People, Places and Things
By Mary Edner
About this ebook
Mary Edner
I'm a 62 year old. I've been Married 32 years. I have three Granddaughters, and we all love Trivia. I love Quizing the mind.
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People, Places and Things - Mary Edner
© 2014 Mary Edner. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 04/14/2014
ISBN: 978-1-4969-0572-7 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4969-0573-4 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014907037
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1. I first became famous through a 1957 book . . .
2… . that has since been translated into dozens of languages, including Latin.
3. My home is on a mountain.
4. I owe my life to a well-known Dr.
5. My heart was once two sizes too small.
6. For a time, my only friend was my dog.
7. I made my TV debut in 1966 . . .
8… . and became an instant Christmas classic.
9. Jim Carrey played me in a 2000 movie.
10. I live just north of Whoville.
Who am I?
1. I am a natural beauty.
2. I’ve been around for almost 12,500 years.
3. I’m half American, half Canadian . . .
4… . but I’m made up of three parts.
5. I’m open for viewing all day, every day.
6. Marilyn Monroe came to me to rendezvous with Joe DiMaggio.
7. Lois Lane fell for me in Superman 2.
8. I was the wedding location of Office-mates Jim and Pam.
9. To some, I’m a barrel of laughs.
10. I’m a favorite honeymoon spot.
Where am I?
1. I was discovered 2,000 years ago . . .
2… . in the rainforests of the Americas.
3. I was used in ancient religious ceremonies.
4. Back then, I was a bitter beverage.
5. When I got to Europe, I became a sweet treat.
6. In the 1800s, an Englishman created a bar version of me.
7. Some versions of me are very high in antioxidants.
8. A river of me ran through Willy Wonka’s factory.
9. Women crave me more than men . . .
10… . but everyone loves my Kisses!
What am I?
1. I’m originally from Malaysia . . .
2… . and wasn’t introduced to America until 1876.
3. Harry Belafonte sang about me in Day-O.
4. I get sweeter with time.
5. I arrive in the store packaged by Mother Nature.
6. I am loaded with fiber and potassium.
7. I come in bunches, each layer of which is called a hand.
8. Surprisingly my peel is edible!
9. Yellow is my signature color.
10. I am America’s favorite fruit.
What am I?
1. I am a famous American woman.
2. I hail from Georgia . . .
3… . but today I spend lots of time on my New Mexico ranch.
4. I was once married to a singer from Texas.
5. I’ve been named one of the Most Intriguing
and Richest
6. My favorite hobby is knitting.
7. I’m known for my million-dollar smile.
8. My niece Emma and brother Eric share my profession.
9. I’ve been called a pretty woman-and I once played one!
10. Most recently, you could see me in Eat Pray Love.
Who am I?
1. I was introduced to the world in 1946.
2. I was designed by a French engineer . . .
3… . and named after some islands in the South Pacific.
4. I come in only two parts . . .
5… . but many different colors and patterns.
6. Bond Girl
Ursula Andress credits me with making her a success.
7. You might see me on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
8. Princess Leia wore me.
9. According to a song, I’m itsy-bitsy and teenie-weenie.
10. I’m often found at the beach.
What am I?
1. I’m a North American native.
2. I was present at the first Thanksgiving.
3. My varieties include Ben Lear, Howes, McFarlin, Searles and Stevens.
4. I’m almost 90% water . . .
5… . but so airy that I bounce and float!
6. Although tiny, I pack a big nutritional punch.
7. A popular 1990s band was named after me.
8. My juice adds the color to cosmopolitans.
9. You can buy me fresh, frozen, canned or dried.
10. I go great with turkey!
What am I?
1. I arrived in 1982 . . .
2… . and was the first of my kind to be born in a hospital.