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Indigo Dares
Indigo Dares
Indigo Dares
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Indigo Dares

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Finding her feet in the world of celebrity, Mysty is forced to acknowledge Daryl’s attentiveness, and begins to realise they are perhaps more similar than they are different. Her relationship with Donny comes to a head when it becomes clear sending her to LA wasn’t enough to save her from his dark connections. Daryl is more than willing to step into the void but the reality of the girl is far more than he was anticipating, and he finds himself on a learning curve similar to the ones she faces thanks to his contract...
The backdrop to these scenes are, despite wishing otherwise, Mysty’s introduction to the world of politics, and she realises that as both an asset and a pawn she’d better wise-up fast in a world that wants to possess everything she has – including her genetic make-up. The once-lost girl, who has so far captured the world’s imagination, adoration and respect, realises that with her growing fame, she has the chance to use her status for the greater good. Her days living in the shadows are gone – she has to step boldly into the light.
In this important stage of her journey, she realises that there is no protection in fame; the world of the spotlight can be just as ruthless as any she found in the shadows in Vegas with Donny. She must also acknowledge that her beloved mob boss is not the only man capable of making her heart race, when Daryl begins to get under her skin. She has to accept there is no one better placed to protect her. Could it be that despite their turbulent start, there could be an understanding between them?

PublisherS R Summers
Release dateFeb 18, 2021
Indigo Dares

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    Indigo Dares - S R Summers

    THE PIZZA AND swim and the sleep, they’d been so needed; but being in Vegas, remembering just how angry she was with Donny for never being there when she needed him…well, now she just wanted some way of expressing that. Her patience had been worn through, and Donny had been one disappointment too many.

    OG. Diversion. Next left, next right, next left. Then stop the car. OG wanted to argue, she could see that, and knew he was taking a chance trusting her. But he gave the order anyway, aware that her mood had been low and serious since dawn, and even food hadn’t improved her temper. I’ll be five minutes, max, I promise. Unlock the door.

    You want us to drop you at the front door, rather than walk?

    I’ll go around the back. It’s more discreet.

    She gave him a tight smile, and he opened the door.

    He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. Had it been a good idea to let her go? This was not somewhere he could follow. He looked at his watch and knew these five minutes were going to feel like half an hour.

    She marched down the dark corridor she would never forget, picturing the gruesome discovery that Friday night, so many years ago. But she wasn’t afraid. She strode past the surveillance room, hearing familiar voices, but there was only one man she was there to see and she was on a time limit.

    Mysty? Paulo appeared, stunned to see her.

    Paulo. Is he in his rooms?

    Yes, but–

    Save it.

    Her face had no expression. Up the stairs, two at a time, she strode towards the door she used to love seeing; now it made her choke on the emotion it evoked, all that longing and love, and yet… Her eyes were scanned and fingerprints taken, and then she yanked open the door.

    He was leaning on the desk, where he had been that very first conversation they’d had, arms crossed casually across his chest, body at ease. When he looked up, he saw trouble, and she saw his eyes widen.


    Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me! The door slammed behind her. "How could you? One night in the whole goddamn month and you said no? Too dangerous? Too fucking dangerous! Like I haven’t lived with danger all my life? Like I haven’t faced enough of it, even for you? What right do you have to tell me I can’t bear a little of it for my sake as well? She could see him struggling; he wasn’t used to be confronted like this. I can’t keep doing this, Donny! I’m a person, not a pet! I need to see you more than just once every six months. When is it going to end? This ‘keeping me safe’ crap? You want us to be together. When is it going to happen? When? Because I know I’ve already made my choice, and accepted the risks – have you? She pulled in an angry breath, recharging. Seeing you was the only thing I wanted last night! You didn’t even ring me yourself to tell me. You got him to tell me! I’ve asked so little of you! So why? Why?" Finally the tirade ceased and she breathed fast. Donny had in turn looked angry, then sad. Now he looked defeated.

    Sweetheart, please calm down–

    It was the wrong thing to say, in the wrong tone of voice. She let out a growl of frustration and her hand came up to slap him hard around the face, the sound so loud in the room. Now he looked astonished. She’d hit him! She’d actually hit him, and she meant it. But he didn’t have a chance to say anything, because she then stepped forward, reached for the hair at the back of his head, and pulled it towards her and kissed him, soft demanding lips pressed against his. He reached for her, wanting to hold her, but a foot came up and pinned one hand to the desk, grasping his other wrist and holding it away from her. Here was pure passion, just as he’d felt for her so many times, and her tongue teased, driving his senses wild. He wanted more, he fought her grip, but it was hard to fight when he was so physically weakened by this kiss of hers. She had surprised and disarmed him completely, so much had he underestimated her.

    Then abruptly, she let him go.

    She stepped back from him, eyes bright with anger and passion.

    Next time, when you ask to see me, I might just say no.

    She turned on her heel and the door opened and then slammed behind her in quick succession.

    Donny breathed out.

    Holy shit, a voice from the other room said slowly, and Sebastian Merino, Lord of New York, stepped out of the shadow of the doorway. Was that who I think it was?

    Yes, Donny managed.

    Did she just do what I think she did?

    Donny glanced at Sebastian’s incredulous expression, his forty-year-old face usually so impassive.

    Yelled at me, slapped me, and then kissed me? Yeah, spot on.

    Donny turned away and leant his knuckles on the desk. He wished he could be alone so he could think more clearly, but that was not to be.

    Donny, the girl has a point. Franny’s voice was not a welcome one either. He didn’t need this audience to work out what had just happened.

    Donny, my friend, what are you doing? She is no average girl. You cannot wait forever, Don Salvadore spoke, with the patient chiding of a father to a son, wise words that fell on already abused ears.

    Thank you, everyone, for your amazing insights. As if I don’t know her well enough, he snapped, her words echoing in his mind. God knows I only want her safe.

    No one is ever safe in our world, Donny. I know better than most. Franny’s grim voice was no consolation to his pain. But she is willing to take the risk, so why won’t you let her?

    Because she has already been bathed in blood once! I will not have it happen again!

    Silence hovered for long seconds.

    Why don’t you go after her? Sebastian suggested gently, seeing the tension in Donny’s body, like that of someone being tortured – and he’d seen enough torture to know.

    She’ll be gone by now. Moves quicker than greased lightning when she wants to.

    Goddamn it! He would have hit something had he been alone. He wasn’t bothered his brothers had heard the exchange, as they all knew her well – except Sebastian who was a friend, and already an admirer after what he had seen of her – and were tolerant of her passion and fearlessness.

    I’ll wait until she’s calmed down. She has a temper to match her beauty, as you know, and she’s in no mood to listen.

    She must love you very much to get so angry, Sebastian observed.

    She does. Very much. But I love her more, which is why I will not risk her if I can avoid it. I will not put anything before that.

    There was nothing more to say. The silence ended after a few more seconds and they were back to business, one of their number paying less attention than he had been, a lump in his throat and a sting in his cheek he knew he deserved to feel.

    OG SAW HER emerge from the alley with angry strides. He opened the door and pulled it closed after she got in.

    You alright, kiddo?

    Just peachy, thanks.

    He had two teenaged daughters and a volatile ex-wife. He knew she wasn’t okay; he recognised the signs. He allowed himself an eye roll as he got in himself and prepared to tangle with his upset tiger.

    You still had ten seconds. You sure you’re done?

    The tilt of her head relayed the message loud and clear: Don’t try and make me laugh.

    Okay, you want to talk, you just say. I’m paid to be a shrink as well as your bodyguard. Lazarus moved over her to, nuzzling her, trying to get her to look at him. Give him a hug; he’s been worried about you.

    She pulled the cat against her, and he went willingly.

    I think I’m going to declare myself forever single. Lazarus is the only one I can rely on.

    He knew she didn’t deserve to feel such hurt, not when she gave so much, when she was so loyal to those she cared about … the man she cared about. She hadn’t done anything wrong, she’d just fallen in love with the wrong man…

    Most men are varying degrees of asshole, I’ll give you that, but don’t let’s give up on all of them, hey, not just yet.

    The journey was spent in silence and at Soleil she threw herself into her work, taking the headset, computer panel and handheld, going over everything from top to bottom, the people who would be helping her with the set, lighting and backstage, all there to answer any questions and start going through her requirements. OG watched her command, the consummate professional, mind on the job, no detail left out. But he could tell she was hurting, and resolved to get her home as soon as he could so she’d have some time to herself.

    DARYL SAW HER get out of the car through the window of his jet, but she was not the happy girl he’d envisaged after a day spent doing what she loved. He’d been working hard, too, but was comforted by the report from OG that she’d been at Soleil most of the day. She was nothing if not committed; he couldn’t fault her there.

    He thought she might come and say hello, but there were no smiles tonight, only a tangible sense of distress. He flicked the camera on in the room and saw her drop her bag and lie down on the sofa, Lazarus jumping up next to her at the back of the sofa. She curled around him and turned to face the cushions. Oh dear.

    You want anything. kiddo? OG paused in the doorway, but he knew there was little he could do.

    Bullet through my head?

    That’s a no then. Pausing, because he wanted to do something before he went to make her feel some comfort, he tried again. You want the lights down?


    With the lights off and shutters lowered, she would have peaceful darkness. He closed the door and he pressed the lock button, just in case.



    What has upset her so much?

    O’Grady looked round at his boss with a weary sadness etched on his face.

    She was deeply upset by Donny saying no last night. She went to see him for five minutes, and came out looking angry enough to set a few trees alight, worked all day at Soleil, and now … well, you can see for yourself.

    Five minutes?

    It was all she asked for. Went in a back entrance. Came out and wouldn’t talk about it. Apparently, she’s going to be ‘single forever’.

    Daryl didn’t know what to say for a second – this was just too good.

    I see. Well, time for you to relax for a little, O’Grady.

    OG knew when he was being dismissed and left, nodding at Mac on the way.

    A call came through.

    Daryl. It was a terse tone, as Daryl could have predicted.


    She’s not picking up. Is she alright?

    She’s asleep or nearly so, but if she’s not answering I’d say it’s because she doesn’t want to.

    I know.

    Daryl sympathised with the weary voice: he was usually on the receiving end of her temper.

    I did tell her as gently as I could, I assure you, and I said nothing to provoke her.

    No, I know that as well. If you had she’d have come over last night, despite me avoiding seeing her – for her own sake.

    What happened today? Daryl asked. She’s very upset.

    In a nutshell? She came in, raged at me quite impressively, slapped me, and then kissed me.

    She slapped Donny? She was brave! Then again, considering the way Donny loved her, she wouldn’t fear him in that way. And from the way he spoke, Donny seemed to have accepted his punishment.

    I’m sorry to hear all that. Especially the bit about the kiss.

    It’s been on the cards for a while. Only so many hands of hearts you can play before the Queen of Spades makes her presence felt.

    What a very poetic way of looking at it.

    I’m a gambler. What can I say? Donny sighed. Look, if she wakes up soon or, I don’t know … just tell her I called, to try to talk to her.

    I don’t think words are what she’s after, Daryl remarked slowly, wondering why he was giving advice to the man he wished to see fail. But, somehow, he knew it had to be an honest fight. If she and Donny ended, it had to be completely, and for real. Their love was too strong for mere disagreements to break them apart.

    No. Well noticed. You took her back last night…and grabbed a pizza on the way. Very good of you to pay such close attention to your new asset.

    Daryl wasn’t surprised Donny knew, and controlled the irritation in his voice. He had been conscious of the likelihood of invisible eyes keeping watch on them.

    Being on her own was the last thing she needed. At least I provide her with something to ridicule and argue with.

    True. Now he sounded vaguely amused. Well, I’ll go. I’m sure you’re busy.

    I’m always busy, but rarely busy doing the things I want to do.

    I know that one. Safe trip, Donny concurred.

    Will do. Hope things calm down.

    They will. I’ve already seen to it.


    Daryl had never wanted to leave for Europe less.

    IT WAS MONDAY night, the week after flying out of LA for London, and now, as planned, he was in Moscow meeting delegates about a trade agreement and a new pipeline, as well as exchanging new technology for greener, cleaner energy. But he was tired and, if he were honest, wishing very much he could walk away from some of the mammoth responsibilities that lay on his shoulders. Not least because he missed her. Had done from the moment he arrived in the UK. It was like going back six months and not knowing where she was, despite knowing exactly where she was. It was just she was so far away. Seeing her spend the last eight days at the dance studio, over fourteen hours a day, as well as doing more when she got home…well, she wasn’t letting her unhappiness slow her down; if anything, she was using it as a distraction. Which Daryl could understand. All too well.

    He was still wide awake, aware of the fact he would have to get ready soon for the new day, and all its somewhat dubious joys. He pressed the screen on, to see her at home. She was amazing when she was performing, and he loved her on stage, but he found her simple domesticity adorable, the way she padded around in jogging bottoms, the way she played with Lazarus. He could hear her humming when she was in the kitchen, fixing some food, and when she was finally done for the day, she would just flop on the sofa, totally inelegantly and relax in silence.

    But what was she doing standing on the coffee table in pink running shorts – pink? – toothbrush in one hand, the other on her hip, and looking down at the floor? Lazarus was on the back of the sofa, looking at the same place.

    It’s huge, she muttered. So huge. Intrigued, he peered closer. Why do spiders have to get so big?

    She was afraid of spiders? Daryl smiled at the thought.

    I’m not getting it. I think you should. She looked at Lazarus, who looked back at her with a tilted head that said, Surely not? She laughed, and then jumped from the coffee table onto the sofa. Big scaredy-cat! It’s a good job you’ve got me to look after you!

    Then the doorbell rang, and they both went completely still.

    Toby, who is it?

    Database says it’s your nearest and dearest.

    Daryl grimaced. Why did Donny have to turn up? That had just ruined his morning.

    Do I have one of those? she muttered.

    She went to the door. Daryl switched camera. Yep, Donny was there, hands in his pockets, looking rather apologetic.

    What are you doing here? Not much of a welcome.

    Can I come in?

    I suppose it would be rude to leave you outside.

    With that far-from-friendly answer she walked back to the lounge, stood to one side of the sofa, leaving him to close the door. Daryl watched intently; this was going to be interesting.

    Donny followed her, slowly, obviously needing time, Daryl suspected, to organise what he was going to say.

    In answer to your question, I came to see you.

    Took you a week to fit me in, did it?

    Donny took the hit with a resigned expression on his face, refusing to get angry, and instead looking at her with quiet affection.

    Just so you know, I’m not going to make this easy for you, she added.

    No, I know that, but I’m not here to argue. She raised her eyebrows as if to say You think I’m impressed by your ‘not here to argue’? I know you’re angry, and I don’t blame you. You were right in what you said, about a number of things. Donny looked away for a second and then half smiled, a little bashfully, and then back at her. You didn’t know it, but we had an audience to that conversation. Her face registered shock. And Franny, Salvadore and Sebastian all came out on your side. I felt very out-numbered. It was an admission he didn’t have to make, but he was clearly okay with it. But the worst thing you said, was that you were disappointed, because you’re the last person on this earth I would want to disappoint, in any way. Slow steps carried him closer to her, but she backed off, trying to keep the distance, despite the calmness of his words and the sincerity in his eyes. And I know I don’t deserve your patience, or your loyalty considering how little I see you and get to show you what you mean to me. Her back hit the wall, eyes still on Donny, who placed a hand either side of her head, against the wall, not touching her. She could easily have ducked under, but she stayed still. And I think I owe you something from Saturday morning.

    We both know I’m quicker.

    No, not that. I deserved that too.

    He smiled, took her hands in his and pressed them against the wall. And then he kissed her, not giving her a chance to move away. It was a deep, passionate kiss, and she didn’t fight it, trusted him as he held her captive. There was no panic, just pure surrender.

    Daryl went to switch it off, nausea roiling in his stomach, his day now ruined; but part of him wanted to see, see what she was like in defeat, having been won over at least most of the way. Hands released, she wrapped her arms around his back, holding on to his black jacket as his hand ran up her leg and over her hip. She lifted the leg, encircled him with it, pulling him tighter into her body. Daryl felt himself harden, wanting her. With her it would be so different. The passion would be real, not fake; it would not be a diversion, as with every other woman he’d known, but a completion, a joining. He looked away for a moment, aware he was intruding.

    I need you! he heard her say, and his eyes returned to the screen. I need you with me! I can’t do all this on my own! I don’t want to be alone anymore. A hand crept up and rested against his cheek, stroking the smooth skin she knew so well. I don’t like being away from you, not knowing what’s happening. I live every day wondering if you’ll need me there, like before. If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself. She looked so vulnerable, but still so full of passion, and Daryl was not surprised Donny had all the patience in the world for her.

    Oh kitten, you mustn’t carry that burden, it’s not fair on you. You have a life, a career – I want good things for you. I’ve always thought you deserved more than hiding all that talent. I know you love me, but I don’t expect you to save me from every bullet. He stroked her hair.

    But I would, and I will, if you just let me come home. It was a whisper, a plea, a promise.

    I don’t want you hurt. You know that is the one thing I would never allow.

    But I want to be with you, more than ever.

    And you will. You’ll be in Vegas two times a week now, and Paulo will just have to get used to me coming to LA every so often. I promise things will be better. You were right. You’ve asked very little, and I have abused the trust you put in me. I apologise.

    A small nod.

    Now tonight, if you can bear a little more of my company… She buried her head in his shoulder, and he whispered, I’m taking you out for dinner. I’m not flying back till tomorrow, and seeing as it’ll be Tuesday night, you’re coming to the mansion with me. I’ve already cleared it with O’Grady, and there’s nowhere safer in LA, with three lots of security teams guarding you. A full twenty-four hours together. How does that sound?

    You make me sound like the holy grail!

    Donny chuckled, and Daryl groaned. Why did Donny have to visit? Why couldn’t he just let her go? He could never give her the life or support she needed.

    What is this ‘candyfloss’ doing on you? Donny then asked, chuckling again as he regarded the pink shorts.

    I asked for new ones and they got me pink – the only colour I said not to get! I’ve already ordered some more; I just couldn’t be bothered to worry about it today. Anyway, where are we going? I hope it’s not posh because I won’t know what to wear.

    Sorry, beautiful, but it is posh, because you deserve nothing but the best.

    You know I’d be happy with just us and dinner and a sofa.

    I know, but I want to spoil you, so I will. And don’t you worry about what to wear…I bought a dress for you.

    Donny’s wide smile made her laugh with amazement. You went dress shopping? For me?

    Well, I’m hardly going to go dress shopping for myself, am I?

    I’m not all that good at all that dressing up stuff, so you’ll have to help me.

    I think you do just fine, you just need a little more faith in yourself. He lifted her chin up. Why don’t you go hop in the shower, and I’ll have it brought in. We can leave whenever you’re ready, so no rushing, alright?

    You joining me in the shower?

    An impish smile, and Daryl felt the muscle in his jaw tighten. How could Donny not agree? How it made him ache to know she’d asked another to go with her, so willing and teasing.

    I’m very tempted, but no…

    She didn’t argue, but she didn’t like it. She was released from the wall, and with a dark look and a, What’s a girl to do?, her gait teenagerish for a few seconds, until she reached the last doorway and dangled off it by her fingers as she peeked back at him. You know how you can make me love you a little more?


    Please get rid of the spider!

    Laughing at his expression, she disappeared and left him to negotiate with the arachnid, which had obviously been ear-wigging so much it had failed to move far.

    Minutes later, Donny sat down on the sofa, Lazarus coming to sit next to him, accepting a stroke as Donny made a call and asked for the dress to be brought up. Daryl recognised the brand on the box: this was not a cheap dress. He couldn’t bear to see any more. He set the timer to record the next hour and went to get showered and dressed, hoping that the frustration, and lust, would abate. Why did he have to feel like this about her? Why couldn’t he just ignore her, like he ignored pretty much everyone else? How had she got so under his skin? Anger, irrational and unstoppable, gripped him and he forced the emotion down, demanding control of himself again as he stepped into the cool cascade of water, determined to lose the desire for her that pulsed in his blood, and groin.

    But it wasn’t just desire; that was what worried him. He didn’t just envy Donny the kisses, but the trust, and her honest words. He’d spent eight days enjoying the thought that she and Donny might split, but now? They looked closer than ever. He could order O’Grady to not let her go, but she would refuse and go with him anyway. He had to let her go. At least O’Grady would be near her.

    He shouldn’t watch the rest of the footage. But he knew he would, even if it depressed him further. He had to know what he was up against, or he would never win. And Daryl Blackmoor never gave up and never lost.

    DARYL FINALLY RETURNED to his Moscow mansion, having not enjoyed a single moment of his day. No one had argued when he had declined dinner out; it was more of a social dinner, anyway, rather than business, and he had every right. He poured himself a generous measure of brandy, and forwarded through the footage to when she reappeared. When she did, he was stunned.

    He hit Pause. With a shy smile on her lips, she was standing in the doorway, hair coiled on her head, with one curl trailing over her shoulder. She was wearing a pale gold version of the white dress she’d so loved on their shopping trip, and she looked a billion dollars. The style suited her perfectly, hugging every line of her body, the deep split at the side showing one shapely leg, to the thigh. Damn, Donny had excellent taste in clothes. She wore gold heels, and no jewellery other than the bracelet and necklace that Donny had given her. She looked demure yet regal; sexy yet innocent.

    The press would be all over her; her picture would be on every newspaper and headline tomorrow for certain. With the wrong man. He hit Play.

    Wow… Donny breathed when he saw her, and held his hand out. She came to him, letting him admire her, clearly pleased with his choice. You like it? he asked.

    It’s wonderful, thank you…it’s just what I would have picked myself.

    I saw it and I knew it was made for you. Just one more thing before we go. He reached around and started to take off the necklace.

    Why are you taking it off? I want to wear it.

    I know, but tonight you’re going to wear a different necklace. Daryl watched as Donny pulled something from his breast pocket. Whatever it was, it would be fabulously expensive.

    Donny, you don’t have to do this, really, you know…

    Would you just shush? Stern eyes silenced her and she bit her lip. He then opened the box and removed a stunning diamond pendant, the central white diamond surrounded by black diamonds. You can’t refuse, because I had it made for you. She gasped at its beauty, and then he fastened it round her neck, laying it against the flawless, creamy skin. That’s you, in the middle, so beautiful and so precious, he said. And these… He ran his thumb over the black diamonds. You shine so brightly in all the darkness of the world. You always have, you always will. You are all I want. Don’t ever forget that. No matter what.

    He kissed her, gently this time.

    You still haven’t given me any answers, she whispered softly when he pulled away, eyes huge and searching, begging him.

    I know. I don’t have an answer right now. I wish I did but I don’t. But I know you need one, you’ve made that clear, and I respect that. As soon as I have one I’ll tell you, alright? I hope you will always be mine. Donny hung his head, his emotions rendering him naked despite the sharp-cut suit.

    You stupid man. The girl-Venus stepped up to him then, and put her arms around him, comforting one of the most feared men in America. Daryl was captivated by the intensity of their bond. I’ll always be yours. No matter what.

    Long minutes passed as they held each other, and then they left the apartment, hand in hand, Lazarus trotting happily with them.

    Daryl pressed the Off button. God in heaven, he felt ill. Like someone had punched him in the gut, and then mashed his kidneys for good measure. Patience, he told himself, patience.

    As he stepped out of his suit he thought about Donny’s words: ‘You are all I want. Don’t ever forget that.’ Even in his experience, men did not say that to a girl they were confident about having by their side one day as their wife. Not when he knew that all she really wanted was to hear promises of wedding bells. Why hadn’t Donny got her an engagement ring if he wanted to convince her of his commitment?

    She, on the other hand, had made it very clear she wanted not just to keep Donny safe – which was natural, he guessed – but there was more to it than that. Donny was her family now, had been a saviour to her as much as she had saved his life. It didn’t mean she didn’t love him fully, as a woman could, but there was a degree of devotion there that wasn’t about marriage alone; it was about security of a more psychological kind. Was that good? He didn’t know exactly.

    He stood looking out at the manicured gardens and marble figurines in their various poses, and had a sudden thought: he wanted some statues made of her. He could pick out his favourites from Celeste and have them made into marble statues of his goddess, one day to be replaced with her in the flesh.

    He wondered if they ever would split. If they did, she would be utterly devastated, in need of someone to be there, someone to comfort her. He would definitely make himself available when that happened.

    He sat down at the grand table, a computer panel already put there for him should he wish to peruse the latest data whilst eating. The room was quiet, and an old-fashioned clock ticked away on the ornate fireplace. He could echo her words himself, could understand every tiny bit of despair in her voice: I don’t want to be alone anymore; he didn’t want to be alone anymore.

    In the meantime, however, he had brought two of his Cherries with him, with newly dyed and curled hair. With their shades on, he was sure his imagination could do the rest.

    AFTER THREE LONG weeks across the Pond, Daryl was relieved to be back in the States, to be home. Even more, wanted to see her. He’d missed her new performance at Celeste, only seeing it on his big screen. It hadn’t been the same as being there. Still, he would be flying to LA later that day, and he had just one more meeting in his New York office, a few other loose ends to tie up.

    Stepping out of the elevator and entering his main office, he found the whole room perched on desks or standing around, no one doing any work whatsoever, not even answering the phones, and staring at the large screen on the wall. Had a bomb gone off?

    He was not far wrong.

    So here we have a sneak preview inside the newly finished Cirque de Soleil in Vegas, with clips from the show everyone is talking about, and kindly given to us by the lady herself, who I have with me right now. Mysty…I can’t believe I’m actually standing talking to you, you’re rather hard to get hold of. The young perky-looking interviewer turned to the blonde goddess beside her, who was noticeably taller.

    I hope you’ll forgive me being so busy over the last two months when you see the show, Mysty replied. A lot of work has gone into it, so I hope it pays off.

    Daryl stopped, his entrance completely unnoticed. He was annoyed to see his staff doing absolutely nothing at all, but decided to let it go – considering who was on the screen – and watch too. It was so good to see her close up, and she was coping admirably with the forest of people around her, shades in her hair, white Pirate Queen t-shirt on. If he didn’t know differently, he’d say she’d been doing this for years.

    The show is apparently very long, over five hours?

    Yes, it’s longer than most concert performances, I admit, but I don’t think anyone will get bored. She offered a small smile of promise.

    And is that all show or breaks or intervals? Are you performing the whole night, or are there pieces that are just MJ videos?

    There are two intervals of twenty minutes each, but I am performing in every piece except one. It’ll be demanding, but not impossible. The concert dates do not run directly after the other, so I’ll have time to have a rest and get ready for the next one.

    You have a pretty big dance troupe with you, don’t you? Over a hundred people?

    Different people have different skills, and not everyone can keep dancing all night, so I’ve used extra people so they can rest too in between performances.

    Every ticket sold out weeks ago, for thirty-five venues, so you’ll have a packed house every time. How does that feel, knowing you have such big audiences waiting for you? Much bigger than the Ritz, for example?

    Exciting, definitely. And there’s nowhere I’m not looking forward to going to. Vegas for the first night will be amazing, but I’ve had so many emails and messages from fans all over the world, so it’ll be really good to take something to them and give them a great night.

    And the size of the audiences? This is your first concert tour, are you ready for that many people?

    We had 500,000 people at the Party in the Park, so, as far as I’m concerned, the more the merrier.

    Any chance of some extra dates being added?

    I think that’s a question for when we know people like the show.

    What’s your message for any MJ fans out there who are a little dubious about a female, not even fully recognised artist in her own right, using his material?

    She took the question without a waver, almost expecting it. I would say to them, I’m not walking out on those stages thinking I wrote the songs, or the music. It’s a tribute to one of the greatest artists of the twentieth and twenty-first century, and I’m honoured to be given the chance to be the one to finish something he started and, sadly, never finished in 2009. I do not underestimate how important his music is to many, many people, even all these years after his death, and once people have seen the show I think the cynics will have something other than criticism for what we have put together. Every effort has been made to make it as authentic as possible, with a little extra. I’ve done it pretending he’s looking over my shoulder, and hoping he approves.

    Daryl could have clapped it was such a good answer. He’d heard some of the criticisms, and they were being slowly but successfully being squashed, and he had no doubt once the show was seen and reviewed they would be forgotten completely.

    And your Celeste performances are still going ahead?

    It’s a lot of travelling, and no doubt I will be utterly sick of flying by the time the tour is over, but yes, at the moment they are. Worst-case scenario, if I really don’t think I’ll manage when the distances are so great, any cancellations will be done weeks in advance and bookings moved for when I’m back in the US. Celeste is far too demanding on me physically to take any chances, and I won’t risk a bad performance for as long as I live. I would never disappoint like that.

    Well, thank you so much for your time, Mysty, I know it’s very much in demand. We all wish you the best of luck and can’t wait to see what’s in the show!

    Thank you.

    OG and two suits appeared immediately as she smiled and turned to leave. Impressive interview indeed. Clearly, she had needed no help dealing with the press.

    Daryl gestured at Mac, who was waiting at the back of the room to pull the feed on the screen. At his nod, every screen went blank.

    Everyone reacted, looking around…and then realised who was standing in their midst.

    Could someone please tell me why I have returned to find everyone engrossed in a news item? Is that what I pay you all for? No one would look him in the eye, as they were all far too afraid of him when he was angry. "Would anyone like to take the chance that they won’t get fired and tell me?"

    A phone rang, and went unanswered, underlining the point, and proving just how reluctant anyone was to move beneath his gaze. Daryl began walking down the aisle between the desks to his office, glowering, letting them remain collectively condemned. Quickly they moved back to their desks and started pressing buttons again, or typing, trying their best to look very industrious to compensate for the momentary lapse in their efforts.

    My office. Now.

    They were words that made Paul jump, and he grimaced as he followed his boss into his office, Mac giving him a dark look as he took up position outside the Blackmoor office.


    Sir, I’m sorry you saw that, it’s–

    I trust it won’t happen again? Because I would have no hesitation in firing everyone, including you, despite it being a huge inconvenience to me. It that clear?

    Yes, sir.

    Good. Anything else I should know?

    Nothing bad. The Hugh-Perry contract has been signed.


    A third voice buzzed in the room: Mr Blackmoor, your twelve o’clock appointment is here.

    Send him in, Marlene. Daryl prepared himself for putting on a reasonably friendly face for Mr Groves. He was a long-standing client, and being frosty wouldn’t be right. You know I’m off to LA later, but I’ll speak to you this evening for a full catch up. I’ve seen all the emails so it won’t take long.

    Of course, sir.

    Paul ducked his head and backed away, trying to be as respectful as possible, hoping to dispel some of the displeasure by stepping aside for Mr Frank Groves, who appeared as portly and jovial as ever. He had a smile that hid a clever and calculating mind, with a brilliant business acumen acquired over his sixty-year life. He was obviously still hungry for more.

    Frank. Daryl stood and offered his hand.

    Groves nodded to Paul, who left, leaving the two to settle themselves in their chairs.

    Mr Blackmoor, nice to see you. Been busy in Moscow, I hear?

    Very. Glad to be back, though.

    And heading back to LA later, I understand? Not that I blame you. I would too if I had the Butterfly waiting for me. Frank’s smile was wide and knowing, the kind of smile that only meant one thing: he had, quite rightly, guessed that Daryl’s interest was more than that of mere business.

    But Daryl was rattled. What was this?

    Frank, I’m her manager.

    Oh, come on, what’s the story behind her handcuffing you to your bed? She can handcuff me to mine any time she likes, but, really, what is the deal between you two?

    Daryl sat for a full ten seconds in absolute silence. The bad mood that had not shifted, like a heavy monsoon, had just had some thunder added, and the lightning wasn’t far away. What the…? She’d agreed not to tell anyone? Starting a rumour like this, at the expense of his pride and dignity, was unforgivable!

    By some Herculean effort Daryl kept temper in check, his words polite.

    As I said, I’m her manager, and this is the first I’ve heard of this story.

    The tight-lipped answer and sharp eyes warned Groves his words had not had the humorous result he had intended.

    Not surprised, not surprised, he said quickly. You must have been busy, of course. The news people naturally went way over the top about such a little thing. You know how they are about anything like that.

    Naturally, Daryl snapped. So, I understand you’re looking at expansion and some upgrades?

    Yes. We’ve got a whole new site underway, so we need a full security assessment, top surveillance capacity, and checks on all new staff – nothing new for you, I’m sure, but I obviously want the job done as best it can. I know you understand.

    Daryl nodded, and pulled a tablet towards him, making a few notes, forcing his mind to concentrate on the new project that would be worth millions. He would be seeing her later, and it would be a most interesting chat. She’d better have some very good answers, or she was going to find out just how far she’d pushed him.

    SEVENTEEN HOURS AFTER he was meant to have seen her, she still hadn’t turned up. He’d rung OG to demand where she was, and was told she was asleep. He was furious. He’d barely slept he’d been so wound up, refusing to go to her apartment, glaring at it from his own. It was such wanton disobedience, and highly disrespectful.

    He was not going to be gentle with her. He was not in the mood. What he was in the mood for was venting the huge amount of frustration that had welled up inside him. He’d had Melissa at his apartment last night, and she’d been something…but nothing. The release had been strong, satisfying, but it had lasted only seconds, and then he was back to wanting Mysty again. He must be mad. And it was not a madness he remembered agreeing to!

    He heard the door, and glanced down at the newspaper headline that made his blood boil afresh: ‘Lion of Manhattan Cuffed to his Own Throne’. He’d seen the picture of himself, looking distinguished and successful, next to the picture of her looking gorgeous in the golden dress. He’d even read a few sentences from the piece…What the fuck had she been thinking? She knew how to handle the press, so why had she chosen to be so damned irresponsible? Their own private ongoing dispute was somewhat different to public humiliation! And why the hell hadn’t she shown up to the meeting he had called?

    And then she was in front of him.


    He saw her face register surprise at his biting tone, but she sat down in the nearest chair, slowly. She must know why he was ready to skin her alive. She had only just looked up before his first vehement volley of words launched at her, full of savage accusation.

    Is it your one goal in life to disrespect and humiliate me?

    Excuse me? She looked confused, and surprised.

    Why weren’t you here at 6pm last night? As arranged? Do I have to staple your handheld to a part of you that pays attention to appointments?

    I…I must have been asleep.

    "Do you think my life, my time is a joke? That you have a right to waste it? She still looked stunned, and tried to answer, but no words came out. Do you have any idea just who I am? There are people around the world who would pay a great deal of money for an hour of my time, and yet you – you decide you’re too good for a simple meeting, arranged for your benefit."

    I didn’t mean to–

    For God’s sake, don’t lie. You don’t do it well and it won’t work. You and I both know you absolutely love doing anything you can to irritate and mock me, and what better way than to have a ball with the American press. He picked up the newspaper with its offensive headline and threw it into her lap. Her crestfallen expression was enough to make him want to shake her. Don’t start playing the sweet and innocent card now, because of all the people in the world who would delight in exposing that to the press, it would be you.

    I didn’t…I didn’t say anything to the press, I swear to you! I didn’t know anything about this!

    Why was she was lying to him! Lying was the one thing she’d never done, and he’d always respected her honesty, as infuriating as it was. Lying tainted her; made her no different to his adulterous, pathetic fiancée. It was a straw too many for the camel’s back.

    "I said don’t lie to me!"

    The blast of anger shocked her and she leaned back in the chair, away from him, no trace of temper, just confusion.

    I think I should go, she said slowly and stood up, not meeting his hateful eyes, putting the newspaper back on the table in front of her.

    Don’t you dare walk away from me before I’ve finished with you.

    His voice was so harsh and low it chilled her.

    Finished with me? What is wrong with you? I’ve not seen you for three weeks and somehow you’re furious with me? I don’t understand. She suddenly felt week, dizzy, and knew she shouldn’t have come. What was wrong?

    Are you really so stupid that you don’t understand? I am not someone you can toy with without there being consequences! You think I will stand for your behaviour forever? Your not arriving for a meeting, and disrespect for me in the press!

    She looked at him with alarm, and as if he were mad; but he wanted to see contrition and fear.

    Sit down before I shove you up against that wall and fuck you hard enough to teach you some respect.

    She felt like she’d been punched. He’d said many things, but never threatened her like that before. And it was so crude, so beneath him. He might wear a pristine suit every day, and have world business at his fingertips, even have the looks of a god, but he was also just a man, as base as any other, and she understood the lustful violence that threatened her now. A shiver ran through her at the intensity in his eyes as they fixed on her. Not even Donny’s rages could make her scared like he could. She felt her stomach turn over.

    Try it, she said.


    Try it. See what happens.

    You don’t want that.

    Try it or take back your empty threat.

    She braced herself, forcing her tired muscles to obey. Eyes dared him, challenged him as he advanced on her. She moved away, step for step, not changing her expression.

    Don’t do this. This is anger. Don’t do it, she warned him, and he was reminded that she was horribly proficient in most, if not all forms of fighting. There was no way he could call for Mac, and only hoped, if he could hear the conflict, that he would stay on the other side of the wall.

    You brought us here.

    No. No, I didn’t. Please don’t do this.

    Now you’re asking me for mercy?

    No, I’m asking you to stop this and calm down.

    Their eyes were locked in a battle of wills as her final step put her against the wall. He could hardly stand being so close to her, could feel the heat from her body, hear her breath in her chest. He reached a hand out, not sure what he was actually going to do with it, but it didn’t matter, as she grabbed his wrist and twisted, and in two seconds he was forced down to one knee with his arm bent up between his shoulder blades, facing the wall. He strained against it, but it was a simple and very effective hold, his other hand useless as it couldn’t reach her.

    Tell me you’ll stop this and I’ll let you go.

    Let me go.

    I don’t like the anger in your voice. Try again.

    The condescension only made him angrier. Let me go. You’re only making this worse.

    Ah shit. With a sad sigh she exhaled. She shoved his face hard against the wall, and pain registered in his forehead and nose, and then a split second later, she let him go. He stood, one hand bracing against the wall, fingers going to his nose. He drew them away, saw the blood. He was too dazed to do anything, and had a horrible feeling that there was more pain to come, especially when he was pulled backwards.

    But he was wrong. This time she threw him onto the sofa, and with a soft frown on her lovely face brought a glass of water and some tissues. What was this?

    I always thought you were a little mad, but I didn’t think you were totally insane. Crouching beside him she wiped the blood away from his hand and nose. It’s not broken, so don’t worry, you’ll still be as handsome as ever. She sighed, her eyes unreadable but not angry. I didn’t want to… but you…you wouldn’t listen. Pinch the top of your nose. She closed her eyes, opened them. I didn’t come here yesterday, or go anywhere else, because I was in bed, because I’ve been ill for the past three days. She pressed her hand against her stomach and stepped back unsteadily to sit down in her chair again. OG sent you a message…haven’t you looked at your mail?

    Ill? She was never ill?

    He looked at her with softer eyes than she had ever seen before.

    No, I haven’t seen anything, I’ve been so busy. Too goddamned busy, like I always am. Now look at what I’ve done.

    The good doctor, in his eternal wisdom, decided I needed some vaccines or vitamins, or something, and stuck a load of God-knows-what in me on Thursday afternoon. The facts came flooding back to him: the vaccines he’d approved the week before; he’d been so busy he’d completely forgotten about them. I didn’t feel too great Friday. Somehow, I managed the Celeste performance, but the first thing I did was throw up as soon as I was off the arena floor. Saturday and Sunday…I don’t really remember. I was asleep most of the time. I would have come if I’d felt able, but I couldn’t. And contrary to your belief, I don’t take every opportunity to ridicule or disrespect you, and I don’t underestimate how important your time is. Despite what you think, I don’t go causing trouble just to hurt people.

    She picked up the newspaper he had tossed in her lap earlier, before dropping it from her fingertips with distaste.

    As to this, as I said, I didn’t say anything to the press. I’m not stupid. I know how something like this reflects on you. It was a private matter, between us, and no one else needed to know. I got asked about it in an interview, which surprised me. I don’t know how they got hold of it, but no one outside of that room, even the security boys, could ever have known.

    Daryl felt suddenly guilty. Of course it hadn’t been her.

    I don’t know if Harvey or someone said something when they got a little drunk, and somehow the wrong people found out. What I do know, is that I lied through my teeth to discredit the story, making it clear I didn’t even think the topic worth discussing.

    She reached across and pulled out another paper from the stack on the table. There was another headline: ‘The Product of a Very Bored Mind.’

    Daryl’s guilt deepened.

    I’ve never lied in my life, but I wasn’t going to let this create such a mockery of you when it was none of their goddamn business.

    He didn’t know what to say in response. All of his anger had long since dissipated, except the anger he felt with himself. He hadn’t looked through all the papers, hadn’t seen the article written in his defence.

    I’m going to be sick. Where’s the bathroom? She looked at him for help, her eyes panicked.

    Just through there. He pointed at the heavy mahogany door. The light will come on automatically.

    She pushed herself up and walked unsteadily to the door. Oh God, how weak she looked. He ran a hand over his face. Checked his nose: no blood. He gathered the bloodied tissues and took them to the waste bin.

    He heard a small, choked cough and a gasp for air. He didn’t think; he just went. He was tired of standing on the sidelines as she suffered, particularly as he was the one generally responsible for her distress.

    She was sagged against the wall, and started violently when he touched her forehead. Very hot. He saw how pale she was. He should have noticed when she first arrived. Should have been paying attention to more than just his anger and his offended ego.

    He picked up a flannel and soaked it with cold water, the same silent gentle care she had used on him repaid as he put it against her forehead and raised her hand to it. She didn’t have the energy to speak, to fight him, when he bent and gathered her into his arms. It felt so good. He wanted to smell her hair, rest his cheek against those silky curls, but now was not the time. He could feel tension in her, despite her lack of a fight, and little wonder. He berated himself for having been so hasty in his attack.

    Here we are. He set her down as gently as possible and fetched her a glass of water, which she took and sipped slowly. She didn’t protest when he sat down next to her, lifted her wrist to check her pulse. Have you been throwing up every day? he asked quietly.

    Yes. But there’s nothing to throw up as it’s so long since I’ve eaten anything. It’s just water or energy drinks. OG keeps trying to get me to eat, but I can’t. She pulled the cloth away from her head, and he took it. It was very warm. I’m so weak and I hate it…I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

    Daryl pressed through on the intercom. He wanted longer with her, but he also wanted her to rest; anything, in fact, if it would make her better.


    Yes, sir?

    I need you to take her home. She needs to be in bed.

    Has she been sick again?

    Yes. His favourite pair of eyes looked at him, as if it were her fault. He would have held her, except he doubted she’d let him. Her temperature is high, and her heart rate is fast.

    I’m on my way.


    I should have checked my messages again.

    It was the closest thing to an apology, and she knew it, and she smiled sadly.

    You’re too busy. You need a twin brother.

    Even after all he’d just said she still wasn’t nasty to him. And she hadn’t lied, not to him. But she had to the press, for him, which was the biggest compliment she could give him. She’d tried to preserve his dignity during his absence, without being asked; she’d done everything she could to undo the damage.

    I wish. He took the glass from her and put it aside, seeing her shiver. Would you like my jacket? You’re cold.

    I’m hot then cold, then hot then cold. You keep it on, it looks better on you.

    I don’t know, I think you’d look quite cute. She almost smiled. Would you like me to cancel tomorrow night, at Celeste?

    No. My temperature has dropped, and I’ve not been sick as much so far today. I’m getting better. I have another day to improve.

    But you’re weak…you won’t have the strength?

    I’ll be fine, really. Enough gel packs and bowls of cereal. Wednesday I will spend sitting on the sofa eating crisps if it makes you happy.

    He wasn’t convinced. I don’t mind pulling one show…you’ve got a busy week.

    It was true, what with the last Ritz performance, Celeste, and then the first MJ concert on Sunday night.

    I won’t let everyone down, and I don’t want the media running the story I’m too ill. That’s not the headline I want preceding the concert. She looked at him sternly. When had she become such a publicity expert? Then again, a lot of it was common sense and understanding people, and she had plenty of both. I know what I’m doing, please just trust me.

    Promise me you’ll only do it if you’re one hundred per cent. I know you like that number – so do I.

    I promise. You think I’d go and fall off my perch and let you off putting up with me for the next eight years?

    He almost laughed with relief to hear that; but his concern far outweighed everything else he was feeling.

    The door opened, and Mac and OG both came straight over, OG putting a hand on her forehead.

    Can’t leave you alone for five minutes, he chided gently. She looked up at her trusted bodyguard, who seemed to fulfil every role that came along. Sleep is what you need; I knew I shouldn’t have let you get up.

    What can I say? I had a summons from God himself, she replied, making Daryl smile.

    Shouldn’t she see Baden? he asked.

    She doesn’t want to, understandably, considering. I did ring him when the symptoms became apparent, and he gave me some advice, but there’s not much he can do. The concoction he gave her means there are a number of things it could be, and more drugs aren’t going to help. Her body has a strong dislike of anything that is put in it.

    I am here, you know, she said, and OG laughed.

    Are you alright, sir? There’s blood on your shirt? Mac said suddenly.

    Daryl looked, not sure how to explain it, not wanting to say she’d hurt him and it was his fault.

    "Nosebleed. Don’t worry, I patched him up just fine. I’ve been an experienced first-aider since the age of four. Probably too much time on private jets flying around checking too many computer screens, and enjoying late-night parties,

    Enjoying the preview?
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