Drafting a Conservation Blueprint: A Practitioner's Guide To Planning For Biodiversity
About this ebook
Drafting a Conservation Blueprint lays out for the first time in book form a step-by-step planning process for conserving the biological diversity of entire regions. In an engaging and accessible style, the author explains how to develop a regional conservation plan and offers experience-based guidance that brings together relevant information from the fields of ecology, conservation biology, planning, and policy. Individual chapters outline and discuss the main steps of the planning process, including:
• an overview of the planning framework• selecting conservation targets and setting goals
• assessing existing conservation areas and filling information gaps
• assessing population viability and ecological integrity
• selecting and designing a portfolio of conservation areas
• assessing threats and setting priorities
A concluding section offers advice on turning conservation plans into action, along with specific examples from around the world.
The book brings together a wide range of information about conservation planning that is grounded in both a strong scientific foundation and in the realities of implementation.
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Drafting a Conservation Blueprint - Craig Groves
Chapters 1–3 explore the
meaning of biological diversity and the
challenge of conserving it, outline a conservation
planning framework and seven-step planning process,
and discuss the building blocks to successful planning that
biologists and planners should consider prior to launching
into a full-scale planning project. Collectively, these first
three chapters provide conservation biologists and planners
with critical background information that will
enable them to more successfully use the guidance
that is provided in Parts II–IV.
The Challenge of Conserving Biological Diversity
Still, too many land conservation efforts are haphazard and reactive in nature. They deal with whatever comes over the transom. The result is haphazard conservation and haphazard development.
Seventeen and a half billion dollars—that is the amount state and local governments in the United States alone directed toward open space preservation from 1999 through 2001 (Benedict and McMahon 2002).Yet much of this money has not been spent wisely from a conservation perspective. According to Benedict and McMahon, the authors of a recent report on green infrastructure,
smart land conservation of the future needs to be more proactive and less reactive, more systematic and less hap-hazard, multifunctional and not single-purpose, and larger in spatial scale.
Achieving smarter conservation in the future will be challenging, in part because many important decisions about land and water conservation are made locally, especially with regard to privately owned lands. All over the world, local governments, from counties and provinces to cities, townships, and villages, make decisions every day about land use.These decision makers, through no fault of their own, have a limited view of the world, usually defined by political boundaries of their particular jurisdiction. Unfortunately, the natural world does not operate along these geopolitical lines. Most species, ecological communities, and ecosystems depend upon a much larger domain for their long-term survival. The result has been what could only be described as the tyranny of the local.
Lacking information with which to make better decisions, local governments, often unwittingly, reach conclusions that result in the degradation or destruction of some of the best remaining examples of the world’s ecosystems (Dale et al. 2000). Clearly, many important decisions about natural resources are also made at levels above local government. Natural resource agencies at the state or national level, although usually operating at larger spatial scales, are guilty as well of planning along inappropriate boundaries and making poorly informed decisions. Taken as a whole, incremental decisions, from the local to the national level, often result in driving species to the edge of extinction—and even over the edge.
What we need are a road map and appropriate planning boundaries for making more informed decisions, decisions that benefit the natural world and, in turn, through the services nature provides, the human world. That is what this book is about—developing regional-scale road maps or plans that, if implemented, will help ensure that the world’s species, communities, and ecosystems, and the underlying ecological processes that sustain them, will not only persist, but continue to evolve and adapt for generations to come.To devise such a road map, this book lays out a step-by-step planning process for conserving the biological diversity of entire regions. To best appreciate the value of this planning framework, we first need to have a good understanding of what problems conservation planning is attempting to address, how biological diversity is best conceptualized and defined, and what contributions the disciplines of ecology and conservation biology can make to developing better planning processes and credible conservation plans.
The Biological Diversity Problem
Over 3500 vertebrate species, nearly 2000 invertebrate species, and over 5600 species of plants from around the world made the 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Hilton-Taylor 2000). All these species face a high risk of extinction in the wild. In the United States alone, the number of species listed as Threatened or Endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) has increased sixfold from 174 in 1976 to 1244 species as of November 2001 (http:endangered.fws.gov, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). These ever-lengthening lists of threatened and endangered species worldwide are symptomatic of an even more serious problem—the extinction crisis—whereby species are currently going extinct at a rate conservatively estimated to be 100 to 1000 times greater than rates recorded through recent geological time (Lawton and May 1995). Furthermore, the extinction crisis is likely worse than the current data indicate. Recent studies suggest that today’s fragmentation and destruction of natural habitats may result in extinctions that will not be apparent to us for several generations, creating what has been termed an extinction debt
(Tilman et al. 1994).
The principal causes of this march toward extinction are well documented (World Resources Institute, World Conservation Union, and United Nations Environment Programme 1992, Noss and Cooperrider 1994, McNeely et al. 1995,Vitousek et al. 1997).They include the conversion and fragmentation of natural habitats, the introduction of non-native species, pollution, the direct exploitation of species, the disruption of natural ecological processes, industrial-scale agriculture and forestry, climate change, and overall human domination of Earth’s ecosystems. Habitat loss, primarily from urbanization and agriculture, is the single largest cause of species endangerment (Wilcove et al. 1998, Czech et al. 2000, Hilton-Taylor 2000). Although the ESA has been an effective piece of legislation for abating the rate of extinction in the United States, it is largely a reactive tool, used only for species that are already well down the road to critical levels of endangerment. Too often, ESA implementation results in situations popularly described to the media by former U.S. Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt as environmental train wrecks
(Reid and Murphy 1995). An example close to my home in the Pacific Northwest demonstrated this point emphatically. Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) historically returned from the Pacific Ocean to spawn by the thousands in central Idaho, yet they were not listed as Threatened or Endangered until their returning numbers were reduced to less than ten individual fish.
By itself, single-species approaches such as the ESA are necessary but insufficient tools for effectively addressing the extinction crisis and stemming the tide of overall losses of biological diversity worldwide. Entire ecosystems are being lost at alarming rates (World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1992). Hardly a day passes without reports about the dire status of the world’s coral reefs, wetlands, or tropical forests. The homogenization
of many ecosystems through the spread and invasion of non-native species is a serious issue in itself, as it complicates efforts to conserve biological diversity. These points corroborate the notion that conservation actions, to be successful, need to operate at multiple levels of biological organization, from populations and species to landscapes and ecosystems.
Poor planning in the identification of important areas for conserving biological diversity has exacerbated the extinction crisis. Most areas in the world that have been designated for conservation purposes were set aside in an ad hoc manner, and not specifically for conserving biological diversity (Pressey 1994). Recent analyses in the United States (Scott et al. 2001a) and Australia (Pressey et al. 1996a, Mendel and Kirkpatrick 2002) have shown that the locations of areas set aside for conservation are strongly biased toward the most unproductive soils, the steepest slopes, and the highest elevations. Similar trends exist for many other parts of the world (Scott et al. 2001b). One of the most oft-cited examples of this trend is the rocks and ice
national parks of the western United States, many of which were established for their scenic grandeur in the Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevadas, or Cascade Mountain ranges, but as a whole are poorly representative of the region’s different ecosystems. Conversely, other recent analyses on the distribution of endangered species and threatened habitats in the United States and elsewhere have shown that the majority of endangered species, and, indeed, the majority of biological diversity (as measured by the number of species), tends to occur in lower elevations, warmer climates, and coastal areas that are more attractive to human occupation and use (Dobson et al. 1997, 2001).
Natural resource managers, conservation practitioners, and scientists from around the globe have recognized the serious nature of the problems that must be addressed to effectively conserve biological diversity, and they have reacted to these problems on several fronts. Several examples of these reactions are noted here. First, in June 1992, at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro (also known as the Earth Summit), a record 150 countries signed a global Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), a landmark treaty that takes a comprehensive approach to the conservation and sustainable use of Earth’s biological resources (Glowka et al. 1994).This treaty has already had a significant conservation impact globally, and it has potential for substantial influence in the future (see the section on the CBD later in this chapter). Second, the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (1992) compiled the first global review and sourcebook on biological diversity. Third, the United Nations Environment Programme (1995) commissioned and published the Global Biodiversity Assessment to provide a state-of-the-art understanding of society’s knowledge of biological diversity and the nature of human impact upon this diversity.
Fourth, a renowned group of scientists from agencies, academia, and nongovernmental organizations met in a workshop in 1995 sponsored by the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission and issued a set of seven conservation principles along with guidelines for their implementation (Mangel et al. 1996). Aimed at natural resource managers, some of the important principles included maintaining biological diversity at genetic, species, population, and ecosystem levels; assessing the ecological and sociological effects of resource use before both proposed use and proposed restriction; using the full range of knowledge and skills from the natural and social sciences to address conservation problems; and understanding and taking into account the motives, interests, and values of all users and stakeholders.
Finally, recognizing that habitat loss and degradation are the leading culprits in the loss of diversity and that many decisions resulting in such losses occur at a local level, the Ecological Society of America issued a set of guidelines to better inform local land-use decision making (Dale et al. 2000). Among the guidelines were examining the impact of local decisions in a regional context, planning for long-term change and unexpected events, preserving rare landscape elements and associated species, retaining large contiguous or connected areas that contain critical habitats, avoiding the introduction of exotic species, and avoiding or mitigating for negative effects of development on ecological processes.
In the chapters ahead, I will explore each of these principles and guidelines, and others in more detail, as I develop a comprehensive planning framework for conserving biological diversity. But before doing that, we need to examine more closely what is meant by the term biological diversity or its shortened form, biodiversity. An important part of the challenge to conserving biological diversity is getting society to better understand and appreciate the concept.
Biodiversity: Definition, Perceptions, and Values
Popularized by the scientific community over the last 15 years, biodiversity and its conservation have been the focus of numerous books, notably those by Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson (e.g., Wilson 1992). Not surprisingly, a variety of definitions for biodiversity have been advanced (see review by Baydack and Campa 1999). Early definitions focused nearly exclusively on the diversity or variety of life-forms or living organisms. In practice, many biologists have interpreted this to mean that areas with high levels of biodiversity have relatively high numbers of species. In part, this interpretation of the term has led to an emphasis on conserving biological diversity in the world’s tropical regions that harbor the vast majority of described species on Earth. More recent definitions view biodiversity as the variety of living organisms, the ways in which they organize themselves (genes, populations, species, communities, ecosystems), and the ways in which they interact with the physical environment and with one another (Redford and Richter 1999).
Whether biodiversity is actually defined primarily as the variety of living organisms, or whether it also includes the ways these organisms organize themselves and interact with the environment, makes little difference from a theoretical standpoint. However, from a practical standpoint of conserving biodiversity, it matters a great deal. To actually conserve biodiversity, natural resource managers and conservation biologists must pay attention to its three components (Noss 1990, Redford and Richter 1999): composition, structure, and function (Figure 1.1). From this point of view, the definition offered by Redford and Richter (1999) is preferable to definitions that focus solely on numbers of species. Composition refers to the identification of elements within the different levels of biological organization, from genes and species to communities and ecosystems. The description of a particular area of tropical forest that harbors 400 species of birds is a reference to the composition of biological diversity at that site. Structure refers to how these different biological elements are physically organized. For example, walking through a stand of trees, we might observe some bird species on the forest floor, others in shrubs and trees of the forest understory, and still others high in the forest canopy. These different places within the forest describe the structure of biological diversity. Function refers to ecological processes that sustain composition and structure. Many forest types, for example, need periodic disturbances from natural fires or storm events to maintain structure and initiate reproduction.
e9781597269421_i0003.jpgFigure 1.1 The three components of biodiversity: composition, structure, and function. Each component can be described at different levels of biological organization, from genes to landscapes. The components interact to maintain biological diversity. (From Noss, R. F. 1990. Indicators for monitoring biodiversity: a hierarchical approach. Conservation Biology 4:355–364. Copyright, Blackwell Publishing, Inc.)
In addition to having components of composition, structure, and function, biological diversity occurs at different spatial scales. The renowned ecologist Robert Whittaker (1975) first advanced this notion. He termed these scales alpha, beta, and gamma (Figure 1.2). Alpha diversity refers to the number and types of species that occur at a particular site or area. For example, at La Selva Biological Station in the Atlantic Forest lowlands of Costa Rica, a wide variety of bird species can frequently be observed. If one treks upslope from La Selva toward the continental divide of Costa Rica, different types of bird species and plants can be observed along the way. High on the divide itself, which is characterized by the cloud forests of Braulio Carrillo National Park, even the most casual naturalist would again observe the changes in bird and plant composition.These changes or turnover in species composition along a gradient, such as an elevational one, are referred to as a measure of beta diversity, or between-area diversity. The diversity of plants and birds encompassing this entire landscape, from the coastal lowlands to continental divide, is collectively known as gamma diversity. In many sites around the world, alpha diversity is actually increasing from the spread of non-native species, while beta and gamma diversity are generally declining.
e9781597269421_i0004.jpgFigure 1.2 Spatial scales of species diversity. The letters inside the circles represent different bird or plant species. The diversity at a given site or locale (within circles) is referred to as alpha diversity. As one hikes up a mountain, the diversity of species changes. A measure of that change, or turnover in species, is referred to as beta diversity. In this simplified diagram, one species is broadly distributed along the entire elevational gradient, while most species are restricted to certain bands of elevation, often represented by distinct habitats. Areas with greater levels of beta diversity require more intensive efforts to conserve their biological diversity.The diversity of plants and birds encompassing the entire mountain from bottom to top is referred to as gamma diversity.
Anyone who has hiked in the Rockies, Himalayas, Andes, or Alps, or in other mountain ranges with relatively rapid changes in relief, has likely made similar observations. The concept of beta diversity is especially important from a conservation standpoint. In areas with high turnover in species composition, such as many tropical forests, more intensive conservation efforts may be required than in regions where species are more broadly distributed. I will explore this concept and its ramifications for conserving biological diversity in more detail in later chapters.
Despite the popularity of its use in the scientific community, biodiversity remains a vague and, to some extent, unrecognized term with the general public. And in spite of hundreds of articles, scores of books, the birth of a professional society (the Society for Conservation Biology), and a United Nations treaty on the subject (the Convention on Biological Diversity), biodiversity has not made it into the common vernacular of most natural resource agencies and local conservation organizations. For example, if I query my colleagues in federal natural resource agencies in the western United States or in a local state fish and game agency about what steps they are taking, books they have read, or programs they are involved in to conserve biodiversity, a common reply is, What exactly do you mean by biodiversity?
If I redirect the conversation to a discussion of what proactive steps they are taking to prevent or curb future listings of endangered species, more interesting responses are always provoked.
Recent surveys of the American public concerning the recognition and understanding of the term biological diversity are encouraging (Belden et al. 2002). Compared to 1996 surveys, more Americans now recognize the term, more understand its meaning, and more appreciate the importance of species and habitat conservation. Polls also reveal that although the vast majority of Americans understand that species are going extinct and feel a responsibility toward environmental protection, most do not understand how their individual actions can influence species and their habitats. Whether there is similarly an increasing recognition and understanding of biodiversity in other parts of the world is unclear.
Although there have been elegant and articulate explanations of the value of biodiversity by E.O. Wilson (1988, 1992) and others (World Conservation Monitoring Centre 1992, Callicott 1997), conservation biologists, practitioners, and policy makers have struggled to explain why it is important to conserve biodiversity. Noss and Cooperrider (1994) summarized four general sets of values for conserving biodiversity: direct utilitarian values, indirect utilitarian values, recreational and esthetic values, and intrinsic, spiritual, and ethical values. Direct utilitarian values refer to those uses of a species that are of some direct benefit to humans. Commonly cited examples of such uses are the medicinal values of many plants and the direct food values of some species groups, such as commercial fisheries. As Noss and Cooperrider (1994) point out, arguments for conservation based on direct utility are limited and potentially dangerous. What are we to say for all those species that appear to have no direct benefits to society?
Indirect utilitarian benefits refer to what are more commonly now known as ecosystem services and benefits (Daily 1997). These are benefits provided by natural ecosystems that most of us take for granted, ranging from climate stabilization to flood control and the maintenance of air and water quality. This valuation of ecosystem benefits and services has spawned an entire new subdiscipline of ecology and economics (e.g., Folke et al. 1996, Costanza et al. 1997). Much like direct utilitarian benefits, the limitation in arguing for biodiversity conservation on the basis of ecosystem services and functions is that we know very little about which species within any given ecosystem are most critical to its functions. In addition, we do not know how many species an ecosystem can lose before its functions become impaired. Considerable evidence indicates that the loss of species from an ecosystem can negatively impact its functioning (Naeem et al. 1999), but there are also persuasive studies to the contrary. The nature of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function remains the topic of a contentious and acrimonious debate in the scientific community (Kaiser 2000).
Maintaining places for their natural beauty and as places for outdoor recreation is another explanation often given for conserving biodiversity. Many parks, refuges, and nature reserves were established for such reasons. Although it is clear that biological considerations entered into the rationale for establishing some U.S. national parks and monuments (Shafer 1999a), they were never a driving force in that decision-making process. Setting aside lands primarily for recreational purposes also carries some liabilities for biodiversity conservation (Knight and Gutzwiller 1995, Czech et al. 2000), especially if that recreation involves the use of roads and motorized vehicles (Trombulak and Frisell 2000, Gucinski et al. 2001, Havlick 2002).
The final set of values for conserving biodiversity rests upon the argument that the natural elements and processes of biodiversity have intrinsic values that make them worth conserving, and that as humans we have a moral and ethical responsibility to conserve all living things. Taken at face value, this argument suggests that all species deserve an equal opportunity to persist and evolve, humans included. Despite the persuasiveness of this argument for some people (Ehrenfeld 1981), the human domination of Earth’s ecosystems and estimated current rates of extinction suggest that it has had little significance for post–Industrial Revolution society as a whole.
Given the difficulties of defining and conserving biological diversity, how do we most effectively communicate about it, within the community of scientists and natural resource managers as well as with the general public ? Among the different levels of biological organization (see Figure 1.1), scientists can generally agree, with a few exceptions, on what constitutes a gene or species.We all know a robin, a rose, a palm tree, a cactus, or a tiger when we see one. On the other hand, plant ecologists will argue endlessly over how to define a mixed deciduous-coniferous forest.The general public, although perhaps a little less sophisticated in recognizing the components of biodiversity, reacts similarly. People relate to species and the different kinds of habitats in which they occur. Most people understand that a swamp is very different from an alpine meadow or from a sandy desert, and they appreciate that different assemblages of species occur in these different habitats. Although this book is aimed at improving our efforts to conserve biodiversity, conservation biologists may most effectively communicate about their work by focusing on the need to maintain different habitats to help ensure that all native species can survive and continue to evolve. In the vernacular of conservation biology and planning, this focus implies representing and maintaining high-quality examples of different ecosystem types and the processes and disturbances that sustain them in conservation areas. As the various chapters of this book will detail, we need not champion solely a species-by-species approach to achieve effective conservation. Indeed, the modern-day Noah must employ a variety of tools and approaches in both conservation planning and conservation practice, if he or she hopes to be effective.
As to why it is important to conserve biodiversity, discussions that focus on the economic status of individuals and/or their public health generally carry the most weight. In many parts of the world, but especially the United States, the addition of a species to the Endangered Species list carries with it the perception and sometimes the reality of an entangled bureaucracy and potential economic hardships for some sectors of society. Working to avoid such listings has proven to be a powerful incentive for taking conservation action. Conservation biologists and natural resource managers also need to be more supportive of arguments that articulate the need to conserve ecosystems (i.e., different types of habitats) based on their services and benefits to society. Harte (1997) recently made this point in eloquent fashion: If we do not understand for ourselves, and then educate the public about, the essential role of ecosystems in sustaining the human economy, we have not a ghost of a chance of stanching the worldwide biodiversity hemorrhage.
Recent biodiversity polls in the U.S. support this argument; most Americans want to conserve species and their habitats because of the ecosystem services they provide to society (Belden et al. 2002).
Ecological economist Carl Folke and colleagues (1996) have referred to biodiversity as natural insurance capital
for securing the ecological services the natural world provides to society. As the pressures from human population growth and their manifestation on such ecosystem products as clean air and potable water supplies mount, arguments for land and water conservation should be increasingly persuasive. Making these and any other arguments for biodiversity conservation lead to successful conservation action will require thoughtful and strategic conservation planning at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.
The Emergence of Conservation Planning as a Discipline
Systematic efforts to plan for the conservation of biodiversity were initiated independently in a number of different countries during the 1970s. For example, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), a conservation organization formed in the United States as an outgrowth of scientists from the Ecological Society of America concerned about the disappearance of natural areas, hired its first scientist and established the first state Natural Heritage Program in the early 1970s. These programs were designed to systematically collect, manage, and disseminate information about the status and distribution of rare plants, animals, and natural communities (Groves et al. 1995). In turn, that information is used to identify high-priority sites for conservation purposes. A network of Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers now exists throughout most states and provinces of the United States and Canada, as well as a number of Caribbean and Latin American countries.
During approximately the same time period as TNC’s initiation of conservation planning efforts in the United States, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB) in 1974 (Spellerburg 1992). The purpose of the MAB is to establish an international network of biosphere reserves that conserve important biological resources, develop environmentally sound economic growth, and support environmental research, monitoring, and education (see www.unesco.org/mab, Man and the Biosphere Program).To qualify as a biosphere reserve, an area should meet the criteria of representation of a major biogeographic region; contain landscapes, ecosystems, or plant and animal species in need of conservation; be of sufficient size to accomplish the first two criteria; and provide an opportunity to experiment in sustainable development approaches. As of October 2000, 368 biosphere reserves covering more than 300 million hectares (740 million acres) have been established in 91countries.
In 1977, A Nature Conservation Review was published in the United Kingdom (Spellerburg 1992). This publication described and assessed ten criteria for evaluating sites for their ability to serve as representative examples of biological natural areas. The most important criteria were size, species diversity, degree of naturalness, rarity, and fragility. In addition to evaluating these criteria, the nature review identified 784 potential sites for nomination as National Nature Reserves in Britain. Today, English Nature, a government agency established to champion wildlife, geology, and wild places in England,
manages over 200 National Nature Reserves in collaboration with other approved organizations, such as Wildlife Trusts (www.English-Nature.org, English Nature).
Concurrently with TNC and MAB efforts, Australian scientists began to focus on establishing a comprehensive and biologically representative set of nature reserves throughout the country as early as 1974 (Spellerburg 1992). Since that time, Australia has been recognized as a scientific center for the research and development of site-selection methods for nature reserves (Margules 1989). The Australian national government has played a leading role in establishing a biologically representative set of nature reserves state by state through the systematic assessment of current reserves on a bioregional basis and the establishment of new reserves through a National Reserves Program (Thackway and Cresswell 1997). As will be evident throughout this book, Australian scientists continue to be among the leading thinkers in systematic planning for the conservation of biological