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The Red Pill Revolution
The Red Pill Revolution
The Red Pill Revolution
Ebook303 pages4 hours

The Red Pill Revolution

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This book may be a hard pill to swallow. But it's a necessary conversation that must be had for anyone wishing to sanely navigate the chaotic & predatory culture we all find ourselves in. We all know something is just not right. We all sense the imbalance, injustice & insanity. But what can we actually do about it? Who & what can be trusted?

These 5 authors are not your typical academic lot. Most of what is discussed inside this book would never make its way into mainstream corporate media. Which is not only the problem… it's also the solution.

Be prepared to become a very different human being.
Release dateFeb 15, 2021
The Red Pill Revolution

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    The Red Pill Revolution - Human Unleashed

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    Copyright © 2020 by The Human Unleashed LLC

    First Edition: December 2020

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-09835-841-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    To order additional copies of this book, contact:

    The Human Unleashed



    Praise for The Red Pill Revolution:

    Thought provoking, challenging perceptions… A brilliant lesson in how to own your choices, end victimization and flourish in a far from perfect world. An inspiring read from beginning to end!

    - Meidi Goodson: Psychotherapist, Coach & Teacher

    I came away from reading this book feeling that I can do something immediately to work towards my personal sovereignty and my mind can be free when I let go of the notion that I need to try and change others. I cannot change anyone, only myself and it’s easy to do. Just make up my mind and begin with me and my own. It is good that this is a peaceful solution. It is exciting and empowering!

    - Jackie Jones: Retired 911 Responder

    Wow! Just wow! The book has blown me away! I couldn’t put it down! So much to think about. That for me is the sign of a great read… not telling the reader what to do, but rather giving food for thought. Much of what is said is really common sense, but we seem to have forgotten how to think for ourselves. I really would recommend reading the book. It shows that there is another way.

    - Claudine Young: Business Growth Consultant & owner of Nexus Design and Print Ltd

    "This book is pure gold! Well thought-out and perfectly pieced together. EVERYONE needs to read this. Adults and children alike! A kid-glove approach is felt throughout. You’re not telling us what to think; instead, you’re ASKING us to think for ourselves beyond the influence of government and the mainstream media.

    If someone is coming from a place where they have had no idea of the reality outside of the mainstream and their own personal life, then the red pill will be hard to swallow…at first. The great flow of the book makes it easy to read and comprehend, which may assist in the pill going down more smoothly."

    - Éva LaRoche: Marriage Celebrant/Health & Diet Blogger

    More Praise for The Red Pill Revolution:

    Have you ever looked around at the world and thought wtf is wrong with people? You are not alone! The Red Pill Revolution pulls back the curtain on a century of corporate manipulation that now touches all important aspects of life - from health and money to education. The authors shine a light into some dark corners of modern society, and more importantly, offer ideas and solutions to help get us out of this mess.

    - Michael Campbell: Professional Polymath, MSc

    "Anyone with a heart knows the modern world feels wrong.  In the pursuit of material comfort, we have created societies rooted in conflict and contradiction. 

    Despite all our technological advances and our time-saving devices, who in the real world has more free time?  The Red Pill Revolution takes a hard-hitting look at the situation and delivers this positive message:  We can seize our birthrights of health and happiness when we understand who we are, realign with our deep human ancestry, and focus our energy in ways that enhance our agency. 

    This book uniquely reveals the mechanisms controlling humanity today, shows us a path to recapture our truest elements, and shares lifetimes of wisdom on weaving them into the rich fabric of life each of us seeks."

    - Tom Hanson: Engineer & Owner of Hanson Collaborative

    This book, in my opinion, is required reading. I can, and have, come up with all the usual buzzwords to heap praise upon its contents. However, in the true spirit and intention of what is written within… don’t take my word for it. Pick it up, read it and DECIDE for YOURSELF. The choice is yours!

    - Gary Wellman: Functional Health Coach

    "The modern world can feel like a prison at times, but is it really? In Red Pill Revolution, the team behind The Human Unleashed sketch out the shape of the bars that many of us feel ourselves to be confined by – and the legal, financial, health-related and other constraints that seem to define the lot of the modern city dweller.

    Much of it is illusory, as they explain with unpretentious clarity and good humor, and the revolution they recommend is an internal one. We can use modern technology wisely while also returning to a simpler way of life more like that of our ancestral forebears.

    Reading the book is like putting on a pair of infrared goggles and seeing some of the hotspots or cool regions that might afford a better navigation of the modern world."

    - Paul Marsh: Writer. Complementary Health Practitioner

    "The Red Pill Revolution is a look behind the curtain to the Real-world. It is a manual for living life unencumbered by fear and uncertainty in a world created by oligarchs wanting to create slaves to feed their own desires.

    This book will guide the unwary traveler through the garden of life whilst having to traverse the thorny path of greed and power they have unwittingly stumbled upon."

    - Stephen Auger: Food & Thought Blogger


    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Chapter 2: Dependency

    Chapter 3: Autonomy

    Chapter 4: Distraction

    Chapter 5: Attention

    Chapter 6: Division

    Chapter 7: Acceptance

    Chapter 8: Dis-ease

    Chapter 9: Ancestral Reconnection

    Chapter 10: Coronavirus: A Case Study

    Chapter 11: Final Chapter

    From the Authors: Inspirations, references & suggestions

    What if you discovered the world you have been born into has been precisely designed in order to keep you unhappy, stressed, and struggling, all for the benefit of a tiny minority of others?

    Have you noticed that you can never quite seem to get there? The promise of comfort, security, and peace is always just around the next corner… Government you can trust. Corporations that play fair. Clean food. Healthcare. Being cared for in your old age. A world that feels like it’s getting better for each generation.

    It’s never here, but it’s always just around the next corner. Just…

    Is this the way you know — in your heart — that human beings are meant to live? If your answer is no, we wrote this book for you.

    The first goal of The Red Pill Revolution is to invite you to take a fresh look at the world you live in and to question how well that world works for you.

    The authors will also offer some alternative viewpoints for you to consider and a range of practical steps that you may choose to take that could radically transform your experience of life.

    It is absolutely not our intention to tell you what to think. Quite the opposite, in fact. You have been told what to think your whole life. Our intention is to help you break out of that conditioning so that you can make free choices as a powerful, responsible, sovereign human being.

    We simply and humbly wish to offer some ideas, which may be new to you. If it feels right to you, try these ideas on for size. If they work for you, keep them. If they do not work for you, discard them. Either way, as long as you are making clear choices in your own best interests, we believe the book will have succeeded in its purpose.

    We intend this book to be inspiring and uplifting. Yes, the picture we initially paint of the experience of modern life may seem bleak and depressing. We do not apologize for that. But it is our hope that, as a consequence, the alternative vision we offer will appear equally positive and hopeful.

    It also aims to be a practical guide, helping you make truly free choices that will lead to a tangible improvement in your everyday experience. For that reason, we will avoid straying too far into speculation about who really runs the world or what their motives might be. What we ultimately care about is the freedom and happiness of you, the reader.

    We should offer a warning at this point. If you proceed to read The Red Pill Revolution, you may discover things that are uncomfortable and challenging - things that you may not be able to unlearn!

    Now comes your first choice: if your present experience of life is perfectly rewarding and leaves you deeply satisfied, there is little point in reading on. We suggest you stop now and pass the book to someone else.

    However, you may be one of those who experience a sense of wrongness, a deep conviction that somehow life ought to be better than this. If that is the case, you are in the right place, read on.

    The great illusion

    It has to be said that, for many people, this is indeed the time in history with the most potential for fulfilment and happiness. We have the ability to travel almost anywhere, we have access to more enriching experiences than ever before, we have the most incredible technology. It is quite feasible today to live a higher quality of life than even kings and queens enjoyed just a few generations ago.

    So, with all this progress, why are we not all permanently happy and fulfilled? Why are we working harder than previous generations? Why do we keep getting sicker than previous generations? Why are there epidemics of obesity, ADHD, autism…? Why is there so much poverty, even in the richest countries?

    In a world where just eight men have as much wealth as the poorest fifty percent of the human population, the super-rich could eradicate all these problems with the stroke of a pen. Clearly, they do not believe it would be in their interests to do so. Why?

    There is a common answer, and it must be that it is all deliberate. Think about that for a minute. United, we could transform the world and everyone’s experience of daily life. The fact that we do not can only mean one thing: we are not united! In today’s world, there is clearly an us and a them.

    You do not have to delve deep to see the truth of this for yourself. You only need to step back for a moment to notice that, despite our incredible sophistication, our health is actually declining, people are dying unnecessarily, hatred and conflict never end, and our living environment is being polluted.

    We have the power to turn all these things around, yet we don’t. Why not? The only reason must be because it is not in the interests of the people who really run things to do so.

    Consider that the world you live in may not be set up to work in your best interests, but rather only to benefit a tiny minority of very rich and very powerful people.

    In fact, we will show how every area of daily modern life, for all its promise of luxury and opportunity, has in reality been carefully arranged to keep you in a situation similar to slavery: working for the benefit of others from the day you are born to the day you die.

    Of course, that is not how life appears! If it did, surely there would be an outcry. Everyone would rebel, and that would ruin things for the slave owners.

    Instead, we all grew up believing that, while today may be a struggle, life is always full of possibility. We can be anything we want to be. Success is there for the taking, and when we achieve it, the stress and struggle will be gone, and we will finally be happy.

    But that is all an illusion. The reality is that you are not meant to be happy and fulfilled. You are meant to live in a state of near-constant stress, unable to take care of yourself and constantly dependent on others to supply even your most basic needs.

    In the chapters that follow we will explain why you are depressed by design. We’ll show how the illusion works, and we will also explore the ways that you can simply step away and live a life that is true to the real You.

    First, we must look at how our present situation came to pass, so that we can better understand why things are the way they are.

    How we came to be owned

    For the vast majority of our history all humans were free folk. We built our own homes, made our own clothes, hunted our own food, foraged, raised our children, cooked, brewed, ate and drank, taught and learned, sang songs, told stories, and were basically healthy and happy. We walked free upon the Earth.

    Also, until just a few thousand years ago, no human being was wealthy, and everyone had pretty much everything we needed: food, water, shelter, clothes, tools, weapons, medicines, and ceremonial or decorative items.

    Let that sink in. Long before the modern age, everyone already had everything we needed.

    Because we hunted and gathered and lived hand-to-mouth, it made no sense for any individual to do more work than was necessary, or to possess more than they could personally use. Each of us would only typically need to be active for a few hours per day to meet all our needs, just as todays remaining hunter-gatherer tribes still do now.

    That all began to change when tribes started to enclose and own land in order to cultivate crops and raise animals. When we started farming, suddenly it became possible to take from your land more of something than you could personally use. Grain, in particular, might be seen as the first source of wealth because it could be stored for many months.

    The invention of wealth meant that those who had more than they needed now had an incentive to hoard and protect their assets. People could use their greater wealth to employ others to help keep them and their riches safe, and even to create armies to steal others’ wealth.

    As the stakes grew higher, the rich built bigger barns and forts and castles so they could maintain control over more land, leading to the establishment of hierarchical societies and empires.

    What also happened is that the rich came to mistake the power that wealth gave them for virtue.

    Wealth now gave them status.

    It made them higher or better than others.

    Of course, once wealth becomes the source of your status in the world, you must ensure you pass that status on to your offspring. So it becomes necessary to gather ever-increasing amounts of resources, far beyond what anyone could use in their lifetime, in the attempt to secure your family’s status through the generations.

    Fast forward to medieval Europe. Although much of the good land was owned by aristocrats who demanded rent, there was plenty of common land and most peasants (which simply means country dwellers) were still free folk, able to move around and work where and when they chose. In fact, we know that in the Middle Ages the typical laborer worked fewer than 30 hours per week — still less than workers do today.

    When the Industrial Revolution started in Britain in the 18th Century, the new mills and factories required a great deal of manual labor. But this presented a problem because most of the people still lived on the land and worked only when they needed to. The owners of capital needed a way to get the people off the land and into the towns, so began a series of Acts of Enclosure, which essentially took the common land away from the people and handed it to the aristocracy, effectively forcing the peasants to move to the towns to seek work.

    Because it did not suit the industrialists to have a mobile workforce, they embarked on extensive building programs to create housing for the workers and also created a new type of long-term loan: the mortgage (from the Latin words for death pledge) which tied their workforce to their town and workplace.

    In the space of a few generations, the majority of people went from living on the land with a high degree of autonomy to a situation where they were compelled to work far more, often up to 80 hours per week, in worse conditions, all for the ultimate benefit of an employer.

    Their freedom to live and work where and when they chose was gone; they were now practically owned by the bosses, little better than slaves.

    Fast forward again to the present day. The consolidation of wealth and power has gone so far that we now see massive global inequality. Furthermore, the concentration is now beyond the point that the owners can dominate the population by force alone. They have to use methods that scale, which allow maximum control to be exerted by few people, in other words, hierarchies.

    As we will see, the chains that bind us are now societal: dependency, distraction, division, and dis-ease are tools that keep us trapped.

    The System

    The situation today is that most of the world, and almost everything in it, is still practically owned by a very small number of people. Today, they do not just own the capital and the workplace, they also own the media that tell us what to think, the politicians that make policy, and the law enforcement that ensures that policy is followed. They own our healthcare, education, science, media, entertainment, and even religious structures.

    Each of these things is now used to control us, to keep us distracted, divided, dependent, and living in permanent dis-ease.

    Well… let’s say they own most of those things. In every area of life, you can also find glitches that the owners can never completely control. Through this book we will point out some of those glitches and show you how you can use them to hack the system so that you can step away and rediscover your true, innate health and incredible potential as a human being.

    We are not saying that the owners are necessarily evil. Perhaps they are just motivated to compete with each other to see who can amass and keep the most capital and the most power.

    Make no mistake, the owners evidently do not care if you live or die. They do not have an interest in your being healthy or happy. They are only interested in gaining ever-more control for themselves. This

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