What Is the Size of Your Brain?: Foreword by Dr. Myles Munroe
About this ebook
The brain is one of the vastest organs of the human body, yet the most misused. Research shows us that only 1/3 of its parts are used. The only power on earth that can limit you is YOURSELF. Ignorance is one of the strongest powers that keeps you in prison and causes you to fail. I have good news for you: you possess the key to unlock that power and unleash the infinite potential invested in you, it is called self-discovery. Thus, the aim of this book is to demonstrate that, after going through all kinds of phases the human brain is far beyond scientific discovery and their sayings more capable in achieving anything any person wishes as long as the person has the willingness to succeed against all odds, and is in connection with the Creator. The Brain is the lodge of your mind, the siege of your thought, your words, ideas, and imagination; your thinking process and your decision-making. The size of your brain is therefore defined by how you view yourselfyou end up where you are not because of some external forces, but rather by the series of choices you make each day. You have this burning desire to express something; to accomplish something remarkable, to be recognized, to be valuable; do not settle for less. Destiny is to be discovered and not to be decided by people around you. This book highlights: the correlation between brain, mind, and body interaction and brainheart.
Veronique Strohbach
Ambassador Veronique is a very unique person, one of her kind, filled with complete passion for her King Christ-Jesus. She is a versatile, open minded, well-spoken individual who is loaded with many gifts from God (some of them include Interior & Fashion Design, Art of table, Creativity, Event planner and the gift of Teaching in the ministry). Veronique is a diplomat in Christ and a Prayer warrior. She has travelled extensively spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom and empowering women to become Kingdom citizens. She has an entrepreneurial spirit. She is small in stature but mighty in the Word. She is a woman of grace, elegance and always in the pursuit of excellence. Veronique is a true friend and a mother; she is also the spiritual daughter of Dr. Myles Munroe.
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What Is the Size of Your Brain? - Veronique Strohbach
Copyright © 2015 Veronique Strohbach.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4908-6527-0 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4908-6528-7 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015909732
WestBow Press rev. date: 8/6/2015
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BRAIN – What is Mind? What is Brain? And the Correlation Between Them
Decision Making
BRAIN - The Wonderful Weapon if we Learn its Effective Use
Mind and Body Interaction
BRAIN – HEART: The Heart and Brain Created for Human Beings to Know Their Maker
THOUGHT - Every Thought You Think Creates
THOUGHT - Thought: Factor of Influence
THOUGHT - Thought as a Tool of Creation
Thoughts: Factors in Achievement
Thinking: The Power of Your Mind is Unlimited
THINKING – Success is the Willingness to Bear Pain
THINKING - Achievement: A Crown of Effort
Words - What You Believe About Yourself Creates Your World
Guideline To A Road Map Called Destiny
Closing Word
About The Author
Scriptures (NKJV)
Special Thanks to:
YAHWEH (God, The Father, God, The Son, and God The Holy Spirit): I’m forever grateful for the breath of life and for the Ingenuity YOU put in me. Thank YOU for always being there for me; guiding me through the path of life and not leaving me until I fulfill the purpose for which I was born. You are the source of all inspirations, life and creation.
Nguemeni Y. Frederic (Medical Doctor, my late Father), who taught me the principles of life and the demonstration of good Fatherhood. You have always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and to believe in myself - I’m sure you are proud of me Daddy – I will always love you and cherish what you taught me.
Nguemeni Agnes (my mother), who continually prays for me and speaks words of life into my life; who continually reminds me that I am her precious beloved Daughter; and that God’s presence is with me through difficult and good times. Thank you; Mum for giving me life.
Dr. Myles Munroe (My Spiritual Father and Mentor): As Paul the Apostle said in 1 Corinthians 11: 1 Imitate me as I also imitate Christ.
Dad, I imitate you as you imitate Christ. And words cannot explain how grateful am I for you identifying my purpose and for Your deepest desire to see its complete fulfillment. Your teachings, books and resources are great contributions to the transformation of my mind-set (what I have been taught by religion has been erased and replaced by Kingdom inputs). You have impacted and changed my life for Kingdom’s living. Without your help this book would not have been possible. Thank you for the opportunity for allowing me to be myself
and the privilege to be called your daughter. I want you to know that I appreciate you.
My son Freddy Donald, for allowing your mum to pursue her purpose. I love and trust you to discover the greatness invested in you by the Creator and serve it to the world and never settle for less.
My Friends: Marina Sauzet, Marie-Ange Tanon, Pearl Ettle Dixon, Barbara Linton and Marcia Duncan, thank you for your prayers, your encouragement and the expectation you placed on me to complete this book and see it published. I’m very grateful to be called your friend.
Finally, I wish to thank Felicia Thomas (Sound counselor), for the time you invested in editing this book and Raymond Eneas for your input in publishing. Thank you dearly. Finally, I wish to thank WestBow Press Publishing Company for the time and input you invested in re-editing and publishing this book. Thank you dearly
It is said that the average human only uses ten percent of their brain power. I have come to the conclusion that we do not know our true ability and that the most important question in life is… Who am I?
If this question is not answered successfully then life on planet earth will be an experiment and investment in disillusionment and frustration. If you don’t know who you are you are destined to become an imitation of someone else. The question of self-discovery and identity has been the objective of ancient civilizations and has produced a myriad of philosophical and religious prospects that continue to exercise the attention of mankind today. What is our true ability and do we fully understand our mental capacity?
This erudite, eloquent, and immensely thought-provoking work gets to the heart of this nagging human dilemma of human ability and self discovery and unveils some of the deepest passions and aspirations of the human heart - the search for our true Brain Power.
This work by Veronique Strohbach is indispensable reading for Anyone who wants to live life above the norm and fulfill their personal purpose and maximize their true mental potential on earth. This is a profound authoritative work, which spans the collective wisdom of the ages, and yet breaks new ground in its approach and will possibly become a classic for this and the next generation.
This exceptional work by Veronique Strohbach is one of the most profound, practical, principle-centered approach to the subject of Human Brain Power, Self-discovery and identity I have read in a long time. The author’s approach to this timely and critical issue of human mental and spiritual powers brings a fresh breath of air that captivates the heart, engages the mind and inspires the spirit of the reader.
The author’s ability to leap over complicated theological and metaphysical jargon and reduce complex theories to simple practical self-discovery principles that the least among us can understand is amazing.
This work will challenge the intellectual while embracing the laymen as it dismantles the mysteries of the soul-searching of mankind and delivers the profound, simply.
Veronique’s approach awakens in the reader the untapped inhibitors that retard our personal self-development and her antidotes empower us to rise above these self-defeating, self- limiting factors of a life of exploits into a spiritual and mental advancement.
Veronique also integrates into each chapter the time-tested precepts giving each principle a practical application to life, making the entire process people-friendly.
Every sentence of this book is impregnated with wisdom and I enjoyed the mind-expanding experience of reading this exciting book. I admonish you to plunge into this ocean of knowledge and watch your life change for the better as you experience the true power of the brain and the transformational discovery of who you really are!
Dr. Myles Munroe BFM International ITWLA
Nassau Bahamas
Something happened to me in the quest to improve myself. It was one of the nicest days early in the summer of 2006, and I was taking part in a conference about managing retirement fees. I was a representative for my employer and I needed to gather more information about the topic. As I walked toward a Finance display stand, I saw a man, a humorist, drawing pictures of people. Curiosity pulled me in closer to observe what he was drawing. We had an interesting conversation: I asked him what was the purpose of drawing the human brain and how he can, by speaking or seeing someone, determine the size of the brain of that person? How he came to that conclusion while being a finance man and what influenced him?
His response to me was that human beings end up doing things they’re not suppose to do or are in places they were not meant to be. Sometimes life forces itself on us and we agree to do things that we really don’t want to. We live in contentment. This was my fate, until the day I realized that there was so much inside of me to offer the world. This is how I came to draw the human brain into categories. The more often I speak to people, the more I understand their frustrations and limitations and I can paint them into which category they belong.
I asked him what the sizes meant. He told me first of all, you have to know that your brain is a thinking organ that learns and grows by interacting with the world through perception and action; at any age you can and should continue to build your brain and expand your mind, if you chose to do so you can expand / stretch the size of your brain from very small into an unlimited size. The brain sizes very small to small are people whose minds are closed and they think small; the medium and large categorize those who are open minded but they don’t go beyond that phase; and at last, extra-large to I am, are those who have stretched their minds to a point that it’s unlimited and they know who they are and what to do or what it will take them to get to their destinations.
Remember that the Brain is compared to a muscle, which can be stretched if you work it out. It’s always depending on how people have the readiness to go forward. What is it about you, my dear lady, he then asked me? Are you content with what you are doing Or are you just satisfied in general? Is there anything that frustrates you from time to time with the choices life impose on you how yourself from day to day? Please, don’t be quick to answer those questions, by the way. What is the size of your brain: very small (XS); small (S), medium (M), large (L), extra-large (XL) or (I am)?
I then asked what size brain did he think I had. He told me that he could see that I was a brilliant and talented person. I think you have not tapped into your full potential yet, but could reach it if you have determination.
He then took a sheet of paper and drew a human brain on it with those different sizes mentioned above and circled I am
. He gave me the picture and said, This Identifies you the most
. I was a bit embarrassed, because the statement of this man spoke so deep into my heart.
It was in this pursuit of self-discovery that this book was born. I was so thirsty to know myself deeply, to know who I am in life; to identify the reason why I was born (my purpose); and to serve my assignment / my calling. This quest possessed me so deeply that I couldn’t stop chewing it every day.
I spent my days and nights hoping and wishing that the next day would be better; not that was I not living well, absolutely not! But I have this feeling that somehow something was missing, I couldn’t consecrate enough time to listen to the inner man / inner voice that Could help me find the missing parts. Meanwhile the busyness of days was not of great help. Two years later I came across the picture and my eyes were drawn to I am.
Suddenly, it was then I received a new sight that day.
It was as if someone put a new fuel in me and I could feel the fire mounting up as the gas was pumping in me. As result of this effect, I created this book, THE BRAIN, what size is your brain: XS; S; M; L; XL or I am? As I focused more on the word I am
which means unlimited; I remembered the painter’s word to me. I realized that my standing point at that time no longer makes me content, of course I had a good paying job, but that was no longer sufficient; there was still something I needed to do, to fix where I was supposed to or meant to be, I realized that there is something I would rather be doing than what I was doing, that would bring me fulfillment. It was, as if I needed to arise above that standard, because I believed there was something more to tap into. I have a strong determination to reach the full potential residing inside of me and serve it to the world. There was a vacuum in my heart that cried out for the Creator; a vacuum nothing in this world could fill, except the purpose of the Creator for which He created me to accomplish, therefore as I set my mind to discover it I obtained entire satisfaction for my life.
In my quest of knowing not just the function of the human body but the human brain and each part of its organ, I have received some information from my father who worked as a medical Doctor and from personal research. The only power that can limit you is yourself. Ignorance is one of the strongest powers that keeps you in prison and causes you to fail, but I have good news for you: you possess the key to unlock that power and unleash the infinite potential in yourself. The name of that key is called: Self-discovery.
Please bear this in mind: what you are about to discover is my own Personal experiences, I back up my statements with the scientific point of view of the brain and Biblical point of view and as well as with some research, knowing that the ultimate knowledge belong to God, the Creator of all things. He knows the real size of the human brain and its capacity.
The aim of this book is to demonstrate that, you are not who people say you are and after going through all facets of the human brain Is far beyond scientific discovery and their teachings. Individuals are more capable of achieving anything he or she wishes as long as this person is in connection with the Creator. Within the pages I use figures and examples to illustrate each step, phases you can find yourself in, or situations that might be familiar to you. This book will speak to you and allow you to identify the size of your brain and make the decision to change it if you wish to do so.
As a human being, you have the tendency often to say this statement all is well
just to comfort yourselves somehow, yet the reality inside of you speaks something else: you have this burning desire to express something; to do or accomplish something remarkable, to be recognized, to be valuable.
Somehow, there was a voice sprigging / crying out of you each time:
Can’t you see
Don’t you know?
You don’t have to go so far, it is already there what you are looking for, and you don’t have to search anymore out of you; open your eyes, believe that is true, it is already there right inside of you.
May be you are familiar with such issues, understand well what I am speaking about, and may think you will never make it, even though you are surrounded by love, your hearts are always broken; let me re-assure you: in the eyes of God, you are so beautiful, and a person of purpose; just open your eyes and let it come through, Forsake your way of looking outside of yourself, or trying to fill your emptiness with something else, you will not find it anywhere else than in the treasure locked inside of you.
The world offers us many types of people, yet there are some distinctive traits, which characterized each group of them; there are two kinds of people in the world:
A) Those who think small.
B) Those who think big.
Two categories of person:
A) Those, who ever learn, yet are void of understanding.
B) Those who apply knowledge (wisdom).
But two things separate them from their destiny:
A) Setting goal.
B) Achieving goal.
Amazing enough, in the book of Proverbs all these categories are mentioned there.
Proverbs 20: 12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made them both.
Proverbs 22: 2 The rich man and the poor have this in common, the Lord is the maker of them all.
Proverbs 29:13 The poor man and the oppressor have this in common: the Lord gives light to the eyes of both.
Mathematically speaking, we will have this figure below:
The sum total of all these categories is: GOD made them all. Now is God unjust? No God forbid! He is righteous in ALL his ways. As we continue, we will discover what makes the