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Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Sometimes a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do… even if that involves big girl panties and a very sexy dragon-man.


A bounty hunter with her eyes on the prize, Jenna's to-do list includes making crazy amounts of money, ice-cream and retail therapy when she's not working. It does not include sabotage by space rat, or any kind of black hole. It most certainly doesn't include crash landing on a planet in the back end of beyond where everything is out to eat her....


But, she's a big girl. She can deal. What she didn't count on was him…


Left for dead on a backwater planet, he's given up on rescue.


All he has left is prayers to the gods who have forsaken him. He doesn't expect the answer to those prayers to be a tiny, soft alien with curves that make his mouth water…


Former favourite of a dead tyrant, Ranaar has been left out to die on a planet so far from the space lanes he might as well be on the edge of the universe. The planet is hostile, everything on it, including the plant-life, predatory. So he fits right in.


When a ship crashes on his planet, he's not prepared to meet his first human. He's definitely not prepared for the reaction she invokes in him. When his past arrives to threaten the life of his soft little human, he is prepared to kill to get her back…


Please note: this book was previously released under a different title.


Release dateJun 3, 2021

Mina Carter

Mina Carter was born and raised in Middle Earth (otherwise known as the Midlands, England). After a slew of careers ranging from logistics to land-surveying she can now be found in the wilds of Leicestershire with her husband, daughter and a cat who moved in and never left. Suffering the curse of eternal curiosity, Mina never tires of learning new skills which has led to Aromatherapy, Corsetry, Chain-maille making, Welding, Canoeing, Shooting, and pole-dancing to name but a few. A full-time author and cover artist, Mina can usually be found hunched over a keyboard or graphics tablet, frantically trying to get the images and words in her head out and onto the screen before they drive her mad. She's addicted to coffee and Dairy-lea cheese triangles.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Sweet short read just a bit predictable.
    The heroine could have been a bit more bad ass but nevertheless I enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Sci-Fi + Romance an unbeatable combination along with a sense of humor. Loved it! ❤️

Book preview

Raanar - Mina Carter


One black hole later…

Jenna blinked for the hundredth time as she looked at her console and then back up to the viewer in front. The millions of stars twinkling in the darkness of space on the other side of the view screen were nothing new. Hell, she’d seen plenty in her years of being a badass bounty hunter. She had been to many planets and seen multitudes of strange shit.

But these stars were new. So new, in fact, her computer had no clue where she was either.

Location unknown… the uptight voice of Shiva, the AI aboard her ship, rang out.

Ahhh shit. Jenna bit her lip and cracked her index finger—a nervous habit—as she looked down at the now-deceased arborian rat that had caused her current predicament.

Calling all channels. This is the Penelope. Can anyone read me? Jenna called over the com.

Silence was her only answer.

Lost in space…great.

Her day hadn’t started out badly. In fact she was on her way to getting her biggest payday yet. All she’d needed was to collect the bounty—who had been helpfully sitting in his dead spaceship, waiting for her to rescue his stranded ass—and hand him over to his very, very pissed father. Once done, she could collect a whopping paycheck that would have her swimming in credits and dancing around her own ship in nothing but a thong.

But noooo…that hadn’t happened.

Instead, an arborian rat the size of a pit bull with anger management issues had dive-bombed her console from its nesting place in the storage lockers above. Her squeal had set it on a mad dash across the command consoles and its freaky eight-toed clawed feet had set the thrusters on full burn before she had managed to kill them. That would have been okay if it hadn’t have happened at the exact moment a random class-what-the-fuck black hole had decided to pop up in front of her and suck her to god knows where.

Black holes were not fun nor were they entertaining—especially the weird ones. Hoppers they were called, cropped up all over the place without warning. She preferred her classification and preferred to stay well away from them. So much so, she’d paid to have the Penelope’s sensor grid upgraded massively.

Had it worked? Had it fuck. They’d hit that bitch at max speed and spun off into the freaking unknown. Now she felt like her insides had been scrambled and her head was full of cotton wool.

When they had finally exited the hole, her stomach was in full-on revolt and she’d fought the need to exercise her upchuck reflex. She definitely didn’t need to cross explosive vomit off her day’s to-do list.

So instead of a good day, she now had no bounty, no credits and no clue where the hell she was.

Location unknown, Shiva repeated, its voice grating on Jenna’s nerves. She clenched her teeth. Hard. Her jaw ached as she fought the need to shout obscenities and argue with it, but arguing with a computer would do her little good. Instead she tapped the console, looking for anything nearby that she could head to—a planet, a space station, hell a rock with atmosphere would do.

Releasing a sigh and blowing her bangs out of her face, she kicked the rat. Its dead bulk wobbled but didn’t move an inch.

Fucking great. She’d have to clean up its furry corpse before it began to stink up the place.

"Planet detected," Shiva’s voice chimed, and Jenna flicked a glance up to the screen. A small blue-green planet came into view. At first glimpse it reminded her of home. Earth was but a distant memory and one she did not want to dwell on, but she couldn’t deny humans automatically felt longing for planets of blue and green.

This one sat wedged between two large moons, their pale surfaces reflecting back the light of the sun she could make out in the distance.

Plot a course for the planet, Shiva. Check for ships or satellites in orbit and then for a breathable atmosphere. It wouldn’t matter too much if there wasn’t one. She had suits aboard and the Penelope’s scrubbers were old but well maintained. But being able to move about without the suits would be a luxury that might make this whole fuckup that little bit better.

Oh! she added quickly. Check the surface for life signs as well.

Yes, Captain, Shiva answered.

Jenna felt the small ship move as the thrusters once again engaged, turning the ship in the direction of the planet. She really hoped it was habitable. That upped the chances of finding a race she could communicate with as well as possibly learning her current location, and, more importantly, how she could leave it.

As she watched the planet grow bigger, a shiver ran down her spine and a sense of foreboding filled her. What was down there? Whatever it was… the feeling that her life was about to take a turn for the unexpected wouldn’t leave her.

Whether it would be better or worse, though, she didn’t know. But when stranded in the ass end of beyond with stars you didn’t recognize, the only way was up. Right?

There was a ship on his planet.

No, just fucking no. Not happeninggggg… Raanar hissed, dragging the last sound of the sentence out unintentionally. Normally he had better control, able to hide the auditory evidence of his oft-hated race, but since he’d been here in the wilds of space, he hadn’t bothered. No one else was on the planet, so there was no point. And that was the way he liked it.

Well, he had been the only one on the planet… until now.

His eyes narrowed as he watched the exhaust trail streak across the sky above. It was a smaller craft, the design one he wasn’t familiar with. And by the looks of the descent path, the pilot wasn’t accustomed to space-to-surface landings. Which was idiotic. Why try and make such a landing in a craft obviously not designed for it if you weren’t sure what the claw you were doing?

For a moment pride filled him. He’d been a clutch ship commander… there hadn’t been any surface he couldn’t drop a troop ship onto. His skill had been known far and wide, even beyond Draakon territory, and had earned him the favor of the queen.

He shuddered at the memory of Kaanarsia the Terrible. Queen of all, she’d been as ancient as she had been cruel, and it had taken every ounce of wit he had to keep himself out of her nest. He’d seen what males looked like after being bedded by the queen, empty-eyed and traumatized. Those weren’t too bad. However, the screamers did it for him. The horrors reflected in their eyes had made his scales crawl under his skin. No way he’d wanted to end up like that.

But she was dead and he was here now, exiled by his race because the old she-lizard had shown him favor. He was fucked whichever way he looked at it. Because of his relationship with Kaanarsia, the new hive queen had doubted his loyalty and stranded him on this fucking rock.

Well… that was the nice way of putting it. She’d sent clutch fighters after his flyer and they’d shot him down over the surface. He’d managed to land, but the damage to his ship meant she wouldn’t fly again. That was something the flyers had made certain of, putting a few energy bolts through

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