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Trauma and Emergency Health Care Manual: A Guide for Nursing and Medical Students
Trauma and Emergency Health Care Manual: A Guide for Nursing and Medical Students
Trauma and Emergency Health Care Manual: A Guide for Nursing and Medical Students
Ebook207 pages1 hour

Trauma and Emergency Health Care Manual: A Guide for Nursing and Medical Students

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About this ebook

This book entitled Trauma and emergency health care manual: a guide for nursing and medical students is a training tool used at School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) skills laboratory to train nursing and medical students on the basics of emergency health care and management. The expatiation on key emergency or first aid areas such as motor accidents, clothing and helmet removal, functions of a First aider, wounds and fracture management, sepsis and management of infections, resuscitation for both adults and children, poisons, stings and bites are essential for emergency practices in nursing and medical training in Ghana. Emergency care for nurses and medical doctors is a big challenge in the various health facilities in Ghana as almost on daily bases health professionals are confronted with one emergency situation or another due to road traffic or domestic accidents.

This book is meant to provide a fundamental learning tool for nursing and medical students who happen to be front line medical team members during emergencies.
Release dateApr 14, 2014
Trauma and Emergency Health Care Manual: A Guide for Nursing and Medical Students

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    Trauma and Emergency Health Care Manual - Kuubiere

    © 2014 Wombeogo and Kuubiere. All rights reserved.

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    transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/07/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9780-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9781-2 (e)

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    expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Authors’ contact

    Dr. Michael Wombeogo (PhD (UK), FWACN (Nigeria), FGCNM (Ghana), IPN

    Specialist (Belgium), MA (RSA), MSc (UK), MA (UK), BA (Ghana), ADPM (RSA),

    PGC (RSA), SRN (Ghana), Head Clinical Skills

    Dr. Callistus B. Kuubiere (FACH (Germany), MBCHB (Ghana), BSc (Ghana), Head

    Human Biology Dept and Trauma &Orthopaedic Consultant)

    School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS)

    Box 1350

    Tamale Campus

    University for Development studies (UDS), Tamale, N/R. Ghana

    Tel: 0242388584/0261115892

    Email: mwombeogo@yahoo.com/mwombeogo@gmail.com




    Chapter 1 General Principles Of Trauma And Emergency Health Care

    Introduction to Emergency health care

    What is an accident?

    Steps followed when administering First aid in emergency situations

    Response during minor ailments

    The importance of first aid in Emergency health care

    Qualities of emergency health care giver


    Precautions taken when offering Emergency health care

    Measures to prevent or minimise cross infection

    Examination of a casualty at the emergency scene


    The recovery position

    History taking and physical examination

    History Taking steps

    When casualty is conscious

    When casualty is unconscious, look for external clues

    Table 1 Possible signs and symptoms

    Chapter 2 Techniques And Procedures In Emergency Health Care

    Clothing removal technique

    Removing clothing in upper body injuries

    Removing clothing from lower body injuries

    Box 1 Removing an open face helmet

    Box 2 Removing a close or full helmet or headgear

    Monitoring vital signs

    Chapter 3 Principles Of Emergency Wound Care


    What is a wound?

    Classification of wounds

    Background to the fundamentals of the wound healing process

    The clinical (normal) healing mechanism

    Factors influencing wound healing

    Chapter 4 Principles Of Wound Treatment


    The objects of wound treatment

    Methods of treating wounds

    Chapter 5 Essentials Of Anti-Sepsis And Asepsis




    Rapid hands disinfection in emergencies

    Chapter 6 Bleeding From Special Regions Of The Body


    Bleeding from the mouth

    Bleeding from the nose (Epistaxis)

    Bleeding from the lungs

    Bleeding from the urinary tract

    Bleeding from the rectum

    The oesophagus and stomach regions

    Bleeding from the ear (the acoustic meatus)

    Bleeding under the skin

    Chapter 7 Principles And Management Of Shock





    Types of shock and their treatments

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Chapter 8 Principles And Management Of Asphyxia And Resuscitation


    Signs and symptoms

    Treatment methods and procedures

    Heimlich Manoeuvre


    Phases of the terminal state

    Disturbances of the organ function during the terminal state

    Manual resuscitation techniques

    Emergencies requiring CPR

    Artificial respiration


    When artificial respiration is used

    Principles behind exhaled air resuscitation

    Human intervention techniques

    Mouth-to-mouth (kiss of life)

    Disadvantages of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

    Mouth-to-nose technique

    Advantages of exhaled air resuscitation (EAR)

    Sylvester Brosche method

    The Heimlich manoeuvre

    Procedure for Heimlich manoeuvre

    Chapter 9 Principles Of Managing And Caring For Burns And Scalds


    Degrees of severity of burns or scalds

    Depth of Burns

    Superficial burns

    Partial-thickness burns

    Full-thickness Burns

    Extent of Burns

    In a healthy adult:

    Severe Burns and Scalds


    Assessing a Burn


    Severe Burns

    Minor Burns

    Burns to the Mouth and Throat

    Treatment of Burns to the Mouth and Throat

    Minor Burns and Scalds

    Treatment of Minor Burns and Scalds

    Chapter 10 Principles Of Managing Fractures



    Classification of fractures

    Treatment of fractures in emergency situation

    Chapter 11 General Principles And Causes Of Unconsciousness

    Fainting (Syncope)

    Infantile convulsions

    Chapter 12 Poisons And Management In Poisoning


    Types of poisons

    Food poisoning

    Prevention methods

    Chapter 13 Stings And Bites

    Signs and symptoms

    Treating Bee, Wasp and Hornet Stings

    Emergency management

    Scorpion sting

    Signs and symptoms



    Treating Spider Bites

    Black Widow Spider Bite

    Brown Recluse Spider Bite

    Non-Venomous Stings and Bites



    This book is dedicated to all nursing and medical students of

    School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), Tamale

    Campus, University for Development Studies (UDS).


    This book entitled Trauma and emergency health care manual: a guide for nursing and medical students is a training tool used at School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) skills laboratory to train nursing and medical students on the basics of emergency health care and management. The expatiation on key emergency or first aid areas such as motor accidents, clothing and helmet removal, functions of a First aider, wounds and fracture management, sepsis and management of infections, resuscitation for both adults and children, poisons, stings and bites are essential for emergency practices in nursing and medical training in Ghana. Emergency care for nurses and medical doctors is a big challenge in the various health facilities in Ghana as almost on daily bases health professionals are confronted with one emergency situation or another due to road traffic or domestic accidents.

    This book is meant to provide a fundamental learning tool for nursing and medical students who happen to be front line medical team members during emergencies.


    This book entitled Trauma and emergency health care manual: a guide for nursing and medical students, is a training tool used at School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) skills laboratory to train nursing and medical students on the basics of emergency health care and management. The expatiation on key emergency or first aid areas such as motor accidents, wounds and fracture management, poisons, stings and bites are essential for emergency practices in nursing and medical training in Ghana. The production of this book has been provoked by the burning concern of nursing students at SMHS of UDS to facilitate learning and skills acquisition in this direction.

    We are sincerely grateful to the students and staff of the SMHS particularly those who encouraged me to produce this book.

    Dr. Michael Wombeogo


    We acknowledge the support of our families, friends and students of School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS) of University for Development Studies (UDS). The authors of books, journals and articles from which we made references to, we duly acknowledge you for your impressive pioneering work in this subject matter.

    This book would not be made possible without the support and cooperation of the Vice Chancellor and the Dean of SMHS and the Head of Allied Health Sciences department. We acknowledge the support of Alhaji I.K Antwi, University Librarian of UDS for proof reading and helping with the publication of this book.

    Above all we are highly humbled for the grace and love the Almighty God bestowed on us to facilitate the production of this book. Amen!!!

    The Authors




    Introduction to Emergency health care

    The growing publicity in recent times associated with fatal accidents on the roads, in the factories, at the domestic environment, at school and at playgrounds, is arousing the public conscience and increasing the demands for emergency health care training needs.

    Emergency primary health care often referred to as First Aid, is a combination of emergency medical measures used in the event of a sudden illness or accident which is aimed at saving or sustaining life till appropriate medical/surgical attention is available to enhance it.

    Emergency primary health care is a broad phenomenon of health strategies applied in an immediate and coincidental circumstance in order to avert further suffering, regression of disease condition, danger, and eventual loss of life. Unlike general emergency health care, First Aid is all other forms of assistance available at the instance of the first aid giver and offered for any form of illness or accident pending the arrival of or access to definitive medical assistance.

    Persons who offer emergency health care

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