The Top Dimension
About this ebook
Phyllis Sinclair
My qualifications for writing this book are my life experiences. I have seen many things in my life but find these things most interesting. I am married, with three great kids, and I want them to know my views.
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The Top Dimension - Phyllis Sinclair
© 2015 Phyllis Sinclair. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 02/05/2016
ISBN: 978-1-5049-5635-2 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5049-5673-4 (e)
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter One
Have you ever wondered about infinite space? The universe God's playground of endless space, what's out there? It's mind boggling to say the least. Do we just come to an end? Maybe the universe is round like all the planets, there's nothing outside the sphere, but what is nothing? Isn't space itself just an open field of nothing, apart from a few stars, and other planets where are we in the realm of things? Oh! We know where we are in our own solar system, but basically we are lost in space. No one seems to mind the journey and the traveling around and around, but for me the questions are just as infinite as space itself. My mind is blazing with never-ending questions that could never be answered rationally. Astrologists tell you one thing, and the Bible tells you another, while the Government hides the truth altogether. Then again there is the possibility that there are views you or I have never heard before. This is where the journey leads us spaced out in outer space.
There was one question that seems to have been answered for me. That is, do aliens really exist? I seem to know from experience that there is such a thing as aliens. There is life after life all through the universe. I have had the pleasure on occasion of meeting up with a few aliens in spirit form, and to my acknowledgement they are as real as any entities here on earth's dimensional realm. The spiritual dimension is a place known to sleep walkers. Sleep walking through the different dimensions meeting up with all kinds of entities roaming the unknown is not an unusual thing. There's a playground out there in infinite space where sleep walking through the different dimensions seems to bring up questions, unanswerable questions. The questions seeming to be devoid of answers, and they are as infinite as space itself. The out-of-body experiences as I've come to know them by have left me pondering over the endless questions. Questions about space, and about God, about this thing we call life, about aliens, and their reason for coming to earth.
Sleepwalking has brought me to the realization that aliens are here. They have been here for many years, and they are here collecting DNA to restart our plant just in case we blow ourselves out of the universe. Here I've been shown that possibility, a possibility of blowing ourselves out of the universe. The universal timing would be around September first, twenty- thirty three- with our planet no longer existing in the solar System. However doomsday prophecy has been around since the beginning of time, and it is written that not even the angels in heaven will know the exact time of our demise.
This has nothing to do with my life or the fact that I seem to be living two lives at the same time. Maybe in my dimensional walks through the universal dimensions I have gotten insights into the fate of our plant. Maybe that is why I have been chosen to experience the far-out wonderful dimensions of our universe, and meeting up with an alien in spirit is no worse than meeting up with a stranger here on a crowded street. They seem to be our friends, and here on earth's dimension the possibility that they are here to help could mean they all follow God's universal laws. I'm not saying they are all good, or all bad, for heaven knows we haven't met them all. Personally I haven't met the earth bound aliens at all. Why would they be any different than Earth bound personalities? Personalities of people here on Earth, we have the good, and the bad, however God doesn't look at us as being good, or bad, just whether or not we make good, or bad decisions! We are not judged by God we are judged by ourselves!
As a young girl I talked to my best friend about alien life, and the wonders of the world, but it really hadn't prepared me for the living experience. I didn't realize at what age my two worlds finally collided. One day I was grounded with both feet on the ground, and the next I was searching universes of unimaginable dimensions. It was amazing. Life was amazing, life or life after life, and that we were actually living in one or the other. There seemed to be more questions than answers, answers that I very much needed to explore. Now with years of out-of-body travel, questions still remain. I'd like to say I'd found the answers, where did we all come from, but that would be afar stretch. If nothing existed after death, then there would be a large open field with nothing, however even nothing in my mind had to be something. Maybe it wasn't Noah, and the ark, but a space ship. Maybe we are implants from a different planet.
I don't know if it was from trying so hard to understand, concentrating so hard on the scientific aspects of life, as opposed to religion, that I started to sleep walk. Sleep walking was a term I preferred to call my universal journey, while it was actually journeying through different dimensions. Sleep walking apart from my body was a term known to the outside world as out-of-body experiences, or out-of-body traveling. The experience of traveling out-of-body brought about a different view of unworldly worlds, seeing apparitions not normally viewed by earthly entities. Maybe they were aliens, maybe not, but to a first time visitor, it was all alien. I can't say that I was a first time visitor, because it seemed to be a lifelong process. I don't remember any other life at all. This life style definitely had many more privileges than disadvantages. I have come to the conclusion that once before many life time's ago, the aliens may have jumped started our planet, after a large flood for example, or many eons before that. Are Adam and Eve really the mother and father of all human life? Explaining the different bloodlines is a hard one! How could so many different nationalities come from one family's bloodline?
How many do you think has ever stopped to rationalize, or analyze, the facts put forth in the Bible? For the most part it doesn't make any sense, yet it's there truth, fact, or an act of fiction. It has to be a label of truth that struck the cord with all earthlings. The cord of truth handed down too earthlings. Earthling believing in a system that started at the beginning of time, following through to what will be the end of time. Now we are subjected to believing those mighty powerful words of the creator, but are they really the words of the creator, or manmade manipulations? Ask the atheist they will tell you that it is all hogwash. Obviously it is quite plain to see that the upper dimensions are nothing like what we have been told. Strangely enough the upper dimensions are all loving, and non-judgmental, and a paradise for time travelers.
Astral --travel or out of body-travels brings us to the realization that we are living in a fictitious reality, what we believe to be real, is strangely an illusion. There is learning beyond all human speculations once you have learned to let go of the fearless-fear of the unknown, and let your spiritual body fly free above to the wondrous spiritual land---the home land, the land from which we came. Everybody can do it, practice is what it takes, practice, practice.
It's time now to do some analyzing, soul searching so to speak, time to take knowledge to a higher level, to the God Head. It's out there the all-knowing power of the universe waiting to be tapped into. It's been written that God was and always will be never changing, yet the Old Testament depicts God as a vengeful God something to reckon with, while the New Testament depicts him as a loving, forgiving, peaceful entity that all can trust and love. The God everyone is looking, searching, and longing for, isn't that what God is really all about, the learning experience? The power of learning to love, when you've mastered that, you'll find the true power of the universe, the true God, the true creator, and all the false fables will disappear.
Through the out-of-body traveling a world of knowledge unfolds, and the fables of life and life on this planet don't seem to add up. The pieces of the puzzle don't fit, and my inquisitive mind hungers for more, as my imagination runs rapid leaving me with different thoughts, and different ideas, strangely different ideas, and thoughts than any of the so called sane people of plant earth. Just to rationalize the idea that infinite space can expand with a large bang leaves my thought process wondering how something infinite can expand at all. Sure I know they are only talking about our universe expanding into infinite space, and into different universes, but still can't they just be exploring more of our universe through modern technology, and that technology might be expanding while our universe stands still. I realize that this is not feasible as everything evolves, including all universes in outer space, so expanding into infinite space is just another way of evolving, but my mind cannot phantom the works of the creator.
These were just a few of the things that came to mind as I watched my husband undressing, and redressing for bed. Soon I knew he would be asleep. He never seemed to have time to worry about the trivial little things that bogged me down. Unimportant is what he tells me my thoughts represented. I worry too much about the little things that I had no chance in Hell finding answers for. This was his response, and the response I would always get if I tried to explain my views of life, life before life, death, and life after death, and of course the big one, out-of-body travel. This however, was my life, a curse some might say, but to me it was a gift from God.
Out-of-body travel was something my husband Jack could never understand, he didn't believe it could be done. Out-of-body travel was something that fulfilled my life completely, giving me the freedom to leave my body, and explore what most only dream about. Awake I'm normal, asleep I'm gone. The traveling seemingly was making my life a two way mirror. Who says you can't live more than one life? Who says you only have one life to live? Maybe in this body having two sides to a coin, makes it seem like two lives in one, yet I'm going to flip this coin, showing you true, we only have one life, but being eternal we reside in many bodies throughout the ages, and life never dies. This may seem a little outlandish, and off the wall to those not willing to believe in reincarnation, however believe it or not, reincarnation is real. The reincarnation experience from astral travel proved more important, and beneficial than anything I've ever learned from textbooks.
I didn't feel I should change the laws of this dimension, or build a Church. (I am not another Joseph Smith.) I just wanted to write it all down, and let the chips fall where they may. This is my life's story, a story so unbelievable that even I at times feel, and see the insanity of it all. Who in their right mind could ever believe that the weird, and unusual things that happened in the past, and the things that keep happening in the present could possibly be for real? Real or unreal, a day in my life without incident was a reward in itself. Now telling it to the world opens up portals best left closed for the fear that they are signs of insanity, and insanity has its place only in an intuition, I am prepared to take that risk. This all started long before I was old enough to realize the abnormality of the situation, before I was old enough to realize, and was told that this was an impossible possibility, when I believed everybody had the power to astral project. But falling back on infancy is a road to far to travel so from this day forward, I will try to unravel the raveled.
My husband, and my children have learned to accept me, but they prefer to call me psychic, or clairvoyant never an astral traveler. To make such claim would be to admit insanity. After viewing the obituary column today, and seeing yet another relative listed with just a few words like loving, caring, and the final good-bye we'll all miss you, I knew I had to leave behind something more of myself, I had to feel that everything I'd been, and was going to be made a difference. My life had to make more of a difference than a loving, caring mom of three, a biography, or just a day-by-day account of the rest of my life. It was a yearning, a longing, a promise to myself, anything at all to leave the world in a better state of reality, whatever that reality might be.
As I lay here in bed watching storm clouds gathering in the north through the open drapes, I realize how powerful my gifts from God truly were. I was feeling the urge to fly away, leave my body, and just travel through the universe. The power had been off all day due to the impending storm. Dark heavy clouds filled the sky, and the wind had wiped things up to frenzy, leaving us without power all day. It was bed time before any sign of repairs were in the works, repairs that wasn't about to last through the night. I was restless, but astral travel only happened when I allowed my body to sleep.
I remember resetting the alarm, and even winding the wind up clock so as to make sure our day started off in the usual manner, but that just wasn't to be, so why I would expect my day to be a normal day only heaven knows. I wasn't expecting the power to flip on and off all through the night, and I wasn't expecting the wind up clock to stop somewhere between four thirty, and five o'clock. I was just trying to get to sleep, but getting to sleep was unsuccessful for now the storm had intensified. The full butt of the storm was bearing down on us, and there was a feeling our safety was in jeopardy. If the wind intensified much more our county home might wind up back in the city, and I didn't need a windstorm to carry me over the rainbow. According to my husband Jack, I had been somewhere out there all my life.
Thunder and lightning raged all night, first the horrific flashes of lightning, then the horrible roar of thunder. It was like a Steven King movie. Flashes of lightning filling the whole sky, flashes of lighting that lit up the bedroom where Jack and I were trying to sleep. Jack laughing at me for saying that the shadows that appeared on the wall seemed eerie and spooky, for they filled the whole room. We laughed, and talked, first about the shadows, then about the remote country hide away, the safe and comfortable hideaway that we had chosen to live in. It was our country home, a home full of mountains where the wild life runs free. There was a soothing mountain stream that flowed straight through our back yard making the most unbelievable, beautiful landscape that only Mother Nature herself could have possibly made. The sound of the running water that cascaded over the tiny