My Words and Thoughts
About this ebook
This piece of nonfiction is divided into two: My Articles and Essays and My Poems. The articles and essays are mainly based on current issues, trending topics, and matters that have various views. The poems are very general and are mainly written on a lighter note.
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Maria Vincent
Maria Vincent is a young Indian girl brought up in Dubai. An adroit and versatile girl, she is someone who loves taking part in various activities, and she is a high achiever in academics. She is a proud winner of the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Distinguished Academic Performance and the Sharjah Award for Academic Excellence. An avid reader, she has been writing short stories, poems, and articles since primary school.
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My Words and Thoughts - Maria Vincent
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© 2015 Maria Vincent. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 10/20/2015
ISBN: 978-1-5049-4611-7 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5049-4612-4 (e)
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My Articles & Essays
Man’s Greed
How Global Warming Rules the World
Preserving the Ozone Layer
Haunted Experience of an Earthquake
My Culture and Your Culture for a Better Tomorrow
My Ramadan Memories
Human Trafficking
Destroying the Spirit of Freedom
Rights for Female Children
Eliminating Violence against Women
2014 Nobel Peace Prize
A Disagreement
Best Fictional Character: Sherlock Holmes
Does the Information Age Mean That We Are Losing Important Historical Information?
Books vs. Movies
Freedom of Press
Television Is Universal
Future of Bullying
Live Your Life – But Not on Social Media
The Cell Phone Revolution
Harsh Eid Climate
Anticipating School
Spreading Literacy
My Dubai, My Expo
Dubai – Truly Capable
Progress Is Not an Illusion
Is Hapiness a Measure of Progress?
India’s Space Venture
World Post Day
International Day of Yoga
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Looking Back at a Year of Fear – 2014
My Poems
A Holiday to Remember
The Pink Ribbon
So is Life
Packing – Confusing but Amusing
Nature and Man – A Huge Contrast
My Wonderful Home – Why All in Shambles?
Holiday Wait
If There Was No …
Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox
The War
Little Faces, Little Bodies
My Yawn
My First Sky Adventure
Woman Power
Dreams … How They Are Made
That Day in Snow
Bygone Writers
The following articles were first published in Gulf News, Dubai, in print and online. Some were under different titles.
For Papa, Amma, and Rose, who have helped me in every area of my growth and progress, who have never let me down, and who have always kept their faith that I can do it!
This book simply stands for who I am – a young teenager who loves to explore the world around her, spends a lot of time thinking about it and jots it down, and then tries to speak her mind to a larger public.
I started writing since I first learnt how to frame sentences. I started with little stories, and I went on to write poetry at around the age of seven. Then my writing grew into articles and essays.
This book comprises my personal views. This is a collection of my works dating back to perhaps eighth grade, but my ideas and opinions havent changed much during that time.
Compiling everything and drawing the perfect illusrations wasn’t an easy task, butI enjoyed every moment of preparing this book, and I hope you’ll find this book refreshing as well.
As mentioned earlier, this book is my brainchild. I wrote this book because I want to let the world know what I, as a gobal citizen, think of the many things mentioned in this book; I thus practice my freedom of speech. I don’t intend to point at anyone or anything in partcular, and neither do I wish to propogate my ideas or make you believe what you feel isn’t right. In the end, your opinions matter the most.
To all the readers, I would like to say this book is a collection of thoughts rather than information. It is what my mind speaks and what I guess should happen. I do want to bring into light some issues that are ignored and help society think over them. I sincerely hope that this book can bring light to you, and that I may serve society with my pen.
Happy reading!
The Almighty, for his unconditional love and blessings that have helped me come