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Get up and Go!: Devotionals for Mission
Get up and Go!: Devotionals for Mission
Get up and Go!: Devotionals for Mission
Ebook153 pages1 hour

Get up and Go!: Devotionals for Mission

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Get Up and Go!Devotionals for Mission offers itself to the reader as a companion for the journey that follows Jesus into mission in daily life. Tom Sikes, author and pastor, presents brief devotions, where each reflection builds upon the foundation of a passage from the Bible and leads to a prayer.

Get Up and Go! groups its devotions into two sections: Get Up and Go with Jesus and Get Up and Go with the Disciples. Within these two sections, individual devotions embrace a variety of topics with titles like Mission Possible, The Swoosh, Feeling Small, Man Cave, Weve Got Spirit, and Get the Bagpiper. One final section, Get Up and Go with Us, presents a short compendium of suggestions for sources of inspiration for growth in ones discipleship.

You may have recollections of hearing and reading Bible stories and finding yourself wondering how the followers of Jesus made such drastic changes in their lives and set out with such fervor to carry out his mission. If you do, then Get Up and Go!Devotionals for Mission will serve as your devotional guide for returning to Jesus and his disciples for inspiration and for answering his call to get up and go out into the worldto carry out his mission and share the good news.

Release dateJun 1, 2015
Get up and Go!: Devotionals for Mission

Tom Sikes

Tom Sikes, a pastor with a quarter-century’s experience, is the founder of Paving Your Way Outreach and a leader of mission trips to New Orleans, Belize, and Brazil. He holds degrees from Emory University, the University of Georgia, and Columbia Theological Seminary. He and Page, his wife, have three children.

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    Get up and Go! - Tom Sikes



    Copyright © 2015 Tom Sikes.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-6646-0 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015907355

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]




    Get Up and Go with Jesus

    Mission Possible

    Get Up, Take Your Mat, And Go Home

    Meet The Messenger

    From Water To The Wild

    Come, Follow Me!

    Matthew’s Call

    Bar Stool Ministry

    Three In One


    The Swoosh

    The Compass Of Compassion

    Packing Light

    Shake It Off

    To The Far Shore

    Feeling Small

    All You Can Eat


    Going Without God

    When God Offends

    No Longer Following

    Get Up And Bring It

    Take Up Your Mat


    Young Man, Get Up!

    How To See People

    Man Cave

    Savior And Lord



    Jesus Or The Jar

    Let Him Go

    Easter Dark

    Mary’s Mission

    Get Up and Go with the Apostles

    Don’t Go Yet!

    Five Verbs Of The Holy Spirit

    Four Mission Fields

    Departure Time

    Keeping Us Grounded

    Holy Spirit Time

    Rise And Shine

    The Simple Gospel


    Taking The Plunge

    Three In The Afternoon

    Jumping For Joy

    Flabbergasted By Faith

    The One Church

    Three Lessons On Money

    A Widow’s Might

    Help Wanted

    Take Care

    Get Up And Go To Samaria

    To Be Entertained

    We’ve Got Spirit

    Buying God

    In Between

    Into The Gaps

    Lessons From Philip

    From Bad To Good

    From Scared To Sacred

    Our Damascus Road

    Blind Spots

    Get Up And Go, Ananias

    Holy Spirit Shakedown

    Get The Bagpiper

    Look For The Opening

    Mission Wins

    Get Up And Go With Us

    To Sammy Clark, who invited me into ministry and mission


    Get up and go! God said those words often to people in the Bible. He says the same words today. God calls us inward through devotional reading; he then sends us outward in the Spirit to join him in ministry. This devotional book blends meditation with mission.

    Come inside, and meet people that God called to get up and go into the world with hope and inspiration. See how their stories shape us for our mission today.

    I encourage you to think along the lines of mission as you read scripture. These devotionals are intended merely to plant seeds. They are brief and thought provoking with some twists along the way. At the end of the book, I offer suggested resources to help if you would like to learn more about the missional church and opportunities for mission trips or projects.

    Everybody Is a Missionary

    I have been in pastoral ministry for more than thirty years and have received my doctorate in missions. I have enjoyed helping people discover their mission fields of home, school, work, and beyond. I follow the missional church model that offers these points:

    1. Everybody has a calling. How can people discover their missional vocations?

    2. A missional church is more interested in the sending capacity of its members than the seating capacity of the sanctuary.

    3. We are called to be the Gospel, do the Gospel, and, lastly, say the Gospel.

    4. Here is a benediction we use as a missional church that emphasizes the sending of members as missionaries:

    You go nowhere by accident.

    Wherever you go, God is sending you.

    God has a purpose in your being there.

    And he has given his Holy Spirit to you!

    Each devotional is from either the Gospels or the book of Acts, using the New International Version of the Bible unless otherwise noted. I offer some highlights, questions, and a prayer. At the end of this book are some resources that go deeper into the missions.

    Let’s get up and go!


    Are you looking for a deeper purpose in life? Beyond getting a paycheck and having a roof over your head and food in your system, are you being fulfilled? Maybe you are stuck in the middle of nowhere.

    Nowhere Is Now Here!

    You are now here. Come inside. Discover how God called people who were in a rut and how they jumped at the chance to join God in mission around them. From Nicodemus to the woman at the well and others from many more story lines, they all were invited to go beyond where they were.

    Jesus says, Come follow me. Let’s get up and go!



    Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

    —Matthew 10:1

    Have you ever described yourself as a missionary? God does. God takes normal people and turns them into missionaries at home, at work, or at school and beyond.

    Let’s set some framework for this book of devotionals. We will rephrase these themes, as God would shape these principles differently with each person he calls. Here we discover the threefold commission of disciples as they discern their purposes:

    1. Jesus called the twelve to himself. Twelve is the number for completeness. It is the number of the tribes of Jacob. It had meaning, and the disciples were familiar with that number. He called them to himself to see God as a person, to experience his grace, to dance at weddings, and to laugh and learn.

    2. Jesus shaped them by giving them authority in his name. He molded them for mission by giving them power—not in their own name but in his name.

    3. Jesus sent them to heal. This concept is crucial. It was not a club to gather but a church to scatter. Two by two he sent them, with purpose and peace.

    To be a Christian is to be called, shaped, and sent.

    • How does God call us these days?

    • What are ways that God molds us?

    • Where do you want God to send you today?

    • Where do you not want God to send you?

    • Which of these questions is the toughest to answer?


    Every day is a new day for mission! Help me to sense my calling, to be chiseled and groomed to be more like Christ, and send me to meet people who need encouragement and hope—I pray.


    Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town. Some men brought to him a paralytic, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven. At this, some of the teachers of the law said to themselves, This fellow is blaspheming! Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins … Then he said to the paralytic, Get up, take your mat and go home. And the man got up and went home. When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God.

    —Matthew 9:1–8

    The one who would climb a cross would crisscross the waters. He looked beyond the whitecaps toward the shores for people who needed him. Are you waving to him now to come to you? If he did come, what would he do for you? Let’s see how he treated this man who was paralyzed. What is it that keeps us down and out?

    Jesus offered a threefold call to this paralyzed man. Imagine him speaking like this:

    1. Get up. In other words, I see that you are down. I am aware of the disease that keeps you down physically and emotionally. I say to you words that are opposite of what you or others say. I am able to heal you, but you must do your part. Get up.

    2. Take your mat. Don’t leave it down there, or you might want to fall back on it. I am aware of your human tendency to fall back into old routines. Take the old life with you, and perhaps throw it in the garbage.

    3. Go home. The first people who need to see you whole are your family members. Watch their faces as you walk in the kitchen door. Your mission field begins at home before anywhere else. Your sins are all forgiven, so don’t live in shame anymore. Smile big, dance in the kitchen, and feel the freedom of my love. Let them love you and hold you and support you. Thank them for their care while

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