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No Daddy! No!
No Daddy! No!
No Daddy! No!
Ebook113 pages1 hour

No Daddy! No!

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About this ebook

Olivia Clark was born in 1938 in Mississippi at the tail end of The Great Depression.

Her father was from Alabama but left home to get a job with the Civilian Conservation Corps, and thats how he met Olivias mother and started a family. Eventually, shed move with her parents and siblings to Detroit after her father got a job making cars.

Olivia was only nine years old when her father first approached her for a sexual favor. He said it was a secretand she could not tell anyone else.

Her sister, Diane, received the brunt of his abuse. Some nights, he would enter their room, take Diane from the bed and bring her down the hallway. Olivia would have to listen to her sisters cries. Shed find out that in addition to threatening to kill Diane if she ever told their mother, hed give her money, too.

Even though Olivia saw her father as a monster, she still loved himand she shares how she overcame his abuse and a myriad of other obstacles in No Daddy! No!

Release dateOct 11, 2016
No Daddy! No!

Olivia Clark

Olivia Clark has experienced some horrific things throughout her life, but she has always gotten through difficult times by reading the Bible and through prayer. She believes that if you want something really bad and don’t get it, it wasn’t meant to be—and something better for you awaits. Clark currently lives in Detroit, Michigan.

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    Book preview

    No Daddy! No! - Olivia Clark


    On a cold, fall day, Olivia’s house sits on a tired suburban street. The houses are mostly well kept, but a few stand out. All have the familiar look of row houses. There is little life on the street despite the fact that it is the middle of the day. Olivia’s house sits across from a small park with worn play equipment. The park is attached to an abandoned school. It looks like no one has been there in years. Some windows are boarded.

    A nice, white Jeep Cherokee, Jennifer’s car, pulls up in front of Olivia’s house. The engine is still running and Jennifer and Dexter are still inside the car. Jennifer’s look of trepidation at Olivia’s house shows that she has never been in this sort of neighborhood in the city. She looks a little nervous as she grips the steering wheel tighter and tighter. Then there’s Dexter, sitting in the passenger seat, unfazed by anything.

    Jennifer goes on to say, This is it?

    Yes Jennifer, that’s Olivia’s house. Let’s go, Dexter says as he opens the door to get out the Jeep.

    Dexter? Is this…are we?…

    This isn’t Afghanistan, Jennifer. Come on; we’re fine. Don’t be a silly, sheltered white girl.

    As Jennifer turns off the car, she looks at Dexter with a sharp stare, But I am a silly sheltered white girl. I can’t help it.

    They both exit the car and Jennifer moves to the back of the Jeep to open the hatch. When she realizes she is all alone, she looks up in a panic and sees Dexter walking to the house. DEXTER! She screams a little louder than intended.

    Dexter frustrated, responds, What?

    Could you come help me?

    Dexter unwillingly walks back to the Jeep and looks inside the open hatch. Inside lies a fancy computer case, Jennifer’s Burberry backpack, and other fashion accessories. She hands Dexter the unexpectedly heavy backpack and it weighs a ton.

    Jennifer, What the hell you got in here?

    Nothing. Just things we might need.

    Heaviest ‘nothing’ I’ve ever lifted, Dexter replies as he throws the backpack on his back. As Jennifer grabs the rest of her stuff and closes the back trunk, she pushes the fob on her keys four times. Once to lock it, secondly to hear the horn, again to lock it, then finally to hear the horn once more for assurance.

    With a smirk, Dexter looks back at Jennifer, Jennifer, I think you got it.

    They walk up to the door of Olivia’s house and Dexter pushes the ringer. The front door is protected with a locked swinging gate that is painted white. This fact is not lost on Jennifer as she stares at the gate and nearby surroundings, hoping Olivia is not home.

    From behind the door, Olivia asks with a hard voice, Who is it?

    It’s Dexter, Mrs. Clark. Toby’s friend?

    A latch is disengaged and Olivia opens the door. It’s dark inside. Jennifer and Dexter can hardly see her behind the gate. Olivia regards the visitors and then unlocks the gate and lets them in. Dexter walks into the house, but Jennifer looms outside.

    As Olivia gets a better look at Dexter, she smiles. Yes, Dexter. Come in now. I’m so glad you’re here, she remarks as she gives Dexter a genuine hug. Let me look at you. It’s been a little while. In college now, right? It’s treating you well, I can tell that. And who is your friend?

    This is Jennifer, my friend from school. The one that I told you about.

    Come in, Jennifer. It’s all right; I won’t bite. Olivia laughs and she motions for Jennifer to come in.

    When Jennifer walks in, she and Dexter see Olivia clearly for the first time. She is a friendly woman with a warm and knowing smile that belies her seventy-six years. She holds a cane in one hand, and although bent with old age, she stands strong and welcoming.

    Hello, Mrs. Clark, Jennifer says with a fake smile and uncomfortable look on her face.

    It’s my pleasure, and please, call me Olivia. You too, Dexter! I think you are old enough now that we can pass on ceremony, especially since Toby is not around. Come in, you two. Let’s find a place where we can talk.

    Olivia takes them into the dining room where a high wooden table sits right in front of a large picture window that looks out on the street where they can see Jennifer’s Jeep and the vacant school yard. The room is cozy and dark. Jennifer is busy organizing her bags, and Dexter sits across from her. Olivia finds a seat at the head of the table.

    As Olivia gets comfortable and crosses her feet, she looks over to Jennifer. Now Jennifer, tell me. Why do you want to talk to me?

    Jennifer, surprised, looks at Dexter, and Dexter returns Jenny’s concerned gaze as if to say, I told her.

    I thought… Did Dexter tell you?

    Oh he told me, but I want to hear it from you. That’s all.

    Jennifer looks around the room trying to get comfortable again. Ahh… I am working on my graduate thesis. It’s about the challenges of women in Detroit, specifically the struggles women faced around the time of World War II and the riots. And Dexter said that you had…well…a…

    A ‘colorful life’ might be a nice way to describe it.

    Well…yeah…from the little that Dexter told me, it sounds horrific.

    Olivia looks at Jennifer with a seriousness. It was at times. I will tell you everything and I think, after it all, you will have one amazing story to tell. But first, I want you to understand, that as awful as everything might sound, I thank God for the challenges he brought me because they gave me my family. And so while you might think it all sounds…horrific, do me a favor, and remember through all this, my life has been blessed.

    Jennifer looks at Olivia and pauses. Olivia’s intensity takes her back a moment. Okay…

    Olivia then goes on to tell her story. Okay. Now, let me see. I was born in 1938 in Mississippi. My mother grew up there, but my Daddy was from Alabama. He came to Mississippi as part of the CCC and he was working there when they met.

    The CCC was a work program from the depression era…right? Jennifer asks as she pulls out her laptop.

    Yes, it was called the Civilian Conservation Corps and he worked there, in West Point Mississippi, when he met my mother. The men were working on establishing the…what was it now…the Tombigbee National Forest and my momma and her family were living in West Point, just a little bit north of there.


    It is the morning outside of the workers camp in West Point, Mississippi. An open flatbed truck travels through the small city center of West Point. A young woman, known as Tiny, walks along the side of the road with her sister while carrying an infant, Diane. The man in the passenger seat of the truck, Eddie, watches Tiny as him and the driver ride by.

    The truck slows down at the general store in the heart of the town. The driver and Eddie exit the truck and enter the GENERAL STORE OF WEST POINT. It’s a typical general store with a large counter that is organized and filled with a variety of goods. A worn out shopkeeper stands at the register. What is it today, boys?

    The driver replies, We just need us a few bags of that bone meal. Ran into some tired old soil down the forest way.

    You have the order form?

    The driver hands over the order form to the shopkeeper. Eddie hangs back and wanders absent-mindedly around the store as the negotiation goes on. With the ring of the door-bell, Tiny, her sister, and Diane enter. Simply dressed in worn, red blouses with faded blue jeans, and penny loafers, the sisters are focused on their conversation as they walk in. Both women are looking at fabric. Eddie watches them as he walks over.

    No one hears the exchange, but whatever Eddie is saying is engaging and makes both women laugh. Tiny hands Diane to her sister

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