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Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success
Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success
Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success
Ebook411 pages6 hours

Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success

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National Bestseller

For readers of Outliers, Atomic Habits, and Deep Work, comes a game-changing approach to unlocking your greatness, using a secret strategy that’s vaulted business titans and creative geniuses to the top of their profession.

We’ve long been taught there are two ways to succeed—either talent or practice. In Decoding Greatness, award-winning social psychologist Ron Friedman illuminates a powerful third path—one that has launched icons in a wide range of fields, from artists, writers, and chefs, to athletes, inventors, and entrepreneurs: reverse engineering.

To reverse engineer is to look beyond what is evident on the surface and find a hidden structure. It’s the ability to taste an intoxicating dish and deduce its recipe, to listen to a beautiful song and discern its chord progression, to watch your favorite film and grasp its narrative arc.

“Clear, concise, and backed by science” (Daniel Pink, author of When), Decoding Greatness marries “alluring stories and illuminating studies” (Adam Grant, author of Think Again) of top performers—from Agatha Christie to Andy Warhol, Barack Obama, to Serena Williams—with groundbreaking research on pattern recognition and skill acquisition. You’ll learn how to take apart acheivements you admire, pinpoint precisely what makes them work, and apply that knowledge to develop novel ideas and products that are uniquely your own.

Bursting with unforgettable stories and actionable strategies, Decoding Greatness is an indispensable guide to learning from the best, upgrading your skills, and sparking breakthrough ideas.
Release dateJun 15, 2021

Ron Friedman

Ron Friedman, PhD, is an award-winning psychologist and the founder of ignite80, a learning and development company that teaches leaders science-based strategies for building high-performing teams. His research has been featured on NPR, Bloomberg, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, as well as in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Guardian, The Globe and Mail (Toronto), Fast Company, Psychology Today, and Harvard Business Review. He is the author of The Best Place to Work, an Inc. Magazine Best Business Book of the Year, and Decoding Greatness. He lives in Pittsford, New York.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow~! This book is a rare gem! Highly recommended if you're interested in peak performance/ mastery literature.. Thank you Ron Fieldman!

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Decoding Greatness - Ron Friedman

Cover: Decoding Greatness, by Ron Friedman

Decoding Greatness

How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success

Ron Friedman author of The Best Place to Work


Decoding Greatness, by Ron Friedman, Simon & Schuster

For my grandmother,

who taught me the importance of

taking risks, holding loved ones by the hand,

and injecting lemon and dill into

(nearly) every dish


A Secret History from the Land of Innovation

By the time Steve Jobs finds out he’s been betrayed, it is already far too late. The press conference is over, and the news is out. Slowly it dawns on him: Apple’s head start is about to disappear.

The year is 1983, and we are in Cupertino, California. The computer company Jobs cofounded is barely seven years old. Its rise has been meteoric. In a few years, Wall Street will assess its value at more than a billion dollars. But now, just six short weeks from the release of Apple’s boldest innovation yet, the Macintosh, Jobs discovers he’s been scooped.

The blow arrives from more than twenty-five hundred miles away, in the lavish ballroom of New York City’s famed Helmsley Palace Hotel. Onstage, standing before a gaggle of reporters, Bill Gates has just announced Microsoft’s plans to develop a user-friendly operating system—one with more than a few striking similarities to the Macintosh.

Back then, computers looked nothing like today’s intuitive devices. Forget the colorful graphics, clickable icons, and interactive menus. If you wanted a 1983 computer to do anything, you had to reach for a keyboard and input a rigid, text-based language to convey your instructions.

Apple’s Macintosh featured two key innovations: dazzling on-screen visuals and the arrival of a mouse. No longer would users be forced to grapple with arcane computer language. On the new Mac, they could simply point and click.

Jobs couldn’t wait to bring the Macintosh to market. His vision: in less than two months, his company would fundamentally disrupt the world of personal computing forever. But now here was Gates announcing the creation of this new operating system—something called Windows?

Jobs was livid. After all, Gates wasn’t a competitor—he was a vendor.

It was almost too baffling to comprehend. Jobs had personally handpicked Microsoft to develop software for Apple’s computers. He’d been good to Gates. He had traveled with him to conferences, invited him onstage at Apple events, treated him as a member of his inner circle. And this was how he was being repaid?

Get Bill Gates down here, he demanded of his Microsoft handler. Tomorrow!

It didn’t matter that Gates was at the other end of the country. Jobs got his wish.

The following day, Apple’s boardroom filled with its top brass. Jobs wanted bodies—a show of force when Microsoft’s team arrived. A showdown was about to take place, and he wasn’t about to be outnumbered.

He need not have bothered. To everyone’s surprise, Microsoft didn’t send a team. Gates arrived alone, ambling awkwardly in to face the firing squad.

Jobs wasted little time tearing into him. You’re ripping us off! he yelled, his underlings glaring, all eyes on Gates. I trusted you, and now you’re stealing from us!

Gates took it in quietly. He paused a moment, not once looking away. Then he casually delivered a devastating line, rendering the entire room speechless: Well, Steve, I think there’s more than one way of looking at it. I think it’s more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox, and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.

Gates appreciated that Windows had not originally been his idea. What he wasn’t prepared to stand for was this notion that a mouse-driven, graphics-based operating system was the creative brainchild of Steve Jobs. It didn’t matter what heroic tales Apple was peddling to the press. Gates knew the truth. The Macintosh had never been Apple’s invention. It had been reverse engineered from a Rochester, New York, copier company named Xerox.

Back in the 1970s, while Steve Jobs was still in high school, Xerox faced an existential crisis. Its executives believed a paperless office was inevitable and they weren’t about to wait passively for its arrival. To kick start innovation, they founded the Palo Alto Research Center, in California, calling it Xerox PARC for short. It quickly emerged as an idea powerhouse, thanks to a rare combination of generous funding, a risk-embracing culture, and geographic serendipity. Silicon Valley was brimming with brilliant engineers and Xerox PARC arrived at just the right moment to pluck them up and grant them free rein.

Among Xerox PARC’s countless inventions was a personal computer most people have never heard of: the Alto. It offered many of the same features that would come to distinguish the Macintosh, like graphics that made computers easier to use and a mouse for communicating commands. Except the Alto was developed a full decade earlier.

Xerox knew the Alto had value—it just didn’t realize how much. It viewed the Alto as a niche product, a high-end office gadget that might be of interest to prestigious universities and major corporations. And no wonder. With a price tag of well over $100,000 (in today’s dollars) and a minimum purchase requirement of five units, Xerox’s Alto was well outside the budget of even the wealthiest of Americans.

Xerox had a blind spot. Its executives, many of whom had come of age in the 1940s and ’50s, considered typing the domain of secretaries. They simply could not conceive of a world in which computers were a household item. Which may explain why they were so cavalier about granting demonstrations of the Alto to many visitors, including one in 1979 to Steve Jobs.

Jobs was instantly captivated. You’re sitting on a gold mine, he told the Xerox engineer tasked with showing him the Alto. As the presentation went on, Jobs could barely sit still. He grew increasingly animated, visibly struggling to contain his excitement. At one point he blurted out, I can’t believe Xerox is not taking advantage of this.

Afterward, he jumped into his car and sped back to the office. Unlike those plodding Xerox executives, he fully recognized the significance of this invention. Jobs believed he’d been offered a glimpse of the future, and he wasn’t about to wait until Xerox figured it out. This is it! he told his team. We’ve got to do it!

Overnight, developing a mouse-driven graphic user interface became Apple’s central focus. Except they weren’t trying to copy the Alto. Jobs thought he could do better. He would simplify the mouse down to a single button. He would leverage the computer’s graphics capabilities to produce artistic fonts. And he would find a technological solution to slashing the Alto’s exorbitant price tag, bringing personal computers to the masses.

But before he could do any of that, Jobs would debrief his team. He would share everything he remembered about the Alto, detailing its features, capabilities, and design. They were going to work backward, mapping out what it did to approximate how it had been assembled, with the goal of leveraging that information to develop a groundbreaking new machine.I

Steve Jobs’s approach was not unusual. At least not in Silicon Valley, where breakthrough products are routinely conceived on a foundation of insights gleaned through reverse engineering.

The laptop I am typing this sentence on would not exist had Compaq not reverse engineered an IBM personal computer and applied their learnings to develop portable computers. The mouse I am holding reflects the influence of Steve Jobs, but it’s not Xerox that deserves credit for its invention. That honor belongs to Stanford University researcher Douglas Engelbart, who in 1964 built a boxy wooden prototype that tracked movement using embedded metal disks. Xerox was no stranger to Englebart’s work. His office was located a mere nine minutes away from their PARC headquarters. Even the software I am using to capture these words, Google Docs, emerged not out of thin air but following the careful analysis of existing word processing applications.

The practice of reverse engineering, of systematically taking things apart to explore their inner workings and extract important insights, is more than an intriguing feature of the tech industry. For a surprising number of innovators, it’s a tendency that appears to have emerged organically, as something of a natural inclination.

When Michael Dell received an Apple II for his sixteenth birthday, he didn’t so much as bother turning it on. Instead, he quietly carried it to his room, closed the door, and—to the sheer horror of his parents—dismantled it piece by piece so he could examine how it was assembled. A few short years later, he founded Dell Computers, a company that set itself apart by inviting buyers to customize their computers one component at a time. Google’s Larry Page was nine when his older brother let him play around with his screwdrivers. He used them to take apart their father’s power tools, just so he could peek inside. And then there’s Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, whose mother, Jacklyn, had always suspected there was something different about her son. She remembers the precise moment she became convinced: it was seeing her toddler attempt to take apart his crib.

Sheer curiosity is one motivator for reverse engineering. Another, more practical reason developers in tech use the practice is that in many cases, the only way to write software that’s compatible with an existing operating system is to decode its underlying functionality.

Then there’s the crucial role reverse engineering plays in uncovering game-changing features before they’re announced.

Twenty-six-year-old Jane Manchun Wong is a Hong Kong–based coder. You’ve probably never heard of her. Online, she’s a superstar. She’s the brains behind one of the most-talked-about Twitter accounts in all of Silicon Valley.

Wong is a detective. She spends her days rifling through code, unearthing dormant features that app developers are secretly testing. Anytime an app updates on your phone or tablet, that update contains a new set of programming instructions. Occasionally, some segments of those instructions are made inactive for most users—except the development team. That’s where Wong comes in. By poring over inactive code, she’s able to detect intriguing, cutting-edge features on the horizon.

Wong’s Twitter account is where founders, programmers, and technology reporters converge to discover the next big thing coming out of major companies like Facebook, Uber, Instagram, Spotify, Airbnb, Pinterest, Slack, and Venmo long before an official release. Among the many secret experiments Wong has exposed: Spotify’s karaoke feature, Instagram’s hiding the number of likes a post receives, and Facebook’s new dating site.

Clearly, Silicon Valley is no stranger to reverse engineering. It’s how tech innovators learn from their contemporaries, build upon groundbreaking ideas, and stay ahead of the curve.

What if it enabled you to do the same?

There’s a reason reverse engineering has flourished in the world of computing. It’s a field evolving at such dizzying speeds that constant, real-time learning is essential to success.

If you’re hoping to thrive in the Valley, you can’t afford to come across a major innovation in a magazine article or professional conference. By then, it’s already too late. The only way to lead on the cutting edge is to stay on top of compelling discoveries, useful techniques, and important trends.

If those circumstances seem far removed from your profession, chances are that’s about to change. In fact, it’s a transformation years in the making.

In the late 1980s, a pair of Cornell and Duke University economists noticed an alarming trend. In a growing number of markets, income was becoming concentrated at the very top, among a small segment of individuals.

Economists had witnessed this phenomenon before in celebrity-rich sectors like professional sports, pop music, and blockbuster films. But this was different. Suddenly, uneven income distributions were spreading like wildfire, popping up in far less glamorous professions, like accountants, physicians, and academics.

What was causing the shift? As Robert H. Frank and Philip J. Cook explain in their 1995 book, The Winner-Take-All Society, technological advances are often accompanied by a troubling side effect: they increase competition for the best jobs, contributing to the rise of winner-take-all markets.

Frank and Cook offer the example of opera singers to illustrate how technological advances elevate competition. In the nineteenth century, opera singers were everywhere. Large, renowned opera companies were a fixture in cities all over Europe. Because travel in those days was difficult, opera companies were limited to specific locations, and if you longed to become a professional opera singer in the 1800s, your barrier to entry was relatively low. All you had to do was sing more beautifully than other performers living within a few miles of your home.

That changed dramatically in the twentieth century, when innovations in travel, recording devices, and radio communications decimated geographic boundaries. Standout performers were no longer limited to live performances in their home city—they could now be enjoyed on records, cassettes, and compact discs anytime, anywhere.

This was extraordinary news for music lovers. But it was a devastating development for average singers, who were no longer competing with just their neighbors. Now they were up against the likes of Luciano Pavarotti.

You don’t have to be an economist to recognize that this line of reasoning extends well beyond the world of classical music. By making it easier for employers to find and hire exceptional performers, technological advances foster greater competition in every field.

No matter what you do for a living, you’re facing significantly more competition than your colleagues did a decade back. You’re no longer up against professionals only in your region. You’re now competing with experts around the globe. Never before has it been simpler for clients and hiring managers to identify the best in your field and invite them to collaborate.

But there’s a silver lining. Because if you do manage to differentiate yourself in valuable ways, positioning yourself as the Pavarotti of your profession, the rewards awaiting you are exponentially greater than those available to the stars of previous generations.

So, how do you achieve that level of success? One major piece of the puzzle involves cultivating the ability to learn quickly so that you can continue to master new skills.

In a world where expertise is a moving target, the ongoing pursuit of knowledge is imperative to getting ahead. Staying on top of new innovations and professional trends is no longer just for go-getters—it’s a basic requirement for staying relevant.

Of course, the right kind of learning does much more than just help you stay current. It also bolsters your creativity, empowers you to pluck valuable ideas from adjacent fields, and enables you to acquire a unique combination of skills. Over time, those factors add up, multiplying your chances of making meaningful contributions and enabling you to stand out from thousands of other professionals in your field.

In the past, education was the domain of academia. Today, traditional education can’t keep up. By the time an important innovation is even mentioned in a classroom or online course, chances are it’s already several years old. Educational institutions were simply not designed for a world of rapid innovation.

The upshot is clear. In today’s fast-moving, highly competitive landscape, enterprising professionals need a new approach. One that enables them to grow their skills on an ongoing basis, frees them up from waiting on educators, and empowers them to stay on top of vital developments in real time.

Which brings us back to the one place on Earth where the majority of professionals are self-taught: Silicon Valley.

Steve Jobs never forgave Bill Gates for Windows.

Nor was he willing to concede an inch during their showdown. No matter what zingers Gates had at the ready, Jobs was convinced: Windows would never have existed had Microsoft not been developing software for the Macintosh.

Back in Apple’s boardroom, Jobs deflects Gates’s stinging comment about Xerox. Changing the topic, he asks for a private demonstration of Windows. Gates consents. A few minutes in, Jobs delivers his verdict.

Oh, it’s actually really a piece of shit, he announces dismissively, feigning relief.

Gates is all too willing to allow Jobs this brief victory, this opportunity to save face. Yes, he tells Jobs, it’s a nice little piece of shit.

Less than a decade later, Windows would dominate the market, becoming the most successful operating system in the world. Apple, meanwhile, was hanging on by a thread, its business in shambles. By 1997, Apple was on the verge of shuttering its doors when a last-minute investment, a $150 million infusion of capital, kept it afloat. That money came from none other than Bill Gates.

Still, Jobs was merciless toward Gates. He couldn’t help himself, especially when invited by reporters to comment on his rival. Bill is basically unimaginative and has never invented anything, Jobs explained to his biographer Walter Isaacson. [It’s] why I think he’s more comfortable now with philanthropy than technology. He just shamelessly ripped off other people’s ideas.

His bitterness notwithstanding, Jobs would eventually get the last laugh.

In 2005, both he and Gates were invited to the birthday celebration of a Microsoft engineer. Jobs was there as a favor to the engineer’s wife, a longtime friend, and came grudgingly, reluctant to share an evening of wining and dining with Bill Gates. What he didn’t realize was that this dinner party would fundamentally alter the future of Apple.

Eager to impress his boss, Microsoft’s engineer proceeded to describe in great detail a project he was working on and how it was about to revolutionize computers. It was a tablet—one, he suggested, that could render laptops obsolete. He went on and on about the device’s elegant design, its practicality, its portability. He was especially proud of a stylus that came with each unit and made it simple to use. At one point, he teasingly suggested that Jobs consider licensing his work because this device was going to change the industry.

Outwardly, Jobs played along. Inside, ideas were percolating.

The following morning, Jobs collected his team and presented them with a challenge: I want to make a tablet, and it can’t have a keyboard or a stylus. He wasn’t interested in duplicating Microsoft’s efforts—he was going to evolve the idea they were developing and do them one better.

Six months later, Apple had a prototype—one that enabled users to type on a glass screen using only their fingers. This is the future, Jobs declared upon seeing it. But instead of authorizing his team to proceed with production, he threw them for a loop. He suggested they apply this touch-sensitive technology to another project, one that had stymied Apple’s engineers for months. For the time being, the tablet would be shelved.

A little over a year later, Steve Jobs stepped onto the stage of the annual Macworld Conference in San Francisco and held up a new product that would turn Apple into the world’s most profitable company: the iPhone.

This time, it was Bill Gates’s turn to feel outmaneuvered. Years later, he would reveal his initial reaction. Oh my God, Gates remembered thinking, Microsoft didn’t aim high enough.

The rivalry of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates contains all the elements of a Shakespearean masterpiece: flawed protagonists, endless conflict, fallen alliances, betrayal, revenge, catharsis, even a tragic, early death. At its center are two remarkable characters—Jobs, the idealistic creative visionary, and Gates, the shrewd programming savant—and it is tempting to lavish all of our attention on their personalities, shortcomings, and genius.

But what makes their story especially fascinating is not just the complexities of who they were or the decades-long battle they waged over the future of personal computing. It’s the overlooked process that quietly reappears again and again in both of their stories, somehow always playing a role behind their biggest innovations: reverse engineering.

Both Jobs and Gates reaped enormous benefit from studying the works of their contemporaries, extracting crucial insights, and applying those lessons to develop new products. And they are not alone. The history of computing is not a history of independent acts of brilliance. It is the story of probing innovators learning from one another, combining ideas from multiple sources, and introducing new products and technologies that evolve from those preceding them.

And while you might assume that reverse engineering has limited value outside the world of computing, its applications are surprisingly broad, actionable, and compelling. In fact, as you’ll soon discover, reverse engineering is not just a favored tool of business titans—it’s one commonly utilized by literary giants, prizewinning chefs, comedy legends, Hall of Fame musicians, and championship sports teams.

More important, it’s one you can apply in your field to learn from your contemporaries, extract valuable ideas, and evolve your work in exciting new directions.

This book is presented in two parts.

Part I explores how standout performers across a variety of industries reverse engineer works they admire to unlock hidden insights, acquire new skills, and spark their creativity. We’ll unpack their techniques and identify practices we can all use to find patterns, discern formulas, and pinpoint precisely what makes the work we gravitate toward resonant and unique.

From there, we’ll discover the inherent drawback of outright duplication and examine the importance of modifying formulas in ways that combine winning blueprints with our unique strengths. As we will soon see, in a majority of cases, copying or over-relying on established recipes is a losing strategy that rarely results in memorable outcomes. Just as dangerous, however, is ignoring proven formulas altogether and overwhelming audiences with a flood of originality. We’ll investigate why that is, learn how some of the most innovative people in the world successfully evolve formulas in ways that leverage (rather than violate) an audience’s expectations, and discuss ways we can apply their strategies to our own work.

Part II is about transforming knowledge into mastery. It’s one thing to reverse engineer the ingredients required to produce sensational work, and quite another to execute against that knowledge effectively.

Reverse engineering outstanding examples is often accompanied by an unsettling sensation: the recognition of a divide between the work you aim to produce and the skills you currently possess. The chapters in this section offer a road map for scaling this vision-ability gap using a range of evidence-based strategies that empower you to master new skills.

We’ll learn how a simple scoreboard can fuel improvement, why most people’s definition of practice is far too limited, and why the vast majority of feedback is surprisingly detrimental. We’ll discover how experts predict the future (and what that teaches us about mastery), the ideal time to ask for feedback, and the best questions to ask an expert whose success you wish to deconstruct. And we’ll identify a variety of practical opportunities for stretching our skills and pushing our abilities to soaring heights without jeopardizing our career or putting our reputation on the line.

Along the way, we’ll encounter some fascinating people with extraordinary tales. We’ll meet a famed artist who reverse engineered his way to the top of his profession without any formal education, a president whose historic election was a testament to the power of mash-ups, and a best-selling author whose inability to emulate his idols resulted in the creation of a new literary genre.

Throughout these pages, you’ll come across a range of actionable strategies grounded in cutting-edge research. We’ll cover dozens of peer-reviewed studies, drawn from a wide array of fields including neuroscience, evolutionary biology, human motivation, sports psychology, learning, memory, expertise, literature, film, music, marketing, business, and computer science—all of which shed new light on ways we can decode masterful performances, elevate our skills, and produce remarkable work.

By the end of this book, you’re going to have a critical new skill. One that empowers you to take apart examples you admire, pinpoint precisely what makes them work, and apply that knowledge to develop inventive, winning formulas that are uniquely your own.


. If this anecdote leaves you conflicted about Jobs and Gates, a little context should help. A few facts are worth noting. First, Xerox had no intention of selling inexpensive computers to a mass market. The reason most people have never heard of the Alto isn’t because Jobs stole the idea—it’s because Xerox failed to recognize their technology’s potential. Second, Microsoft was working on a graphic user interface before Gates saw the Macintosh. Jobs didn’t know it but Gates was equally enamored with Xerox’s computers. Finally, neither Jobs nor Gates wanted to simply replicate Xerox’s technology. They sought to improve upon it in unique ways. Apple aimed to make computers user friendly. Microsoft prioritized making computers affordable. Both companies identified an underutilized idea and worked to make it better.

Part I

The Art of Unlocking Hidden Patterns

Chapter 1

The Mastery Detectives

Throughout our lives, we’ve been told two major stories about extraordinary achievement and the human capacity for greatness.

The first story is that greatness comes from talent. According to this view, we are all born with certain innate strengths. Those at the top of their field succeed by discovering an inner talent and matching it to a profession that allows them to shine.

The second story is that greatness comes from practice. From this perspective, talent gets you only so far. What really matters is an effective practice regimen and a willingness to do lots of hard work.

There is a third story about greatness, one that’s not often shared. Yet it’s a path to skill acquisition and mastery that’s stunningly common among icons everywhere, from artists and writers to chefs and athletes to inventors and entrepreneurs.

It’s called reverse engineering.

To reverse engineer is to look beyond what is evident on the surface

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