My


    Come True

    Avery Adams

    License Notes

    Thank you for purchasing this e-book. This work is the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

    All characters are adults, 18+ in this story and no one is blood related.

    If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to purchase their own copy and discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.

    *The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction. The publication/use of these trademarks is not associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners. *

    Copyright © 2021 C Cowles

    All rights reserved.
























    Finally… high school is behind me and, in August, college— and freedom— awaits. My best friend Nathan and I got accepted into the same school. It’s in the Big Easy, so everyone knows what that means… French Quarter… Mardi Gras… Cajun food… par-tay! Another perk— we’ll each know at least one other person on campus right off the bat. We’re going to have a blast; I just know it.

    We’ve made so many plans. We found a great apartment, off-campus but still close, and plan to join fraternities, attending wild parties every weekend. Since we’ll have our own place we might not even bother coming back home the entire four years other than for quick holiday visits. I’ll finally be out from under my mother’s thumb— and she knows it. I can tell. I haven’t said anything about it within her hearing, but I guess moms have that ability. When it comes to their kids they just know shit.

    The first week of July, and our annual family vacation, is fast approaching. Mom has that gleam in her eye, the one that tells me, without a word being said, she has something up her sleeve. She’s already made a huge deal about how I’m grown and it may be the last time we’re together as a family at the lake house for a while. See what I mean? I swear sometimes, it’s like she’s part psychic.

    She’s probably planning to invite one of her many friends’ marriageable daughters… again…despite the fact it didn’t worked the other two times. Third time’s the charm, right? Ha! As if. And it’s not like she doesn’t know I’m gay. She knows— I came out of the closet when I was fifteen. Hell, I date guys sometimes just so I can bring them home to meet her— you know, so she won’t forget. But her friends have still managed to convince her I just haven’t met the right girl to show me the way back. Yeah, as in the way back to straights-ville… like I took a wrong turn on the sexual highway and simply need the right woman to take the wheel and turn me around. Cue the eye roll. And no, I’m not exaggerating. The church ladies in my town get some crazy ideas in their heads when they get together for bible study and wine. It usually centers around their kids— and, since Mom’s a member, I’m one of those kids. Lucky me. I need to come up with a plan to keep my mom off my back… but what?

    My phone buzzes in my pocket, interrupting my brainstorming sesh. What a stroke of luck. It’s my best pal, Nate. If anyone can come up with brilliant ideas to help me out of whatever my mom’s planning, it’s him. I lift the phone to my ear, What’s up?

    Bad news, bro.

    Uh oh, I tense. It isn’t bad enough to stop you from coming to the lake house is it?

    The— I hear a slapping sound. Shit, that’s happening next weekend, isn’t it? Fu-uuu— I am so sorry, man. I was calling to let you know I was sidelined for the rest of the summer. I didn’t even think about that— totally spaced it. I’ve had so much shit on my mind. My car blew a head gasket and I have to help Dad with his lawn care service to work off the cost of repairs— or I do if I want wheels to get around college, anyway.

    We’ll have my car.

    Ha, he laughs but it doesn’t sound happy. And what if I get a girl? You know I’m gonna wanna take her out, just me and her, and for that I’ll need my own wheels. A huge sigh blasts my eardrum, Nah, we just gotta accept the cold hard truth. I’m not gonna be able to go this year. You’ll have to have fun for both of us.


    He doesn’t even pause, I start my summer job bright and early in the morning, and I’ll be rising and setting with the sun, right up until the weekend before school stars— and in return, I get a fully repaired car. I just gotta keep my eye on the prize. I can hear the resignation in his voice. Not just because he’s missing time at the lake either. Nate hates working out in the heat. He isn’t exactly a manual labor type of guy.

    I hesitate, but then, wincing, I could loan you the money…

    Yeah, right. Since when do you have an extra twelve hundred dollars just laying around with nothing to spend it on?

    I flinch, That much?

    That much.

    Shit. My whole body slumps.

    "Why are you so upset? At least you still get to go to the lake. You get to enjoy your summer. I’m the one missing out."

    "And I’m the one with no protection from whatever my mother is scheming up for this trip. At least the last two summers I had you along to run interference between me and whatever young lady she invited. What the hell am I going to do this year?"

    Suck it up?

    My mouth falls open. Seriously?

    "No, not seriously. What you need to do is invite a boyfriend along. That’ll nip your mom’s plans in the bud with a quickness."

    That would be the dream but am I just supposed to pull one out of my ass?

    Ha! I see what you did there. He rolls, cackling into the receiver, and consequently, right into my ear. Wincing, I pull it away— just in time, too. Whooping loudly, he sputters, Preferably not in front of your family, bro. Your dad might have a heart attack.

    Ha. Ha. Ha. I enunciate each word and roll my eyes toward the ceiling, feeling my entire face heat up hot enough to fry an egg on. "Not Dad. He’s the cool one. Mom’s the one who’d have a conniption fit. But I didn’t mean it like that and you know it, jerk face. I meant it like where am I going to find this hunk of man meat between now and then? Hello, single guy here, remember?"

    Oh, yeah, that’s right. He clears his throat, sniffling loudly and probably wiping tears of mirth from his cheeks. I bite my tongue, glad to see at least one of us is getting a kick out of my predicament. Sorry. I guess it slipped my mind.

    So I see, I grouse, letting the sarcasm fly, Any suggestions, oh oracle of infinite wisdom?

    He’s quiet. Too quiet. Surely that didn’t offend him? I’ve called him way worse on too many occasions. But, just before I give up and apologize, "Well… Dean owes me a favor."

    Your older brother, Dean? I pull the phone away from my ear and stare for a second, putting it back in time to hear—

    Don’t have any others, do I?


    "What the hell, dude— pay attention. I said, yes, my brother, Dean— I don’t have any others, do I?"

    No, I guess you don’t, do you. I sigh heavily, shoving my hair away from my face. It would have to be a pretty big favor, though. He’d be pretending to be my guy and all that entails— including sharing a bed for a week, and shit.

    Any butt stuff?

    "What?? My mind throws up a mental picture of Dean behind me as I kneel, naked ass in the air. As a result, I swallow wrong and spend several seconds coughing and catching my breath. Finally, once I can breathe, I wheeze, No, no butt stuff!"

    You okay?

    Yeah, no thanks to you.

    I try, he laughs again. "But, back on topic, no, it should be fine. If he balks, just tell him I said I’ll owe him a tiny favor on top of wiping his favor to me off the record. Emphasize tiny, of course, or he’ll milk it for all it’s worth. Hell, he probably will anyway, knowing him."

    I close my eyes and cover my face with my free hand, afraid to hope but feeling a tiny seed of it taking root in my chest anyway. "Man, if he does this, I’m going to owe you, big time."

    No, you won’t.

    I raise my head,

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