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Ebook223 pages3 hours


Rating: 1 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Dr. Lacy Miller is the Chief Medical Examiner for New York City. She sees many murders go unsolved and her need to find the persons responsible for the crimes leads her to develop a serum. A serum that will allow the dead to tell her their story. This highly unethical practice comes crashing down around her as the FBI and CDC become involved. The r
Release dateDec 2, 2014

Christopher McDonald

Name: Christopher McDonald<br>Previous Contributors: Matthew Woolsey

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    If I were trying to give an example of how a narrator can make an audiobook or break it, I’d use Serum. Though the cover may not look like much, I really was excited by the premise of the book. I couldn’t wait to dig into this thriller and I probably could have enjoyed the book, if the narrator wasn’t such an awful pick. I could have even gotten over the sound issues had McDonald been a bit more choosy with his voice actor and done any kind of editing.I’m guessing that Serum was Wilson’s first attempt at narrating (or maybe I’m hoping), because his performance was far from professional. He was constantly clearing his throat, stumbling over his lines, and correcting himself. It thoroughly distracted from the story and forced me to DNF by chapter five. It was such a disappointment, but it had to be done.

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Serum - Christopher McDonald





Copyright © 2014 McDonald Books

All Right Reserved

No parts of this book may be reproduced

In any manner whatsoever without

Expressed permission from the author


ISBN: 978-0-9905341-3-6 (Hardcover)

ISBN: 987-0-9905341-4-3 (eBook)

Edited by: Victor Smiler & Sarah Anderson

Author Photograph: Emily Clay

Cover Design: Christopher McDonald

All events, places and things in this novel are

a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual

events or people are coincidental.

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First Edition

Beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing there is a field. I will meet you there.  ~Rumi

For my family

Chapter 1


he crime scene was of gruesome sorts. There was blood and lots of it. For DR. Miller, she had seen many like this, and more than likely see many more. In a city like New York, this sort of thing happened all the time. Out of all the examiners she was the Chief Examiner. The one they called out when things were exceptionally bloody.

As she approached the crime scene tape, she passed by a crowd trying to get a glimpse of something. As she approached the yellow tape line, she was greeted by the detective in charge, William Cox.

I hope you brought something to cover the shoes. He pointed down at her white stilettos.

Always, Will, always... She said. She took a pair of baby blue shoe covers from her purse. The covers basically looked like small hair nets.

Lacy Miller moved toward the two bodies lying in the alley way that connected two apartment buildings. She took out a pad and paper from her oversized mustard Hermes purse. What happened to you? she said to the first of two men as she leaned over the body.

Detective Cox watched as she circled the body not touching it. He has watched her take up to an hour before ever laying hands on the body. She moved like a vulture circling its prey. After taking notes on one, she moved to the other. After careful thought, she looked up and addressed Will. You are looking for a knife about 6 inches long with a serrated edge and 22 caliber.

Wow, you can just tell that by circling them like that? Will asked.

What can I say they speak to me, Dr. Miller replied with a smile. "There is a 3rd person involved here. He will have both the gun and the knife if he hasn't ditched them.

Is there anything you need here before we finish processing? William asked.

No... Just make sure you take good blood samples from all of this. I would love to find DNA from a third person here. Dr. Miller took of her unused gloves and walked toward the tape line; she paused and looked back. Once I get them to the lab I can make sure about the weapon. Tell my understudies not to mess with any of the wounds.

Will do... Detective Cox waved as she walked back under the tape line.

A patrol cop at the scene approached detective Cox and said, Man that's one piece of ass.

Detective Cox frowned at his unprofessionalism and said Man get back we have work to do.

Detective Cox and his colleges from the homicide division of the NYPD wrapped up the scene taking as many blood samples and photographing every angle. Dr. Miller’s junior examiners and lab geeks then swooped in to take liver temps and bag the body to go to the lab.

Dr. Miller made it to the lab the next day with the two bodies lying side by side in her autopsy room. Her staff had taken the clothes off and had already started to run the test need. Dr. Miller again walked around the table circling.

Talking out loud to the two corpses, What were you fighting over? Drugs? I will name you one, pointing at the corpus closest to the door. You had a gun. Number two brought a knife to a gun fight. Then there is number three that finished number one off before running. Both of you had no wallet or anything on you. I suspect number three wanted those too.

She moved to number two with gunshot wounds. There were three all were in the chest. She could see by the location of one it hit the aorta. He bleeds out in seconds. She moved to number one again. He had several defensive wounds on the underside of his hands. I bet the third guy has one or two as well. Number two you started the fight. You didn't realize number one had a gun. Could this have been a mugging gone wrong?

Victim number one could not have been killed by victim number two. He has a deep knife wound in the breastplate. This would have taken someone strong to plunge the knife in like that. Number two had been shot and was bleeding out and would not have the strength to do it. Number one could not have shot number two if he had just been stabbed in the chest.

Who is number three and why was he there? She said aloud circling the tables. What was this all about? Talk to me damn it.

She continued to pace back and forth between the two tables. Thinking, pondering trying to find some information that would help the investigation. There was nothing that stuck in her craw more than not knowing what happened and why.

After she exhausted all of her deductive powers she prepared the corpuses for the autopsy. Everything from here was to be routine. Dr. Miller started with number one. This was only the natural order of things for her. She would then move on to number two. Taking full notations on every puncture or bullet hole.

No matter how hard they tried, and they did try, the murder of number one and number two would forever remain unsolved.

Chapter 2


very Friday for lunch Lacy met with her college best friend for a long lunch. Mark was a lawyer and a damn good one. Lacy always told herself it was good to have a best friend as a lawyer. She never actually needed him until her divorce the prior year. No matter what the two were going through they always cleared their calendars for Friday lunches.

This particular Friday lunch was to be at Gusto’s an Italian bistro. Mark and Corey arrived first. Corey was Mark’s partner and had been for going on five years now. Lacy loved Corey as she did Mark, and accepted him as her family.

Lacy spotted the two sitting on the patio from down the street. Both sitting on one side of the table in their suits with matching pastel ties. They made eye contact and all exchanged a wave as she approached. She quickly moved through the crowd of tables on a busy Friday at lunch to take her seat across from her best friend and his partner

I love the ties guys. She said while taking her seat and placing her incredible designer handbag next to her chair. She made sure to put one chair leg through the strap to avoid a grab and run while outside.

Thanks, Corey replied. The tie thing was my idea. He took a long sip of his water.

How is work? Mark asked her.

Guys you don't even want to know. She raised her hand as to let the waiter know she had arrived. The last couple days have been horrible. A case is driving me bonkers.

Corey jumped in, Is it the stabbing-shooting case? We just wrote a piece on that for the paper. Corey was a journalist for the Globe, a not so credible newspaper. Do you have any inside information you can give me on the story. I would love to be able to be the one to break it. Mark pinched his leg from under the table as to signal him to shut up. The two just exchange a quick glance of disapproval in one another.

Corey, she said. I would love to be able to tell you more than you already know but I can’t. You know as much as I do. There is still a third person out there. We are still trying to find the identity of John Doe number two at this point.

The waiter finally broke the conversation. Ma’am what can I bring you to drink?

Water with lemon please, She said.

The waiter sat a menu in front of her and walked off. You know guys; the only thing that is bothering me about this one is the fact that no one saw anything. She shook her head while looking over the menu.

Mark asked. What happened to them? I haven't read the paper. He glanced over to Corey smugly.

I don’t know why I even look at this thing I will order the same thing I always do. She looked up at the two as the waiter brought the water with lemon and a straw.

Are you guys ready to order? He asked the three.

He and I will split the NY Strip lunch special, rare with mashed potatoes and broccoli. Mark said while shutting his menu and handing it over.

The waiter turned to Lacy and said, For you Miss?

She replied, The Cobb salad with no bacon. She pushed the menu over to the waiter and squeezed a lemon into her water. The waiter took his notes and turned to begin preparation of the order.

What were we talking about? She said to her friends.

"What happened to the two men? Mark said.

"Oh yeah… I was called to a crazy scene where two bodies of young males in their late twenties were lying in an alleyway between two apartment buildings. There is some evidence there was a third person present. We even found a third blood sample on the street in a trail leading away but no match in the system for it. One was shot, and the other stabbed. The third person had to have been shot too. There were four bullets missing from the gun, but only three recovered in the body.

I can only assume that the third person took the gun and knife. They were both found in a dumpster a block away. The same blood for the third person was on the grip of the gun and the hilt of the knife. I just wish there was something more I could do to figure this whole mess out. It drives me crazy to leave a case unsolved. It keeps me up at night." She drank a gulp of water to wet her throat.

What can anybody do in this case, Lacy? You have done all you can do. It is now up to the police to find who did this. Mark reached out his hand on top of the table to touch hers and provide some sort of comfort.

If I don't do my job, the police have nothing to go on. I hand the police the information. They go out and arrest the person for it. If I don't do my job well, the police can't do theirs. Lacy took her hand back leaving Marks on the table.

What more can you do? Mark asked. I mean, you have done more than most-medical examiners do.

I have been thinking about something guys. I need your professional opinion Mark. She paused and turned to stare Corey in the eyes. Corey this conversation never happened. I need your word.

Corey nodded in agreement not knowing if he would keep the word. He was always looking for a story for either the paper or the science fiction magazine he published short stories in, under the pen name, Gerrard Lawson.

I have been doing some research and I have an idea. I need you both to hear me out before you start to judge or ask questions. I already know what you are going to say Mark; I just need to know you can keep it a secret. Attorney-client privilege and all. She looked sincere.

If you know what I am going to say then why are you telling us? You didn't fall in love with another dead beat did you? You are not moving him in? Oh God... Mark sighed as she interjected.

No, this is strictly about work. And I know not entirely ethical. As she spoke the word, ethical Mark raised his left eyebrow giving a slight sign that she has peaked his interest. He nodded, and Corey leaned in to hear what this was all about. She said one more word. Reanimation.

At the thought, Corey busted out laughing. Reanimation, he said. Like in Frankenstein? He tried to contain himself, but he couldn't. The thought made him laugh historically; so much so that people began to stare at them.

Mark said with a look of disapproval. Control yourself. He turned to focus on Lacy, And yes you are right it is very unethical. Even if you could do something like that it doesn't mean you should.

She frowned. I am not talking about anything more than an experiment. If I were to put it into use, I would obviously consult the AMA and FDA.

Oh my God, you are serious. Mark placed both hands face down on the table looking at her in awe. Corey began laughing again.

Lacy's red haired temper flared. I see that we can't have a professional conversation here. With that Corey began to snicker again thinking of the preposterous idea.

The waiter arrived with a tray and tray stand to deliver the food. He placed the two plates on the table and asked if there was anything else he could get the three. 57 steak sauce for me and A1 for him. Mark said in reply. The waiter turned to retrieve the items.

Lacy do you know how you sound right now? Mark asked

She took the fork from her rolled up napkin and jammed it in the salad with anger. Yes Mark I know it sounds crazy, but I still think it’s possible. Think of all the cases that could be solved.

Ok, we are not going to talk about this anymore. I don't want to have to testify at your sanity hearing. Mark said.

Fine... She said angrily jamming her fork in the salad.

Let's change the subject. Mark added. I sat in on an interesting case yesterday waiting on my case to be called.

Oh yeah, what was it about? Lacy said as if she cared at this point.

A psychologist killed her patient with a coffee carafe while she visited him in jail. It was so crazy she had no defense. Mark said while separating the steak into two portions and dividing the baked potato in half.

The waiter came back by and brought the steak sauce and a pitcher of water to refill the glasses.

What kills me, guys, is the fact that I can solve them all. Lacy said as the waiter was walking off ignoring the story Mark was trying to tell.

You can't solve them all. This is New York City with eight million people. How in the world do you expect to solve every case and identify every victim? Corey said while putting his A1 on his portion of the steak and over the baked potato. We are reporting on at least five murders a day in our paper. Granted there are few that go unsolved because of smart criminals.

That is true. Lacy said while settling her temper. There are some smart people out there and they do give themselves away eventually.

Lacy heard her phone buzzing in her purse. She fished out her iPhone and noticed a text message on the screen. It was from detective Cox. "I guess you guys are right. Detective Cox has found the identity of

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