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Whose Heaven Is It?
Whose Heaven Is It?
Whose Heaven Is It?
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Whose Heaven Is It?

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Mankind is on this physical earthly level for a purpose that of continuing his spiritual journey. He senses there is more to existence in seeking meaning and happiness. The Spiritual Platform contains the natural spiritual laws that govern our individual and collective development. Religions are but part of the expression of this journey.and not the fi nal outcome; and today, we need to understand the specifi c spiritual laws of good and bad as compared with right and wrong. More unites us than divides us, and using these natural spiritual laws will help us to fulfi l our destiny.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateAug 6, 2014
Whose Heaven Is It?

Gurdev Naegeli

Gurdev was born on Penang Island, Malaysia. His father was Punjabi and his mother is Swiss. At age twelve, he left for England to further his education. He holds a B.A. degree in social sciences. He had a career in international banking, mainly in commodities and trade fi nance, with international French and Swiss banks. Professionally, he was based in London, Geneva, Singapore, and Paris and was married for nineteen years to a Norwegian. He has an adopted daughter from El Salvador, Central America. Gurdev’s hobby has been composing, playing, and singing songs. He resides in Andalusia, Spain.

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    Whose Heaven Is It? - Gurdev Naegeli

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    To all those souls that have walked this earth and who by their thoughts and actions have strived to make this planet we call home a better place.

    Question everything that lies within you

    and everything that is outside of you.

    It is your birthright… and your destiny.


    FROM BIRTH, I WAS simultaneously exposed to both Eastern and Western cultures and religions. I was also fortunate to have travelled much in my life and was always curious to understand what came across my path. My personal and professional life brought me into contact with wealthy and poor people, and it was clear that whether rich or poor, people aspired for something more and greater than just materialism. Those who become materially successful come to realise at some point that such materialism and wealth, whilst enabling comforts and a better standard of living (which have their merits), does not guarantee good physical, emotional, and mental health or ensure lasting happiness, peace, or love. It is your knowledge, your state of inner consciousness, your ability to realise that the material possessions you have been fortunate to acquire are just things that have been lent to you by the universe. How you value them and what you do with them are much more important than just holding them for the sole purpose of personal acquisition. What you attach yourself to will eventually attach itself to you, and in so doing, you may increasingly define yourself by what you have and not who you are. What you own you can never keep eternally. There is even no guarantee that you may not lose them, and in any event, at some point, you will die and will not be able to take material acquisitions with you. Even your human body… it is only lent to you for a period of time. What you take with you is what you are in your heart and your consciousness, based on what thoughts and actions you have made and what you have ultimately learnt of real value from living a life on this physical level. Nothing and no one can take this away from you, as it is not a material possession; it is your consciousness, and quite simply, it is ‘You’. Yes, of course you can be tortured and killed, but your convictions are yours, and it is these convictions that provide you with your spiritual compass in living in a world full of change and many challenges. Wisdom is by far greater than material possessions; it defines your beliefs on a spiritual level and will provide understanding and knowledge, enabling for a better physical and inner ‘existence’, both individually or collectively.

    Subjects and questions discussed in this book have already been looked into on many occasions in the past. This book is another look into the big issues affecting all of us in our journey on this earthly realm, and in so doing, it also presents them in its own way, inviting readers also to look at how many of these issues are becoming increasingly relevant in today’s changing world. Each contribution in this regard is one that helps towards elevating our consciousness, both individually and collectively, as part of society and ultimately the human race. It is in this spirit that I put pen to paper in this book.

    When we talk of heaven, we have certain preconceived ideas depending on our beliefs. Heaven for many is a place where you can find lasting happiness and peace and love. As humans on this physical level, we also primarily and ultimately look likewise to achieving these aspirations. In other words, we can say ‘as above so below’. The heaven I refer to in this book is presented in this broad sense of mankind finding these aspirations. It is precisely because mankind looks for them that, since the beginning of time, he has spiritually looked towards a spiritual dimension to help better understand and achieve these basic desires in this physical world. This originated with superstition, developed into mythology and various mystical cults and associations, and later as society and civilisation developed, religion became the main vehicle to better understanding and connecting to the spiritual realm and its values in guiding mankind towards happiness, hope, peace, and love. All ancient civilisations had their ‘gods’ and belief systems, and there was a mixture of ignorance, superstition, fear. In many cases, these even led to animal and even human sacrifices to gods that needed worshiping and appeasing in order that those believers could be protected from misfortune from various sources, enabling them a more secure and fulfilling life in this life, as well as in several cases also in the afterlife.

    But religions as they have evolved are not the final chapter in fully understanding the spiritual world. For the moment, suffice it to say that ultimately, mankind is truly really fulfilled where there is lasting happiness, peace, health, and the feeling of belonging and sharing of love here on this earth. So clearly, the simple very existence of the importance of mankind’s need and search for a spiritual ‘connection’, witnessed throughout his earthly existence, is the strongest argument which validates its importance and hence its relevance. It is part of who we are.

    It is important to recognise that the spiritual dimension, as expressed by mankind throughout the ages up to the present, and this naturally includes religion, has not been just one belief or truth, one set of fixed rules, or one book… but has evolved and developed. It often itself underwent modification and changes as it adapted itself to the evolution of human beings in this physical world, given their context at various times of our history. Another self-evident truth is that there is always change over space and time; nothing stays the same forever. Change is inevitable and is not something we can control as a constant for eternity. The question is how change comes about, and why, and is it for the better or for the worse, and how can we as humans adapt and progress physically and spiritually. This is why religion, or spiritual guidance, has had and still does have different belief systems and forms of expression, and this journey is not yet over. Being closed to this possibility of spiritual evolution would be a mistake in our efforts to reach for the sky. Take Martin Luther as a case of many such examples. In 1517, he publicly posted a list of ninety-five grievances against the Catholic Church in Germany, and it led to the Great Reformation that brought about the Church of England and the Protestant movement. The point here is that people were no longer either convinced or happy about the practices of the Catholic Church, whether it was the selling of indulgences, which provided blessings in favour of those who could pay more, or other practices. In other words, the consciousness of religious society was ready for change… a different way forward that one could identify with and believe in, a way in which spiritually, there was more conviction and justice. We may very well again be increasingly today getting slowly prepared for another such shift in spiritual consciousness, as people are increasingly feeling frustrated with what is happening. Where are we really going, and what needs to really be done in order to make things better from an ecological, an economic, a political, a social, and a spiritual perspective? We sense a need to better answer these frustrations for a global age that is now developing.

    On the social level, there is perhaps nothing more powerful than an idea that takes root in the collective consciousness when the time is ripe. It does not then take much to lead to major changes. Look at what happened recently in Tunisia. The protests were sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi on 17 December 2010 and led to the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali twenty-eight days later on 14 January 2011. He fled to Saudi Arabia after twenty-three years in power. The demonstrations were precipitated by high unemployment, food inflation, and corruption, a lack of freedom of speech and other political freedoms, and poor living conditions. The protests constituted the most dramatic wave of social and political unrest in Tunisia in three decades. Look what then has followed in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, and Syria. All of the demonstrations and related events in these countries were not primarily just a religious revolution, but a social revolution. However, it is clear that religion will no doubt play its role in determining what new social order will result not only in these countries, but in the region as a whole, as well as the whole Israeli and Palestinian/Arab equation. There may well be more countries affected by what we have seen to date. In the process, parts of Islam, as practiced currently, may also adapt to the changing interpretation and revolving consciousness of a younger generation. Certain concepts of what is considered right and wrong in the social context may become modified. This has happened in all religions to a greater or lesser extent. And it does raise the question of what right and wrong really are in a religious context, as they have not, and are not, unilaterally fixed for all time. This question of good and bad and right and wrong will be discussed further on in this book.

    What is relevant at this point is to recognise that mankind generally always looks to another/higher source or consciousness through which meaning can be derived in order to be truly more fulfilled in a world where change is the order of things and cannot be entirely controlled. A world in which there is inequality, injustice, traumas, and consequently, a longing to love a higher consciousness that can assist us in overcoming these trials and tribulations that confront us and in so doing can help us towards happiness, good health, love, and real peace and joy in both the physical and spiritual worlds.

    Consequently, as mentioned, spirituality for us is a real thing, as it has been a real part of our existence through time. It is part of the fabric of who we are. In this book, I will talk about the ‘Spiritual Platform’, which is looking at spirituality from an all-encompassing perspective. The basic premise is that all things that exist in physical and spiritual creation are energy and that this energy expresses itself through material and non-material vibration. The type of vibration determines the nature of the object, type of life, ideas, and action. I share the view that the ultimate and prime source of this energy is spirit energy and that other forms of energy and their vibration, on all other levels, all come into being and are born from this spirit source.

    It is in understanding correctly the values that govern the spiritual source that mankind will, with evolution through space and time on this level, better understand how to live his life in order to establish a better world both individually and collectively. This enables for a better future on all energy levels in a journey that we are all travelling on, leading to optimising our incredible potential and where that ultimately leads us. Clearly, no one in their right mind wants unhappiness, fear, hatred, and war… and yet these are also very much part of the human experience and its history to date. It need not always be that way. In better understanding the Spiritual Platform, I believe with the passing of time, we can construct a better world and future in our journey. Relative progress is always possible if we do not ourselves limit its possibility. The fact that something has not yet been achieved does not mean it is not potentially achievable. Neither should it allow for a view that we should not continue to make the effort to create the right conditions, whether individual or collectively. History is full of examples of what we believed to be true turning out not to be so, and what was once considered science fiction has become reality.

    Science and the physical world are not the sole exclusive spaces in which progress is achievable. But they are our current ‘reality’ while we occupy this space. And here it is important to understand that while science enables for a better understanding and knowledge of the physical space… the physical space is not the only space… and more importantly, it is not the prime energy space within all existence. The branch of a tree does not exist without the hidden roots of the tree that nourishes and sustains it.

    This book is a philosophical presentation of the big picture covering various topics; it is not a detailed academic analysis of each topic, but rather discusses how the Spiritual Platform and its appropriate application provides for a better understanding of many confusing issues, both within and outside of religion, enabling us to honestly better evaluate what the ‘truth’ that we seek is. Because this book addresses itself to all age groups and all cultures, and given that the book addresses some of the big questions about life as well as contemporary issues, by definition, it makes sense to avoid an approach where one finds it more difficult to see the forest because of all the trees. The perspectives of different generations and those participating in different cultures vary; they cannot all be covered. In addition in today’s world, many are better educated, and with the Internet and social media sites available, people now have the opportunity to ‘look into’ and inform themselves in greater detail about matters that may be viewed differently given their relative background and context. Development of our consciousness and spiritual awareness is still a matter that is subject to this relativity. For example, an individual may sit around a table with the best theological scholars from all religions and their denominations within a mainstream religion, and whilst he or she will probably become more informed over many years, will it really enable for clarity as to which teacher around the table is only right and the others ‘wrong’? I believe the majority, if really left to make their own decision ‘freely’, are likely to look beyond the confusion that prevails still in religion and move towards the approach of a Spiritual Platform as we advance into a new era.

    This book is not intended, and cannot be, all things to all men at all times. Times and consciousness change and do so within one lifetime, as they do also collectively. There is much relativity in this development, as wheels turn within wheels for an individual as well as for society. Everything and everybody is not at the same point of understanding and reference, and there is constant interrelation on both levels as we define who we are and what we believe in. And no journey is too long if it leads to the truth.

    As spiritual beings, we are not meant to be just constrained, but also free, yet we must also be responsible for this freedom and in the choices we make and their resulting actions. In this ‘search’ and evolutionary process, we face many obstacles and difficulties. It certainly is not easy, but then nothing truly worthwhile ever is. It is within the nature of this responsibility that we will understand, through the effects and results of our choices and actions, how we can find answers and liberation.

    Lastly, let me also emphasise that this book does not seek to judge any other belief system or religion. If anything, it is about us ultimately judging ourselves. In the words of Mother Teresa, ‘If you judge people, you have no time to love them.’ No doubt there will be many readers who will find it difficult to take aboard some aspects in this book, and frankly this is welcomed, as it is by interaction amongst ourselves that we will progress. Hopefully, this book will assist in part towards an open and honest discernment when coming to your truth, whatever that may be. Religious tolerance that respects the basic values of real human rights is both necessary and part of the journey. The respect towards any individual having their right to find their path is by definition part of the ‘Spiritual Platform’.

    Ultimately, it is not the waves that carry the sea, but rather the sea that carries the waves, and this is why we need to focus on the source that bring forth different waves in our spiritual journey.

    The Spiritual Platform I make reference to in this book is not some new spiritual or religious organisation. It has no formal structure. It is quite simply an attitude, a spirit of mind that each one of us takes into consideration when we address spirituality both personally and collectively so we can enable for increasing our knowledge, leading to more unity and harmony. It calls for an awareness that can assist in raising ourselves beyond division and elevating consciousness in our spiritual journey so that we can evolve spiritually, enabling for a better individual and collective appreciation about how we need to focus on what is truly important as the wheel of our existence continually shifts.

    This book addresses some of the following main questions that inspire us to better understand spirituality and religion. What is this sacred path that man walks down? What is its purpose? What knowledge can we gain from it? Why is this knowledge important?

    Nat King Cole sang a wonderful song with the lyrics ‘The greatest thing is to love and be loved in return.’ Love is the strongest positive force there is and ultimately greater than fear. You can be prepared to live and die for love, but to live and die from fear is something totally different.

    If this book is about anything, it is foremost about touching souls.


    THERE IS NO BETTER place to start a journey then from the beginning, and there are two issues that we obviously need to address. Firstly, how did the whole universe come into existence, and secondly, how did the existence of life and mankind come about? In this first chapter, we shall look at science as well as the world’s major religions and how they believe the universe was created.

    Religion, like science, is really one of the main ways that man seeks to give meaning to the world around him. Before proceeding to the world’s major religions, let us briefly explain the main scientific view. The basic premise from the scientific perspective is that the origins of the universe existed some 13.7 billion years ago, at which time, some physicists believe the big bang occurred, and they have attempted to substantiate this theory with scientific evidence and observations. The universe began with a tremendous amount of density and temperature. There existed matter and antimatter, and when they came together, they created light. The light and the remaining matter that existed after all antimatter was removed led to the process from whence all life arose. However, this as yet is not 100 per cent proved as an undisputed fact, and even within the scientific community, there are variations in details about this theory. There is also no clear scientific evidence what existed, or not, before the big bang. So in the absence of absolute scientific certainty, and whilst it may be true that such absence does not in itself invalidate the possibility of the theory, one has to keep a very open mind for various reasons we will explore later in this book. On a side note, it is relevant to be aware that in this scientific view, before the arrival of light, there must have been darkness, and it was the force of light that also contributed for the creation of life.

    The general view among the scientific community is that as no religion has empirically clearly proved the existence of a Creator, then for a scientist, the debate is still very much on the table. It is naturally also worthwhile asking the question whether what may be likely viewed as scientific theory is really potentially true, as something we consider today as a scientific explanation could be modified, because part of the basis of the premise which one takes as a constant (all things being equal) may itself change? Whilst science is a way to understand and measure physical laws, this does not necessarily mean it is the only form of measurement to understanding everything. It is not the appropriate way to understand spirituality or even the importance of human values like ethics, human rights, freedom of speech, and democracy. One has to ask oneself what is the role of science for human beings, and here, I would argue science exists primarily so that man can benefit from its knowledge in understanding better the mechanism and laws relating to the physical realm. Science enables us to understand the way that this physical level functions, and so, its knowledge is extremely useful when applying it correctly to make for a more efficient practical world. However, we can also abuse this scientific knowledge for destructive and negative purposes, and human choice has nothing to do with scientific laws when it comes to our thoughts and emotions. Spirituality, on the other hand, enables also for the improvement of your life, not by the application of scientific physical laws, but through its application via your mind and emotions… your consciousness, your being or spirit. So the way your mind and emotions work are clearly also very important on a non-physical level, and they can also affect your physical world positively or negatively, because we live in a physical dimension. We will look deeper into the mind and emotions later in another chapter.

    How have religions throughout history looked at the creation of the universe? Let’s start with the world’s oldest major religion, which often is considered to be Judaism, originating around 2085 BC. The history of Judaism goes back to the prophet Abraham, its founder, who came to believe

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