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Rocket Fuel
Rocket Fuel
Rocket Fuel
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Rocket Fuel

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"Rocket Fuel is for you!" - Grant Cardone

Past hardships can be a powerful gravitational force that keeps you down and forces you to think small.

To get out of orbit, you need Rocket Fuel.

In his new book, Mike "C-Roc" Ciorrocco shows you how to convert past adversity into RO

Release dateMay 12, 2021
Rocket Fuel

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    Book preview

    Rocket Fuel - Mike "C-Roc" Ciorrocco

    Rocket Fuel

    Convert Setbacks. Become Unstoppable.


    All Rights Reserved

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means (which includes mechanically, electronically, recorded or photocopied), without written permission from the author or publisher. The exception would be in the case of brief quotation embodied in critical articles or reviews and pages where permission is specifically granted by the author. Permission should be addressed in writing to: info@peoplebuildinginc.com.


    This book contains the ideas and opinions of its author. The intention of this book is to provide information, helpful content, and motivation to readers about the subjects addressed. Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. The intent of this author is only to offer suggestions to help the reader in the quest for organizing their personal affairs. The author and publisher urge readers to seek professional legal counsel and appropriate expert advice.

    No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the author’s choice to include any of the content in this volume. The author shall not be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. The reader is responsible for their own choices, actions, and results.

    1st Edition. 1st printing 2021

    Cover Concept and Design: Antonio White

    Interior Design: Steve Walters

    Editors: Jean-Pierre Martel, Richard Tardif

    Editors: Chip Hopper, Brooke Heym

    Photography: Photo of Mike Ciorrocco by Dorian Ash

    Independently Published

    Oxygen Publishing Inc.

    2515, rue Dutrisac

    Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC, Canada J7V 9W7


    ISBN: 978-1-0879-1169-4

    ISBN: 978-1-0879-6862-9 (e-book)

    Why Rocket Fuel?

    Are you ready? I’ve discovered a way to become unstoppable and indestructible. I’ve found it’s possible to convert setbacks, letdowns, difficulties, and criticism into ROCKET FUEL to launch yourself to new heights and to become unstoppable and indestructible.

    I call it "ROCKET FUEL" because rocket fuel is the only source I know of that can propel you out of Earth’s gravitational pull and put you into orbit and beyond - even if fuel stinks like hell and is toxic and nasty. In life, gravity is a suppressor. It’s something that pulls you down and keeps you from moving forward, towards your goals and dreams. ROCKET FUEL has the rare ability to ignite your inner strength and take you into orbit, away from the pull of gravity.

    What does orbit and beyond look like to you?

    What do you need that would put you beyond orbit?

    You need FUEL to give you THRUST.

    THRUST is a MUST.

    THRUST comes from ABUNDANCE.

    It comes from the abundance of whatever it is that allows you to wake up every day and do what you want to do instead of what you have to do.

    To some it’s money.

    To others it may be doing a job or activity that makes them happy.

    What is it to you?

    What is it that stops you from getting what you want?

    It’s not the wins, the encouraging/supportive people, or the targets you hit that stop you from getting what you want. What is stopping you from getting what you want are the setbacks, the letdowns, the difficulties, and the negative people.

    What if the things you saw as holding you back were instead propelling you forward? What if you could use those things as ROCKET FUEL?

    What would your life look like? Is that a life you would want?

    The important part is to learn to be proactive in this mindset.

    By grasping this concept NOW and moving forward, you can start to look for the things that stop or slow you down, and know that they are needed for fuel to give you thrust.

    Now when you experience a suppressor, it will propel you.

    This gives you a huge advantage over anyone else that doesn’t live by this concept.

    By choosing to read this book, you have decided to embark on a wonderful journey into space – your space – that will allow you to discover the immense power of converting setbacks into fuel, thrusting you towards your most fantastic goals, and capable of converting mistakes into great possibilities.

    Based on my own humble experience, I plan to tell you how to launch your fantastic self on a wonderful, successful journey into orbit and beyond.

    There was a time when I thought I knew everything.

    In fact, it wasn’t too long ago that my ego was running me. I approached life as if I knew things when I should have been spending more time in thankfulness and absorbing knowledge.

    As Mike Tyson says, Adversity makes the strong stronger and the weak weaker.

    As you read, could you do me a favor?

    Make a commitment to yourself to have an open mind and take what you learn here and implement it.

    One of the things I find most tragic in this world is that people fail to take action on the information they receive, even when it could drastically improve their lives.

    In the following chapters, I’ll share experiences on how I’ve used ROCKET FUEL to propel me through tough times and setbacks, to break down barriers, and to reach my goals.

    I know ROCKET FUEL can work for you too.


    by Grant Cardone

    There is one thing that you are guaranteed to encounter in your business, your relationships, literally every area of your life… and how you respond will determine the level of success that you will achieve.

    So what is the thing I am referring to? Setbacks.

    Imagine if you had the super power of recovering better, stronger and smarter after every setback?

    I have experienced enormous setbacks in my life. More than most and not nearly as many as others.

    But my life has been riddled with setbacks, hardships, letdowns, disappointments, and even tragedy, that most people don’t even know about.

    First, I lost my dad at 10 years old, was bullied through my high school years, lost my older brother in my twenties, was beaten to within inches of my life at 23, had a life-threatening drug problem, took me three years in my first business to make money, and I almost went bankrupt. All of that was before I turned 30.

    The reason I am telling you this is because many of those setbacks and hardships are the reason I am where I am today. When you learn how to convert setbacks into springboards, they can become ROCKET FUEL for your success.

    I could have quit 10,000 times in my life…. but I didn’t.

    I continued to show up. I continued to take action despite the disappointments, discouragements and at times despair.

    The important thing was that I did just that. I kept showing up.

    After every failure, after every setback, after every letdown, I continued to show up and look for how the setback had made me more resilient.

    I wish I could tell you that after time, things get easy and the setbacks will go away, but they don’t. In fact, they grow in size, and that is why if you want any chance at doing something remarkable, you must start today to look at setbacks not as obstacles, but as an indication that you are on the right track. You must learn to convert the losses into ROCKET FUEL.

    That’s why I am so excited for you to read, ROCKET FUEL. Convert Setbacks. Become Unstoppable, where Mike gives you concrete examples and steps to follow to ensure that you can take what most people treat as a liability and convert disappointment, discouragement and even the desire to quit into one of your most powerful assets. Once you learn from this book how to convert setbacks into ROCKET FUEL you will become unstoppable and your success will be all but guaranteed.

    ROCKET FUEL is for You!

    Grant Cardone


    This book is dedicated to all of those that believed in me from day one and to those that attempted to discourage and/or gave up on me.

    You have been and continue to be my ROCKET FUEL.


    To all those who have been instrumental in inspiring my ROCKET FUEL journey, many of you are in this book, and I must thank you each individually.

    To my Dad who lit a fire in me at a young age.

    To my Mom, who programmed me at a young age to be a leader and one that would inspire others.

    To my late stepfather, George, for showing me how to be a man that always shows up.

    To my wife, Jen, and my children, Nicolas and Sophia you are my everything.

    To my business partners and best friends Chris Short, Jason Yates, Beau Cox, and my little Bro Casey Holland: I thank you for holding down the fort for me while I went out and got us set up for our next several huge missions.

    To Kim Lee for keeping me on the right track and making sure that I don’t miss anything.

    To Brandon Dawson, Jarrod Glandt, and Richard Dolan thank you for the friendship, wisdom, and support that you provided as I started my journey to become UNSTOPPABLE.

    To Greg Reid thank you for the work that you put into your career prior to meeting me so that you could pour the lessons that you learned into me and so many others.

    To Bill Osbourne, Jeremy Sopko, and the rest of the Nations Lending Family thank you for the support you have given not only to me but also to my team.

    To Antonio White, a.k.a. The Pitchfreak, thank you for your friendship, advice, and the absolutely awesome cover design.

    To Carolyn Flower for getting be started in the author journey and guiding me through the process of writing a book.

    To JP Martel and Richard Tardif for cleaning up my brain dump.

    To Chip Hopper and Brooke Heym for coming in late in the game to tighten up my manuscript and investing so many hours. Thank you!!

    To Grant and Elena Cardone, you two have set the example for so many of us that were looking for The Way. Thank you! G, we are all chasing you and the best part about having you as a mentor is that you are always raising the bar to stay way ahead of us.

    Chapters Counting Down to Liftoff

    Why Rocket Fuel?

    Foreword by Grant Cardone



    17 – My Story, The Countdown Begins

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu

    16 – Where the Drive Started

    We need to break through broken mindsets - Brandon Dawson

    15 – A New Mentor

    Become Unstoppable and Indestructible - Grant Cardone

    14 – What Are You Made Of?

    Spend a lifetime learning. - Richard Dolan

    13 – Get Clarity

    You Need Clear Skies to Launch for The Stars. - Jarrod Glandt

    12 – Culture is the Foundation of Success

    Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game, it is the game. In the end, an organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of its people to create value. - Lou Gerstner

    11 – The Blueprint for Indestructible Relationships

    Communication is Everything - Jen Ciorrocco

    10 – Stronger Through Adversity

    Refuse to be the victim. - Avery Warner

    9 – Leading from the Rooftops

    Rise to the top. - Joe Vargas, @hustler on IG

    8 – ROCKET FUEL for Champions

    Release your Inner Champion - Dana Cavalea

    7 – Forget Plan B

    People perform better when there is no safety net. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

    6 – The Path to Massive Success

    Everybody needs a coach. - Michael Burt

    5 – An Inside Job

    Heal yourself from the inside out. - Cynthia Thurlow

    4 – Don’t Give Up Three Feet from Gold

    A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true. – Dr. Greg Reid

    3 – Empire Building

    You’re either building an empire or destroying it - Elena Cardone


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