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A Watchman Speaks--Continued
A Watchman Speaks--Continued
A Watchman Speaks--Continued
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A Watchman Speaks--Continued

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In this book, the reader may notice references to the chaotic times that have descended upon the material realm we find ourselves in now (2020, 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic, along with the social unrest of the last few years, has left the world in disorder and confusion and the USA a nation divided. We se

Release dateJun 14, 2021
A Watchman Speaks--Continued

Rusty Smith

A Testimony. At the age of 25, I had reached a place where I could not see a reason to go on living. I had come to a place of desperation and hopelessness. I did not pray outright to the Lord, but He, nevertheless, heard the cry of my heart and took the initiative to reveal Himself to me by taking me to a place where I was able to see how He had His hand on my life from birth. He showed me how He had been there for me throughout my life in countless situations of near-death and emotional crises where I had no place and no one to rescue me. It was the Lord's mercy and love that caused me to reach out and cry for His forgiveness at that very moment. This is when He came into my very being and began to speak to me. He has been with me ever since that encounter and has redeemed my soul and given me ongoing testimony of His wonderful works in a personal way. These publications of "A Watchman Speaks" are but an example of how the Lord has led and instructed His servant over the past 48 years or so.

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    A Watchman Speaks--Continued - Rusty Smith

    Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    A Watchman Speaks--Continued

    Dedicated to those who have received a love of the truth

    Copyright © 2021 Rusty Smith

    Published by:

    Prosody Communications

    Albert Lea, MN


    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021910355

    ISBN: 978-1-951357-06-1 (paperback)

    ISBN: 978-1-951357-07-8 (eBook)

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without prior permission of the copyright holder, except as provided by USA copyright law.

    Printed in the United States of America and Around the World




    Discourses #455-819 

    About the Author 

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    This volume is the product of seeking the Lord every day, reading the Bible every day, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the instruction and guidance of the Lord, and obedience to His voice. It is a continuation of the discourses in the first book, A Watchman Speaks.

    In this book, the reader may notice references to the chaotic times that have descended upon the material realm we find ourselves in now (2020, 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic, along with the social unrest of the last few years, has left the world in disorder and confusion and the USA a nation divided. We see many people anxious and afraid, losing hope, and turning away from God. Some are looking to the government, and believing man’s social justice policies will bring them salvation. A perusal of the discourses in this volume will point out the truth. Man, through his power alone, cannot fulfill the needs of individuals or nations. Only faith in God and obedience to His commandments will bring the personal relationship with Him, which opens to us the Spiritual, reveals to us the truth, overcomes fear, and brings the inner peace that everyone seems to be so desperately seeking.

    The only endorsement sought by the writer is the witness of the Holy Spirit to those who read it.

    Thanks and blessings to everyone who takes the time and makes an effort to examine it.

    Please note that italics in the discourses indicate scripture. Reference Bible versions are NKJV and ESV.

    Sherry Gifford has again partnered with me by editing, typing, encouraging, and collaborating in every aspect of publication and the publication of the blog that contains its entirety found at www.christianrelationshipblog.wordpress.com. My thanks to Sherry.

    Thanks also to Darin Johnson, who has so graciously handled the publication process.


    Throughout my life, the author (my father) has equipped me with both scripture and spiritual insight to navigate this world. He has been a straightforward guide for any topic, problem, or question that may arise – always with honest, straightforward life-giving encouragement through the unequivocal words of wisdom, love, and truth declared in the Bible. It is my joy to invite you to share in the revelations and journey given to him from our Heavenly Father.

    Taste and see that the Lord is good!

    -Julia Nagorski


    Our Creator has established all-encompassing, eternal truths that exist outside the dimension of time and the natural realm where a generation goes on eternally, and a covenant never ends or changes. These paradigms are only accessed by those who have entered the land of the living where the Creator dwells. There are no sinners or unbelievers abiding in this secret place of the Most High God.

    The generation of Christ is the one that precedes his appearing as a man on earth and covenants which have ended or changed. The dispensations revered and understood by the carnal mind and the world’s religions have no reality or influence in the Spiritual realm. They are confined to the understanding of the man of the earth and the boundaries the Almighty has established for the descendants of the first Adam.

    The promises God has made to his chosen people apply to those who have become One Spirit with Him by becoming members of the eternal generation to which the eternal covenant has been revealed. If this sounds too exclusive, so be it. It is.

    It is exactly what Jesus has told us. All the religious activities and extravagance will not allow anyone into the true kingdom of God. Those who would enter must do so as a child who has not known sin or forsaken the covenant of youth, for such is the kingdom of God. All who have reached the age of accountability and have knowingly transgressed against what he/she knows is right must die in order to regain true life. He who wants to save his life must lose it. Jesus gave His life to save us from our sin, and if we died with Him, we will also live with Him.

    There is no other passage to the eternal generation of Christ than the death of the man of flesh and the birth of a new person who abides in Christ. Jesus’ blood will cleanse the sinner, but it will not continue to cover the sin of the one who continues to live for himself and continues to sin after receiving the knowledge of the truth.

    The covenant of faith demonstrated by father Abraham included hearing the voice of God, believing Him, and obeying Him. This is the covenant that encompasses all others and is eternal. We, as believers, enter that covenant by faith and so, too, become part of the eternal generation of the forefathers as well as Christ Himself through faith. There is no place for ongoing sin or for self-proclaimed sinners in this land where only the righteous abide. Those who have told us that we remain sinners after becoming new creations in Christ Jesus are liars attempting to build their own kingdoms, which are of this present world. Their inheritance will be according to their profession and their works.

    The God and Father of all life desires an inheritance that loves Him and serves Him blamelessly, just as His Only-Begotten has shown us. The person who believes he/she can continue to live for him/herself and disobey the eternal law of God will never enter the land where He dwells or see His face.


    Our Creator has established a variety of laws, all with a purpose and a reason. Still, the immortal, immutable law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is the one that overcomes sin, death, and mortality.

    Among the multitude who profess to know the Savior and call themselves Christians, there seem to be few who can confess the freedom from the dominance of the flesh and the sin produced by the lust of it.

    This law of the Spirit not only frees the true believer from the law of sin and death but the power of the flesh altogether. Is this not what the gospel actually teaches? How is it that professional Bible teachers worldwide tell us that despite being born of the Spirit and becoming new creatures in Christ, we remain subject to our flesh, thus remaining sinners?

    The real contention here is about who is really a Christian. The word of God is the real judge, and the opinion and doctrine of man and his institutions are worth nothing. Regrettably, eternity is in the balance for many who have believed the lie regarding ongoing sin and salvation. This subject cannot be taken lightly in the reality of eternal consequence.

    A diligent search will reveal that God’s salvation is from sin itself and not merely its consequences. What the professional religious leaders have done diligently has been an attempt to render the actual word of God, not say what it does say. When they are unable to pervert the exact words God has spoken through the Spirit of Truth, they are willing to compromise the truth by purposely mistranslating scripture to favor their false doctrines. This is most certainly true regarding humans being born sinners. Whose kingdoms are enlarged by such a lie?

    The natural, carnal human is, in fact, a beast of the earth and bears that mark. He is the offspring of the man of dust. The person who is born of the Spirit and follows the immutable Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is able to fulfill the righteous requirements of that law. To live according to the flesh carries with it the sentence of death which is separation from God for eternity, while those who follow after the Spirit of God not only put to death the deeds of the body but are, in fact, the true sons of God and real Christians.

    457 DISTANCE

    The eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth. Others look to outer space for the origin of the human race. How far have we actually come from our origin? Technology and knowledge of our environment are rapidly increasing, but where are we going? From where have we come?

    True understanding and purpose of our existence seem no closer to being discovered than it was in the beginning of the records we have uncovered. Truth has always been here and is in plain few of the human whose eyes have been opened by his Creator. The thing that has blinded the descendants of the first man is sin. All of his offspring have followed in his footsteps by choice.

    The actual answer to our existence and purpose is as near as our own heart. There have been countless people throughout the ages who have come to true understanding, which we all seek. It is not far off, although it may be mysterious. It comes by revelation of another dimension that cannot be comprehended through our biological senses or our carnal minds. Our Creator is not far off, nor is he hidden from the person who seeks Him diligently with his/her whole heart. All the speculation and natural ability must be set aside to enter the realm of true wisdom and understanding available in the Spiritual dimension where the Creator dwells. This is the land of the living where only the pure and blameless have access. This is the secret place where the Most High God Himself abides.

    What is being described is very simple. A child can understand it, while the intellectual genius cannot pass into its reality. The only distance between what can be seen with biological vision and spiritual vision is humility and a pure heart.

    Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

    MATTHEW 18:2-3; 3:2

    P.S. Can you really believe the little children described by Jesus are sinners?


    Unto him who orders his conduct aright, I will show the salvation of the Lord. Words provide us with a map to lead us to salvation. Nevertheless, its reality lies in experience. An intellectual assent or an unqualified belief based on man’s interpretation of what salvation consists of will not produce God’s actual intent.

    The Lord’s salvation has been established from the beginning. Many of the ancients understood its reality and knew the One in whom it exists. Long before Jesus appeared on earth to manifest His salvation, it was explained and given testimony by the writers of scripture. Today there are countless teachers and preachers proclaiming salvation to the masses, yet the evidence of the salvation described by the Holy Spirit is rare. There are many who proclaim, Lord, Lord, but few who do the will of the Father and bear the virtues described in the Bible, who reflect the image of Christ and walk as He walked.

    It should not be necessary to recite the fruits of the Holy Spirit or the works of the saints of old, but suffice it to say that the righteousness and holiness, purity, and faithfulness attributed to saints is difficult to observe in the vast congregations of self-proclaimed sinners which fill the world’s tax-exempt institutions.

    The true salvation of the Lord does not lie in a doctrine or an organization but in the Lord Himself. A sinner cannot abide in the Lord because He is holy and dwells in a place where no sinners are able to enter. While the blood of Jesus cleanses the sinner and covers his/her sins, it does not continue covering the iniquities of the person who lives according to the flesh and is not contrite with respect to ongoing sin.

    Sin is the real issue that has separated the descendants of the first Adam from their Creator and is the reason the Father sent His Son to earth as a man to save people from their sin. This is not a theoretical or a positional deliverance from sin and its consequence, but true salvation from its source as well as the separation from God that results from disobedience to Him. There is no salvation outside of Christ, and there is no sin in Him. How can a person stand blamelessly before God if he/she refuses the salvation He has provided by creating them anew and making them new creatures in the image of the Savior?

    His mercy endures forever for those who turn from their sin and follow His Spirit. Still, it is not extended to the person who tries to justify ongoing rebellion, blaming their flesh for an inability to obey the truth and the commands of God. It matters not who may have told us we cannot cease from the sin that so easily besets us. The Word of God remains firm and consistent. It applies equally to all without respect to persons or affiliations.

    The salvation of the Lord is from sin itself and always has been.

    PSALM 50:23


    Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor heights, nor depths, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Although not listed, viruses are included.

    On the other hand, if sinners entice you to join them, do not consent or join with them. Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord, even if they call themselves Christian sinners. Hello! The righteous should choose his/her friends carefully, for the way of the wicked (sinner) leads them astray.

    When is a sinner not a sinner? Apparently, it occurs when he/she affiliates with those who believe they were born sinners and have no choice or control over their own desires and compulsions. How does this belief and philosophy reconcile itself to being born again and created anew in the image of their Creator? Hello!

    The simple message here is to separate yourself from those who consider themselves pious and humble but remain sinners after being born of the Spirit and having been cleansed from all unrighteousness, yet refuse to walk blamelessly in holiness. What has the gospel told us? Have we who are born of God not been set free from sin and the power of the flesh?

    This watchman is appealing to everyone who believes the gospel to separate themselves from the false church that teaches that ongoing sin is a normal Christian experience. It matters not how prevalent or popular this heresy is. It is the wide pathway that leads to death, and the institutions that are teaching it are indeed the harlot so often referred to in scripture. Amen.

    ROMANS 8:35-39

    1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-11

    PROVERBS 12:26

    460 WHICH WAY?

    There is a way which seems right to a person but it ends in death. He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but the person who walks wisely will be saved. God’s ways are not necessarily our ways nor his thoughts necessarily our thoughts. The Almighty has given us commands that have no expiration date and warnings that never change.

    There is no excuse for disobedience and no justification for rebellion. Certainly, God’s laws are perfect and holy and Spiritual. Those who walk and live according to the flesh are not able to fulfill the righteous requirements of God’s laws and statutes, because the carnal person does not have the ability to know or understand the way of the Spirit. The weakness of the flesh and the carnal mind are contrary to the Spirit and, consequently, the ways of God.

    Our Creator’s solution to this dilemma is the death of the natural man, which is only accomplished through faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross. Our old man was crucified in His sinless body on the cross, thus allowing a new sinless, spiritual person to rise with Him to newness of life. The person who can believe this reality and has experienced the miracle is now able to fulfill the righteous requirements of the law and walk in the ways of God just as Jesus has shown us. He has, in fact, told us that we are able to walk as He walked and do even greater things than He did as a man.

    The Lord’s ability to do all the miraculous things He said and did while He was on earth were the result of His total dependence upon the Holy Spirit, who is His Father. He is also our Father if indeed we are born of the Spirit. Faith is the answer to the understanding of the truth you are hearing. This faith consists of hearing the voice of the Father, believing what He has said, and then obeying what you have heard.

    The ways of God are actually simple and attainable if they are not complicated by the religious professionals who would prefer to have the people of God depend upon them rather than the Holy Spirit. This is the answer to the haunting question regarding why there are so many denominations, cults and religious organizations.

    Is what you have heard here not the true gospel?

    GALATIANS 2:17-20


    The value of this wisdom is beyond any earthly treasure. Words used to describe this wisdom are primarily metaphor, because it emanates from a place outside the realm of human existence. This wisdom can only be accessed by those who have been chosen by the Creator to pass through the gates of righteousness into the Spiritual dimension where He dwells. Those who have a heart to know and understand such wisdom are gifted with her reality. This is where the true knowledge of God enables one to cease from sin and discern good and evil, truth and lies.

    The natural man is able to observe the wonders of the physical creation which declare the existence of the Creator, but the actual wisdom through which it has all originated remains shrouded in mystery outside the biological boundaries of human understanding. This is where sinners dwell and humanity’s natural wisdom prevails. This is where the fool stands with the purchase price for wisdom at the doors of the institutions of higher learning established by the hand of mankind, but the boundary established and guarded by the Almighty will not allow the mortal soul to enter. This is why we see the confusion of religion and the conflict created by its ignorance.

    Little children do not understand such things, nor are their minds cluttered with all the complicated doctrines and jargon created by the blindness of the world. They are free to come to Jesus and to know His love. This wisdom is free and cannot be purchased at any price, nor can one return to its reality once it has been lost, without being reborn of the Spirit.

    Are not the ways of God wonderful? He makes foolish the wisdom of man while revealing Himself and His wisdom to the poor and needy, the uneducated, as well as little children. All this right in front of the power brokers of the worldly wise.

    Praise be to God and to the wisdom that only comes from Him!

    LUKE 7:35


    The one who is blameless in his way is the Lord’s delight. The Lord has declared numerous people blameless throughout scripture. Many terms, metaphors, synonyms and descriptions are used to reveal those who have found right standing in His sight. These are the ones who abide in His presence and the holy place where He dwells. Wise, humble, righteous, upright, just, innocent, redeemed, chosen, faithful, saints, holy and overcomers are some references that come to mind. These are the ones who are not ashamed on the final day and are able to stand at the final judgment. They are pure in heart whose names are found written in the Book of Life.

    Many explanations and examples are given in scripture of those who have pleased their Creator and found favor with Him. Surely, we all desire to be members of this great throng who glorify our Savior. The records given to us by nearly every contributor to the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, reveal what pleases and displeases the Lord. Proverbs even gives us a list of things the Lord hates.

    Obedience is very high on the list of things that please God, as well as the disobedience to His commands being one of the quickest ways to be condemned. The question arises as to whether or not we are able to keep and obey His commands. I have heard it said that we are not able, but what can keep us from being able? Why have so many through the ages been able to obey Him and please Him, while so many did not? And is it any different today? Really! Who possesses the attributes listed to the blameless that cause them to please our Savior while the seeming majority do not? Surely, the ones who do not receive the endorsement of our heavenly Father bear their own guilt. The Almighty has never changed nor have the requirements of knowing Him and pleasing Him. Without knowing Him, how can a person please Him? Does what another person tells us about Him and His ways actually constitute personal knowledge of Him? The point is that there is no substitute for a personal witness by the Holy Spirit that our heart is right with God and that we are pleasing Him.

    Those who have told us to claim the promises of scripture and believe we are blameless before the throne of God while we continue to violate his righteous demands are actually condemning the ones who believe them to an eternity separated from the holy, loving Savior before whom we all must give account.

    What say you? Are you really counted among the saints?

    2 CORINTHIANS 13:5


    Everywhere I look in the scriptures, I see the love of God displayed for His people, but nowhere do I see sinners associated with the kingdom of heaven or the place where God dwells. This is amazing in light of the fact that so many Christians call themselves sinners (proudly, I might add). The Psalmist declares that sinners shall not stand in the congregation of the righteous, but blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly (sinners).

    The truth is everywhere to see, and the righteous follow it. On the other hand, nowhere do we see sinners following after the Spirit of God. There must be some disconnect in the reasoning of the one who calls him/herself a born-again Christian and yet a sinner. A true Christian according to the gospel I read in the Bible says that Christ has set the believer free from sin, and those who abide in Him do not sin. How can this be?

    The truth resides in the Spirit, while the lie resides in the world and the flesh.

    Satan has blinded the eyes and the conscience of the proud religious leaders of this present age along with those who believe and follow their lies. The Word of God is not ambiguous regarding who we are in Christ or what He expects of those whom He has redeemed. The confession of the true believer along with his/her way of life is the reflection of the reality of the sinless life demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

    Though sin is everywhere, so are the eyes of God keeping watch on the good and the evil. There is nowhere that the Spirit of God is not available to deliver the true Christian from the temptation to sin that so often presents itself. It is the overcomers who are actually saved and chosen in the end.

    Jesus answered them: Most assuredly I say to you. Whoever commits sin is a slave to sin, and a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore, if the son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

    But now having been set free from sin and having become slaves of God, you now have your fruit to holiness and the end to everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

    And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin.

    ROMANS 6:20-23

    1 JOHN 3:3-9

    JOHN 8:34-36

    464 HE IS COMING

    Every eye shall see Him, and He will judge the world with righteousness. Whether you believe this or not has no bearing on the truth. He is coming to gather His Chosen to Himself, and those who know Him will receive their reward which he has promised to those who love Him.

    The signs of his imminent return are manifest throughout the earth, and His judgments are already taking place among the nations. The wise among us are surely making preparations and getting ready. This preparedness is essential whether He comes today or further into the future, because it matters not if He calls us as individuals or if the final hour arrives for the whole world. Readiness is what He has commanded for all His people throughout the ages. Diligence is man’s precious possession, and the true believer must be constantly vigilant and watching.

    We who know the Lord have been commanded to proclaim His coming even before His incarnation on earth the first time. The ancients knew He would appear at an appointed time, just as we who are alive today. We are all of the same generation if we know the Lord.

    We who do know Him should not fear but rejoice to know that He is coming which means the fulfillment of His great salvation. There is no cause to fear the unknown if we are abiding in our Savior now and have the assurance of His love. You may have expected more prognostication regarding His coming because of the title of this discourse, but the warnings and the reason to trust our great God and Savior should be of consolation to everyone who abides in His love.

    MATTHEW 24:3 through 25:13

    2 THESSALONIANS 1:3 through 2:17


    Individuals as well as nations can reap blessings or curses based on adherence or rejection of the principles God has established. These principles are without appeal or compromise and are absolute. They are actually laws that cannot be violated without consequences. The blessings inherent in observing these laws are also its own consequence.

    The wise person is able to see and understand the results of the unequivocal statutes the Almighty has established in the physical, moral and spiritual dimensions. The reality, as well as proof, of adherence or rejection manifest themselves in the lives of individuals, groups as well as whole nations. There are spirits involved throughout every blessing and curse.

    If we pick a person, group or nation to analyze, there will be evidence related directly to the beliefs and works embraced by any and all of the subjects being observed. Examples of such sowing and reaping include religious, political, secular, cultural, and societal, as well as racial and national. How insightful must a person be to see the truth of Muslim nations or socialist and communist countries? What of sexually perverse groups such as LGBTQ affiliates and supremacy groups? These are a few of the more extreme examples that thrust themselves into the public eye. What of peace, love, tranquility, contentment and joy contrasted to conflict, hatred, confusion, discontent and misery? Are these things not obvious repercussions of good and evil? Are they not clearly the result of blessings and curses?

    God is not mocked; whatever a person, group, or nation sows that will they reap. There is surely both good and evil, and truth is not subjective or relative. The one that thinks they can violate the principles of God and escape the consequences is ignorant and foolish. So it is for everyone who reject Him.

    DEUTERONOMY 11:26-28

    466 WHERE IS GOD?

    His domain extends beyond the comprehension of man. In Him we live and move and have our being. There is no place outside of His sovereignty, yet He chooses how and where He will manifest Himself; and where He dwells there are few whom He chooses to approach His throne and few on whom His face shines. We know He has chosen Zion as His dwelling place, and Jerusalem where He has established His throne. But has He really limited Himself to a place on the earth for His glory to rest? His actual throne is in heaven, and earth is but His footstool.

    How great is this God of Jacob, and how is it that some actually know Him in a personal way? He even chooses some to approach Him and learn directly from Him. Anyone who fears Him is able to understand these things and does not need another person to teach them to know God. It is a joy to talk about our Creator and His great kingdom and all His mighty works.

    We who take the time to meditate on His wonderful works and diligently seek to know Him are rewarded with the understanding of His ways and His righteous judgments. Is there anything more fabulous and worthwhile that a mortal soul could achieve?

    The location of the Almighty Creator, God, is directly related to a person’s relationship with Him. He can be as near as our own heart or as far as the stars. It all depends on our individual relationship with Him, or if we are conscious of even having one at all. We are limited by our own values as well as His knowledge of who we are and, of course, His volition.

    Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

    ROMANS 10:6-8

    JAMES 4:8

    PSALMS 105:1-10

    P.S. He is everywhere, even in the tiniest living creature.


    Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Therefore, do not worry saying, What shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or what shall we wear? For after all these things the gentiles seek, for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. These verses portray our physical needs as well as spiritual reality.

    The material realm is real and legitimate, but the love and desire for material things is idolatry. The person who has lost their life for Jesus’ sake need not worry about the material things that people believe will bring them satisfaction. A proper spiritual perspective will allow the believer to choose righteousness rather than self-indulgence. The gratification derived from an abundance of material possessions is akin to the temporary pleasure of sin as well as the love of money.

    A person cannot serve two masters, nor can he/she please the Savior and their lusts simultaneously. A choice must be made in advance of the day of reckoning. When the time comes, opportunity has ended. Not everyone who says, Lord, Lord. . . will enter His kingdom, but only those who have done the will of the Father. If this sounds absolute, it is because it is. The gospel has made it clear.

    The love of things cannot be reconciled to the message of the gospel. Yielding to the lusts of the flesh is incompatible with abiding in Christ. Sin is not able to co-exist in the land of the living where only the righteous dwell.

    Those content to be satisfied living in a material world and the kingdom of self-indulgence have no part in the eternal kingdom. They are as zombies walking about as corpses and the living dead; or as a beast of the earth without understanding. And so shall they die.

    PSALM 49:16-20

    HEBREWS 13:5

    468 IMMANUEL

    God with us. Jesus, the Christ, truly is God. Most people who call themselves Christians believe that. They believe that the miracles He did and all He accomplished as a man was because He was God. The fact is that He emptied Himself of His own power and totally subjected Himself to His Father. He only did the things He saw His Father doing. His power was that of the Holy Spirit, even the words that He spoke were what He heard the Spirit speak.

    Jesus was truly a man that was born of a woman. Though God is His Father, he did not exercise His own power but submitted Himself to the Holy Spirit. He did everything to please His Father. If you can’t see where this is going yet, I hope you will.

    Many also believe that Jesus fulfilled the righteous requirements of the law for us. The word says that we, too, are able to fulfill the righteous requirements of the law that is not passing away by following after the Holy Spirit just as Jesus has shown us. This is also how we walk as He walked without sinning. This is how His righteousness becomes our righteousness. The mystery of God is understood by walking in the Spirit and obeying His voice. These things are made real by believing the gospel and then doing what it says. Jesus said that if we believe Him, we can do even greater things than He did.

    Brethren, the real issue is faith. Faith without works is dead. Jesus demonstrated faith in all that He did as a man. So, too, did His apostles and disciples spoken of in the Bible. The Father gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him, not to sinners.

    Are you ready to believe Him and separate yourself from the ones who don’t? The Holy Spirit is calling us to walk in the fullness of the gospel and not the tax-exempt version of it preached in the churches and the electronic perversions of it.

    The truth remains simple, and there is no need to go to a Bible school or a seminary to understand what the Spirit of Truth is saying.

    If God is for us, who can be against us?

    P.S. With regard to references, I hope every reader can recognize them.


    Jesus was, indeed, a man. He was born of a woman named Mary. She was a human being. Although a virgin at the time of conception, she remained so until after his birth. Jesus’ father was a Spirit, and His conception was indeed a miracle. God, the Creator, is an eternal being and certainly does not have a mother. Yet there are many who believe Mary is the mother of God. The Spirit that inhabited the body of the Man Jesus is the Spirit who is His Father, but Mary is not a mother of that divine Spirit. The Spirit of Christ always was

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