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Ebook27 pages20 minutes


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The book Luftvafer is about espionage in New York City and Atlanta, Georgia.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 14, 2015

Andrew Igla

The author Andrew Igla is an electronics engineer and an electronic communications engineer expert in Information Technology regarding computer languages SQL, PLSQL and general Oracle issues.

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    Luftvafer - Andrew Igla

    Copyright © 2015 by Andrew Igla.

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    Rev. date: 08/06/2015





    To Rachel Igla, who survived the Auschwitz concentration camp, and Judah Igla, who was a World War II hero who received the top medals during that war.

    Mom and Dad.

    This is a true story about an organization called the Luftvafer.

    Not many people can say this, but New York City owes me a debt. Seventeen million deaths occurred in New York City over some years due to the Luftvafer, according to President Obama.

    Seven million deaths occurred in Atlanta, Georgia, due to the Luftvafer, according to President Obama. For over two years, the Luftvafer used techniques to slowly murder people using rattlesnake hormone given to targeted people. Rattlesnake hormone has a crippling effect on a target person before that person dies. The Luftvafer gives rattlesnake hormone to targeted people via cafés and in the coffee of persons in New York City and Atlanta, Georgia. The

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