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A Guide to Open311
A Guide to Open311
A Guide to Open311
Ebook233 pages3 hours

A Guide to Open311

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About this ebook

EverythingCivics, is born out of the personal practical experience of Rakesh, after becoming frustrated when his wife fell down on a broken footpath while going for a morning jog. He tried to report the issue to the city officials and found no result in a convenient way. Being a tech savvy guy who truly believes in using technology to solve the problems, he began to wonder if there are technologies out there in countries like USA & Europe, but those technologies where not easy & affordable for countries like India, they also did not address the cultural and language issues which countries like India have; after doing much research and talking to couple of his friends, inspired by ideas which already has been implemented in countries like USA, UK and others, he decided to build a platform that lets anybody to click a photo and report an issue to the Municipal Corporation and get the problems fixed.

This book serves as a bible for anyone who interested in getting a global perspective around Non-emergency Services & use of Open311 protocols by different councils. It also provides complete insight about implementation of Open311 issue reporting apps like HeyGov!, FixCity, Fix 311, FixMyStreet.CA, FixMyStreet NZ and many more
This book is divided into five major sections
1. Everything about the Non-emergency Services
2. Understanding Open311
3. Open311 applications
4. Other aspects of EverythingCivics
5. These sections further unfold into 8 chapters
Release dateMar 6, 2015
A Guide to Open311

Rakesh Patel

Rakesh Patel, CEO and cofounder of Space-O Technologies and best-selling author of Enterprise Mobility Strategy & Solutions, having two decades of software experience, has played key roles in diverse areas of the software businesses assuming different responsibilities. He has been in information technology field for the last twenty-one years and has defined a successful business model for the clients that has worked flawlessly for them. His ideas, experience, and knowledge in mobility have been greatly admired and acknowledged by the clients, community, and others in the mobile app space.

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    A Guide to Open311 - Rakesh Patel

    Copyright © 2015 by Rakesh Patel.

    ISBN:      Hardcover         978-1-4828-4636-2

                    Softcover           978-1-4828-4637-9

                    eBook                978-1-4828-4635-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Chapter 1   Non Emergency Civic Service

    What is Civics?

    Civic Participation and Empowerment

    Non-emergency Situations

    Non-emergency civic services

    How to Summon a Non-Emergency Service

    Chapter 2   Civic Engagement

    What is Civic Engagement?

    Forms of Civic Engagement

    How Does Civic Engagement Relate to Non - Emergency Civic Services

    Chapter 3   Civic Learning

    What is Civic Learning

    Importance of Civic learning

    How Civic learning in preparing students for non - emergency civic situations

    Chapter 4   Open311

    Understanding Open311: A new channel of public services

    History of 311

    311 services

    Availability of 3-1-1 services

    Usage of 3-1-1 services

    The open model

    Open311 pattern

    Open311 API

    APIs and the Growth of Cloud Based Technologies

    Open311 Standard Protocols

    Open311 Cities

    Open311 and the Code for America

    Chapter 5   Developments in Non-Emergency Services

    Latest Developments in Open311 System

    Chapter 6   Open311 Applications





    Service Tracker

    The Daily Brief

    311 Labs

    Other Platforms

    Chapter 7   Free third party Apps


    Chicago Works




    Chapter 8   Open311 Open Source Projects

    Overview of Open311 Open Source Projects

    Case Study

    Building 3-1-1 Minneapolis Call Center


    Minneapolis 3-1-1Call Center

    Major Goals of the Minneapolis 3-1-1 Call Center

    Goal Implementation

    Other Goals of the 3-1-1 Center

    Examples of Services Provided Through the 3-1-1 Call Center



    The world today is facing a plethora of problems which can only be addressed by the inhabitants of the planet itself. Be it a developed nation with a strong institutional and structures or a third-world developing country, which is still going through the struggle of establishing itself, each faces its own unique set of troubles that can be collectively pacified by the planning and action of the responsible government and the involvement of the citizens of the country itself. This brings about the critical need for civic services. Broadly, civic services, or civics, can be defined as the rights and duties of the citizens to each other and to the country, through the medium of the elected governing body.

    Most civic services, on a global scale, are emergency-related services, for example, activities targeted at disaster relief, but not to be undermined, non-emergency civic services are equally important. Non-emergency civic duties comprise of activities that are targeted at improving situations where there is no danger to life or there is no need for urgent medical attention. Examples of non-emergency civic services are crime reporting, provision of education, jury duty, voting, etc. But for civic services to be effective, one necessary condition has to be met, and that essential condition is about democracy, where the people of a nation have a say in every decision regarding their country, as civic service is fundamentally the empowerment of the people.

    Once an environment ideal for a civic service has been established, the question that arises next, is how making a civic activities convenient and more efficient at achieving the targets that it aims for, and to find ways to maximize their impact. Technology is of utmost significance when aiming to increase the accessibility and efficiency of any service. In order to nurture the technology and innovation, both the public and private forms of investment in research and development are essential, specifically for civic services. This investment can be seen to be fruitful as evidenced by the existing helpful platforms and applications, for example open311.

    The book begins by giving a general overview of what civics are? Thereby giving the readers a clear understanding of the subject matters. It also touches upon civic participation, emphasizing on the dire need for it, how to ensure it and what significant impacts result from it. It then goes on to discuss the emergence and impact of the global civics. Global civics refer to the concept of the reality of the ‘world society’ and highlights the rights and responsibilities of the citizens of this society towards each other. The existence of these certain duties is termed as a ‘social contract’ among all the world citizens.

    The world society has emerged mainly due to the increasing interdependence and interaction among the various countries of the world, brought about by the advent of technological advancements and innovations which are erasing the boundaries between the countries. After tending to the topic of global civics, the section goes on to explore the classification of non-emergency civic services and clarifies the definition of these services. It also provides a detailed list of non-emergency situations. The discussion of non-emergency civic services are then further strengthened by outlining the different types of services, given along with it the famous examples of existing non-emergency services, and then educates the reader on how to access these services through different applications and platforms.

    After the meaning and forms of civic services have been established, the next section focuses on civic engagement and the relationship between civic engagement and non-emergency services. Civic engagement is defined as active participation, involvement and promotion of civic services through educating and informing the community about its role and the tools at its disposal. Politically and non-politically, make a difference in the quality of the life in the society they are living in. Civic engagement has been proved to improve the quality of living in countries where it is widely practiced; among other things, mostly by decreasing the unemployment rate.

    So, it can be determined that a civic engagement is not only beneficial socially but is also economically favorable. Civic engagement can be broken down into various forms, each as effective as the other, ranging from public scholarship and community development of advocacy and community service and volunteerism.

    Civic engagement is only possible through participation in civic learning. Civic learning educates individuals about their responsibilities and abilities with respect to lending a hand in the betterment of their society and also enabling individuals to effectively understand the social, economic and political realities of the community which they are a part of. Furthermore, in order for an individual’s civic learning to be complete, it is imperative that they have complete knowledge about their rights and duties with respect to the government, only when the citizens get involved in the governing process, the power of the official will be held accountable and the betterment of the community will be ensured.

    This awareness of an individual’s responsibility, capabilities and identification of the aspects of the community that needs improvement cannot be isolated from the effectiveness of civil services, in both the emergency and non-emergency situations, which can only be brought about when a citizen is fully informed.

    To assist every form of non-emergency civic services, diverse varieties of platforms and applications have been created and are readily available. One of the emerging popular applications is a cloud based application called ‘Open311’. Open311 is an advanced platform that provides users in varying parts of the world, mainly the United States of America, with open channels of communication primarily for issues related to public services. Open311 is a standardized protocol for location-based collaborative issue-tracking and serves the purpose of providing a platform where community related issues can attract attention and be reported.¹

    Open311 has a number of open channels like Service Tracker, The Daily Brief, 311 labs, etc., along with several third-party applications like Chicago Works, Fix311. Open311 is also increasingly becoming essential in relation to non-emergency civic services, establishing it as the future of such services. Apart from the existing applications of Open311, there are many others in the pipeline in the form of numerous projects related to mobile clients and server software.

    Overall, this book presents the reader with a detailed understanding of what exactly civic services are, specifically non-emergency civic services. Along with informing the readers about what civic services entail and how to get involved in them, this book also brings them up-to-date with the latest and imminent innovations and platforms designed to assist civic service activities and to encourage civic engagement, today and in the future.


    Non Emergency Civic Service

    What is Civics?

    The concept of civics, or civic services, can be derived from sociological and anthropological discussions, broadly, it relates to an understanding of social science. Civic service refers to the activities carried out by the constituents of a country, aimed at the betterment of their society, along with an awareness regarding their social rights, duties and responsibilities of being a part of a constitutional democracy. Civic services can be most aptly described as the foundation of a democratic society and how it functions².

    When the citizens of a democratic country exercise their political control, they engage in a civic service. They become involved in the government by the means of their voting rights, the right to protest and petition and through the freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is achieved primarily through the media, which is not pressured or influenced by the government in any way and is free to write the realities of the policies that the government implements. There are no restraints on what the media says, even if it criticizing the government’s actions.

    Law and order also have an essential role to play in civics as they uphold and enforce justice. All these components of civics work together to ensure that the government is held accountable for all its actions and that it implements policies that are not unrepresentative of the public.

    It can be derived from the above that civics essentially mean to educate the citizens of a country about their duties and responsibilities. Some examples of civic service include exercising the power to vote, fulfilling jury duty, attending town hall meetings and the form of the government and the design of the electoral system. All of the activities mentioned above are essential stepping stones of becoming involved in civics. To start with, a citizen must vote and bring to power those government officials who most accurately represent them.

    In order to vote, an individual must gain complete knowledge about every candidate vying for an official position, along with being fully informed about the position and ideology for a particular candidate who stands for. This ensures that the candidate that comes to power will work for the causes that most accurately address the concerns of the citizens. After the formation of a truly public representative government, the next civic service a citizen must perform is carrying out a jury duty. Completing a jury duty ensures that the individual is part of the legal process of the country and also ensures that law and order is enforced ‘by the people and for the people’.

    Similarly, attending town hall meetings is another obligation that a citizen must fulfill. By attending town hall meetings, a citizen is able to provide feedback regarding important issues concerning the public and is also able to directly influence decisions regarding any new policies that the government is considering. These activities, among others, fully ensure that the citizens of a country are fully in charge of their own governance, even if the final decisions are being made by the government official.

    If looked from a wider perspective, it is apparent that the practice of civics, aims to achieve a form of decentralized government in which the power does not lie in the hands of any one individual or a privileged group of individuals. So civics, if summarized, can be said to be concerned with the balance of power, along with the being the study of the obligations and rights of a citizen³.

    One important point that must be kept in mind is, often there is a misconstrued perception that civics are concerned mainly with the state and the nation. The fact that is often ignored is the importance of a city as a phase of government. A city derives its significance from the fact that it is the only phase of government with which every individual interacts, unlike the government, and it directly deals with community life. The state or government differs from the city in exactly this respect; the government is not a community, it is merely an artificial entity compared to a community⁴. So there should be no doubt as to the real target of civic services, the target being the city and the community.

    Civic participating and awareness about an individual’s civic responsibility is important if any democracy or philanthropy wishes to be successful. Furthermore, the citizens, by engaging in civic services, make sure the values of democracy stated in the Constitution of The United States, along with the Bill of Rights, are upheld and guaranteed. These responsibilities can be outlined as duties related to freedom, diversity, justice, equality, privacy, authority, property, truth, due process, participation, patriotism, tolerance, human rights, mutual assistance, rule of law, self-respect and finally, self-restraint. The teachings of civic responsibility in schools are encouraged, so that the educational institutes are able to produce citizens who are active and responsible participants of the government and the community.

    The civic services can certainly and most strongly be related to the philanthropic sector. It is mostly nonprofit companies that benefit from the active participation and donation of citizens in the civic services. The key ideas that are related to civic participation and responsibility are service learning, civic education and volunteer work.

    Global Civics

    With the continuous advances and breakthroughs in the technology and innovation, there has been a fast-paced increase in the interdependence of and interaction between all the countries of the world. Examples of this interconnectedness are evident all over the world. One prominent example is the effect that the well-being of the economy of America, being one of the superpowers, has on the rest of the country. A boom in the economy of America translates into a healthy economic activity in China through flourishing trade between the two countries, this leads to increased economic activity in China, resulting in increased employment opportunities and ultimately concluding in an increase in the standard of living.

    The above example shows how the governance and well-being of one country affects the well-being of another country, irrespective of the boundaries and geography. This increasing sense of affinity between countries has led to the emergence of the phenomenon of a ‘Global village’ in which each country and community is connected and aware of one another, not only economically, but also socially and politically⁵.

    This emergence of a Global village brings about the necessity of global civics. Civics, which by definition is applicable to the community in which a citizen is living, need to expand to encompass the Global village, as the Global village, in a sense, is also a community. Global civics are a form of a social contract between the citizens of this Global village and comprises of the rights and duties that the citizens of the global community have towards each other⁶.

    It is important to harness this sense of global community and shared responsibility and use it to address some critical issues facing the world, issues

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